The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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97:7.11 (1069.6)Mesopotamian, Jesus’, Gonod’s, and Ganid’s caravan trip across, 133:9.1 (1481.3)Sahara’s change into a, 78:1.10 (869.6), 80:1.4 (889.6), 80:2.1 (890.5)western, Bedouin Semites’ invasion of Mesopotamia from the, 95:1.1 (1042.2)winds, effect of, on climate of Palestine, 124:1.10 (1367.6), 187:5.1 (2010.2)DeserterJudas at heart a, 172:5.13 (1887.1), 177:4.9 (1926.2)Desertionpossibilities of, relation of, to loyalty, 3:5.12 (51.11)Designers and embellishersa division of celestial artisans, 44:0.11 (498.2)seven major heads of, 44:6.0 (506.2–507.1)Desire(s)of all ages, 135:5.3 (1500.3), 140:1.3 (1568.6), 182:1.13 (1965.7)nations, Jesus to be, 190:5.4 (2035.1)consuming, of God-knowing creatures, 1:0.3 (21.3)to do the will of God, faith in the effectiveness of, 140:10.9 (1585.7)to find God and attain perfection, necessary to survival, 40:5.19 (447.4)for liberty and leisure, early communism’s conflict with, 69:9.5 (780.8)man’s long-cherished, satisfaction of, in morontia career, 44:8.4 (508.2)for preference, among the apostles, 179:1.0 (1936.6–1937.6)supreme, definition of man’s, 131:4.6 (1449.1)surrender to the gratification of, and social maturity, 160:1.4 (1773.1)Desolationnational, Jews’ inability to explain their, 135:5.1 (1500.1)Despairhuman, a consequence of the pursuit of mere knowledge, 195:6.3 (2076.8)of Judas, 186:1.7 (1998.5), 193:4.12 (2056.10)nameless, man’s reward for living, according to the materialist, 102:0.1 (1118.1)threatening, Jesus’ faith in the presence of, 196:0.3 (2087.3)DesperationJudas’s, effect of, 177:4.4 (1925.1)Destinationman’s eternal, 5:4.3 (67.1)Destiny(ies)acceptance, a person’s privilege of choice of, 112:5.1 (1232.2)an analysis of the meaning of, 106:7.3 (1169.2)ascendant, 40:10.0 (452.1–454.3)attainers, in present universe age, 40:10.11 (453.6)attainment, of personalities, 3:1.11 (46.3)the Supreme Being’s synthesizing of, 106:2.1 (1164.4)of Trinity-embraced finaliters, 40:10.12 (454.1)of Creator Sons, attempt at mastery of concept of, 55:3.12 (626.1)of creatures of Universe Mother Spirits and Creator Sons, 14:6.33 (162.8)of despair, man’s, faith’s dispelling of, 102:0.2 (1118.2)dignity of, awaiting Adjuster-fused mortals, 40:7.5 (449.3)divine, of children of time, 14:6.28 (162.3)Jews’ inability to fulfill their, 121:7.5 (1340.3)of spirit-indwelt man, 149:6.9 (1676.3)three phases of, 42:12.8 (483.8)eternal, doom and despair not man’s, 102:0.2 (1118.2)effort to realize, compatible with joyous earth life, 110:3.4 (1206.2)man the architect of his, 103:5.10 (1134.8)of eternity, determination of, 48:7.26 (557.10)experiential, creatures’ possible partial understanding of, 106:7.3 (1169.2)finality of, 106:7.0 (1168.6–1170.3)God the determiner of, 5:4.3 (67.1)guardians, 113:2.0 (1242.4–1244.1)highest seraphic experiential, how achieved, 39:0.11 (426.11)Jesus’ beginning self-consciousness of his, 126:0.1 (1386.1)long-distance view of, lightening burdens of soul by acquiring a, 156:5.8 (1739.3)man’s eternal, assured at Adjuster fusion, 5:1.11 (64.2)vs. his origin, 195:5.11 (2076.2)religion the revelation of, 195:5.3 (2075.6)true, 12:9.1 (141.2)of Master Michaels, 21:6.0 (241.5–242.3)men and women of, midway creature safeguarding of, 123:4.7 (1361.7)mortal, variations in, 40:10.5 (452.5)need for study of, in attainment of true perspective of reality problems, 19:1.6 (215.3)noble, man’s recognition of, 170:2.7 (1860.2)origin, history, and, Jews’ concept of their, 121:7.1 (1339.6)three phases of universe reality to correlate for estimating status, 19:1.6 (215.3)Paradise, identical, of the three brain types, 40:5.17 (447.2)of Personalized Adjusters, 109:7.0 (1201.2–1202.1)planetary, new and unrevealed, mankind’s march toward a, 99:1.1 (1086.4)probable consummation of, by the Consummator of Universe Destiny, 106:7.3 (1169.2)progressive knowledge of, in the morontia state, 101:5.13 (1111.3)rejection, a person’s endowment with choice of destiny acceptance or of, 112:5.1 (1232.2)reservists, present number of, on Urantia, 114:7.8 (1257.8)seraphic, 39:8.0 (440.3–441.4)seraphim assigned in accordance with, 113:1.2 (1241.4)of the soul, character of, 156:5.2 (1738.1)spiritual, conditioners of man’s, 156:5.9 (1739.4)dependence of, on faith, love, and devotion to truth, 156:5.7 (1739.2)supreme, definition, 47:6.3 (536.4)unrevealed by history, 19:1.11 (215.8)worship’s illumination of, 102:4.5 (1123.5)Destitutionthe lot of primitive man, 69:2.2 (773.3)Destroying the soulvs. killing the body, 150:4.2 (1681.9)Destructionthe broad way to, 166:3.3 (1828.7)of Jerusalem, Jesus’ prediction of, 176:1.0 (1912.3–1914.1), 178:3.1 (1934.3)man’s, Greeks’ teaching as to, 148:4.9 (1660.8)Detentionplanets for training of unfused mortals, 45:7.1 (517.3)spheres, problems of surviving mortals on, 48:6.27 (554.1)of Satania, as prison worlds for interned groups of Lucifer rebellion, 45:1.10 (510.8)Determinationa prerequisite to leadership, 156:5.7 (1739.2)Determinersnot the exclusive law of the cosmos, 195:6.14 (2077.10)Determinismmechanistic, man not a victim of a, 103:5.10 (1134.8)Deuteronomyscribe of, teaching of the, regarding good and evil, 97:8.3 (1071.1)Developmentof modern civilization, 81:0.0 (900.1–912.2)of the state, 71:0.0 (800.1–807.12)Devil(s)assignment of undue credit for evil to the, 53:8.9 (610.5)Beelzebub, the prince of, 153:4.2 (1714.1), 169:0.7 (1850.7)Capernaum opinion that Jesus was in league with, 154:4.4 (1720.1)charge that Jesus had a, 162:2.2 (1790.5)doings of, danger in ascribing works of God to, 153:4.3 (1714.2)identification of the, 53:1.4 (602.1)Jesus’ discussion of the casting out of, 153:4.3 (1714.2)unwillingness to ascribe natural phenomena to the, 123:3.3 (1359.4)John the Baptist accused of having a, 144:8.7 (1627.4)legend of entry of, into the swine, 151:6.6 (1696.4)man not a child of the, 145:3.4 (1632.3)man’s association of the witch with the, 90:2.3 (987.7)personal, fictitious teachings regarding power of, 66:8.6 (753.2)Pharisees’ accusation against Jesus as being in league with, 153:4.2 (1714.1), 169:0.7 (1850.7)supposed casting out of, since Pentecost, explanation, 77:7.7 (863.8)weak and dissolute mortals not influenced by, 53:8.9 (610.5)Devitalizationand perversion of prayer, 91:1.6 (995.5)Devonianflood(s), thickness of deposits of the first, 59:4.6 (678.7)last of the, 59:4.15 (679.8)period, length of, 59:4.18 (680.2)rocks, thickness of, in parts of Europe, 59:4.8 (679.1)Devotion(s)affectionate, mainspring of Jesus’ life, result, 187:2.4 (2007.3)to the cause, Matthew’s demonstration of, 139:7.3 (1559.7)to duty, a requisite for, 3:5.12 (51.11)and the early mating instinct, 82:1.1 (913.4)heroic, of the apostles, 143:1.7 (1608.4)the Hindus’ preaching of, 191:5.3 (2043.1)importance of, in marriage, 83:7.6 (928.7)to Jesus, Mary Magdalene’s fullness of, 190:0.5 (2029.5)Jesus’ faith in Simon Zelotes’, 181:2.9 (1956.4)praise of David Zebedee’s, 182:2.10 (1967.5)unselfish, 196:2.7 (2093.1)loyal, to commonplace social obligations, 100:6.5 (1100.7)material, limitations of, 163:2.10 (1803.1)vs. spiritual worship, 163:3.1 (1803.3)moral, Jesus’ correlation of, with human loyalties, 196:0.7 (2088.2)mutual, a prerequisite to ideal marriage, 160:2.10 (1777.1)of the Pharisee, vs. that of the publican, 167:5.2 (1838.3)religious, three forms of, 155:5.2 (1728.4)supreme, to highest ideals of reality, 160:5.1 (1780.3)of true religion, reciprocal influence of the love life of a home and, 177:2.6 (1922.4)wholehearted, to supreme values, a characteristic of all true religions, 100:6.1 (1100.3)Devotional sentimentsPsalms the most valuable assortment of, 96:7.4 (1060.4)Devouressin Egyptian theology, 95:2.9 (1045.2)Dew pointon two- and three-gas worlds, 46:2.2 (520.7)Dialect(s)Andonic, in the Aryan tongue, 78:5.3 (872.7)a common, a reason for existence of the clan, 70:4.5 (788.7)conquest of, a level of statehood, 71:8.12 (807.8)and the spread of culture, 81:6.18 (908.7)increasing, effect of, on the Chinese, 79:8.5 (887.5)origin of, "baby talk" an illustration of the, 81:6.17 (908.6)Dictatorialfreedom of Jesus from being, 149:2.12 (1672.1)Dictatorsprevention of control by would-be, a factor in maintaining freedom, 70:12.12 (798.11)Dictatorship vs. modernized co-ordinationabout, 81:6.33 (910.6)Dietof Adam and Eve and family, 74:6.4 (834.6), 76:4.4 (851.2)of Andonites, 63:6.4 (716.3)of Caligastia one hundred, 66:4.7 (744.6)of John the Baptist, 135:3.1 (1497.7)primitive man’s belief in pregnancy’s being caused by, 84:1.3 (931.6)Dietingan early remedial measure, 90:4.8 (991.7)Differential(s)of creature experience, provision of, 50:7.3 (579.2)demand for the Father, in his master universe, 2:1.4 (34.3)of reality, the primal, 0:4.5 (7.3)of spiritual presence, inherent in freewill reactions of personal beings, 13:4.5 (150.4)Difficulty(ies)and
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