The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(758.7)destruction of, and migration of disloyal staff, 67:4.2 (757.5)the home as an institution in, 84:7.8 (940.4)human evolution complicated by regime of, 81:2.20 (903.2)the law of, period of function, 66:7.16 (751.11)library, size of, 66:5.9 (746.7)life in, 66:7.0 (750.3–752.1)location of vestiges of, 78:7.7 (875.4)loss of the alphabet of, 77:4.7 (860.2)origin of the oath in, 70:11.3 (797.1)original taboo on man-eating in, 89:5.14 (980.3)population of, at outbreak of rebellion, 66:7.1 (750.3), 66:7.20 (752.1)and primary midwayers’ appearance, 77:0.2 (855.2)proposed functions of the tower built to take the place of, 77:3.4 (858.5)salvage of the ideas and ideals of, 78:1.12 (869.8)school graduates, activities of, 66:7.5 (750.7)schools, conjoint teaching of, by men and women, 66:7.6 (751.1)settlement of territory surrounding, 66:7.18 (751.13)the seven commandments of, as taboos, 89:1.4 (975.1)stretching Sumerian dynasties back to, 77:2.10 (857.7)submergence of, and moves of the Nodites, 77:3.1 (858.2)Sumerians’ devotion to traditions of, 78:8.1 (875.5)teachers, influence of, on coeducation, 70:7.14 (791.7)and initiation of social evolution, 68:0.3 (763.3)traditions of, among the Nodites and Amadonites, 73:1.2 (821.5)and woman’s activities, 74:3.5 (831.2)Dalamatian(s)civilizations of, in southwest Asia, 79:0.1 (878.1)moral code, 88:2.5 (969.3)religious services of, 66:5.14 (747.4)teachings, and reduction of suicide, 70:10.10 (795.7)Urantia’s first religious revelation, 92:4.5 (1007.5)week introduced by the, 74:8.1 (836.14)DaligastiaAmadon unmoved by the sophistries of, 67:3.8 (757.1)angels’ perplexity over traitorous sin of, 67:4.6 (758.4)Dalamatia named in honor of, 66:3.3 (743.4)disaffection of, results of, 73:0.1 (821.1)efforts of, to hinder Van’s work, 73:2.5 (822.9)failure of, to influence Adam’s children, 75:2.1 (840.3)identification of, 66:2.2 (742.2)limitation of power of, over humans, 66:8.6 (753.2)Michael’s offer of mercy to, 53:8.6 (610.2)post-Pentecost attitude of, 53:8.7 (610.3)relation of, to councils of the one hundred, 66:5.1 (745.7)resistance of, to Adam’s world government, 74:5.5 (833.5)sexual reproduction by rebellious staffers and Andonite associates ordered by, 67:4.2 (757.5)Van’s indictment of, 67:2.2 (755.4)Damascusadvancement of the kingdom in, 167:0.3 (1833.3)businessmen, recognition of Jesus as a teacher by, 128:4.3 (1412.6)episode, Jesus and the, 128:4.0 (1412.4–1413.5)gate, on the way to Golgotha, 187:1.4 (2005.2)groups to see Jesus from, 140:7.2 (1578.3)Jesus’ caravan trip from Babylon to, 134:1.1 (1483.3)language achievement at, 130:0.4 (1427.4)recollections of his experience in, 136:8.4 (1520.5)merchant, business proposition of, to Jesus, 128:3.3 (1411.3)news of Jesus’ impending crucifixion carried to, 186:3.2 (2000.5)proposed religious school at, 128:4.1 (1412.4)the resurrection message carried to, 190:1.8 (2031.2)road, Paul’s experience on the, 100:5.3 (1099.1), 196:2.1 (2091.10)scribe, Jesus’ title during his Roman tour, 129:3.2 (1423.4)Paul’s ignorance as to the identity of the, 134:7.3 (1492.3)DanJesus’ visit to, 134:7.5 (1492.5)parting of Jesus and Tiglath at, 134:8.10 (1494.3)Dan of the Prince’s staffcaptain of the predatory animal council, 66:5.7 (746.5)rebellion of the group of, 67:4.1 (757.4)Dancemilitary origin of the, 70:2.2 (785.7)Dancersprofessional, female shamans often, 90:1.3 (987.1)Dancinghuman, and being placement, 44:1.10 (500.1)origin of, in worship festivals, 92:3.6 (1006.3)Danger(s)brave adults and, 140:5.21 (1575.6)Jesus’ greatest, source of, 147:0.2 (1647.2)Pentecost’s influence on man’s ability to face, 194:3.12 (2064.4)personal, Jesus’ decision concerning, 136:7.1 (1519.5)of self-gratification, 84:8.0 (942.2–943.1)of the visit to Jerusalem, 162:1.0 (1788.5–1790.3)young people and, 140:5.21 (1575.6)Danielconcept of, of the Messiah as the Son of Man, 136:1.6 (1510.3)influence of, 97:10.3 (1075.8)Jesus as Son of Man not that depicted by, 126:3.6 (1390.1)John the Baptist’s acquaintance with the records of, 135:3.2 (1498.1), 135:4.2 (1499.2)mention of the resurrection of the dead by, 137:7.6 (1534.5)Most Highs understood by, 43:3.4 (488.6)predictions of, apocalyptists’ dependence on, 135:5.2 (1500.2)presentation by, of the coming of the Messianic kingdom, 97:8.3 (1071.1)prophecy of, influence of, on John the Baptist, 135:3.3 (1498.2)Danubian(s)-Andonite culture, mingling of, with the Nordic-Danish, 80:9.3 (897.6)Andonites, about, 80:8.0 (896.6–897.3)identity and achievements of, 80:8.4 (897.2)slaves, influence of, on Aegean culture, 80:7.6 (895.6)Darkages, European Christianity during the, 195:4.0 (2074.7–2075.3)ignorance and superstition of, 195:9.3 (2082.8)of an interregnum of wisdom, consequence of overfast cultural advancement, 118:8.6 (1302.3)of the postrebellion era, 64:6.29 (726.1), 66:5.27 (748.8), 67:6.3 (759.6)reversion to clan and tribal stage during the European, 71:1.24 (801.12)of theology in the east, between decline of Taoism and introduction of Buddhism, 94:6.12 (1034.7), 94:12.6 (1041.4)giant(s) of space, the center of the Angona system a, 57:5.4 (655.9)as energy way stations, 41:3.1 (458.1)gravity bodies, balancing effect of, 14:3.6 (156.3)comparative dimensions of, 14:1.16 (153.7)drawing power of, 11:8.7 (126.3)Paradise gravity complemented by, 11:8.2 (125.5)space motions of, 14:1.15 (153.6)surrounding Havona, function of, 14:1.14 (153.5)hour, and Spirit of Truth, 34:7.8 (383.2)islands, Andronover’s suns’ acquirement of, 57:4.2 (654.7)astronomic center of Satania, 41:1.5 (456.4), 41:2.2 (457.1)burned-out suns, 15:5.11 (171.6)and celestial star observers, 15:8.7 (176.2)classification of, 15:6.3 (172.5)composition of, 15:5.10 (171.5), 15:6.11 (173.1), 41:3.2 (458.2)as compared with Urantia, 15:5.10 (171.5)density of, 15:6.11 (173.1)as dynamos, 41:1.5 (456.4)factors in energy control, 41:1.5 (456.4)functions of, 15:5.5 (170.8), 15:6.11 (173.1), 41:1.5 (456.4)origin of, 15:5.10 (171.5), 41:0.2 (455.2)Neanderthaler fear of the, 64:4.13 (722.1)worlds, effect of, on electronic and ultimatonic activity, 42:4.9 (473.7)Datacensus, indigenousness of, to superuniverses, 24:2.6 (267.4)conceptual, need to atone for a deficiency in, 103:6.12 (1137.2)cosmic, presentation of, in a revelation, 101:4.10 (1110.3)custodial, communicated among Thought Adjusters, 109:2.9 (1196.11)of a human life, possession of, by Universal Censors, 112:4.2 (1231.2), 112:4.12 (1231.12)indigenous, of morontia creations, 48:2.25 (544.8)physical and semi-intellectual, reporting of, by Unions of Days, 18:6.3 (212.5)regarding Thought Adjusters, assembly from various sources, 107:3.8 (1180.1)related, artistry in assembly and co-ordination of, 48:6.30 (554.4)respecting candidate for indwelling, Adjusters’ possession of, 108:1.2 (1185.4)scientific, role of, in material aspects of civilization, 81:6.8 (907.5)selection of, by Hearts of Counsel, in circuits of time, 28:5.15 (312.2)superuniverse and Havona, summary of, on Paradise, 25:5.3 (281.4)supplied by superuniverse reflectivity service, 108:1.8 (1186.6)vital, transmission of, from one reservist to another, 114:7.10 (1258.2)Daughter(s)of Aaron, Elizabeth a descendant of, 135:0.4 (1496.4)of the Conjoint Actor, Divine Ministers, 3:1.8 (45.6)of early families, salability of, 84:7.14 (940.10)of God, children of the Spirit called, 38:2.2 (419.2)definition of, 33:3.4 (368.4)means of becoming a, 143:5.9 (1614.3), 150:5.3 (1682.5)of Herodias, impression on Herod of the, 135:12.6 (1508.6)of the Infinite Spirit, 35:1.1 (384.8)working union of Universe Son with, need for, 21:2.9 (236.7)Jairus’s, Jesus’ healing of, 152:1.1 (1699.1)of Jerusalem, weep not for me, 187:1.6 (2005.4)of the local universe, creation of, 32:2.7 (359.4)Material, creation of, 37:9.9 (415.1)see also Material, Daughtersof men, intermarriage of Sons of God with, 77:4.5 (859.8), 148:4.7 (1660.6)of the Most High, Nalda to become a, 143:5.9 (1614.3)Spirits, essence of Infinite Spirit, 34:0.3 (374.3)of Zebedee, affection for Jesus of, 129:2.2 (1421.7)David, the kingarmy of, 97:9.5 (1072.3)building of a "divine" kingdom of Judah by, 97:9.11 (1073.1)compatriots’ making of, king of Judah, 97:9.7 (1072.5)concept of Jesus as the successor to, 122:8.4 (1351.8)daughter Michal’s dowry demanded of, 70:1.18 (785.1)defeat of the Philistines by, 97:9.11 (1073.1)and Goliath, as tribal duelists, 70:1.19 (785.2)greatest distortion of Jewish history related to, 97:9.5 (1072.3)house of, differing views of Joseph and Mary as to Jesus being of the, 126:3.10 (1390.5)Jesus’ disbelief in his sitting on the throne of, 126:3.6 (1390.1)quotation of the Psalm accredited to, 174:4.6 (1901.6)reference to breaking of the Jewish law by, 147:6.4 (1654.3)kingdom of, Messiah’s purported purpose to restore the, 162:2.3 (1791.1)many opportune marriages of, 97:9.10 (1072.8)not an ancestor of Joseph, 122:1.1 (1344.4), 122:4.3 (1347.5)and the numbering of Israel, 142:3.9 (1599.1)throne of, apostles’ belief in the kingdom of heaven as the restoration of, 140:8.1 (1579.3)Jesus’ purpose as to, 136:9.5 (1522.4)mistaken belief in Son of Man’s sitting on the, 176:2.3 (1914.4)two different Old Testament accounts of the kingmaking of, 97:9.8 (1072.6)David
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