The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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non-growth of, possible significance, 117:2.3 (1280.3)probable assembly of, on capitals of settled superuniverses, 55:12.2 (636.3)future association of two groups of, 26:11.2 (296.5)retrinitization of, as Celestial Guardians, 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:9.1 (252.3)as High Son Assistants, 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:10.1 (253.3)by Paradise Trinity, 22:1.12 (244.3)Satania headquarters of, 45:1.7 (510.5)size of embraced classes of, 22:9.1 (252.3)Solitary Messengers the guardian-companions of one order of, 23:4.3 (262.4)some characteristics of, 117:2.3 (1280.3)supervising supernaphim’s command to, 26:11.4 (297.1)supreme destiny of, 22:8.6 (252.2)temporary classification of, among Teacher Sons, 22:8.3 (251.7)three orders of, 22:7.11 (251.1)training of, prior to retrinitization, 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:8.2 (251.6)Trinity embrace of, 22:1.12 (244.3), 26:11.2 (296.5)value of interassociation of, 26:11.3 (296.6)son(s) couples, value of, to planetary rulers, 55:4.17 (628.5)of finaliter-corps trinitizations, 22:7.2 (249.2)of Paradise-Havona and finaliter unions, trinitized sons of destiny, 22:7.14 (251.4)Universal Father’s bestowal of himself on his, 10:1.2 (108.5)universe, relation of Adjusters to, 109:0.0 (1195.1–1202.2)significance of the Supreme to, 117:3.0 (1281.3–1283.2)of the universe of universes, bestowal of personality on, 5:0.2 (62.2)volition, deviation from divine paths only in realms of, 12:8.3 (139.6)will, sovereignty of, within the boundaries established by the Master Architects, 118:7.1 (1300.5)the technique of the raising of the, from the temporal level, 111:5.5 (1221.6)two basic types of finite, intelligent, 32:3.10 (361.5)see also Will, creature(s)will-attitudes, Deity presence as influenced by, 13:4.4 (150.3)willingness of the Creator to fellowship the, 177:1.3 (1921.1)Credentialsof the fused individual, to proceed in quest of the Universal Father, 112:7.8 (1238.3)of inspiration, mystical enthusiasm and religions ecstasy not the divine, 91:7.4 (1000.5)of Jesus’ mission, 137:6.5 (1533.3)of the spiritual government on high, bearing of, by ambassadors of the kingdom, 139:11.9 (1565.6)from Uversa, bearing of, by the omniaphim accompanying Michael on his first bestowal, 119:1.3 (1309.4)from Uversa Ancients of days, bearing of, by Michael on his seraphic bestowal, 119:4.2 (1313.5)by tertiaphim accompanying Michael on his second bestowal, 119:2.4 (1311.3)Credit(s)commercial, first practice of, in Dalamatia, 66:5.12 (747.2)for evil which does not belong to him, given to the devil, 53:8.9 (610.5)mercy, adequacy of, 28:6.5 (314.4), 28:6.7 (314.6)personality, few persons dare to draw on their available, 48:7.6 (556.6)for results of Adjuster’s endeavors, plea that mortal subject may more humbly receive, 110:7.10 (1213.5)on self-denial ledgers of gods, men’s onetime seeking of extra, 89:3.5 (976.7)Creditorsfathers not like, 142:7.11 (1604.6)CredulityJesus’ admonition against dependence on, 140:4.9 (1572.9)Creed(s)cults’ formation for the promulgation of, 92:3.1 (1005.3)a definition, 155:3.3 (1727.3)of the first church, 194:4.6 (2067.1)goals vs., in religion, 99:5.7 (1091.6), 103:1.4 (1130.3)impossibility of imprisonment of truth in, 180:5.2 (1949.4)intermingling of, influence of, on religion, 99:4.7 (1090.3)Jesus’ faith not to him a, 196:0.5 (2087.5)religion and, 140:8.29 (1583.3)warning against formulation of, 141:5.4 (1592.2)vs. knowledge of God’s presence, 195:9.8 (2083.4)lifeless, origin of, 155:6.9 (1732.2)modern man’s many, 99:5.9 (1091.8)superstitious, dangers involved in discarding, 195:9.1 (2082.6)Creedal loyaltyvs. sincere friendliness of spirit-born sons of God, 180:5.12 (1951.1)Cremationlong-time practice of, throughout Scandinavia, 80:9.4 (897.7)a means of preventing ghost trouble, 87:6.8 (964.7)a Nodite method of combating cannibalism, 89:5.14 (980.3)a practice of mother cultists, 80:8.5 (897.3)Cretaceoussource of the name, 60:3.1 (688.8)stage, of the early land-life era, 60:3.0 (688.8–691.3)termination of, 60:4.1 (691.4)CretansJesus’ love for the, 130:5.1 (1436.2)Paul’s criticism of the, 130:5.1 (1436.2)receptivity of for the teachings of Jerusalem preachers, 130:5.1 (1436.2)reputation of, 130:5.1 (1436.2)CreteJesus’ visit to, 130:5.0 (1436.2–5)migration of a brilliant Andite tribe to, 80:7.2 (895.2)onetime inferior migration from Egypt to, 80:7.12 (896.4)popularity of the mother cult in, 80:7.7 (895.7)superior migration from Egypt to, 80:7.12 (896.4)Philistines’ relation to, 74:8.9 (838.1)Thomas’s journeys to, 139:8.13 (1563.1)Cricketsworld-wide distribution of, 59:5.7 (680.9)Crimeconcepts of, based on early sex taboos, 82:2.4 (915.2)dealing with, in the continental nation, 72:10.1 (818.4)detection, primitive, techniques of, 70:10.7 (795.4), 90:2.1 (987.5)detectors, the earliest, 70:10.5 (795.2)the first capital, 70:10.15 (796.5)the most valuable deterrent to, 70:10.15 (796.5)primitive man’s disregard of motives for, 70:10.3 (794.15)under primitive law, 89:2.4 (976.1)Criminal(s)condemned, at Corinth, Jesus’ words of comfort to, 133:4.12 (1475.5)Jesus’ death that of a, 187:3.1 (2008.2)desperate, soldiers’ treatment of Jesus like a, 183:3.10 (1975.3)Jesus’ approval of social punishment of, 140:8.4 (1579.6)Crinoid(s)decrease of, during late Cretaceous age, 60:4.5 (692.3)limestone deposits, during the Silurian period, 59:3.11 (677.8)and limestone formation in the age of frogs, 59:5.8 (680.10)Crippled childrenas a fetish, 88:1.9 (968.4)Crisisin apostles’ lives, period covered by the, 153:1.4 (1708.3)at Capernaum, 153:0.0 (1707.1–1716.1)decisions of a, man’s preparation for the, 153:1.3 (1708.2)effect of, on a human being, 187:2.4 (2007.3)events leading up to the Capernaum, 152:0.0 (1698.1–1706.4)impending, Jesus’ preparation of the apostles for the, 152:6.5 (1705.5)in Jesus’ life, beginning and end of, 153:1.4 (1708.3)Jesus’ preparation for a great, 152:5.5 (1704.4)warning of an impending, 165:5.5 (1824.1)Crispuschief ruler of the Corinth synagogue, 133:3.1 (1471.5)embrace of Christianity by, 133:3.2 (1472.1)Jesus teaching religious living to, 133:3.2 (1472.1)Criticcarping, Thomas not a, 139:8.12 (1562.6)Criticismdestructive, Jesus’ abstention from, 149:2.11 (1671.6)implied, Caligastia’s sympathy for, 66:8.1 (752.2)of the plan of universe administration, Lucifer’s growing, 53:2.4 (602.7)technique of conquering the habit of, 91:5.3–7 (998.6–999.3)Crocodilesfirst appearance of, 60:1.9 (686.5)modern, appearance of, 60:3.20 (691.1)survivors of early reptiles, 61:2.6 (695.4)Crocodiliansmarine, egg-laying habits of, 60:2.11 (688.3)Cro-Magnoid(s)Adamites’ difficulty in impressing their religion on the, 80:3.3 (891.4)blue man, about, 80:3.0 (891.2–892.3)influence of, on modern European races, 80:5.7 (893.9)Cro-Magnon(s)absorption of, by the mixed white race, 80:5.3 (893.5)culture, preservation of, in sealed caves and grottoes, 80:9.4 (897.7)deterioration of, cause, 80:3.9 (892.3)men and women, early accomplishments of, 80:3.5 (891.6)southern, housing customs of, 80:3.6 (891.7)a superior group of blue men, 80:1.7 (890.3)type, Mesopotamians’ absorption of, in Europe, 80:3.9 (892.3)Croptitles for real estate, 69:9.14 (782.1)Cross(es)appeal of the, to man, 188:5.7 (2018.6)of Calvary, misinterpretation of significance of, 4:5.6 (60.5)Christianity’s need to bow before the, 195:10.21 (2086.7)fact of the, center of Christianity, 143:6.3 (1615.4)of Jesus, and the true shepherd’s love for his flock, 188:5.1 (2017.9)Jesus’ death on the, unnecessary, 186:5.2 (2002.3)last hour on the, 187:5.0 (2010.2–2011.4)lessons from the, 188:5.0 (2017.9–2019.6)meaning of the death on the, 188:4.0 (2016.6–2017.8)modern man and his view of God as revealed by the, 188:5.11 (2019.4)the nailing of the two brigands and Jesus to their, 187:1.11 (2006.4)nonrequirement of the, by the Father, 188:5.11 (2019.4)not the central truth of teachings of Jesus, 143:6.3 (1615.4)the real significance of the, 188:5.4 (2018.3)a symbol of sacred service, 188:5.9 (2019.2)the thief on the, 187:4.0 (2008.8–2010.1)world of the, Urantia the, 20:6.6 (229.5), 188:4.1 (2016.6)CrossbeamJesus’ fall under weight of his, 187:1.9 (2006.2)placing of, on Jesus’ shoulders, 187:1.1 (2004.5)Crossbreeding of human stocksexaggeration of dangers of, 82:6.8 (920.6)Cross-fertilizationof culture, facilitation of, by outmarriage, 82:5.9 (919.5)promotion of, by commerce, 69:4.8 (775.8), 81:3.2 (903.4)intellectual, and attainment of social brotherhood, 52:6.4 (597.5)planetary, in domains of truth, beauty, and goodness, Adjusters’ fostering of, 109:4.6 (1199.1)of racial cultures, and outmarriage, 82:5.9 (919.5)Crossroad(s)in the forward struggle, and the Spirit of Truth, 34:7.8 (383.2)of the three continents, Palestine the, onetime, 121:2.2 (1333.4)of time, function of tertiary seconaphim at the, 28:7.3 (318.1)Crowd(s)dispersing of the, at Jesus’
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