The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of the finite, 105:6.2 (1159.2)subabsolute and derived, the Supreme and the Ultimate as, 118:0.9 (1294.9)of Supremacy, expressive of the sum total of the entire finite, 117:1.9 (1279.7)undivided, comprehension of, factors in, 16:3.18 (188.6)Supremacy of, 0:1.9 (2.9)of the Supreme, the Father-I AM’s relatively complete liberation from the limitations of infinity in the, 115:7.1 (1266.2)first unification of energy-spirit in the, 103:7.12 (1139.4)means of actualization of, by experiential service, 21:6.4 (242.3)a nonsurvivor’s personality’s becoming a part of the, 117:4.2 (1283.4)time-space unification of spirit, mind, and energy within the, 99:4.13 (1090.9)Supreme Being the maximum of, comprehensible by finite creatures, 56:8.1 (643.4)the three experiential, theories regarding the unifying of, 106:8.19 (1172.4)Ultimacy of, 0:1.10 (2.10), 118:4.6 (1298.6), 118:10.4 (1304.6)the Ultimate, a supersupreme eventuation of, 0:9.2 (12.5)see also Ultimate(s) Deityunifying, first level of, God the Sevenfold, 0:2.16 (4.10)second level of, God the Ultimate, 0:2.17 (4.11), 0:9.1 (12.4)third level of, God the Absolute, 0:2.18 (4.12)unity, an achievement in the universes of time, 56:5.4 (641.1)Supreme Being’s achieving, 0:2.15 (4.9)Deity(ies)-Man’s Conceptsabstract, of Greek philosophy, average man’s lack of interest in the, 98:2.10 (1079.7)ancient atrocities not instigated by, 70:1.16 (784.12)Aryan concepts of, brought to India, 79:4.7 (882.7)Brahman concepts of, 94:2.0 (1028.4–1029.6)Christian teachings’ concept of, 121:5.6 (1337.2)concept of, evolution of, among the Jews, 96:4.9 (1057.5), 142:3.2 (1598.3)concept(s) among the Semites, 96:1.0 (1052.4–1054.5)Ikhnaton’s, an evaluation of, 95:5.9 (1048.3)of mystery cults, 130:3.5 (1432.5)confusion regarding meaning of, 0:0.1 (1.1)dual concepts of, nature gods and ghost gods, 85:6.4 (948.4)early religion’s failure to recognize, 87:0.1 (958.1)evolving concept of, with primitive man, 5:4.2 (66.6)-father principle, Brahma, 94:1.4 (1027.5)Ganid’s study of the world religions’ teachings concerning the, 130:3.5 (1432.5)higher idea of, Moses’ difficulty in presenting, 96:4.3 (1056.5)holy, Samuel’s reference to God’s being a, 97:1.7 (1063.4)man-made, casualties of, 102:6.1 (1124.3)man’s anthropomorphic concept of a, 89:8.5 (983.3)understanding of, only relatively true, 115:1.2 (1260.3)new concepts of, Amos a discoverer of, 97:4.2 (1065.5)not a party to marriage unions, 83:8.4 (929.7)one, Onagar’s doctrine of, 63:6.7 (716.6)onetime belief in temporal rulers’ descent from, 85:6.5 (948.5)pantheistic, the Universal Absolute not a, 0:11.16 (15.6)portrayal of, by Isaiah, the second, 97:7.9 (1069.4)Sethite religion’s concepts of, 76:3.10 (850.6)solar, importance of, to Amenemope, 95:4.1 (1046.2)a supreme, Moses’ attempt to uplift Yahweh to the dignity of, 96:4.7 (1057.3)triad, natural origin of, 104:0.3 (1143.3)a true, man’s search for the concept of, 87:0.2 (958.2)universal and beneficent, Moses’ fleeting presentations of a, 96:5.8 (1058.6)vengeful, implication of, in Jewish and Christian beliefs, 74:8.13 (838.5)winning favor of, through shedding blood, an unworthy philosophy, 4:5.4 (60.3)Deity(ies)-Man’s Relationabsolute unity of, relation of religion to its grasp of the, 1:5.10 (28.7)Adam’s transgression of his covenant with, 75:8.3 (846.2)the adjutant of worship the primordial human instinct for, 92:0.2 (1003.2)awe for, revelation’s inspiration of, 68:3.3 (766.4)comprehensible elements of, truth, beauty, and goodness the, 56:10.2 (646.3)concern of, with creature’s rejection of light, 67:7.1 (760.6)-consciousness of creature experience, the Father’s, 1:5.15 (29.5)deliberate disloyalty to, a sin, 89:10.2 (984.5)differential spiritual attitude of creatures, and presence of, 13:4.4 (150.3)eternal, Paradise Sons the gift of, to ascension creatures, 20:10.2 (232.5)eternal relations of the, impossibility of explaining to human mind the, 6:0.4 (73.4)as a fact to science, 102:3.11 (1122.7)faith-grasp of fellowship worship of, a basic mind reality, 16:8.18 (195.5)influence on man of his concept of, 92:7.12 (1013.7)intellectual reality of, ease of contact of Paradise ascenders with, 26:7.5 (293.3)man’s need to be independent of all intermediaries, in his communion with, 92:7.11 (1013.6)only possible approach to, 102:4.4 (1123.4)modern man’s bargaining with, 87:6.17 (965.4)oneness of, in human experience, 34:6.2 (380.3)parents, the influence of the, on the human personality, 117:6.5 (1288.4)personal, certainty of, affirmed only by religious experience, 103:8.1 (1140.1)personality of, a mortal’s fellowship with, 112:2.8 (1228.3)probationary children’s attainment of the, 47:2.8 (532.6)reality, comprehensible by finite creatures, 0:3.20 (5.19)religions of revelation characterized by a belief in, 92:4.2 (1007.2)requirement of every Urmian teacher to represent a religion recognizing a supreme, 134:3.7 (1486.2)to be served, morality’s disclosing of a, 102:5.3 (1124.2)Sevenfold, man’s relation to the, 106:1.4 (1164.3)study of the second age of light and life, 55:3.12 (626.1)Supreme, man’s duty to, 117:4.8 (1284.4)worship, vs. ancestor worship, 91:5.1 (998.4)fullness of, finaliters’ experience of, 31:3.6 (348.3)worship of, taught by all religions, 5:4.5 (67.3)Deity(ies)-Nature and Characteristicsall things known by the, 24:2.2 (266.8)changeless, and nature, 4:2.2 (56.6)communication ability of, 6:6.2 (78.5)co-operation of the, in the creature ascension plan, 7:4.7 (86.1)creation of perfect beings by the, 23:2.11 (258.10)and divinity, 0:1.0 (2.1–3.13)eternal in essence, 0:7.5 (10.10)nature of, and Paradise Trinity, 10:0.2 (108.2)the immanence and transcendence of, 104:4.38 (1150.5)infinite, nonexperiential knowledge not imparted to subordinates by, 25:4.16 (280.4)more than spirit, 102:4.4 (1123.4)omnipotence, recognition of, 118:6.8 (1300.4)omnipresence of, 118:2.0 (1296.3–1297.1)omniscient, civilized man’s attempt to deceive an, 87:1.2 (958.4)-realization, of infinity, 56:9.8 (645.3)relation of divinity to, 0:2.10 (4.4)revelation, quality values embraced in, 56:10.9 (646.10)the several natures of, 118:0.1 (1294.1)space no barrier to, 3:1.6 (45.4)trinitization engaged in by the, 22:7.3 (249.3)ubiquity of, 118:2.0 (1296.3–1297.1)unification of characteristics of Universal Father in, 3:2.15 (48.7)universal co-ordination of, 56:0.1 (637.1)Deity(ies)-Personalizedcomparison of the term Father with, 105:1.6 (1153.3)-creating act, the first, of the Infinite Spirit, 9:8.2 (105.7)of the Eternal Son, personalization of Father’s spirit nature in the, 6:2.6 (75.3)expansion, conditioned by the Father’s freewill act, 0:4.10 (7.8)the Father’s life and action in the, 32:4.10 (363.8)First Person of, God the Father the, 0:2.12 (4.6)God a word symbol designating all personalizations of, 0:2.6 (3.19)inactive, Universal Father not an, 4:1.6 (55.4)limitless, the Universal Father, 103:0.1 (1129.1)Paradise, see Paradise, Deity(ies)partnership, Universal Father’s relation to the, 32:4.1 (362.5)personal, 0:1.6 (2.6), 0:3.22 (6.2), 1:7.1 (31.1), 56:4.5 (640.4), 102:7.3 (1126.3)personal contact of, with the seven basic groupings of universe beings, 18:1.5 (208.4)personality, in time and space, 0:2.16 (4.10)personality of, and corporeality, 1:5.12 (29.2)personalization(s), about, 10:2.0 (109.5–110.6)functional manifestations of, 56:5.2 (640.6)sevenfold, results of, 0:8.9 (11.13)the three, 56:5.1 (640.5), 56:9.1 (644.3)threefold, 0:7.8 (11.2)personalization of, in spirit, to creature understanding, 56:6.3 (641.4)threefold, sevenfold possibilities of, 16:1.1 (185.1)potential power and wisdom of, not lessened by successive bestowals, 3:4.1 (49.5)realities, and personalization, 0:12.4 (16.1)repository, Conjoint Actor the, 9:1.3 (99.2)Second Person of, God the Son the, 0:2.13 (4.7), 6:1.1 (73.5)sense, in which the Son is nothing but personal, 6:5.6 (78.2)Third Person of, God the Spirit the, 0:2.14 (4.8)the three persons of, about, 10:3.0 (110.7–112.3)association of Seven Master Spirits with activities of, 16:1.2 (185.2)associative possibilities of, 16:0.1 (184.1)equality of, 10:7.1 (115.3)Seventh Master Spirit’s embodiment of characters of, (188.5) 34:2.3, 34:2.3 (188.5), 34:2.3 (375.6)three of the seven eternal realities, 105:2.1 (1153.6)total, reality, mind-spirit unified by personality, 12:8.13 (140.9)seven functional levels of, 0:1.3 (2.3)triune, exhaustion of primary associable possibilities of, 17:8.5 (205.6)representation of, by Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy, 18:1.2 (208.1)undivided, Conjoint Creator’s relation to triune personalization of, 16:1.1 (185.1)unqualified, absolute, and infinite, the Universal Father as, 10:3.5 (111.3)Deity(ies)-the Trinityattitude of Paradise Trinity, disclosure of, by Seventh Master Spirit, 16:3.17 (188.5)collective attitude of, in domains of justice, 10:6.16 (114.17)eternal, unification of, 10:4.2 (112.5)indivisibility of, in the Paradise Trinity, 1:7.8 (31.8), 56:5.1 (640.5)judgment of, and Universal Censors, 19:4.1 (217.7)oneness of, in the Trinity, 10:4.0 (112.4–113.1), 56:9.1 (644.3), 120:4.3 (1331.3)reality,
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