The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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href="#ulink_2d0602b9-ca91-5e2b-89c0-a49df4a0f5d6">27:7.0 (303.5–305.3)teachers of Paradise arrivals, 30:4.32 (343.7)time of farewell of, to ascendant pilgrims, 27:7.9 (305.2)Confederationof divine powers in man, purpose of, 34:6.9 (381.3)Conference(s)apostles’, with visitors to Bethsaida, 140:7.2 (1578.3)joint, of Jesus’ and John’s apostles, 150:0.1 (1678.1)momentous, of the nine-year-old human twins, 62:5.8 (708.6)one of Jesus’ most important, 137:5.2 (1531.6)teaching, Jesus’ four-hour, with Peter, James, and John, 140:8.1 (1579.3)temple teaching, the lad Jesus’ attendance at, 125:2.5 (1379.6)Confessing to Jesusvs. conferring with him, 171:7.5 (1874.8)Confessiona definition, 89:10.5 (984.8)effects of, 91:4.3 (998.1), 131:5.5 (1450.4)and forgiveness, in primitive religion, 89:2.5 (976.2)to the Noble One, need for, 131:3.3 (1446.5)Peter’s, 157:3.0 (1745.2–1746.4)apostles’ response to, 157:4.4 (1747.2)Peter’s second, emphasis on Jesus’ combined nature in, 157:5.1 (1748.1)practice of, in Tibet, 94:10.2 (1038.6)of sin, Jesus’ abstention from, 136:2.6 (1512.2)of the truth, shrinking from, by believers, 174:5.3 (1902.4)Confide in his brethrenJudas’s refusal to, 193:4.3 (2056.1)Confidencedisciples’ sudden consciousness of a new sense of, 194:0.1 (2059.1)vs. dread, and Jesus’ mission, 149:6.5 (1675.6)the gospel’s message of, 170:2.3 (1859.13)in Jesus, compassion and tolerance born of, 181:2.15 (1958.2)of Jesus, in Thomas, 181:2.26 (1961.5)Jesus’ comfort of, in divine Father’s overcare, 181:1.8 (1954.5)Jesus commanded, 149:2.12 (1672.1)inspired by, 149:2.13 (1672.2)spoke with, 100:7.5 (1102.2)of Jesus’ followers, in him, 171:7.5 (1874.8)prayer, to Jesus, an assertion of, 196:0.10 (2088.5)Confidential messengersSolitary Messengers as, 23:3.1 (260.5)Confidingtrust, a fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)in unspiritual relatives, a tendency of Judas, 193:4.3 (2056.1)Configuration(s)of continents, effect of, on peace or war, 81:6.5 (907.2)of living matter, reproducing fundamental arrangements of, 36:2.11 (397.11)Conflict(s)between animal and spiritual natures, 156:5.4 (1738.3)the spirit and the flesh, on Urantia and normal worlds, 34:7.2 (382.2)the evil nature of, 111:4.11 (1220.10)function of, in religious living, 100:4.1 (1097.5)a hazard of emotional casualties, 160:1.6 (1773.3)inherence of, in evolutionary growth, 105:6.4 (1159.4)of living, technique of gathering strength for, 160:1.10 (1774.2)in passing from life in the flesh to life in the spirit, 159:3.7 (1766.3)prayer not an escape from, 91:8.13 (1002.5)a prevention of, to Jesus, 196:0.10 (2088.5)ruinous, Jesus’ peace the preventer of, 140:5.18 (1575.3)spiritual communion’s removal of, 160:1.12 (1774.4)unresolved, possible effects of, 133:7.12 (1480.4)the youthful Jesus’ supreme, 124:4.9 (1372.6)Conflictionthe divided loyalty of, one degree of disloyalty to Deity, 89:10.2 (984.5)Conformityof Jesus, to the usages of his family, 125:6.12 (1384.8)Confucian teachingson Urantia today, 92:6.15 (1011.13)Confucianismabout, 131:9.0 (1452.5–1453.2)lack of God-recognition in, 131:9.1 (1452.5)a religion of ethics, 5:4.7 (67.5)Confuciusabout, 94:6.9–12 (1034.4–7)contemporary rejection of, 94:6.9 (1034.4)deification of, by his followers, 94:6.12 (1034.7)identity of, 92:5.12 (1009.6)influence of, on the shamans, 94:6.9 (1034.4)influence of traditions of the Salem missionaries on, 94:6.9 (1034.4)source of teachings of, 94:6.9 (1034.4)a younger contemporary of Lao-tse, 94:6.9 (1034.4)Confusioneffect of, on survival, 110:3.5 (1206.3)of evolutionary creation, provision for harmonizing, 25:3.7 (277.4)of John the Baptist, after separation from Jesus, 135:10.1 (1506.3)of Judas, at Jesus’ greeting him as a betrayer, 183:3.3 (1974.1)Paradise free from, 27:4.3 (301.4)perplexing, ascenders’ reaction to, 34:7.8 (383.2)of Peter, in courtyard of Annas, 184:2.3 (1980.4)prevention of, by co-ordinators and liaison directors, 48:3.11 (546.4)reason for possibility of, among Sons of God and ministers of the Infinite Spirit, 32:3.7 (361.2)universe, early, compensation for, 35:9.8 (393.8)Conglomerate(s)alternation of coal layers with, 59:5.15 (681.7)definition, 59:1.10 (673.10)in erosion deposits of early reptilian age, 60:1.1 (685.3)older, origin of, 58:7.9 (671.2)overlying Niagara deposit, 59:3.9 (677.6)Congratulation(s)over Capernaum healing, Jesus’ refusal of, 145:4.2 (1634.2)of Urantia mortals on their comparatively keen sense of humor, 48:4.13 (548.8)Congregation(s)distinguished, at Jesus’ epochal sermon, 153:1.1 (1707.4)of Israel, excommunication of Jesus and his followers from, 164:4.6 (1814.2)number of units comprising a, on Paradise, 11:3.4 (121.1)at Philadelphia, 166:5.0 (1831.4–1832.3)Conifersof later reptilian age, 60:2.7 (687.8)Conjointadministrator, Infinite Spirit the, 8:3.5 (93.7)corps of Trinitized Sons, the destiny of many sons, 22:8.5 (252.1)Creator, absoluteness of, limitations of, 9:4.3 (102.3)ancestor of cosmic mind, 9:5.4 (103.2)attributes of, 9:3.5 (101.5)circuits of, and function of Personal Aids, 24:3.2 (268.2)disclosure of Father’s infinity by the, 8:2.5 (92.6)eternal existence of the, 8:2.1 (92.2)Eternal Son’s delegation of authority to the, 8:3.2 (93.4)a function of the, 8:4.7 (95.2)in Eternal Son’s personality creation, 6:5.3 (77.6)First Source and Center through the, 10:3.13 (111.11)the Infinite Spirit, 16:1.1 (185.1)inheritance of the, 8:2.8 (93.2)minds of the, relation of minds of Father and Son to, 6:6.3 (78.6)origin of the, 8:2.1 (92.2)primary supernaphim created by, 26:2.2 (287.1)and the providence of God, 9:1.3 (99.2)reality and visibility of the, 8:6.2 (96.4)relation of, to energy, 9:3.5 (101.5)to triune personalization of undivided Deity, 16:1.1 (185.1)Solitary Messengers the personal corps of, 23:0.1 (256.1)source of mind, 9:5.4 (103.2)a title of the Third Source and Center, 8:2.2 (92.3)Uversa classification of personalities of the, 24:0.1 (264.1)visible to universe intelligences, 8:6.2 (96.4)Executive, act of, 0:11.1 (13.6)Infinite Spirit the, 7:4.6 (85.7)personality, the appearance of, 105:2.7 (1154.6)co-ordinate, Infinite Spirit the, 1:3.4 (25.4), 10:2.4 (110.2)Trinitized Finaliters, corps of, 31:10.5 (353.1)Conjoint Actorthe absolute of mind reality, 104:5.6 (1151.6)administrative control of, and Seven Master Spirits, 16:4.1 (189.2)agencies of the, function of, 9:0.4 (98.4)all mind circuited in the, 5:6.11 (71.6)close relationship between the Supreme Being, the Seven Master Spirits, and the, 116:4.2 (1272.1)and control of the master universe, 41:5.8 (461.4)co-ordination of levels of universe actuality by the, 9:7.1 (105.1)correlation of mind presence of God with absolute mind of the, 3:1.8 (45.6)of spiritual values and energy facts in the, 103:7.3 (1138.1)cosmic mind’s co-ordination with direct circuits of the, 42:10.6 (481.3)a definition, 0:5.5 (8.5), 8:3.1 (93.3), 115:3.14 (1263.1)disclosing of the Infinite in the acts of the, 104:3.13 (1147.5)disclosure of functional unity of, 17:8.9 (206.4)divine spirit shared with the, by Father and Son, 6:2.6 (75.3)divinity and personality of, compared with those of Seven Master Spirits, 16:2.5 (186.4)the evolution of the presence of, in the local universe, 116:4.8 (1272.7)execution of the united purposes of Son and Father by, 42:0.2 (467.2)existential energy the domain of the, 42:2.16 (470.7)Father and Son function in mind domain in the, 12:6.2 (135.12)Father-Son association represented by the, 10:3.19 (112.3)and the Father’s liberation from limitations of absoluteness, 10:0.1 (108.1)force-transcendence and energy-neutralization power of, 9:3.4 (101.4)function of, in the finite universes, 116:3.5 (1271.3)Master Spirits as diversified representatives of, 17:8.6 (206.1)in the seventh triunity, 104:4.44 (1150.11)through subordinates, 42:0.2 (467.2)Universe Circuit Supervisors as agents of, 24:1.2 (265.2)function of Eternal Son in mind ministry through the, 6:5.1 (77.4)functioning of, as Father, Son, and Father-Son, 8:5.5 (96.1)Father and Son in and through the, 8:5.5 (96.1)functions of the, 1:5.16 (29.6), 3:2.9 (48.1), 8:3.1 (93.3), 9:1.6 (99.5)the future Supreme compared with the, 117:7.1 (1291.5)God of mind, 2:7.7 (42.8)the Spirit, 0:2.14 (4.8)grand universe functioning of the, 9:1.4 (99.3)infinite representative of the Father-Son, 14:6.17 (161.4)the Infinite Spirit, 104:4.13 (1148.12)Infinite Spirit’s doings the function of the, 10:4.5 (112.8)influence of the, on finite energy and spirit, 116:3.2 (1270.13)integration by the, of the spirituality of the Son with the energies of the Paradise pattern, 115:7.8 (1267.2)the integration of the Sevenfold divinity in the Seven Master Spirits and the, 106:1.4 (1164.3)and man’s practical affairs, 5:3.5 (66.1)Michael’s portrayal of the will of the, on his Uversa mortal bestowal, 119:8.4 (1318.3)mind circuits of the, 0:6.1 (9.3), 6:6.3 (78.6)Solitary Messengers’ ability to traverse the, 107:6.5 (1182.7)mind functions of, 12:8.7 (140.3)gravity of, 15:9.1 (176.6)levels of, and reflectivity, 17:3.3 (201.1)minds of the, the Thought Adjuster’s mindedness ancestral to the, 107:5.3 (1181.6)origin of the, 11:9.3 (127.1), 116:2.14 (1270.11)of eighty-five percent of mind-gravity response to, 12:3.10 (132.4)Personal Aids regarded as personalities by the, 24:3.3 (268.3)personality existence of the, 10:1.3 (109.1)personalization of the, 9:0.1 (98.1), 10:3.7 (111.5)prerogatives of synthesis of the, 9:0.2 (98.2)primary personalities of, 17:8.9 (206.4)probable connection of, with reflectivity mechanism, 16:4.15 (190.9)proof of Infinite Spirit’s being
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