The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of the, 61:3.0 (696.5–698.2)blue man’s training of, 66:5.5 (746.3)evolution of, vs. reproduction of mice, 49:1.6 (560.5)intelligence and adaptation of, 61:3.6 (697.1)of Miocene period, brain size, 61:3.6 (697.1)Eleusinian mysteriesdevelopment of, in Greece, 98:2.10 (1079.7)Elihuidentity of, 96:7.7 (1060.7)teaching of, regarding human salvation, 96:7.7 (1060.7)Elijahbeginning of secret writing by, 97:9.20 (1074.2)campaign of, against the Baalites, 97:3.6 (1065.3)comparison of John the Baptist with, 135:6.3 (1502.1)contribution of, to the spiritual status of the northern kingdom, 97:2.1 (1064.2)a defender of the old land mores, 97:9.19 (1074.1)denouncing of Ahab by, 97:9.19 (1074.1)and Elisha, 97:2.2 (1064.3)the Father’s speaking through, 155:6.2 (1730.6)influence of, on John the Baptist, 135:1.4 (1497.2), 135:4.5 (1499.5)Jesus compared with, 157:3.5 (1746.2)John the Baptist’s assumption of the dress and speech of, 135:4.5 (1499.5), 135:6.3 (1502.1)belief as to the return of, 135:4.4 (1499.4)Joseph’s story to Jesus about, 123:5.12 (1363.5)one of the greatest of prophets, 97:9.19 (1074.1)Peter’s erroneous identification of a transfiguration visitor as, 158:1.8 (1753.4)of prophecy, Jesus’ reference to John the Baptist as, 158:2.2 (1754.2)the prophet of Mount Carmel, 135:1.4 (1497.2)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.15 (514.5)Elijah Markfuneral of, apostles’ absence from, 192:4.6 (2051.3)Eliphazadvice of, to Job, 148:6.4 (1663.2)Elishaand Elijah, 97:2.2 (1064.3)works of, at Shunem, 124:6.3 (1374.3)Elizabethmother of John the Baptist, ancestry of, 122:2.1 (1345.3), 135:0.4 (1496.4)assurance of, about Jesus as the Messiah, 135:3.3 (1498.2)death of, 135:4.1 (1499.1)discussion of, with Mary, regarding their sons, 127:3.11 (1400.3)education of, 135:0.4 (1496.4)Gabriel’s appearance and message to, 122:2.0 (1345.3–1346.3)and John’s visit to the Nazareth family, 127:3.11 (1400.3)reaction of, to Gabriel’s visit, 122:2.4 (1345.6), 135:0.1 (1496.1)Elizabeth of Tiberiasa member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5)Ellanorafunction of, on Panoptia, 53:7.1 (607.2)Ellipsethe great, 11:8.2 (125.5), 41:9.2 (465.2)Elliptical pathof the superuniverses, 15:1.2 (165.1)Elmansupervisor of the kingdom’s first hospital, 148:0.1 (1657.1), 148:2.1 (1658.4)Eloahsingular of Elohim, 96:1.8 (1053.6)Elohimdoctrine, almost complete eradication of, by the time of Jesus, 104:1.8 (1144.5)God concept changed from Yahweh to, under Elijah’s teaching, 97:3.6 (1065.3)the God of Gods, 64:6.26 (725.7), 169:4.8 (1856.6), 169:4.8 (1856.6)(God), vs. the Father, 169:4.8 (1856.6)Jesus not the manifestation of, 169:4.9 (1856.7)identity of, 96:1.8 (1053.6), 142:3.6 (1598.7), 169:4.9 (1856.7)Elopementpseudo, onetime practice of, 83:2.2 (923.2)a technique of escape from purchase of a wife, 83:3.2 (924.1)Eloquenceman’s mind not to be overawed by, 159:3.2 (1765.4)persuasive, Jesus’ refusal to employ, 186:2.3 (1999.3)preacher’s, humans’ susceptibility to, 154:6.8 (1722.4)Emanations(s)of highly heated orbs and dark energy-charged spheres, 41:2.4 (457.3)light, from bodies of Adam and Eve, 74:6.5 (834.7)luminous, a figure of speech connoting a spirit manifestation, 0:6.9 (10.1)of man’s own intellect, often taken for the Adjuster’s voice, 110:5.6 (1208.5)of nether Paradise, responsiveness of, to central gravity pull, 11:8.2 (125.5)from the outer zone of nether Paradise, extent of, 11:5.7 (122.7)pulsating behavior of, 11:5.8 (123.1)radium, atomic weight of form of lead produced by, 42:4.12 (474.2)space, imbibing by Adam and Eve of light and energy from certain, 74:6.4 (834.6)subconscious, ideas emerging from the normal psychic function of the mind, 110:4.3 (1207.3)Emancipationproclamation, of all women, Jesus’ charge an, 150:1.3 (1679.2)of the soul, prerequisite to, 160:1.8 (1773.5)Embalmingthe dead, origin of Egyptians practice of, 95:2.4 (1044.3)of their dead, by the Jews, 188:1.4 (2013.3)Embellishmentof detention spheres for future unknown use, on Michael’s orders, 53:7.1 (607.2)of Havona spheres, 14:3.7 (156.4), 18:2.4 (209.2)of Jerusem spiritual zones, character of, 46:4.9 (523.3)living, on constellation headquarters, 43:6.1 (492.1), 43:6.7 (492.7)of mansion world structures, character of, 48:3.15 (546.8)morontia, of the finaliter world, 47:1.2 (530.6)reality of, to nonmaterial beings, 44:3.9 (502.8)the work of the celestial artisans, 44:0.1 (497.1)of morontia companions’ programs by celestial artisans and reversion directors, 48:3.11 (546.4)overmuch, of houses of worship, not conducive to spirit communion, 167:6.6 (1840.5)spirit, nonexplainability of, to mortals, 44:6.1 (506.2)Emblemof the bestowal and ministry of the Spirit of Truth, 179:5.1 (1941.6)of divine spirit, water baptism the, 144:6.9 (1625.6)of Lucifer, description, 53:5.5 (606.1)material, of the Trinity government, identity of, 53:5.4 (605.8)of Melchizedek, description, 93:2.5 (1015.5)of modern physicians, origin, 85:3.3 (946.5)Embryohuman, a definition, 112:5.4 (1232.5)Embryonic statein the evolution of civilization, 71:1.0 (800.3–801.12)Emergency(ies)council of Edentia, membership, 43:5.14 (491.10)of ex-mortals, on Jerusem, 54:5.12 (618.1)the guardian seraphim’ s’ functioning in, 113:5.4 (1246.3)ministers, Melchizedeks as, 35:4.4 (389.3)Son(s), Machiventa Melchizedek’s decision to function as, on Urantia, 93:1.3 (1014.5)the Melchizedeks’ fame as, 35:2.1 (385.4), 35:4.2 (389.1), 93:0.1 (1014.1)Emergent energytwo phases of transmutation of, 42:2.10 (470.1)Emigrationeffect of, on class distinction, 70:8.5 (792.9)Emissariesof social uplift, during reign of Planetary Prince, 66:6.4 (749.6)of special assignment, Solitary Messengers as, 23:2.22 (260.2)Emmausbrothers from, report of their contact with Jesus, 190:5.8 (2036.3)the morontia Jesus’ appearance at, 190:5.0 (2034.2–2036.3)Emotion(s)of the ages, expression of, 27:7.6 (304.4)acquaintance of Son of Man with, 129:4.4 (1425.3)animals’ ability to express, 109:4.1 (1198.4)a concomitant of religion, 101:5.9 (1110.12)as a conditioning factor in religion, 92:1.4 (1004.2)the cult’s satisfying of, 87:7.1 (965.5)of dawn mammals, 62:2.3 (704.2)designers, a group of celestial artisans, 44:6.5 (506.6)eclipsing, of spiritual beings, 25:1.6 (274.3)expression of the tempo of, by music, 195:7.20 (2080.5)holier, fostering of, 39:2.5 (430.1)Jesus’ experiencing of, 128:1.2 (1407.7)man’s nonsenuous, angels’ sharing of, 38:2.1 (419.1)not essentially a part of religious experience, 101:5.9 (1110.12)one of the Master’s rare demonstrations of, 143:1.8 (1608.5)of primitive man, Father’s recognition of, 155:6.17 (1733.5)religious, man’s earliest, source of, 64:1.2 (718.4)no mystic faculty for reception or expression of, 101:1.2 (1104.5)strong, vs. leadings of the divine spirit, 159:3.6 (1766.2)transformation of, into loyalties of mind and experiences of the spirit, 155:5.15 (1730.3)Emotionaladjustment, lack of, 156:5.18 (1740.5)agony, Jesus’, one cause of his quick death on the cross, 187:5.8 (2011.4)appeal(s), of Jesus, vs. his personality, 141:7.10 (1594.4)one of the few, 155:5.14 (1730.2)response of conscience to, 154:6.8 (1722.4)casualty, unhappiness an, 160:1.6 (1773.3)control and genuine spiritual ecstasy, 91:7.3 (1000.4)excitement, not the ideal spiritual stimulus, 160:3.1 (1777.2)fear, feelings of social duty and moral obligation products of, 103:5.1 (1133.6)impulses, vs. unselfish urges, 103:5.5 (1134.3)instability, vs. sympathy and pity, 149:4.3 (1673.3)maturity, essential to self-control, 52:6.6 (598.1)reactions, and a philosophy of living, 140:4.8 (1572.8)responses to inherited urges, 140:4.8 (1572.8)transcendence by man of the animal, 69:0.1 (772.1)Emotionalismrampant, the coming of the spirit of Truth confused with, 194:3.1 (2062.10)Emotionalized moralityreligion more than, 102:5.3 (1124.2)Emperor worshipRoman, 121:5.4 (1336.8), 130:3.5 (1432.5)Empire(s)Alexandrian, extent of, 133:5.1 (1476.3)crash of, effect on gospel believers, 176:3.2 (1916.2)Greek, extent of, 195:1.7 (2071.7)Han, of Jesus’ day, 134:5.1 (1487.8)Indian, 94:9.1 (1037.4)Mediterranean, factors in the, 195:2.9 (2073.4)Roman, Christianity under the, 195:3.0 (2073.5–2074.6)see also Roman(s), Empireunification of nations into, 134:5.6 (1488.4)Employmentcompulsory, a factor in an expanding civilization, 71:4.8 (804.8)the teacher’s responsibility as regards his pupils’, 159:3.4 (1765.6)universal, of able-bodied citizens on worlds in light and life, 55:3.2 (625.1)Enchanterspractices of, 150:3.11 (1681.6)End(s)eternal, and time beginnings, 19:1.11 (215.8)of Judas Iscariot, 186:1.0 (1997.4–1998.5)and means, the wise man’s distinguishing between, 160:4.11 (1779.3)of the world, destruction of the temple, and the, 176:1.0 (1912.3–1914.1)and end of Roman rule, 135:5.2 (1500.2)influence of, on the gospel believer, 176:3.2 (1916.2)EndantumMichael’s sojourn as a morontia mortal on, 119:6.0 (1315.4–1316.3)Endingsand beginnings, 32:5.2 (364.4)Endogamy and exogamyabout, 82:5.0 (918.1–919.6)Endorapostolic sojourn
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