The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, to constellation Most Highs, 35:6.4 (391.2)development of Primates twins, 62:5.7 (708.5)emergency lines of, provisions for, 29:4.30 (327.6)extraplanetary, indirect, of Adam and Eve, 75:1.4 (839.5)extrauniverse, constellation center of, 43:4.3 (489.6)free, between the Adjuster and his mortal subject, obstacles to the, 110:7.8 (1213.3)functioning of Solitary Messengers as emergency lines of, 23:3.5 (261.3)of God with man, proof of his personality, 161:1.8 (1784.5)improvement in, and trade relations, 70:3.4 (787.4)with the indwelling spirit, Jesus’ perfection of, 129:4.3 (1425.2)intelligence, utilization of currents of space for, 44:4.10 (504.2)man’s, vs. animals’, 160:2.1 (1775.2)present influence of, on civilization, 81:6.25 (909.6)schools of, on Melchizedek home world, 35:3.20 (388.7)of Universal Father with his creatures, 2:1.7 (34.6)verbal, of the first humans, 62:5.7 (708.5)Communionwith the bestowal spirit of the Father, 5:1.3 (63.1)with God, attempt of, 5:0.1 (62.1)the only way of satisfying man’s curiosity, 102:1.6 (1119.5)unbroken, Jesus’ possession of, 196:0.10 (2088.5)of God’s spirit, creatures separate themselves from the, 5:1.10 (64.1)with his creatures, Father’s desire for, 5:1.8 (63.6)importance of, in the conflict between the self- seeking ego and the altruistic urge, 103:4.1 (1133.1)with Jesus, prerequisite to, 180:2.1 (1945.4)of Jesus with the Father, after the healing episode, 145:5.1 (1634.4)Jesus’ formal, with his Father in heaven, 129:4.3 (1425.2)with Mystery Monitor, and discovery of the divine presence, 5:2.3 (64.6)personal, between earth child and heavenly Father, 146:2.2 (1638.2)facilitated by Thought Adjusters, 1:7.1 (31.1)service, ancient forerunner of, 89:4.10 (978.7)with the Son, 5:1.10 (64.1)for the spirit, on the mountaintops of thought, 160:3.5 (1778.3)spiritual, about, 103:4.0 (1133.1–5)and man’s union with God, 1:7.2 (31.2)with spiritual forces, Judas’s neglect of engaging in, 157:7.4 (1751.3)unbroken, between Michael and his Paradise Father, 120:1.4 (1326.1)prayer and worship a means of, between man and his Maker, 194:3.20 (2065.8)worshipful, function of, 156:5.12 (1739.7)Communismancient, means of final destruction of, 69:9.2 (780.5)indispensable scaffolding in primitive society, 69:9.2 (780.5)vs. modernized co-ordination, 81:6.33 (910.6)primitive, benefits of, 69:9.1 (780.4)difference of, from modern doctrines, 69:9.1 (780.4)effects on marriage of the passing of, 69:9.7 (781.1)evils of, 69:9.2 (780.5)final destruction of, 69:9.6 (780.9)suicidal weakness of, 69:9.5 (780.8)surrender of, to a higher social order, 69:9.2 (780.5)Community(ies)affair, marriage originally a, 83:4.1 (924.4)devotions, benefit from, 91:7.13 (1001.4)organization of, on second mansion world, 47:4.1 (534.5)sacredness of, vs. that of the individual, 170:3.10 (1862.7)standing, relation of, to marriage mores, 83:7.4 (928.5)Companion(s)Jesus a cheerful, 138:7.6 (1544.5)Jesus’ personal, Peter, James, and John, 138:10.3 (1547.3)Morontia, see Morontia—;CompanionsParadise, about, 25:8.0 (283.2–284.5)Companionship(s)celestial, value of, 27:3.4 (301.1)divine, and spiritual satisfaction derived from religious experience, 5:5.10 (69.5)Jesus’ plea in the garden for the apostles’, 182:3.2 (1968.3)and loyalty, a foundation fact of a true family, 142:7.10 (1604.5)Company(ies)Adam’s organization of Edenites into, 74:5.6 (833.6)of ascending mortals on first mansion world, number in, 47:3.12 (534.4)of cherubim, association of, with seraphim, 113:1.7 (1242.2)finaliter, attachment of Gravity Messengers to, 31:1.3 (346.4), 31:2.3 (347.2)beings constituting the majority of members of a, 31:3.1 (347.4)jurisdictional authority over, 117:7.7 (1292.1)Material Sons not found in many, 31:5.3 (349.3)midway creatures found in many, 31:6.2 (349.5)present number of permanent members of each, 31:7.1 (349.6)reception of Havona natives into a, 31:1.3 (346.4)Satania headquarters world of, 47:0.2 (530.2)of seraphim, headquarters of, 38:4.4 (420.5)number in a, 38:6.1 (421.4)of the, of destiny guardian of human subject, 113:2.6 (1243.3)one, ministering to subnormal minded, 113:1.3 (1241.5)reporting of angels to the commander of their, 113:6.2 (1246.6)Van’s volunteer, number and work of, 73:2.3 (822.7), 74:5.6 (833.6)Compasscosmic, the Adjuster as man’s, 107:0.6 (1176.6)diurnal wanderings of, 58:2.9 (666.6)four points of the, man’s early recognition of, 88:1.6 (968.1)universality of, in Nebadon, 34:4.13 (378.7)needle, responsiveness of, to solar influence, 58:2.9 (666.6)of religious guidance, need of modern man’s soul for, 99:1.3 (1086.6)variation during sunspot cycles, 58:2.9 (666.6)Compassionof Jesus for his mother at Cana, consequence, 137:4.9 (1530.1)Jesus’ plea to James Zebedee to learn, 181:2.15 (1958.2)teaching of, 140:8.11 (1580.6)of the Lord, 131:2.4 (1444.4)Michael’s very nature, 140:8.11 (1580.6)for one’s fellows, vs. tradition and formal worship, 180:5.12 (1951.1)source of, 181:2.15 (1958.2)Compensationfor hardships accompanying the sin of rebellion, 54:6.5 (619.2)Competitionbetween man and woman, danger in, 84:5.12 (938.2)vs. co-operation, 71:5.3 (805.3)evolution of, 71:5.0 (805.1–4)fostering of individual and group, a right of society, 70:9.8 (794.3)function of, in current society, 71:6.1 (805.5)in industry, an evaluation, 71:5.4 (805.4)of new ideas, a factor in progressive evolution of mores, 68:4.7 (767.7)ruthless, effects of, 71:6.1 (805.5)stimulation of, by racial diversification, 64:6.33 (726.5)type of, in the continental nation, 72:5.10 (813.11)Competitivegames, a possible form of self-gratification, 84:8.5 (942.6)at Scythopolis, the lad Jesus’ reaction to, 124:3.7 (1370.5)spirit, fraternal, stimulation of, among the worlds, 28:5.18 (312.5)Complement(s)of being, of cherubim, 38:7.2 (422.2)of seraphim, 38:4.3 (420.4), 113:2.9 (1243.6)of the Father, Son an infinite, 14:6.15 (161.2)and instigators of rest, importance of, 27:1.1 (299.1)of life, modified Andonites’ possession of, 66:4.15 (745.5), 73:6.4 (826.1), 77:2.7 (857.4)Nodites’ lack of, result of their discovery of, 73:6.7 (826.4)utilization of fruit of tree of life by those possessing, 73:6.4 (826.1)of rest, about, 26:11.0 (296.4–297.5)collaboration of instigators of rest with, 27:1.1 (299.1)custodians of ascendant pilgrims on final Havona circle, 26:10.7 (296.3)function of, 26:11.7 (297.4)work of, for creature-trinitized sons, 26:11.3 (296.6)of the system circuits, effect of, 66:4.15 (745.5)Complementalassociation of Divine Minister and Creator Son, 14:6.35 (162.10), 17:6.4 (203.7), 21:2.9 (236.7), 35:0.2 (384.2), 37:0.1 (406.1)of Havona creatures and perfected finaliters, 32:3.12 (362.1)nature of Material Sons and Material Daughters, 51:1.3 (580.6)or partnership basis, an operation of two beings, 39:3.6 (432.7)relationship(s) of seraphim, 26:1.16 (286.4), 113:2.9 (1243.6), 113:7.8 (1249.2)of Universe Circuit Supervisors and Universe Power Directors, 24:1.13 (266.3)Completion seraphimavenues of ministry open to, 39:9.3 (442.1)bestowal attendants as, 39:1.5 (427.5)highest local universe service of, 39:1.6 (427.6)in Nebadon, 39:9.2 (441.6)preferred assignments of, 39:9.3 (442.1)return of, to native universes, 39:9.2 (441.6)service of, with supreme orders of seraphim, 39:9.2 (441.6)voices of mercy directors, 39:2.5 (430.1)Complexion(s)of Andonites, 63:4.1 (713.7)of the violet race, 76:4.1 (850.7)Complexityfrom simplicity, God’s passage to, 4:4.2 (58.7)Compositepersonality groups, classification of, 30:2.130–156 (337.31–338.17)religions, of the present, on Urantia, 92:6.0 (1010.5–1012.1)Compossibilityinnateness of, in divine power, 118:5.1 (1299.1)omnipotence and, 118:5.0 (1299.1–3)Composurea fruit of divine sonship, 149:5.4 (1674.6)Jesus’, in the face of insult, 186:2.5 (1999.5)Jesus’ sublime, 100:7.14 (1103.2)Compound manipulatorscelestial artisans as, 44:5.5 (505.2)Comprehensiontechnique of, and Paradise perfection of personality, 26:4.14 (290.4)Compromiseof Christianity with older religions, 195:0.3 (2069.3), 195:0.11 (2070.7), 195:3.7 (2074.2)importance of, in marriage, 83:7.6 (928.7)Jesus’ nonemployment of, with Nicodemus, 142:6.2 (1602.1)refusal to, with evil, 136:8.8 (1521.3)with revolutionary techniques of Caligastia, 136:9.2 (1522.1)understanding of political and commercial, 136:8.4 (1520.5)learning of the twenty-four to, 144:6.11 (1625.8)man’s need for adeptness at art of temporal, 9:5.4 (1199.5)Paul’s, of Jesus’ teachings, Christianity, 121:5.13 (1337.9)of religions of revelation with forms and usages of predecessors, 144:7.1 (1626.2)Compromiserssagacious, Paul and his successors as, 195:1.4 (2071.4)Compulsionduty, and convention, the first mile in winning souls, 195:10.5 (2084.5)Spirit domination not compromised by, 34:6.11 (381.5)ConceitJohn Zebedee’s unlovely trait, 139:4.4 (1554.2)man’s, vs. his reason and logic, 195:7.7 (2079.2)possible end product of overmuch self-respect, 159:3.3 (1765.5)prevention of, by intimate contact with other minds, 160:2.7 (1776.1)reduction of, in acknowledgment of difficulties, 160:1.7 (1773.4)ConcentrationJesus’ powers of mental, 127:3.15 (1400.7)Concentriccircles, configuration of cross-section of dark gravity bodies, 14:1.16 (153.7)seven,
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