The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1934.5)wall, north of second garden, length of, 76:1.3 (847.5)DefenselessJesus not, during his trial, 184:4.5 (1984.6)DeferenceJesus’ nonemployment of, toward Nicodemus, 142:6.2 (1602.1)Deficiency(ies)biological, correction of, on first mansion world, 47:4.7 (535.3)evolutionary, inevitability of, 31:10.14 (353.10)ministry, of mansion world number one, 47:3.8 (533.6)Defilementman’s, source of, 153:3.5 (1712.5)three causes of, the Greeks’ former belief regarding, 84:4.8 (936.1)Definitionsprecise, Jesus’ avoidance of, 179:5.4 (1942.3)Deflectorleft-hand, the sanobim, 38:7.2 (422.2)right-hand, the cherubim, 38:7.2 (422.2)Degeneracyabsence of, on advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.2 (629.11)elimination of, during postbestowal Son era, 52:5.9 (596.7)obliteration of, prior to post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.5 (599.1)a Urantia handicap in attaining the destiny of light and life, 55:3.21 (626.10)Degenerate(s)Adam’s problem of elimination of, from human strains, 75:1.1 (839.2)classes, reduction of, in the continental nation, 72:5.2 (813.3)Jesus’ experience with the drunken, 130:5.4 (1436.5)in present-day Urantia races, 52:2.9 (592.2)survival of, cause of, 70:9.14 (794.9)Degradationof Adam and Eve, 75:7.6 (845.6)Deified realitymultiple differentiation of undeified reality and, cause, 105:2.3 (1154.2)personality a level of, 0:4.3 (7.1)the sixth triunity’s reach toward realities outside the domain of, 104:4.38 (1150.5)Deindividuationultimatons’ inability to attain escape velocity of, 42:6.3 (476.5)Deitizationof future beings by Supreme and Ultimate, possibilities of, 17:2.6 (200.4)of new meanings, values, powers, and capacities, a result of the Trinity association, 10:5.2 (113.3)Deity(ies)about, 0:1.0 (2.1–3.13)conditioned, Unqualified Absolute is, 0:11.9 (14.7)correlation of the spiritual realities and material repercussions of, 56:2.1 (638.5)-in-the-cosmos, the sixth triunity the association of, 104:4.38 (1150.5)destiny, Paradise Deity origin a guarantee of, 42:1.8 (468.5)domination of the absolute by, 0:11.16 (15.6)equivalent of mind indigenous to, 6:6.2 (78.5)fragmented entities of, 30:1.100 (333.8)functional-revelation, extent of expansion of, 56:7.5 (642.5)impersonal, 6:6.2 (78.5)Jesus’ superhuman consciousness of the presence of, 161:2.6 (1786.1)two names for, 169:4.5 (1856.3)kinship to, and dependability of universe personalities, 32:3.7 (361.2)liberation of the I AM, 0:3.21 (6.1)manifestation, light without heat a, 3:2.3 (47.1)Melchizedek’s concept of, 96:0.1 (1052.1)mind’s origin in, 101:10.4 (1116.5)and nature, 7:0.5 (81.5), 12:7.2 (137.5)no duplication of universe ministry by, 6:4.2 (76.2)presence, absolute only on Paradise, 56:9.7 (645.2)primary supernaphim as messengers of the, 27:0.1 (298.1)and reality, 105:0.0 (1152.1–1161.1)relation of, to the Unqualified Absolute, 0:2.18 (4.12)relation of Divine Counselors to, 19:3.1 (216.5)response in creation of Majeston, 17:2.5 (200.3)the source of energy and life, 42:1.5 (468.2)Supreme, see Supreme, Deityterms to denote, employment of, 0:0.3 (1.3), 0:2.6 (3.19)total, unknown relationship of the Absolute to the function of, 106:8.18 (1172.3)-trinitized Sons, unrevealed on Urantia, 22:0.5 (243.5)truths regarding, increasing clarification of, 1:7.8 (31.8)Deity(ies)-AbsoluteAbsolute, action of, in realms of spiritual potentials, 7:1.9 (83.1)actualization of, almost impossible realization of the, 106:7.4 (1169.3)as an all-encompassing spirit, 104:4.21 (1149.6)and complex universe transactions, 4:1.8 (55.6)and culmination of experiential Trinities, 56:9.5 (644.7)and deity action, 0:3.16 (5.15)divine potential of, 3:1.9 (46.1)Eternal Son’s relation to, 6:5.2 (77.5), 7:1.9 (83.1)and eternalizing of the Universal Absolute, 0:11.12 (15.2)an existential reality of eternity status, 106:8.16 (1172.1)experiential and existential, 0:7.5 (10.10)spirit of the, 9:2.1 (100.3)finaliters’ possible attainment of, 10:8.8 (116.9), 118:2.2 (1296.4)the first Source and Center personality potentialized in the, 104:3.13 (1147.5)functions of, 0:11.3 (14.1), 3:2.15 (48.7), 56:1.2 (637.4)with Unqualified Absolute, 0:11.3 (14.1)God the Absolute now existential as the, 0:2.18 (4.12)identity of the, 0:4.5 (7.3), 0:11.6 (14.4), 10:8.4 (116.5), 105:3.6 (1156.3)involvement of the, in the deitization of Majeston, 17:2.5 (200.3), 106:8.20 (1172.5)in finality destiny, 106:7.3 (1169.2)liaison of Universal Censors with, 19:4.7 (218.5)a member of the third triunity, 104:4.16 (1149.1)of the triodity of potentiality, 104:5.7 (1151.7)nonfunctioning on nether Paradise, 11:5.1 (122.1)one of the Seven Absolutes of Infinity, 104:3.5 (1146.7), 105:3.6 (1156.3)the personalization of the, 106:6.6 (1168.5)a phase of total reality, 0:3.1 (4.13)power and personality potential of, 0:10.2 (13.5)and presence of Eternal Son in post-Havona universes, 7:2.1 (83.4)the Qualified Absolute, 0:11.6 (14.4)reactions of, 0:11.5 (14.3)reality and eternity of the, 8:1.10 (91.7)of, unexplainable to finite minds, 0:10.1 (13.4)relation of, to infinity potentials, 0:11.1 (13.6)to Transcendentalers, 31:8.3 (350.6)to the Trinity, 56:9.3 (644.5)self-qualifying phase of the I AM, 105:2.9 (1155.2)and spirit emergence, 7:1.9 (83.1)three infinite persons required to activate the, 10:8.4 (116.5)the totality of all Deity potential, 105:3.6 (1156.3)unification of the Unqualified Absolute and the, 56:9.1 (644.3)Universal Censor’s attitude toward, 10:8.5 (116.6)universally present, but hardly space present, 12:6.13 (137.3)the unlimited spirit potentials of the, 104:4.20 (1149.5)and Unqualified Absolute, the primal differentials of reality, 0:4.5 (7.3)Deity(ies)-the AdventureAdjusters the unqualified parts of, 107:1.2 (1177.3)adventure, ascendant pilgrims’ need for help in the, 26:8.5 (292.6)disappointed pilgrims’ renewed attempt at the, 26:8.5 (294.4), 26:10.4 (295.6)eternal, candidates for, 40:9.9 (451.5)Paradise Companions’ assignment to mortals in case of failure in the, 25:8.9 (284.2)preparation for, 14:5.4 (158.7)the second, universal success of the, 26:8.5 (294.4)approach to, on ultimate levels by outer universe inhabitants, 56:7.8 (643.2)ascending pilgrims’ early contact with techniques of, 28:7.3 (318.1)attainment, failures in first attempts at, superuniverse origin of pilgrims experiencing, 26:8.4 (294.3)Seraphington the angelic threshold to, 39:8.1 (440.3)spiritual status the measure of, 100:2.5 (1096.2)attainment of, by pilgrims of time, 14:3.4 (156.1)the infinite goal of eternal attainment, 56:10.16 (647.7)levels of personal relationships with creatures, 56:6.5 (641.6)an open book to attainers of perfection, 18:1.4 (208.3)of Paradise, ascending pilgrims’ needs in order to achieve the, 26:7.2 (292.6)of Paradise Father, Thought Adjusters a part of the, 5:0.1 (62.1)as personal beings, ascending mortals’ experiential personal recognition of, 56:7.4 (642.4)pure, Adjuster a fragment of, 2:1.11 (35.4)sevenfold approach to, 0:8.1 (11.5)Deity(ies)-Existentialabsolute personality of, on Paradise, 0:3.13 (5.12), 11:1.4 (119.1), 14:6.11 (160.12)existential, 0:1.14 (3.1), 0:7.2 (10.7), 8:0.4 (90.4)of Paradise, past-eternal, 0:9.4 (13.2)Paradise not, 11:9.4 (127.2)plural, the functioning of, 56:5.1 (640.5)in Urantian writings, 10:3.1 (110.7)potential, how filled, 0:1.2 (2.2), 0:3.22 (6.2), 0:11.12 (15.2), 3:1.7 (45.5), 10:8.4 (116.5)relation of, to pattern, 0:6.12 (10.4)relation of Paradise to, 0:4.11 (7.9), 11:1.1 (118.3), 11:9.4 (127.2)static, 0:1.4 (2.4), 0:11.14 (15.4)three existential persons of, 105:2.1 (1153.6)Deity(ies)-Experientialabsonite approach to, and outer-space universes, 0:8.12 (12.3)actualizing, 0:2.15 (4.9), 0:7.1 (10.6)association of supremacy, ultimacy, and infinity, 56:9.5 (644.7)derived, 0:12.3 (15.9)evolutionary, 0:9.3 (13.1), 10:7.3 (115.5), 118:2.3 (1296.5)unification of, 56:6.0 (641.2–6)evolving, 116:1.2 (1269.1), 118:9.7 (1303.8)experiential, co-ordination of God the Sevenfold on the first level of, 56:5.3 (640.7)culmination of the long evolutionary struggle by, 106:2.4 (1165.1)expansion of, achieved on levels of Supremacy, Ultimacy, and Absoluteness, 0:11.2 (13.7)frontiers of, and the Unqualified Absolute, 56:7.7 (643.1)incompleteness of development of, compensated by Conjoint Actor, 9:1.6 (99.5)a level of portrayal of the Trinity, 106:8.5 (1170.8)levels of actualization of, 0:4.1 (6.6), 56:7.4 (642.4)new domains of attained evolution as revelations of, 56:7.1 (642.1)and repercussions of creature trinitization, 22:7.8 (250.2)spirit expression of, in God the Supreme, 106:1.1 (1163.14)Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute the, 104:5.12 (1151.12)the Supreme an, 0:1.14 (3.1), 116:1.5 (1269.4)the Supreme Being the evolutionary unification of, 14:6.23 (161.10)the three, as divine inevitabilities, 0:12.4 (16.1)triodities involved in the cosmic appearance of, 104:5.12 (1151.12)and unpredictable universal phenomena, 12:6.4 (136.2)expression, of the Supreme, in relation to self-expression of the human, 117:4.6 (1284.2)finite, the Supreme the, 115:4.1 (1263.7), 117:4.1 (1283.3)of growth, the Supreme a, 115:4.2 (1264.1), 116:0.4 (1268.4)levels of the Sevenfold, the Supreme, and the Ultimate, 106:7.6 (1169.5)nature, in the Supreme, evolution of the, 116:3.4 (1271.2)Paradise, the Almighty and the, 116:3.0 (1270.12–1271.4)personal, functioning of, on absonite level, 0:9.2 (12.5)presence, universe, the Supreme’s final emergence as an almighty, 117:7.1 (1291.5)presence of the Ultimate, a reality of the transcendental level, 105:7.5 (1160.3)reality, final creative levels of, and God the Ultimate, 0:2.17
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