The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(953.1)and ghost fear, 87:1.0 (958.3–959.1)placation, 87:2.0 (959.2–960.4)natural, ancient custom to compensate for, 88:4.7 (971.1)belief as to spirit influence in, 86:3.3 (952.5)primitive man’s logical explanation of, 89:2.2 (975.6)the savage’s inability to comprehend, 88:4.7 (971.1)nonviolent, a mystery to primitive peoples, 86:3.1 (952.3)presents to priests, purpose of, 69:5.9 (776.7)primitive man’s beliefs concerning, 90:3.3 (989.5)the supreme shock to evolving man, 86:3.1 (952.3)survival after, promise of, by mystery cults, 121:5.11 (1337.7)from three to seven times, ancient man’s belief in, 86:4.6 (953.5)through fear on the violation of a taboo, 89:1.2 (974.4)violent, civilization as man’s insurance against, 68:1.2 (763.5)Death-of Individualsof Abel, how his parents learned of the, 76:2.7 (849.1)of Adam, cause of, 76:5.5 (852.4)effect of, on his people, 76:3.2 (849.5)and Eve, 76:5.0 (851.7–853.1)of Amos, Jesus’ baby brother, 127:3.13 (1400.5)of Andrew, 139:1.12 (1550.3)of Elizabeth, 135:4.1 (1499.1)experience of, by Material Sons, occasion of, 31:5.2 (349.2)fate of Caligastia’s disloyal staff, 67:4.4 (758.2)of James Zebedee, 77:8.12 (865.5), 139:3.5 (1553.1)of John the Baptist, 135:12.0 (1508.1–7), 144:9.1 (1627.6)Herodias’s plan for, 135:12.6 (1508.6)Jesus gets news of, 135:12.7 (1508.7), 144:9.1 (1627.6)John’s disciples’ puzzlement over Jesus’ nonprevention of, 141:1.4 (1588.2)of John Zebedee, natural, 139:4.15 (1555.8)of Joseph, Jesus’ father, 122:5.2 (1348.2), 126:2.0 (1388.1–1389.3)an occurrence of the natural order, 126:2.2 (1388.2)of Judas Iscariot, 139:12.13 (1567.6), 186:1.7 (1998.5), 193:4.13 (2057.1)of Lazarus, 168:0.6 (1842.6), 168:5.3 (1849.7)of Mary, the mother of Jesus, 187:4.7 (2009.6)material, termination of planetary life of unwise Material Sons by, 51:1.4 (581.1)of Matthew, 139:7.10 (1560.6)of Nathaniel, 139:6.9 (1559.4)natural, of corporeal staff rebels, 67:4.4 (758.2)nonimmunity to, of evolutionary planetary children of an Adam and Eve, 51:1.8 (581.5)of Philip, 139:5.12 (1558.1)of Philip’s wife, 139:5.11 (1557.5)of Simon Peter, 139:2.15 (1552.4), 163:7.3 (1808.5)of Simon Peter’s wife, 163:7.3 (1808.5)of Simon Zelotes, 139:11.11 (1565.8)of Thomas Didymus, 139:8.13 (1563.1)of Zacharias, 135:2.0 (1497.3–6)Death-of Jesusaccomplishments of Jesus, vs. those of his life, 171:4.9 (1872.6)the angel’s message to Jesus regarding his, 182:3.6 (1969.1)and ascension, Mary’s evidence of faith in Jesus’ statement about his, 172:1.6 (1879.4)of the bestowal Son, purpose of, 20:6.6 (229.5), 52:5.4 (596.2), 183:1.2 (1972.1)of bestowal Sons, not always tragic, 20:6.6 (229.5)of Christ, the fact of the, vs. the truth of his life, 143:5.11 (1614.5)of Christ Michael on Urantia, significance of, 21:4.5 (240.1)Christ’s tragic and sorrowful, vs. his happy and God-revealing life, 143:5.11 (1614.5)of the creature, the Creator dying the, 187:3.1 (2008.2)on the cross, dangers in trying to escape the errors associated with the, 188:4.2 (2016.7)Jesus’, an exemplification of love, 188:5.2 (2018.1)a factor in the gospel, 194:2.8 (2061.6)Jesus’ willing submission to, 187:0.3 (2004.3), 187:5.6 (2011.2)meaning of the, 188:4.0 (2016.6–2017.8)not atonement for man’s racial guilt, 188:4.1 (2016.6)the triumph of, 188:5.6 (2018.5)desire of Jesus to meet the full human experience of, 187:2.3 (2007.2)his followers’ belief in Jesus as triumphant over, 171:3.5 (1871.2)ignoble, women’s reaction to Jesus’ subjection to an, 187:1.6 (2005.4)of Jesus, God did not will, 183:1.1 (1971.6), 186:5.2 (2002.3)a man-managed affair, 186:5.1 (2002.2)nondependence of salvation for mortals on the, 186:5.9 (2003.3)presence of Simon of Cyrene during the, 187:1.10 (2006.3)reason for Jewish leaders’ determination to accomplish the, 162:2.6 (1791.4)relation of, to the Passover, 186:5.0 (2002.2–2003.3)for Jesus, Sanhedrin’s previous decrees of, 184:3.1 (1982.2)of Jesus, the triumph of, effect, 188:5.6 (2018.5)Jesus’ experience of, 129:4.5 (1425.4)human desire to escape from the suffering and sorrow of, 182:3.9 (1969.4)ignominious, necessity of portraying, 175:2.3 (1909.3)mastery of life in, 194:3.3 (2063.1)refusal to extricate himself from conspiracy leading to his, 183:1.2 (1972.1)talk about his, 161:2.6 (1786.1)undaunted faith in face of ignominious, 196:0.5 (2087.5)understanding of the type of his imminent, 186:2.1 (1999.1)the manner of Jesus’, his personal ministry to mortals, 186:5.3 (2002.4)the Master’s, David’s messengers sent with news of, 187:6.1 (2011.5)illumination of the gospel by, 186:5.4 (2002.5)importance of perceiving the significance of, 188:4.2 (2016.7)those present at, 187:3.0 (2008.2–7), 187:5.4 (2010.5)and resurrection, Jesus’ prediction of his, 158:2.2 (1754.2), 158:6.5 (1759.1), 172:1.6 (1879.4), 182:2.5 (1966.5), 189:4.10 (2026.4)John’s recalling of Jesus’ prediction of his, 191:0.2 (2037.2)strained relations between Jesus and his family until after his, 138:0.1 (1538.1)sentence, Pilate’s attempt to avoid pronouncing on Jesus the, 185:2.8 (1990.4)Sanhedrin’s inability to pronounce and execute the, 185:2.5 (1990.1)significance of the manner in which Jesus met, 188:4.12 (2017.7)of the Son of Man, prediction of, 180:6.7 (1952.3), 182:2.6 (1967.1)without trial, Jesus’, Sanhedrin’s proposal of, 168:3.2 (1847.2)violent, not necessary that bestowal Sons undergo a, 20:6.6 (229.5)Death-Naturalthe Adjuster’s departure from the mortal host at, 112:4.1 (1231.1)a definition, 14:5.10 (159.6), 48:0.2 (541.2)deliverance, Adjuster’s necessary wait for, 110:7.6 (1213.1)a desirable attitude for mortals to take toward, 55:2.6 (623.6)the destiny of all creatures, 131:9.4 (1453.2)diminishment of, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.4 (598.7)in era of light and life, 49:6.21 (570.10), 55:2.8 (624.2)and emancipation of mortals from bonds of the flesh, 49:6.1 (568.4)as a form of sleep, Jews’ reference to, 167:4.6 (1837.5)and "giving up the ghost," 86:5.2 (954.1)God-serving mortals’ passage through the portals of, 133:4.4 (1474.4)of human beings, reason for, 32:5.4 (364.6)inability of, to transform material mind into perfected spirit, 48:0.2 (541.2)inescapable, the sole possibility of, 12:9.6 (142.1)inevitability of, a constant mystery to man, 86:3.1 (952.3)the inexplicable, 86:3.0 (952.3–6)influence of, on families, 142:7.12 (1604.7)and interruption of strivings for spiritual attainment, 45:7.1 (517.3)the last act in the mortal drama, 188:4.2 (2016.7)to life, passage from, 155:6.3 (1731.1)man’s fate in the material realm, 101:10.4 (1116.5)mind and spirit, survival of, in, 12:8.16 (141.1)and morontia consciousness of survival, 48:7.25 (557.9)mortal, vs. attainment rest, 26:11.7 (297.4)a definition, 47:10.7 (540.3)preparation for, 176:3.6 (1917.2)natural, experience of mortals with personal guardians, 30:4.11 (341.1)mortals carrying on lifework in view of inevitable, 176:3.3 (1916.3)significance of, to humans, 176:4.7 (1919.4)no system entirely free from, 55:2.8 (624.2)a part of life, 188:4.2 (2016.7)phenomenon of, 112:3.0 (1229.8–1230.5)physical, and conventional idea of angels, 39:5.11 (438.4)a definition, 112:3.4 (1230.2)Jesus’ freedom from fear of, 179:2.3 (1938.2)physical body’s nonsurvival in, 12:8.16 (141.1)shock of, fostering of religion by, 86:3.1 (952.3)significance of, to the materialist, 102:0.1 (1118.1)sleep of, nonexistence of time during, 168:2.9 (1846.8), 188:3.9 (2015.5)and translation, in the era of light and life, 55:2.0 (623.1–624.6)of a will creature, time of registration of, by Census Directors, 24:2.7 (267.5)Death-Survivalascenders’ fraternization after, 30:4.10 (340.12)ascending pilgrim’s first transition, 26:11.8 (297.5)assurance of survival after, 193:2.2 (2054.3)Christianity’s offer of salvation from, 121:5.14 (1337.11)conditions requisite for immediate survival after, 112:4.12 (1231.12)vs. enseraphiming, 39:2.11 (430.7)guardian angels after, 113:6.0 (1246.5–1247.8)a man’s spirit journey, 131:8.6 (1452.4)material, and mansion world resurrection, 73:6.8 (826.5)material mind cannot survive, 1:3.7 (26.1)mortal, provision for probationary survival of nonstatus children in, 47:2.1 (531.5)mortals’ immediate careers subsequent to, 49:6.10 (569.5)of nonsurviving mortals, and Adjusters’ future, 40:4.1 (444.4)passage of believers from, to light and life, 147:3.3 (1649.3)penalty, soul’s chance for heavenly mercy not prejudiced by the, 133:4.12 (1475.5)of primitive men, and election of, for Spirit fusion, 52:1.6 (590.2)promise to believers of immunity from, 162:7.5 (1797.2)racial differences after, 48:6.22 (553.3), 49:5.20 (566.8)redemption from, God’s
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