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in, reformed courtesan a member of the, 133:3.10 (1473.3)importance of, in Greece in time of Jesus, 133:4.13 (1476.1)Jesus at, about, 133:3.0 (1471.5–1473.5)how known, 129:3.2 (1423.4), 133:3.3 (1472.2)Paul’s organizing of a church at, 133:3.2 (1472.1)preaching in, 133:3.3 (1472.2)prolonged first visit to, 133:3.12 (1473.5)personal work of Jesus in, 133:4.0 (1474.1–1476.2)Peter’s visiting the church in, 139:2.11 (1551.7)Corneliusidentification of, 130:2.5 (1430.3)Cornerstone(s)of the gospel, brotherhood and service the, 178:1.4 (1930.1)of Jesus’ religion, 159:5.7 (1769.9), 160:2.6 (1775.7)origin of present custom of laying, 89:6.6 (981.3)rejected stone made into the, 173:4.4 (1894.2)Corporate entityParadise Trinity compared with a, 10:4.3 (112.6)Corporeal staff of Planetary Princeabout, 50:3.0 (574.3–575.1)assignment of duties of, upon removal from planet, 50:3.4 (574.6)functions of, 50:3.1 (574.3)mating practices of, 50:3.5 (574.7)non-Adjuster fusion status of, 50:3.2 (574.4)offspring of, two orders of, 50:3.5 (574.7), 51:3.6 (583.5)physical bodies of, freedom of, from ordinary diseases, 50:3.3 (574.5)liability of, to mechanical accidents, 50:3.3 (574.5)provided by Life Carriers, 50:3.3 (574.5)preliminary work on Adamic garden by the, 51:3.1 (582.5)primary midwayer creatures offspring of, 38:9.3 (424.3), 50:3.5 (574.7)procreation of their successors by, 66:4.5 (744.4)removal of, from planet, time of, 50:3.4 (574.6)return of, to system capital, 50:3.6 (575.1)volunteer ascendant citizens of system capital, 50:3.2 (574.4)of Urantia, Andonic germ plasm carried by, 66:4.4 (744.3), 77:2.4 (857.1)Andonite associates of, 66:4.14 (745.4), 67:3.5 (756.6), 67:6.3 (759.6)the Caligastia one hundred, 50:3.0 (574.3–575.1), 77:1.2 (855.4)celestial surgery on, and tradition of Eve’s creation, 74:8.3 (837.2)constitution of, as sex creatures, 77:2.2 (856.5)detachment of, from Adjusters, 66:4.9 (744.8), 67:4.5 (758.3)disloyal, migration of, from Dalamatia, 67:4.2 (757.5)loyal members of, number of, 67:3.2 (756.3), 67:4.0 (757.4–758.5)return of, to Jerusem, 67:4.0 (757.4–758.5)organization and functions of, 66:4.5 (744.4), 66:5.0 (745.7–749.2)and the planetary rebellion, 67:3.2 (756.3)primary midwayer production by, 66:4.10 (744.9), 77:1.0 (855.3–856.3)rebel members of, ancestors of the Nodites, 67:4.2 (757.5), 77:2.3 (856.6)fate of, unknown, 67:4.5 (758.3)natural death of, 67:4.4 (758.2)number of, 67:4.1 (757.4)repersonalization of, time involved in, 66:2.9 (743.1)as supermen, and subsequent mythology, 66:4.1 (743.10)ten councils of, 66:3.4 (743.5), 66:5.0 (745.7–749.2)threefold nature of, 66:4.3–14 (744.2–745.4)Corporealityand personality of Deity, 1:5.12 (29.2)Corpsof the Creator Sons, secret colleges of the, 22:7.10 (250.4)of Light and Life, ascendant mortals’ current service in, 31:3.2 (347.5)of Local Universe Personalities, Nebadon, sponsors of, Part II, Part IIIsee also Commission, of Nebadon personalitiesof Perfection, local universe, destiny of Spirit-fused mortals, 37:5.3 (411.1)of permanent citizenship, twelve orders of, 30:2.116 (337.17)reserve, of destiny, see Reserve corps, of destinyof Seraphic Completion, see Seraphic, Corps of Completionof Superuniverse Personalities, Uversa, sponsors of, Part Isee also Commission, high, of Orvonton administratorswomen’s evangelistic, 150:1.0 (1678.5–1679.2)see also Woman's(en's), corpsCorps of the Finalityabout, 30:2.131 (337.32), 31:0.0 (345.1–354.7)access of, to Sonarington, 13:2.6 (148.5)admission of ascending pilgrims to, 14:5.4 (158.7)advancement of reborn cherubim and sanobim to, 38:8.6 (423.6)ascendant mortals in, as parents of Trinitized Sons of Perfection, 22:1.12 (244.3)ascenders’ entrance into, marked by the seventh jubilee, 27:7.8 (305.1)attainment of, by mortals, 4:0.3 (54.3)by seraphim and midway creatures, 22:5.2 (248.1)children without essential experience on nativity world not mustered into, 47:2.8 (532.6)contact of angels of assignment with mortal ascenders before admission to, 27:2.2 (300.2)Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters, one of the seven, 31:10.5 (353.1)on Vicegerington, Havona natives in, 31:1.5 (346.6)Corps of Havona Finaliters, one of the seven, 31:10.5 (353.1)Corps of Mortal Finality (Corps of Mortal Finaliters), one of the seven, 30:2.132 (337.33), 31:10.2 (352.9)Adjuster-fused mortals’ destination, 31:0.1 (345.1)ascenders as sixth-stage spirits when mustered into the, 31:3.4 (348.1)career of, unknown nature of seventh step in, 31:3.3 (347.6)destiny guardians’ unique privilege of being mustered into the, 113:7.8 (1249.2)guardian seraphim’s possible attainment of, 31:4.1 (348.6), 39:8.10 (441.4), 40:1.1 (443.12)Material Sons’ attainment of, 31:5.0 (349.1–3), 40:2.2 (444.2)midwayers, secondary, mustered into, 31:6.0 (349.4–5), 40:3.1 (444.3)persistence of agondonter grouping in, 50:7.2 (579.1)possible future function of the, 31:0.8 (345.8)present function of, 31:0.0 (345.1–346.1)six classes of permanent members of, 31:7.3 (350.1)unrevealed destiny of, 67:6.8 (760.3)vacant place in, speculations concerning, 31:7.5 (350.3)wisdom of mobilization of, 67:8.5 (762.4)Corps of Paradise Finaliters, one of the seven, 31:10.3 (352.10)Corps of Transcendental Finaliters, one of the seven, 31:10.7 (353.3)on Paradise, Havona natives in the, 31:1.1 (346.2)Corps of Trinitized Finaliters, one of the seven, 22:8.6 (252.2), 31:10.4 (352.11)Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny, one of the seven, 31:10.8 (353.4)destiny of ascending mortal mind, 7:3.2 (84.2)of man and Adjuster, 112:7.11 (1238.6)Evangels of Light in the, 31:7.0 (349.6–350.3)Evening Stars’ identification with local universe work of the, 37:2.11 (408.3)fused Adjusters in the, 107:2.7 (1179.1)future quest of members of the, 10:8.7 (116.8)sphere of activity of, 12:2.6 (131.3), 31:10.19 (354.5)Graduate Guides’ training of ascenders for admission to, 24:6.1 (269.5)Grandfanda the acting head of the, 31:10.20 (354.6), 112:7.13 (1239.2)Gravity Messengers as members of, 31:2.0 (346.7–347.3)Havona area dedicated to activities of, 14:3.5 (156.2)natives as members of, 19:6.3 (221.5), 31:1.4 (346.5)individuality of parents of creature-trinitized sons in roll calls of, 22:7.9 (250.3)Machiventa’s conjectured presence with mortals in the, 93:10.9 (1025.5)midway creatures’ destiny, 40:3.1 (444.3)Mighty Messengers onetime members of, 15:10.12 (178.12), 22:1.10 (244.1), 22:2.2 (245.2)parental relationship necessary for attainment of the, 45:6.4 (516.2)persistence of male and female personality trends in the, 84:6.6 (939.1)personal residences of, on Paradise, 14:3.5 (156.2), 14:5.4 (158.7), 31:3.2 (347.5)planetary ministry of, 55:4.2 (626.13)portrayal of complete Trinity relationship to evolutionary creation by, 16:5.5 (191.3)possible future function of the, 10:8.7 (116.8), 26:4.11 (290.1), 55:6.10 (631.6), 106:3.4 (1166.2)present function of, 14:3.5 (156.2), 55:4.1 (626.12)primary, composition of, 31:0.1 (345.1)realization of supremacy of God by members of the, 5:5.11 (69.6)the senior Master Architect’s oversight of the seven, 31:10.1 (352.8)the seven, 31:10.1 (352.8)sojourn and ministry of, on Havona worlds, 14:3.5 (156.2)the soul’s being mustered into the, consequences, 117:5.3 (1286.1)Those High in Authority onetime members of, 15:10.12 (178.12), 22:1.10 (244.1)Those without Name and Number onetime members of, 15:10.12 (178.12), 22:1.10 (244.1)unrevealed destiny of, 117:5.3 (1286.1)Corpseancient practices regarding a, because of fear of the dead, 87:1.4 (958.6)to deceive or frighten ghosts, 87:1.5 (959.1), 87:6.3–10 (964.2–9)Egyptian placement of a statue with a, purpose, 95:2.4 (1044.3)Roman custom regarding a, 87:6.12 (964.11)savages’ superstitions about a, 87:1.4 (958.6)Correctionfathers’ provision for their children’s, 142:7.9 (1604.4)by Jesus of erroneous beliefs, largely limited to matters of God concept, 138:6.4 (1543.2)of many erroneous Urantia views of life, in his later parables, 140:8.17 (1581.4)of misunderstandings, an infrequent
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