The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_59d4801b-ddce-5513-91df-3b9be7b4ff2f">69:7.0 (778.4–8)result of, 68:5.6 (768.6)the second great advance in civilization, 81:2.5 (901.8)time of, 66:5.5 (746.3)Dominance of mediocrityspells the downfall of any nation, 72:9.8 (818.3)DonkeyJesus’ choice to enter Jerusalem on a, vs. a horse, significance, 172:3.5 (1881.3), 172:5.5 (1884.4), 172:5.8 (1885.3)entry into Jerusalem on a, Alpheus twins’ role in, 172:3.9 (1882.2), 172:4.1 (1883.3)gift to Tiglath at the end of his sojourn on the mountain, 134:8.10 (1494.3)instructions for finding, for Jerusalem entry, 172:3.6 (1881.4)Mary’s and Joseph’s, on their journey to Bethlehem, 122:7.4 (1350.6), 122:7.7 (1351.3)one of the animals owned by the Nazareth family, 126:5.11 (1393.8)use of, to carry Jesus’ supplies to Mount Hermon, 134:8.1 (1492.8)Doomof darkness, faith’s dispelling of man’s, 102:0.2 (1118.2)final, sealing of man’s, vs. choosing the Father’s will, 5:1.11 (64.2)Door(s)Jesus the, to the Father’s sheepfold, 165:2.7 (1819.3)to the kingdom, 166:3.7 (1829.4)of the kingdom of heaven, opening of, 147:5.6 (1652.3), 166:1.5 (1826.2)of mercy, hungry souls’ free entrance to the, 138:4.2 (1541.4)to the straight and narrow way, 166:3.3 (1828.7)to the way of life, adequate width of, 166:3.3 (1828.7)Dothanhills of, Jesus’ youthful view of, 126:1.2 (1387.2)Double personalityChrist Michael not a, 120:4.2 (1331.2)Double star(s)explosion, in Orvonton, most recent, 41:3.5 (458.5)formation, one type of, 15:5.7 (171.2), 41:3.3 (458.3)light fluctuations of, 41:3.9 (459.3)and nebulae, 15:5.3 (170.6)Doubt(s)absence of, in the presence of cosmic poise, 100:6.6 (1101.1)the believer’s only battle against, 159:3.8 (1766.4)deliverance from the bondage of fear and, 157:2.2 (1745.1)from the darkness of, 152:6.3 (1705.3)and guilt, Peter’s feeling of, 191:1.1 (2039.1)honest, not sin, 102:1.1 (1118.4)John the Baptist’s periods of temptation to, 135:7.1 (1503.1), 135:11.1 (1506.6)Mary’s, regarding Jesus and his mission, 154:6.1 (1721.1)source of power to overcome, 142:5.3 (1601.3)and Unbelief, one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 150:6.1 (1683.3)Doubter(s)the believer’s reply to the, 102:6.5 (1124.7)honest, proof of Jesus’ love for, 139:8.6 (1561.6)Thomas’s apostolic membership a comfort to, 139:8.6 (1561.6)DoubtingJesus’ admonition to Thomas to cease, 192:2.9 (2048.5)Thomas, a misnomer, 139:8.1 (1561.1)Dove(s)believers to be as harmless as, 178:1.7 (1930.4)pair of sacrificial, onetime price of a, 173:1.2 (1888.5)sale of, by Jesus’ family, for a charity fund, 123:4.4 (1361.4)the symbol of peace and love, 85:3.4 (946.6)Downfallof Judas, causes, 193:4.0 (2055.4–2057.2)of nations, influence of, on a gospel believer, 176:3.2 (1916.2)Downheartedfind the, Jesus’ exhortation to his apostles, 138:6.4 (1543.2)Jesus acknowledged by Eber the Sanhedrin as cheering the, 162:2.9 (1792.3)Downtroddensocially, Jesus’ purpose to proclaim joy to the, 138:3.6 (1540.9)Dowrybride’s, significance of a, 83:3.3 (924.2)bride’s onetime method of earning her, 82:3.10 (916.6)purchase and, among the ancients, 83:3.0 (923.7–924.3)DragonChinese worship of the, 85:3.3 (946.5)flies, size of early, 59:5.7 (680.9)great red, John’s comments on the, 53:7.7 (608.3)personalities embraced in the term, 53:1.6 (602.3), 53:5.6 (606.2)Dramaorigin of, in acting for spirit guidance, 92:3.6 (1006.3)Draught of fishesabout, 145:1.0 (1628.4–1629.1)Dravidian(s)absorption of the Aryans by the, 79:4.2 (882.2)centers of culture, 79:3.6 (881.6)civilization, modern survival of, 79:3.8 (881.8)conquerors of India, 78:5.6 (873.2)Deccan, Salem missionaries’ penetration into the, 94:2.1 (1028.4)identification of, 79:3.1 (881.1)India, 79:3.0 (881.1–8)Drawing and modelingJoseph’s decision as to Jesus’, 124:1.5 (1367.1)Drawing powerJesus’, over men, 149:2.12 (1672.1)of Jesus’ life and death, 188:5.10 (2019.3)on minds, Conjoint Actor’s, 9:6.2 (103.7)of primal Son of Paradise, 6:4.1 (76.1)of the Supreme, 131:8.3 (1452.1)Drawingsprohibition of making of, in present day backward tribes, 86:5.14 (955.2)substitution of, for real objects or persons in death sacrifices, 87:2.10 (960.4)Dreadand anxiety, man’s domination by, 113:2.5 (1243.2)vs. confidence, and Jesus’ mission, 149:6.5 (1675.6)and fear of the Lord, 149:6.3 (1675.4)Dream(s)ancients’ attitude toward, 86:4.1 (952.7), 87:5.14 (963.9)Claudia’s, regarding Jesus, 185:5.8 (1994.2)double, early man’s, the soul as, 86:5.1 (953.8)experiences, man’s, significance of, 110:5.2 (1208.1)extraordinary, not divine communications, 110:5.4 (1208.3)and fetishes, 88:1.1 (967.3)-ghost-future-life concept, influence of the, 86:4.2 (953.1)grotesque, sometime cause of, 110:5.4 (1208.3)interpretation, a superstitious speculation, 150:3.9 (1681.4)widespread practice of, 90:2.5 (988.1)Joseph’s, message of, 122:4.1 (1347.3)life, danger in postulating the Adjuster content of, 110:5.5 (1208.4)ordinary, not used by God to communicate with man, 86:5.11 (954.10)Peter’s, 152:4.0 (1703.1–4), 153:3.6 (1713.1)primitive man’s explanation of, 86:5.1 (953.8)and Visions, one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 150:6.1 (1683.3)of Zacharias, 122:2.5 (1345.7), 135:0.1 (1496.1)of Zoroaster, 95:6.2 (1049.5)Dreamerman a natural, 99:7.5 (1093.3)Driftsglacial, types of, 61:7.1 (700.6)Drink the cupapostles’ willingness to, 140:6.10 (1577.4)James’s and John’s willingness to, 139:3.8 (1553.4)Jesus’ final willingness to, 182:3.9 (1969.4)Drinkingthroughout mansion worlds, 47:4.6 (535.2)water, Edenic, purification of, 73:5.3 (824.7)Dropsical manJesus’ healing the, 167:1.4 (1834.2)Droughteffect of, on Andite migration, 79:1.5 (879.2)significance of, to early man, 90:2.6 (988.2)Drudgeryof daily living, religion’s ennobling of the, 100:0.2 (1094.2)influence of, vs. that of labor, 70:2.17 (786.8)slavish, Jesus’ freeing women from, 149:2.9 (1671.4)Drugsshamans’ sometime employment of, 90:1.4 (987.2)Drumlinssurface undulations caused by ice, 61:7.1 (700.6)Drunkennessamong primitives, 88:1.9 (968.4)a characteristic of the material-comfort era, 50:5.6 (577.1)Dualassociations, of universe creatures, benefits from, 84:6.5 (938.9)circulatory system, the Edenic pair’s, 75:7.6 (845.6)expression, of the primal thought of the Universal Father, identity of, 56:2.2 (638.6)nature, Jesus’ early difficulty in comprehending his, 124:4.2 (1371.5)Jesus’ realization of his, 128:1.1 (1407.6)of mortals, 34:6.9 (381.3)nutrition, of Adam and Eve, 76:4.3 (851.1)origin of Creator Son, confirmation of, 37:9.9 (415.1)of universes, Paradise Spiritual Sons’ relation to conduct of, 20:8.1 (231.1)-origin beings, Paradise classification of, 30:1.29 (331.18)definition, 30:1.29 (331.18)possible future of, in outer space, 23:4.4 (262.5)similar and differing attributes of, 21:2.10 (236.8)Trinity Teacher Sons as liaisons between Trinity-origin and, 19:1.1 (214.10)spiritism, a great religio-philosophic advance, 87:4.5 (961.6), 87:6.13 (964.12)price paid by religion for concept of, 87:4.6 (961.7)and white and black magic, 88:6.2 (972.2)world-wide appearance of a belief in, 87:4.3 (961.4)Dualityrelationships, existence of, between the Seven Absolutes of Infinity, 105:4.2 (1157.3)unity, and triunity, 105:4.0 (1157.2–10)Ductless glandsand chemical reactions in human beings, 65:6.6 (737.6)Duelingas a method of settling disputes, 70:1.19 (785.2), 70:10.7 (795.4), 70:10.16 (796.6)Durationawareness of, a factor in the time sense of personality, 12:5.9 (135.8)Duty(ies)attitude of Jesus toward, 161:2.6 (1786.1)vs. danger of default, 3:5.12 (51.11)devotion to, by man, vs. loyalty of Havona creatures, 3:5.17 (52.3)a factor in marriage stability, 83:1.4 (922.7)a feeling of, a product of emotional fear, 103:5.1 (1133.6)first, of the creature creation, 1:0.4 (22.1)the foundation for the acceptance of, 117:4.8 (1284.4)vs. friendship, 180:1.6 (1945.3)to God and to man, 178:1.5 (1930.2)highest human, family life the, 140:8.14 (1581.1)human, primitive religion’s concern with, 101:5.10 (1110.13)a level of reality of cosmic-mind response, 16:6.7 (192.3)man’s consciousness of, a value level, 0:2.1 (3.14), 16:6.10 (192.6)to men, and loyalty to God, 132:5.2 (1462.3)periodic releases from functional, common to all worlds, 48:4.11 (548.6)personal, evolutionary religion’s emphasis on the idea of, 101:5.11 (1111.1)recognition of, and morality, 196:3.25 (2096.1)relation of, to love, 102:5.3 (1124.2)and rights of man, primitive concept of, 87:5.1 (962.2)the sacred, of a magistrate, 132:4.8 (1462.1)temporal, devotion to, as related to spirit sonship, 178:1.8 (1930.5)and spiritual service, recognition of, 181:2.10 (1956.5)the whole, of man, 131:2.9 (1445.3), 142:3.22 (1599.14)Dwellingsearly European white man’s, 80:9.4 (897.7)human, improvement of, under Dan, 66:5.8 (746.6)Dyakspresent religious practices of the, 92:6.1 (1010.5)Dyaus pitaridentity of, 94:1.3 (1027.4)Dyaus-Zeusidentity of, 98:1.3 (1078.1)DyeTyrian purple, that made Tyre and Sidon famous, 156:4.3 (1737.4)Dyingapostles’ vague comprehension of Jesus, 158:7.7 (1760.4)Peter’s shuddering at the thought of the Master, 158:2.2 (1754.2)Dynamic believersbrotherhood of, the modern Christian church not a, 195:9.10 (2083.6)Dynamism of all changean
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