The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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126:5.11 (1393.8)a prophet without honor in his own, 138:0.2 (1538.2), 150:9.1 (1686.4)Couragean adjutant mind-spirit, 36:5.2 (401.6)of armies, vs. that of Jesus’ followers, 143:1.7 (1608.4)a cardinal virtue, according to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 98:2.6 (1079.3)challenge of, children’s response to the, 140:5.22 (1575.7)a component of true wisdom, 181:2.15 (1958.2)and confidence, spiritual faith’s generation of, 101:3.7 (1108.6)and cowardice, Peter a combination of, 139:2.6 (1551.2)a definition, 3:5.6 (51.5), 146:3.2 (1641.4)deliberate and sustained, of Thomas, 167:4.7 (1838.1)vs. egotism, 111:6.9 (1223.1)to face problems, and solitary communion, 160:1.12 (1774.4)for fear, worship the interchange of, 160:3.1 (1777.2)genuine religion’s generation of new types of, 100:6.5 (1100.7)the gospel’s ability to give man new, 170:2.2 (1859.12)the heart of Jesus’ teachings, 140:8.20 (1582.1)human, vs. bravery of Havona creatures, 3:5.17 (52.3)the indomitable, of religious living, 103:9.12 (1142.3)influence of, on Nazareth family, 127:3.14 (1400.6)intelligent, Jesus’ possession of a mature, 196:0.11 (2089.1)of Jesus, in using women as gospel teachers, 149:2.8 (1671.3)Jesus’ great, 100:7.4 (1102.1), 161:2.6 (1786.1)inspiration of, to all his associates, 171:7.6 (1875.1)John Zebedee’s daring, examples, 139:4.10 (1555.3)and Loyalty, one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 150:6.1 (1683.3)man’s possible perversion of his, 111:6.2 (1222.1)to meet his enemies, Jesus not lacking in, 156:2.5 (1736.2)need of, to explore unknown realms of intellectual living, 101:7.2 (1113.8)to invade new levels of experience, 101:7.2 (1113.8)outward, of Jesus’ immediate followers, 171:3.4 (1871.1)physical, degree of Thomas’s, 139:8.9 (1562.3)vs. spiritual, 143:1.7 (1608.4)and prayer, 91:4.5 (998.3)prayer, to Jesus, a revelation of, 196:0.10 (2088.5)a prerequisite to solution of life problems, 160:1.8 (1773.5)release of, by true religion, 155:3.7 (1727.7)requisites for, 3:5.6 (51.5)spirit of, an adjutant mind-spirit, 36:5.8 (402.5)Thomas’s, Jesus’ praise of, 181:2.26 (1961.5)true, the seventy’s need to maintain, 163:4.11 (1805.8)unflinching, a factor in Thomas’s strength, 139:8.4 (1561.4)war’s premium on, 70:2.5 (785.10)Courageous loyaltya fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)Court(s)advisers, a group of supreme seraphim, 39:1.7 (428.1)of Ancients of Days, 15:12.2 (180.3), 37:2.3 (407.3)Annas’s loss of control of the Sanhedrin, 184:3.18 (1983.10)combats, early conduct of, 70:11.13 (797.11)the council of elders as a, 70:5.3 (789.1)of Creator Sons, and decrees of cessation of existence, 2:3.3 (37.1)equity of, a gauge of a civilization, 70:11.14 (797.12)establishment of, on system capitals, 55:8.1 (632.4)the first, character of, 70:11.13 (797.11)of the gentiles, in Jerusalem temple, 121:2.5 (1333.7)in Havona, 14:3.1 (155.4)heavenly, reaction in, at Havona arrival of first pilgrim of time, 24:6.7 (270.5)on Jerusem, minor only, 45:3.9 (512.9)and laws, on Urantia, 70:11.0 (796.7–797.12)local universe, limitation of jurisdiction of, 33:7.3 (372.7)magic, character of early, 70:6.6 (790.3)of the Most High, ascendant mortals on the, 43:2.4 (487.6)a constellation tribunal, 43:2.3 (487.5)of Nebadon, about, 33:7.0 (372.5–373.2)laws governing adjudication of internal matters by, 43:2.1 (487.3)organization of, 33:7.2 (372.6)and universe advisory councils’ findings, 33:8.5 (373.7)of Orvonton, reference of questions of eternal life and death to, 33:7.4 (372.8)of Perfections of Days, constitution of, 15:13.2 (181.2)review, Melchizedeks’ function as, 35:2.4 (386.2)of review, Vorondadek high, function of, 35:5.7 (390.4)Salvington, clerks of, 39:2.14 (431.3)socioeconomic, and law, of the continental nation, 72:2.9 (810.2)of supergovernment, constitution of, 15:12.2 (180.3)superuniverse, and cessation of existence decrees, 2:3.3 (37.1)function of Mighty Messengers in, 22:2.8 (245.8)jurisdiction of, over defaults of local universe Sons of God, 33:7.5 (372.9)of time and space, possible handicaps of, 40:10.4 (452.4)traveling, of the universes, 37:8.6 (414.1)tribal, makeup of, 70:4.10 (788.12)universe, Urantia courts compared with, 33:8.6 (373.8)Uversa, presentation of evidence in, 15:12.1 (180.2)and testimony of Memories of Mercy, 28:6.6 (314.5)Courtesan(s)Corinthian, the elder, early death of, 133:3.10 (1473.3)Jesus’ chance meeting with, 133:3.6 (1472.5)the younger, later membership of, in first Christian church in Corinth, 133:3.10 (1473.3)Jesus’ indignation at the presence of, in the temple court, 125:1.2 (1378.4)Courtesycivilized, origin of, 87:5.7 (963.2)colony(ies), about, 30:3.0 (338.19–340.2)celestial artisans’ membership in the, 44:0.1 (497.1)circles of the, on Jerusem, 46:5.30 (526.5)domiciles of, 37:10.4 (416.4)members, ascending pilgrims as, 30:3.13 (340.2)number of, 30:3.1 (338.19)personnel of, utilization of, in minor sector administration, 18:5.2 (211.7)colony(ies) on Edentia worlds, 43:7.4 (493.5)of omniaphim on Uversa, 28:2.1 (307.1)of Uversa, relation of seconaphim to, 28:7.1 (317.4)Courtshipand betrothal, 83:2.0 (923.1–6)of dawn mammals, 62:2.3 (704.2)fostering of, by Tut’s group, 66:5.29 (748.10)man’s leadership in, 83:2.4 (923.4)and marriage of Joseph and Mary, 122:5.9 (1349.5)woman and, 83:2.4 (923.4)Courtyard of AnnasJohn’s admission to, 184:2.1 (1980.2)Peter’s denial of the Master in the, 184:2.0 (1980.2–1982.1)Cousin(s)John’s desire to counsel with Jesus his, 135:7.1 (1503.1)marriages, among the Mesopotamians, 82:5.4 (918.4)certain, meaningless prohibitions concerning, 84:2.5 (933.3)origin of, 82:5.3 (918.3)midwayers’ human, 40:3.1 (444.3)presentation of Judas to the Sanhedrin by his, 177:4.7 (1925.4)Covenant(s)Abraham’s formal acceptance of the, 93:6.3 (1020.6)abrogation of the Abrahamic, 175:3.2 (1910.1)between the gods and man, an advancement in religion, 89:8.4 (983.2)God’s new, Jeremiah’s reference to, 145:2.5 (1630.1)-keeping reliability, God’s, Samuel’s emphasis on, 97:1.5 (1063.2)Melchizedek’s, with Abraham, 93:6.3 (1020.6)ransom, and redemption, evolution of modern sacramental services, 89:9.1 (983.7)replacement of luck, fear, and superstition by the, 89:8.4 (983.2)of their trusteeship, violation of, by Adam and Eve, 51:3.4 (583.3)Covetousthe Lord’s attitude toward the, 165:4.8 (1822.3)CovetousnessJesus’ warnings against, 140:8.17 (1581.4), 165:4.5 (1821.5)Pharisees’ guilt of, 166:1.4 (1826.1)the trouble of the rich young man, 165:4.4 (1821.4)Cow(s)an early source of food, 66:5.5 (746.3)improvement of, by the Dalamatia board of animal domestication, 66:5.5 (746.3)a later unit of barter, 69:4.5 (775.5)milk of a black, considered magical, 88:5.4 (971.6)the Nazareth family’s ownership of, 123:5.15 (1364.3), 126:3.12 (1391.2), 126:5.11 (1393.8)a onetime fetish, 88:1.5 (967.7)sacredness of, to the Hindus, 89:1.5 (975.2)time of widespread raising of, 81:2.12 (902.2)Coward(s)Judas a, 177:4.11 (1926.4), 183:2.2 (1972.3)moral, lack of achievement of high philosophic thinking by, 101:7.2 (1113.8)Pilate a, 185:1.1 (1987.5), 185:7.3 (1996.2)religious teachers as sometime, 159:4.10 (1769.1)spiritual, Jesus’ appeal to Anaxand against being a, 130:2.4 (1430.2)Cowardiceand courage, Peter a combination of, 139:2.6 (1551.2)and failure, possible causes of, 149:4.4 (1673.4)Judas’s readiness to assign, to Jesus, 177:4.11 (1926.4)CowardlyJesus’ never being, 100:7.4 (1102.1)Crab(s)of early marine life, 59:1.18 (674.4)maturity of, time of, 60:2.9 (688.1)nebula, origin of, 41:8.4 (464.6)Cradleof civilization, about, 81:1.0 (900.3–901.3)the second Eden the, 78:0.1 (868.1), 78:1.3 (868.5)of the early gospel movement, Jerusalem, 176:1.3 (1913.2)of evolution, the ancient inland seas, 57:8.26 (663.4)evolutionary, of the mortal races, the inhabited worlds, 49:0.1 (559.1)the hand that rocks the, still fraternizes with destiny, 84:6.4 (938.8)Joseph’s building of a, in time for the birth of Miriam, 123:2.4 (1358.1)Craft secretsinfluence of, on marriage mores, 82:5.3 (918.3)Craftworkers of colorfunction of, 44:6.3 (506.4)Crashof all things earthly, attitude of a God-knowing kingdom believer toward the, 100:2.7 (1096.4), 176:3.2 (1916.2)of civilizations, constitutive factors of man surviving the, 16:9.5 (196.1)of empires, influence of, on the gospel believer, 176:3.2 (1916.2)of keenest hopes of spirit-born individuals, their attitude toward, 100:2.8 (1096.5)of ultimate disillusionment, a result of denial of failure, 160:4.13 (1779.5)Cream on top of the milkand universe rising of the God-knowing soul, 131:4.7 (1449.2)Createdbeings, representatives of, on superuniverse headquarters, 15:10.22 (179.9)worship eventually the most exquisite pleasure of, 27:7.1 (303.5)intelligences, first duty of, 27:7.1 (303.5)God a personality to, 1:2.1 (23.4)mind, Third Person the supreme ruler in domain of, 9:5.2 (102.8)personalities, experiences of, Paradise Sons’ technique of sharing, 7:5.2 (86.3)Creation(s)bathed by unlimited spirit of Eternal Son, 6:5.5 (78.1)center of all, 14:0.1 (152.1)central core of, 10:1.4 (109.2)of central universe, threefold, 14:2.2 (154.4)conjoint act of, 10:1.4 (109.2)control and technique of, 15:4.1 (169.1)co-operation of the Deities in, 7:4.2 (85.3)date of Old Testament account of, 74:8.7 (837.6)diverse, Third Source and Center the unifier
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