The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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Seven Master Spirits, 56:2.3 (638.7)the universe’s co-ordination under the guidance of the, 130:4.15 (1436.1)mind convergent in Seven Master Spirits, 0:3.14 (5.13)and evolution of physical tabernacles for human beings, 42:12.11 (483.11)and reality response, 16:6.4 (191.7)in subordination to Absolute mind, unification of mind as, 56:3.4 (639.4)time-conditioned, 9:4.4 (102.4)-mind circuits, equalization and stabilization of, 13:4.3 (150.2)circuits of the Seven Master Spirits, 15:9.4 (177.3)endowment, of the ascending mortal in the morontia estate, 112:6.4 (1236.2)human personality potential in the, 5:6.6 (71.1)thinking, Urantians’ indifference to cultivation of, 16:6.9 (192.5)Cosmic-Philosophycontemplation, silent, in morontia temples, 55:1.4 (622.4)data, revelations’ clarifying knowledge by presenting, 101:4.10 (1110.3)fairness, true liberty’s attitude toward, 54:1.3 (613.5)insanity, a definition, 67:1.4 (754.5)perspective, man’s need of, in a changing environment, 99:7.2 (1092.6)mansion world students’ achieving of, 48:6.28 (554.2)philosophy, graduation exercises of schools of, in morontia temples, 55:1.4 (622.4)man’s need for an accelerated evolution of his, 104:3.2 (1146.4)philosophy of expanding factualization of Supreme Being, 36:2.20 (399.2)of these papers, man’s natural approach to, 19:1.5 (215.2)poise, an earmark of religious living, 100:6.6 (1101.1)providence, function of, impersonal law equivalent to the, 12:7.1 (137.4)reliability, planetary isolation an opportunity for development of confidence in, 50:7.1 (578.6)situations, cosmic wisdom an essential to understanding, 54:6.10 (620.2)truth, the progressive scientist’s abandonment of materialistic fact for, 102:6.10 (1125.5)unity concept, vs. dual spiritism concept, 87:4.6 (961.7)universe, unity in the, 133:5.8 (1477.3)wisdom, ascension of religion to level of, 50:5.9 (577.4)a fruit of divinity, 56:10.20 (648.3)Cosmic-Realityconfiguration, derivation of, from function of the Second Triunity, 104:4.9 (1148.8)experientials, new, possible realization of, 115:2.1 (1261.1)mechanisms, creative indwelling mind concealed by, 42:11.6 (482.4)reality(ies), concentration in Paradise of all absolute potentials for, 11:2.10 (120.2)Deity activities on diverse levels of, 0:1.1 (2.1)destruction of that which cannot be co-ordinated with, 21:5.7 (241.1)liberty’s relation to, 54:1.3 (613.5)the mortal’s need to know the relations of Deity to, 106:0.1 (1162.1)need for identification with the finite cosmos, and, 94:11.6 (1039.5)objective, the ideals of, 103:9.9 (1141.7)Paradise the most gigantic organized body of, 11:0.1 (118.1)a possible personal unification of the several kinds of, 116:6.5 (1275.5)relation of Eternal Son to spirit level of, 6:4.1 (76.1)relative, endless sweep of, 42:10.1 (480.4)seven levels of, 12:8.9 (140.5)self-consciousness an indication of capacity for individualized experience with, 16:8.6 (194.6)source of, 42:2.4 (469.4)and spiritual forces, relation of, in Paradise-Havona system, 14:2.6 (154.8)three realms of, 65:7.8 (739.4)Cosmically lonely mortalsescape of, from isolation, 184:4.6 (1985.1)Cosmology(ies)a definition, 56:10.3 (646.4)efforts to excel in, on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)erroneous, religion’s persistence in spite of contamination with, 101:3.1 (1107.8)man’s need of instruction in, 101:4.1 (1109.2)material, religion not the product of a, 101:1.5 (1105.2)mechanistic, possible prevention of development of, 12:9.3 (141.4)the mortal’s absorption in experiential study of, 56:10.2 (646.3)and the pursuit of divine reality values, 56:10.8 (646.9)revealed, limitations of, by present-day knowledge, 101:4.2 (1109.3)of revelation, danger associated with the finding of inevitable errors in, 101:4.1 (1109.2)of these revelations, not inspired, 101:4.2 (1109.3)value of revelations of, 101:4.5 (1109.6)Cosmosappearance of the, when viewed through man’s physical senses, 103:6.4 (1135.6)coexistence of finite and Infinite in the, 0:11.13 (15.3)conformity with the, and virtue, 16:7.6 (193.5)consciousness of the, 9:7.4 (105.4)emergence of the derivations of, through the Unqualified Absolute, 56:1.1 (637.3)expanding, and mind expression, 1:5.16 (29.6)freedom of, from unfore seen accidents, 48:7.9 (556.9)-infinite, assumption of the existence of a, 106:6.3 (1168.2)infinity of God not encompassed by the, 3:1.2 (44.5)limitlessness of the, 115:3.1 (1261.5)man vs. the, 87:6.1 (963.10), 115:3.1 (1261.5)man’s reach outward for an understanding of the, 103:7.3 (1138.1)material, midwayers’ proof of presence of mind in the planning, creation, and maintenance of the, 58:2.3 (665.6)mind of the, response of supermaterial realities to, 16:6.4 (191.7)personal and impersonal phases of the unification of the, 106:5.2 (1167.3)presence of materialism, mechanism, and determinism in the, 195:6.14 (2077.10)reality of the, present day partial approaches to the, 99:4.13 (1090.9)religion’s attitude toward the, 102:3.10 (1122.6)science’s attitude toward the, 102:3.10 (1122.6)of spirit values, religion man’s experience with the, 103:6.9 (1136.4)spiritual administration of, 12:6.2 (135.12)three basic mind realities of the, 16:8.15 (195.2)Trinity functioning on all levels of the, 10:4.6 (112.9)unity of the, man’s perception of the diversity of existence and the, 104:3.2 (1146.4)Cosovereigntywith Creator Son, elevation of Mother Spirit to, 17:6.8 (204.4)Couchesthirteen, arrangement of, in the upper chamber at Passover supper, 179:1.1 (1936.6)Council(s)administrative, Edenic, banquet in honor of, 74:3.5 (831.2)Edenic, makeup of, 74:3.5 (831.2)apostolic, Nathaniel’s frequent absence from, 139:6.7 (1559.2)of the Areopagus, Paul’s speech before the, 195:1.1 (2071.1)of believers, at Magadan Park, 159:6.2 (1771.3)of the Caligastia one hundred, 66:5.0 (745.7–749.2)of elders, in the evolution of human government, 70:12.2 (798.1)emergency, David Zebedee’s call for an, 154:5.1 (1720.4)of Equilibrium, direction of Master Physical Controllers by, 29:4.2 (324.4)identity and function of, 29:4.2 (324.4)of Father and Son, "make mortal man in our own image," 6:5.7 (78.3)of forty, Van’s, length of service of, 67:6.2 (759.5)of legislators, constellation, function of, 43:2.8 (488.2)mansions, ten, of Dalamatia, works of art of, 66:7.2 (750.4)of the Melchizidek(s), see Melchizidek(s), councilof men, Jesus’ attitude toward, 128:4.2 (1412.5)of one thousand electors, from Jerusem, educational requirements for membership in, 45:7.4 (517.6)selection by, of representatives and delegates to constellation legislature, 45:7.4 (517.6)of perfection, on Havona, examination of disappointed pilgrims by, 26:10.3 (295.5)on Paradise, translation of conciliators to, 25:3.16 (278.7)of the resurrection of sleeping will creatures, 189:0.1 (2020.1)of Sanhedrin scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees, 174:2.1 (1899.1)of seven, Onamonalonton’s, 70:5.4 (789.2)of seventy, of constellation, vs. system’s four and twenty counselors, 50:2.2 (573.3)of supreme sanction, number and location of, 33:8.4 (373.6)of the Trinity, source of the executive branch of the supergovernments, 15:10.1 (178.1)Urantia’s ten, session of, prior to planetary rebellion, 67:2.1 (755.3)Counselan adjutant mind-spirit, 36:5.2 (401.6)of all beings, Hearts of Counsel reflective of the, 28:5.15 (312.2)condition under which Jesus was willing to give the rich man, 132:5.2 (1462.3)of God, status of men who reject the, 175:1.19 (1908.3)Jesus’ admonishing of the "certain rich man" concerning his, 132:5.14 (1463.8)of perfection, Divine Counselors the, 19:3.6 (217.5)spirit of, an adjutant mind-spirit, 36:5.10 (402.7)of Universal Father, immutability of the, 2:2.2 (35.6)when given by ministering-spirit quartette, 55:4.16 (628.4)Counselor(s)and advisers, of the second Havona circle, function of, 26:10.0 (295.3–296.3)Andrew’s duties as an apostolic, 181:2.18 (1959.2)an experienced, religion’s need to function as, in this changing world, 99:1.4 (1087.1)four and twenty, 45:4.0 (513.4–514.11)see also Four and twenty, counselorsof Most Highs, variations in, 35:6.5 (391.3)of the new kingdom, Peter and Andrew the first, 137:1.5 (1525.2)understanding, Jesus an, 154:6.9 (1722.5)mind planners as, 48:6.25 (553.6)CountenanceGod, the health of man’s, 131:2.10 (1445.4)Jesus’, change of, at his baptism, 135:8.6 (1504.4)sadness of, as he stood by Judas’s vacant place, 181:2.6 (1956.1)Counterclockwiseand clockwise flow of the galaxies, and gravity stabilization, 11:7.9 (125.3)course of local universe along a well-charted cosmic path, 15:1.2 (165.1)motion of inner belt of dark gravity bodies, 14:1.5 (152.7), 14:1.15 (153.6)of Orvonton, absolute and genetic, 15:3.15 (168.11)processional of the superuniverses, 15:3.14 (168.10)revolution around Paradise of second outer space level, 12:4.15 (134.4)of seven superuniverses, 12:4.15 (134.4)see also ClockwiseCounterirritantsuse of, an early remedial measure, 90:4.8 (991.7)Counterpoiseof Isle of Paradise, 7:0.3 (81.3)Countrya better, the heavenly, written of by Paul, 48:1.7 (542.4)city and, contributions of, to differentiation of occupations and viewpoints, 70:8.7 (792.11)Spirit of Truth bestowed in both, 194:3.10 (2064.2)folk, vs. city, at time of Elijah, 97:3.6 (1065.3), 97:9.19 (1074.1)takeover of Judah by, after fall of Assyria, 97:9.23 (1074.5)a heavenly, apostles’ special
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