The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, in Amadon, 67:8.3 (762.2)Jerusem citizen’s clearance for, 47:10.6 (540.2)legislative pronouncements of, 43:2.8 (488.2)legislature, ten members of, from system, 43:2.5 (487.7), 45:3.22 (513.3)life, classification of the ten types of, 43:6.4 (492.4)major spheres, differential visible forms of natives of, 43:7.1 (493.2)the Master’s departure to, by way of Jerusem, 193:5.4 (2057.6)mechanical controllers and frandalanks on, 41:1.4 (456.3)and Melchizedeks as emergency Sons, 35:4.2 (389.1)Michael’s stopover at, preparatory to his Urantia bestowal, 136:3.4 (1513.1)mobilization point of Gabriel’s reserves during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.12 (608.8)Most High(s), see Most High(s), of EdentiaNebadon education on socializing realms attached to, 37:6.2 (412.2)nothing on, for a living being to fear, 43:6.5 (492.5)present abode of translated Adamic children, 75:6.3 (844.5)Psalmist’s description of, 43:3.3 (488.5)residence of ascending mortals, 43:8.3 (494.2)rulers, past, present, and future term of office of, 43:5.0 (490.6–491.13)satellites of, 15:7.6 (174.6), 43:1.3 (486.2), 43:7.2 (493.3)schools, students attending the, 43:7.3 (493.4)sea of glass on, 43:1.7 (486.6)seat of Norlatiadek administration, 43:0.2 (485.2)seraphim and Adjuster accompaniment of the mortal to, 113:7.4 (1248.4)shrub of, and Urantia’s tree of life, 73:6.3 (825.8)size of, 43:0.2 (485.2)social architects’ divisional organization on, 39:3.6 (432.7)laboratories of, 39:3.7 (433.1)spheres, energizing of, 43:8.1 (493.7)supreme council of Lanonandeks on, 35:9.4 (393.4)model, size and location of, 46:5.27 (526.2)training worlds, 43:8.0 (493.7–495.2)tree of life, arrival of, on Urantia, 66:4.13 (745.3), 73:6.3 (825.8)univitatia, as permanent citizens of, 37:9.8 (414.13), 43:0.4 (485.4), 43:7.1 (493.2)worlds, major, number of satellites of each of the, 43:0.2 (85.2), 43:8.2 (494.1)EdomitesDavid’s heavy taxing of the, 97:9.14 (1073.4)Edreilabors of Jesus’ followers in, 159:0.2 (1762.2), 165:0.1 (1817.1)Thomas’s and his associates’ work at, 159:3.1 (1765.3)Educationabout, 71:7.0 (806.1–13)advances in, during postbestowal Son age, 52:5.3 (596.1)in Alexandria and Galilee, comparison of, 124:0.1 (1366.1)artificial and superficial, modern child culture and, 84:7.23 (941.4)builders, function of, 44:3.6 (502.5)characteristics of, present and eventual, 71:7.4 (806.4)of children, of Adamic and native unions, 51:5.5 (586.2)and the home, in the continental nation, 72:3.4 (811.4)reason for need of, 68:0.2 (763.2)Christianity and, 195:0.3 (2069.3)compulsory, a factor in an expanding civilization, 71:4.7 (804.7)in the continental nation, 72:4.0 (812.3)a definition, 71:7.5 (806.5), 123:5.8 (1363.1), 140:4.10 (1573.1)on Edentia, 37:6.2 (412.2), 43:8.0 (493.7–495.2)effect on civilization of man’s control of, 81:6.25 (909.6)as a factor in vital decisions of moral creatures, 67:3.7 (756.8)Fad’s methods of, 66:5.9 (746.7), 66:7.6 (751.1)Galilean Jews’, systematic program for, 123:2.13 (1358.10)general, true teachers’ support of, 90:2.9 (988.5)of girls, Jesus’ belief concerning, 127:1.5 (1396.2)higher, apostles’ lack of, 139:0.4 (1548.4)Jesus’ early, from his parents, 123:2.3 (1357.7)effect of Joseph’s death on, 124:5.2 (1373.2), 126:2.2 (1388.2)home, for his brothers and sisters, 126:1.3 (1387.3)as taught by Mary, 123:2.14 (1358.11)intellectual and theological, from the chazan, 123:5.8 (1363.1)Jewish, 123:5.2 (1362.3)real, obtained by mingling with his fellow men, 123:5.8 (1363.1)of John the Baptist, 135:0.4 (1496.4)law, compulsory, Jewish, 123:5.11 (1363.4)lifelong, in the ideal state, 71:7.5 (806.5)local universe, assistant teachers’ connection with, 39:2.7 (430.3)a means of gaining knowledge, 81:6.13 (908.2)Nebadon, 37:6.1 (412.1)Nodite oversight of second-garden, 76:2.3 (848.3)and other Melchizedek activities, on Jerusem, 46:6.6 (527.8)personal, of Havona pilgrims, 30:4.27 (343.2)possible failure of modern, 88:6.7 (972.7)present backwardness of, 81:6.25 (909.6)probable effect of, on Buddhism, 94:12.5 (1041.3)purpose of, 16:6.11 (192.7), 71:7.1 (806.1), 195:10.17 (2086.3)quality of Judas’s, 139:12.7 (1566.6)relation of, to a good inheritance, 76:2.6 (848.6)religious, promotion of, 99:6.2 (1092.2)a result of, 25:3.12 (278.3)Roman, loyalty bred by, 195:2.3 (2072.7)secular, possible influence of, on a spiritual renaissance, 195:10.17 (2086.3)secularization of, result, 195:8.13 (2082.5)seraphic development by, 39:0.1 (426.10)social, of ascendant pilgrims on Havona, 26:11.1 (296.4)and training, one foundation fact of a true family, 142:7.8 (1604.3)of youth, society’s right of, 70:9.9 (794.4)universal, establishment of, a level of statehood, 71:8.7 (807.3)and intellectual acquisition, 37:6.6 (412.6)universe, purpose of, 2:7.12 (43.5)wise fathers’ planning for their children’s, 142:7.8 (1604.3)value of in character development, 76:2.6 (848.6)Educationalapplication in schools of the Prince, 50:4.6 (575.7)attainments of apostles, 139:0.4 (1548.4)courses of military trainees in the continental nation, 72:11.2 (819.1)growth, some indications of, 100:1.3 (1094.5)institution(s), the family as an, importance of, 82:0.2 (913.2)local universe, 39:1.14 (428.8)ministry, of Paradise Spiritual Sons, 20:8.1 (231.1)of Vorondadek Sons, 18:7.2 (213.4)opportunities, influence of, on man’s religion, 101:7.1 (1113.7), 102:3.1 (1121.3)pressure, possible effect of, 103:5.11 (1135.1)system(s), of the continental nation, 72:4.0 (812.3–813.1)of Jerusem, 45:7.0 (517.3–518.4)mansion world and morontia, 44:2.11 (501.10), 47:5.3 (536.1), 48:5.5 (550.6)of Nebadon, 37:6.1 (412.1)planetary, transformation of, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.3 (598.6)of post-Adamic epoch, world-wide character of, 52:3.10 (594.1)of Salvington, 35:3.1 (387.2), 35:10.3 (394.5), 37:6.1 (412.1)for younger Material Sons, perfection of, 45:5.7 (515.6)unit, importance of the family as an, 82:0.3 (913.3)worlds of superuniverses, service of Havona Servitals on, 25:1.7 (274.4)Educator(s)of ascending mortals, Melchizedek sphere the meeting ground for, 35:3.11 (387.12)household fire the first, 69:6.3 (777.6)Melchizedeks as, 35:2.1 (385.4), 35:3.1 (387.2), 35:10.3 (394.5), 37:7.1 (413.2), 45:5.7 (515.6), 45:7.3 (517.5)universal, Daynals the, 20:7.3 (230.5)Effectcause and, the I AM as both, 105:1.5 (1153.2)in the physical domains, man’s slowness to learn secrets of, 90:3.9 (990.4)relationship of evolution and culture, 81:5.1 (905.6)to the savage, 86:2.3 (951.5)Effectivenessof language, a factor in civilization, 81:6.16 (908.5)of material resources, a factor in civilization, 81:6.14 (908.3)of mechanical devices, a factor in civilization, 81:6.20 (909.1)Effectsuniverse, vs. universe causes, 3:6.3 (53.1)Effigiesalleged effectiveness of, in magic, 88:5.3 (971.5)Effort(s)creature, and Creator purpose, Supreme’s response to, 117:1.9 (1279.7)intelligent, a prerequisite to happiness, 48:7.10 (556.10)joy not always produced by, 48:7.10 (556.10)and rewards, of the Paradise career, 50:7.3 (579.2)supreme, of trinitization candidates, 22:7.6 (249.6)Effronteryexhibition of, by the Sanhedrists before Pilate, 185:2.4 (1989.7)Egoalter, see Alter egoand alter ego, and the evolution of prayer, 91:3.0 (996.7–997.5)cravings, and the social consciousness, 103:5.4 (1134.2)dignity, wear and tear of, 48:6.37 (555.5)exaltation of, humor the divine antidote for, 48:4.15 (549.2)-will, and the other-than-self will, 103:5.4 (1134.2)Egocentricways of preventing one’s religious life from becoming, 103:1.3 (1130.2)Egoismvs. altruism, 103:2.7 (1131.6)Egoistic-altruistic conflict, the clan as a challenge to the, 103:3.1 (1132.1)ambition, ascending morontians’ socialization of, 44:8.4 (508.2)nature, the child’s development of, 103:2.9 (1131.8)prayer may be either altruistic or, 91:4.3 (998.1)Egotismconceited, self-analysis and, 140:8.27 (1583.1)national, effect of, on the Jews, 97:10.3 (1075.8)an essential to social survival, 71:3.2 (803.2)the suicidal nature of, 111:6.9 (1223.1)theologic, and revealed religion, 92:7.2 (1012.3)EgyptAbraham’s sojourn in, 93:5.7 (1019.4)Amenemope’s teaching in, 95:4.0 (1046.2–6)Andite migrations to, and influence on, 78:6.5 (874.2), 80:6.1 (894.2)Bedouin Semites’ departure from, under Moses’ leadership, 96:3.0 (1055.4–1056.2)entrance into, as contract laborers, 96:2.2 (1054.7)brother and sister marriage in, 82:5.4 (918.4)caste system of, 70:8.11 (793.3)cult of Isis in, 95:1.7 (1043.2), 95:5.12 (1048.6), 98:4.8 (1082.1)degeneration of, a factor in the independence of Palestine, 121:2.8 (1334.2)infiltration of inferior tribes into, 80:1.3 (889.5), 80:6.5 (894.6)Jesus’ sojourn in, on way to Rome, 130:3.0 (1432.1–1433.5)Joseph as a civil administrator
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