The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of plan to kill Jesus, 178:2.3 (1932.6)assistance of Jesus by, 145:1.1 (1628.4)attempt of, to dissuade Jesus from going into the hills alone, 177:0.3 (1920.3)belief of, as to Jesus’ death, 177:3.3 (1923.4)closing of the Pella camp by, 171:1.4 (1868.6)the dependable, 186:3.0 (2000.4–2001.3)desire of, to establish encampment at Capernaum, 152:2.1 (1700.2)direction of Peter to Andrew’s hiding place by, 184:2.9 (1981.3)emergency council call by, 154:5.1 (1720.4)employment at fishing of, 149:0.4 (1668.4)farewell of, to Jesus, 182:2.10 (1967.5)at the home of Nicodemus, 188:3.3 (2014.6), 189:4.2 (2025.3)host of the Pella camp, 165:4.5 (1821.5)inclination of, to believe the story of Jesus’ resurrection, 190:1.2 (2030.1)interest of, in Jesus as a mechanic, 129:1.12 (1421.2)Jesus’ fishing trips with, 154:2.3 (1718.4)praise of the service and devotion of, 182:2.10 (1967.5)promise to, of service in the eternal kingdom, 182:2.10 (1967.5)request of, for a messenger to go to Abner, 182:2.5 (1966.5)last address of, to the messenger corps, 190:1.4 (2030.3)and leadership provision for the messenger corps, 154:5.3 (1720.6)maintenance of headquarters for work of the kingdom by, 149:0.4 (1668.4)marriage of, to Ruth, 190:1.10 (2031.4)messengers of, arrival of, at Zebedee home, 154:6.11 (1723.2)communication between evangelist groups provided by, 150:6.2 (1683.4)detail of six, to maintain contact with Jesus, 154:7.2 (1723.5)report of, to believers’ conference, 159:6.2 (1771.3)messengers’ confidence in, 190:1.6 (2030.5)one of the few to believe in Jesus’ resurrection, 186:3.4 (2001.2), 188:1.8 (2013.7)opening of home of, to Zebedee and Salome, 138:5.4 (1542.5)plan of, for reunion of Jesus’ family, 157:0.1 (1743.1)presence of, at the Bethany appearance of the morontia Jesus, 190:2.6 (2032.4)in Jerusalem during the last tragic week, 171:1.5 (1869.1)reaction of, to Jesus’ query about his family, 177:5.1 (1927.2)rebukes the apostles’ skepticism, 190:1.3 (2030.2)relinquishment of Pella equipment funds to Judas by, 172:2.3 (1880.4)report to Jesus by, of Judas’s betrayal plan, 182:2.5 (1966.5)return of, to Bethsaida, 163:5.2 (1806.3)sale of the camp equipment by, 171:1.4 (1868.6)secret camp of, after Jesus’ crucifixion, 186:3.1 (2000.4)sending out messengers by, with news of Jesus’ death, 187:6.1 (2011.5)with news of the resurrection, 190:1.5 (2030.4)a son of Zebedee, 129:1.5 (1420.2)summoning of Jesus’ family to Jerusalem, 177:3.3 (1923.4)supervisor of the Bethsaida camp, 148:0.5 (1657.5)taking over of apostolic funds from Judas by, 178:2.10 (1933.7)treatment of Kirmeth by, 148:8.3 (1666.2)welcoming of Jesus and the twelve to the new camp by, 176:2.9 (1915.6)Davidic kingquestion as to the Messiah’s being a, 135:9.5 (1505.5)Dawnof civilization, 68:0.0 (763.1–771.1)of the human species, 12:7.9 (138.4)mammals, 62:2.0 (703.5–704.5)birth of superior twins to a pair of, 62:3.1 (704.6)extinction of, 62:3.4 (705.3)flesh eaters, 62:2.1 (703.5)mid-mammals as compared with, 62:3.3 (705.2)origin of, 61:6.1 (700.2), 62:2.0 (703.5–704.5), 62:4.6 (707.5)species, hairbreadth escapes of lemurlike mother of the, 62:3.9 (705.8)time span between human beings and, 62:4.6 (707.5)twins, ancestors of mid-mammals, 62:3.1 (704.6)characteristics of, 62:3.2 (705.1)races, of early man, 62:0.0 (703.1–710.7)of man, the two pursuits of, 50:5.4 (576.7)species ancestor of, only living, 65:2.7 (732.5)Day(s)absence of, on Jerusem, 46:1.4 (519.5)after day is alike-just life or the alternative of death, 48:6.37 (555.5)of atonement, ceremonies of, misrepresentation of the attributes of the Father by the, 134:9.3 (1494.6)fifth feast of commemoration, 123:3.5 (1359.6)Jesus’ and John Zebedee’s presence at the services of, 134:9.3 (1494.6)reaction to ceremonies of the, 134:9.3 (1494.6)of consecration, for the twelve, 140:9.0 (1583.7–1584.3)is as a thousand years, 14:1.12 (153.3)Jesus’ baptism and the forty, 136:0.0 (1509.1–1523.6)of judgment, Zoroaster’s teachings regarding the, 95:6.6 (1050.2)and month, analogousness of, possible future, 57:6.3 (657.6)and night, knowledge of God shown by, 131:2.2 (1444.2)of Pentecost, brightness and joy of the, 194:3.2 (2062.11)planetary adjudication of Urantia on the, 77:7.2 (863.3)of salvation for Jew and gentile, scriptural prediction of, 190:5.4 (2035.1)Salvington, in terms of Urantia time, 33:6.7 (372.2)Satania, in terms of Urantia time, 33:6.9 (372.4), 46:1.2 (519.3)standard, of Nebadon, 33:6.7 (372.2)on Orvonton, length of, 15:7.2 (174.2)Paradise-Havona, length of, 14:1.12 (153.3)time of the beginning of the Jewish, 179:0.1 (1936.1)of tragedy, for a whole universe, 187:6.3 (2011.7)the, which a young man spent with God in the hills, 177:1.3 (1921.1)Daynalsactivities of, in second circle of the Sons, 46:5.13 (524.4)advancement of, in local universe service, 20:8.1 (231.1)functions of the, 20:7.3 (230.5), 35:0.7 (384.7)Havona name for Trinity Teacher Sons, 20:7.1 (230.3)local universe ministry of, 20:8.0 (231.1–4)Orvonton name for, 20:7.1 (230.3)Paradise Sons, third order of, 35:0.1 (384.1)planetary service of, 20:9.0 (231.5–232.3)relation of, to local and superuniverse administrations, 20:7.3 (230.5)Salvington name for, 20:7.1 (230.3)spiritual influence utilized by, 20:7.5 (230.7)the Trinity Teacher Sons, 20:1.4 (223.9)Deaconessesdesignation of women teachers of Christian church, 150:1.3 (1679.2)Deadadjudication of the, time of first planetary, 49:5.22 (567.2)of an age, beginning ascension of the, 193:0.5 (2053.1)ancients’ belief in necessity for marriage of the, 82:3.8 (916.4)bodies, man’s fear of, 87:1.4 (958.6)calling to record of the, archangels’ part in, 37:3.6 (409.3)the Father not the God of the, 174:3.2 (1900.2)fear of the, by primitive man, 69:5.9 (776.7), 87:0.1 (958.1)Jews’ immediate burial of their, 167:4.3 (1837.2)level of consciousness, trusting to Adjusters of mind matters beyond, 110:4.4 (1207.4)of evil inertia, created by sin, 182:1.8 (1965.2)men’s bones, and whited sepulchres, 166:1.5 (1826.2)the, not judged by Teacher Sons, 20:9.2 (231.6)raising of the, Jesus’ reputed, at Nain, 146:6.2 (1645.3)refrainment from touching the, a Nazarite requirement, 135:1.1 (1496.6)repersonalization of, on the third day, 49:6.9 (569.4)resurrection of the, and Life Carriers, 47:3.2 (532.8)Sea, Engedi near the, 135:1.1 (1496.6), 135:2.3 (1497.5)flowing of Jordan into the, 124:6.5 (1374.5)sluggish waters of the, 124:6.8 (1375.2)valley of the, climate of, 124:1.9 (1367.5)spirits of the, noncommunication with humans by, 146:7.2 (1646.3)supposed spirits of, rebellious midwayers’ impersonation of, 146:7.1 (1646.2)theory, powerlessness of, 34:6.6 (380.7)truth, holding of, only as a theory, 180:5.2 (1949.4)vaults of space, 8:1.4 (91.1)words of another generation, not the authority of truth, 159:4.7 (1768.3)Deadening drugJesus’ refusal to drink the, 194:3.4 (2063.2)Deanof the apostolic corps, Andrew the, 139:1.3 (1549.1)Deathannouncement to Jairus of his daughter’s, 152:1.1 (1699.1)Avonals’ nonexperience of, when on incarnation missions, 52:4.3 (594.6)of believers at the hands of religious dictators, 178:1.9 (1930.6)cords of, technique of cutting the, 131:4.7 (1449.2)-dealing rays of the sun, 58:2.4 (666.1)of a grain of wheat, to live again, 174:5.8 (1903.5)incompatibility of life and, 175:1.2 (1905.4)intellectual (mind), a definition, 112:3.3 (1230.1)Lao-tse’s definition of, 94:6.5 (1033.8)and life eternal, supremacy of Ancients of Days in matters of, 15:12.2 (180.3)life in Havona not subject to, 14:4.9 (157.1)man’s only method of avoiding the experience of, 110:5.2 (1208.1)midsoniters not subject to, 36:4.4 (400.8)of one’s fondest hopes, necessity for, 48:6.36 (555.4)overthrow of, 180:6.7 (1952.3)penalty, cannibalism a means of group execution of the, 89:5.9 (979.8)crimes receiving the, in the continental nation, 72:10.1 (818.4)limitation of Jews’ infliction of the, 162:3.3 (1793.2)physical (body and mind), a definition, 112:3.4 (1230.2)in physical battle, vs. death all alone for the love of truth, 143:1.6 (1608.3)property as related to, three stages of, 69:9.9 (781.3)scene of a nation, Jesus’ view of, 186:2.4 (1999.4)of sectors of time, 32:5.4 (364.6)sentence, Jewish law regarding the, 184:4.1 (1984.2)slow, threat of, to Christianity, 195:9.10 (2083.6)spiritual, equivalent of, 102:2.7 (1120.4)nondependence of, on continuation of physical mechanisms, 112:3.2 (1229.9)spiritual (soul), a definition, 112:3.2 (1229.9)three kinds of, 112:3.2–4 (1229.9–1230.2–4)two difficulties involved in a human’s understanding of, 112:5.11 (1233.7)Urantians’ general recognition of but one kind of, 112:3.1 (1229.8)Death-Fears and Superstitionsancients’ efforts to prevent, 87:1.1 (958.3)ceremonies, civilized man’s consumption of wealth on, 87:2.10 (960.4)chambers, civilized man’s customs as to, 87:1.4 (958.6)disease and, the shamanic theory of, 90:3.0 (989.3–990.5)and dog howling at night, 69:7.4
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