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surmounting of, 196:0.14 (2090.1)facing of, without fear, 48:6.35 (555.3)of life, changing the, 147:3.3 (1649.3)and mota meanings, 48:7.7 (556.7)reaction of ascendant children to, 26:5.3 (291.3)of time, transformation of, into triumphs of eternity by Jesus, 127:6.12 (1405.4)universe, purpose of man’s meeting, 154:2.5 (1719.1)whets the ardor of the truth lover, 156:5.21 (1740.8)Dignityof a Creator God, Moses’ teaching of the, 188:4.4 (2016.9)divine, of faith candidates for the eternal ascent, 149:6.10 (1676.4)of the God-knowing disciples, 181:2.15 (1958.2)the gospel’s endowment of human life with, 170:2.6 (1860.1)Jesus’, in the face of insult, 186:2.5 (1999.5)man’s, Jesus’ attempt to restore, 99:5.5 (1091.4)moral, man’s final acquirement of, 89:8.6 (983.4)of self-respect, man’s debasement of, 155:5.10 (1729.5)service the expression of the divinest, 28:6.17 (316.4)DilmatSumerian records of, 77:4.8 (860.3)Dilmunof the Adamized Sumerians, 77:4.8 (860.3)culture, the tower in commemoration of, 77:3.6 (858.7)and the early concept of sin, 89:2.3 (975.7)Nodite racial headquarters, 77:3.1 (858.2)Dinosaur(s)burial places of, 60:2.2 (687.3)evolution and decline of, 60:2.1 (687.2)family, decline of, 61:2.5 (695.3)fate of, reason for, 60:2.14 (688.6)father of placental mammals a, 61:1.2 (693.5)flying, early extinction of, 60:3.21 (691.2)herbivorous, evolution of, 60:1.10 (686.6)monarchs of early reptilian age, 60:1.10 (686.6)peculiarities of, 60:1.10 (686.6)place of origin of, largest of, 60:2.2 (687.3)reptilian, springing of placental mammals from the, 65:2.12 (733.2)sizes of, 60:2.1 (687.2)types of, 60:3.20 (691.1)Diogenes of Athensa source of Cynic philosophy, 121:4.4 (1336.2)Dionthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Dionysusnature worship, in Greece, 98:2.10 (1079.7)DiplomacyJesus’ understanding of man’s use of, in politics and commerce, 136:8.4 (1520.5)Directionabsolute, establishment of, in the master universe, 11:2.3 (119.4)cells, functioning of, 34:4.13 (378.7)Directionalcontrol creatures, living compasses on Salvington, 34:4.12 (378.6)movements of the galaxies, 12:4.15 (134.4)Director(s)of assignment, a group of supreme seraphim, 39:1.16 (429.2)of conduct, functions of, 26:7.3 (293.1), 27:4.0 (301.2)an order of primary supernaphim, 27:0.7 (298.7)-general of the apostolic corps, Andrew the, 138:10.2 (1547.2), 157:4.2 (1746.6)of physical energies in the grand universe, 42:2.14 (470.5)of Satania seraphic hosts, 45:3.14 (512.17)of system Morontia Power Supervisors, 45:3.17 (512.19)Disappointment(s)apostles’ time of deepest, 153:5.1 (1715.1)bitter, of Judas, effect, 177:4.11 (1926.4)crushing, Jesus warning his followers of, 171:2.4 (1870.1)effect of, on love, 177:4.11 (1926.4)fattening on, by ascendant children of time, 26:5.3 (291.3)God-knowing individuals’ reaction to, 156:5.13 (1739.8)hardest to bear, identification, 48:7.21 (557.5)human, a part of the divine plan, 23:2.12 (258.11)Jesus’ courage in facing, 196:0.14 (2090.1)faith in the throes of, 196:0.5 (2087.5)reaction to, 100:7.7 (1102.4), 127:6.12 (1405.4)warning to apostles of, and reason for, 158:2.4 (1754.4)of John the Baptist, 135:11.3 (1507.2)Judas’s lack of a philosophy for meeting, 193:4.7 (2056.5)a ladder from chaos to glory, 26:10.2 (295.4)lasting, the sole possibility of, 12:9.6 (142.1)most disappointing, as greatest blessings, 48:6.36 (555.4)painfulness of, when borne alone, 160:2.9 (1776.3)Paradise attitude toward, 26:8.3 (294.2)proof, ascending pilgrims’ final achievement of becoming, 26:4.13 (290.3)reacting to, in the development of courage, 3:5.6 (51.5)repeated, Jesus’ subjection of his apostles to, 153:1.3 (1708.2)supreme, of unsuccessful trinitization candidates, 22:7.6 (249.6)technique of lessening one’s suffering because of, 48:6.36 (555.4)transition angels father to many, 48:6.36 (555.4)value of being fearless of, 160:4.13 (1779.5)Disarmamentand world-wide peace, 134:6.6 (1490.9)Disaster(s)the ghost cult an insurance against, 87:0.1 (958.1)horrific, relation of, to functioning of the Supreme Being, 10:7.5 (115.7)the reserve corps of destiny the guarantees against, 114:6.20 (1256.10)Discerners of Spiritsattachment of, to Universal Censors, 28:5.19 (313.1)function of, 28:5.9 (311.1), 28:5.19 (313.1)a type of secondary seconaphim, 28:5.5 (310.7)Disciple(s)amazement of, at Jesus’ claim of authority, 165:2.11 (1819.7)consultation with Jesus by two of John’s, 137:1.1 (1524.2)distinction meant by the terms apostle and, 137:1.7 (1525.4)faithful, vs. gospel messenger, 163:2.2 (1801.5)fate of, during destruction of Jerusalem, 176:1.5 (1913.4)financial obligations of, 165:5.3 (1823.3)God-knowing and Son-believing, characteristics of the, 181:2.15 (1958.2)halfhearted, kingdom’s divestment of, 153:5.3 (1715.3)is hardly above his master, 150:4.2 (1681.9)Jesus’, identifying characteristic of, 180:1.1 (1944.4), 191:4.3 (2041.6)necessity for willingness of, to sacrifice, 171:2.2 (1869.4)need of, to be an inspiration to all men, 195:10.1 (2084.1)prerequisites to being, 162:7.2 (1796.4)teaching of, about God, 142:2.1 (1597.1)Jesus’ prayers primarily for his, 144:3.23 (1620.21)of John the Baptist, baptism of Flavius by, 142:4.4 (1600.5)preaching of, after Jesus’ baptism, 135:9.2 (1505.2)scattering of, after John’s arrest, 135:10.3 (1506.5)period of soul discipline and mind training of, 153:1.3 (1708.2)reaction of, to Jesus’ sermon on the kingdom, 137:8.18 (1537.5)to Jesus’ supposed miracle at Cana, 137:4.16 (1531.3)report of Jesus’ work brought to John by his, 135:11.2 (1507.1)requirement of, as to parting with their worldly goods, 163:2.6 (1802.2)selection of, as members of the seventy, 163:2.1 (1801.4)true and tried, at Magadan, 163:0.1 (1800.1)whom Jesus loved, cause of John’s designation as the, 139:4.4 (1554.2)Discipleshipvs. apostleship, 137:1.7 (1525.4), 140:6.9 (1577.3), 140:8.3 (1579.5)Jesus’ assurance to Matadormus of his life, 163:2.4 (1801.7)need for determining one’s motive for, 171:2.5 (1870.2)a prerequisite to, 174:5.8 (1903.5)Discipline(s)a child’s sometime lack of understanding of, 143:1.4 (1608.1)of divine love, 143:1.4 (1608.1)early child, results of, in Jesus’ family, 127:4.3 (1401.3)family, among primitive peoples, 84:7.25 (941.6)onetime biologic nature of, 84:7.25 (941.6)in family of God, 3:2.9 (48.1)the Father’s, purpose in, 180:2.6 (1946.4)fathers’ provision for their children’s, 142:7.9 (1604.4)home, Jesus’ reaction to, 123:3.9 (1360.4)Jesus’ employment of, 171:7.7 (1875.2)maintenance of, in the brotherhood, 159:1.6 (1764.1)moral, vs. self-gratification, and education, 195:10.17 (2086.3)purifying, as a prerequisite to the new Jewish kingdom, 135:5.5 (1500.5)and restraint, one foundation fact of a true family, 142:7.9 (1604.4)social groups of believers’ right to administer, 178:1.2 (1929.3)war’s imposition of, 70:2.4 (785.9)Disciplined characterand Van’s loyalty, 67:3.6 (756.7)Discontentmortal, prevention of, 34:6.8 (381.2)Discouragementeffect of, on survival, 110:3.5 (1206.3)an evidence of moral immaturity, 160:1.6 (1773.3)Discourse(s) of Jesussee Sermon(s) of JesusJesus’ public, questions during, 138:8.10 (1546.1)short, Jesus’ use of, in public teaching, 138:8.10 (1546.1)Discovererfreedom of the, to make a discovery, 195:6.17 (2078.3)Discovery(ies)of the empty tomb, 189:4.0 (2025.2–2027.4)an eternal voyage of, death the beginning of, 14:5.10 (159.6)fire the basic human, 69:6.2 (777.5)geographic, Andite, 78:4.6 (872.4)obligation of one who enjoys wealth through, 132:5.16 (1463.10)a phase of personal religious experience, 196:3.17 (2095.1)prayer, to Jesus, a proclamation of, 196:0.10 (2088.5)as rest, in higher beings, 27:1.2 (299.2)Discretiona component of true wisdom, 181:2.15 (1958.2)defers anger, 149:4.2 (1673.2)exaggerated, possible consequences of, 149:4.4 (1673.4)fountains of, Perfectors of Wisdom the, 19:2.3 (216.1)Jesus’ courage linked with, 100:7.15 (1103.3)a precept taught by the early Egyptians, 95:3.3 (1045.6)a prerequisite to leadership, 156:5.7 (1739.2)relationship of, to sincerity, 181:2.21 (1960.2)Discriminationcosmic, three forms of, 16:6.5 (192.1)the parable’s challenge of, 151:3.6 (1692.5)selective, a factor in moral acts, 16:7.10 (193.9)unjust, against women in the Jewish temple, 125:0.4 (1377.4)wellsprings of, Perfectors of Wisdom the, 19:2.3 (216.1)wise, need of, in bequeathing riches, 132:5.15 (1463.9)Discussion(s)at the Gilboa camp, Jesus’ refusal to participate in, 144:6.2 (1624.13)Jesus’, about wealth, 163:3.0 (1803.3–1804.4)at the olive press, 183:4.0 (1975.4–1976.6)philosophical, James and Judas Alpheus’s lack of understanding of the apostles’, 139:10.2 (1563.3)Disdain of the high priest for the traitorabout, 177:4.7 (1925.4)Disease(s)conquest of, a level in the evolution of statehood, 71:8.9 (807.5)crude ideas of, of the people of Jesus’ time, 121:7.12 (1341.1)cure of, supposed, by touch of kings, 70:6.4 (790.1)and death, belief as to ghosts being the cause of, 90:3.2 (989.4)the shamanic theory of, 90:3.0 (989.3–990.5)of the flesh, Jesus’ identification of, 141:4.5 (1591.1)freedom of corporeal staff from, 50:3.3 (574.5)healing of, on the Sabbath, a charge against Jesus, 169:0.6 (1850.6)shamans’ attempt at, 90:2.1 (987.5)human, early belief as to spirit influence in, 86:3.3 (952.5)Urantia’s tardy awakening to prevention of, 73:5.4 (825.1)imperfect
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