The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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and lower racial strains a menace to, 51:5.7 (586.4)of mortal maturity, possible achievement of a, 160:2.10 (1777.1)Nodite centers of, 77:4.0 (859.4–860.8)normal progress of, from Caligastia’s arrival, 66:8.3 (752.4)of the Occident and Levant, Jesus’ acquaintance with the higher, 130:0.6 (1427.6)Occidental, cradle of, 78:1.3 (868.5)of older three-brain type planets, 49:5.15 (566.3)past, influence of the home on, 82:0.3 (913.3)planetary, fostering of, by Planetary Princes, 50:5.1 (576.4)portrayal of the status of a, 71:3.10 (803.10)present-day, techniques of maintenance of, 81:6.0 (906.6–912.2)present-day European, 80:5.7 (893.9)the preservation of, family loyalty and, 79:8.10 (888.3)preservation of remnants of, by Melchizedek receivers, 67:6.6 (760.1)primitive, amazing early beginnings of, 49:2.17 (562.1)of Prince’s headquarters, vs. that of remote tribes, 66:5.30 (749.1)progress of, leisure a necessity to the, 81:2.2 (901.5), 81:6.7 (907.4)sex regulation and, 82:1.4 (913.7)progressing, endurance of, 68:4.7 (767.7)progressive, 50:5.0 (576.4–577.6), 71:4.0 (804.1–17)purpose of, to express the innate endowments of the human mind, 16:6.11 (192.7)racial, yellow man’s superiority in, 64:6.14 (724.4)a racial acquirement, 68:0.2 (763.2)real jeopardy of, 81:6.42 (911.7)red man’s, fate of, in North America, 64:6.8 (723.7)red man’s early development of, 64:6.3 (723.2)relation of language to, 81:6.16 (908.5)of the progress of marriage to, 84:4.1 (935.1)relatively ethical, primitive religion’s stabilization of, 101:5.10 (1110.13)religion of, definition, 155:5.4 (1728.6)religion’s agelong criticism of, 102:8.5 (1128.1)retardation of the progress of, through false sentiment, 99:3.5 (1088.6)safe acceleration of, 71:2.7 (802.1)of the second Eden, 78:2.3 (870.1)security of, foundation for, 84:7.27 (941.8)self-gratification the destroyer of, 68:2.2 (764.5)slavery as a factor in, 69:8.0 (778.9–780.3)social, land-man ratio’s relation to, 68:6.1 (769.6)society’s advancement as affecting, 70:1.1 (783.4)sometime, to be built on Jesus’ teachings, 154:4.6 (1720.3)spiritual, character of Onagar’s, 63:6.8 (716.7)the state’s relation to, 71:0.1 (800.1)struggles of, significance, 68:2.1 (764.4)substitutes for war as promoters of, 70:2.19 (786.10)Sumerian, location of remnants of, 78:7.7 (875.4)superior, love the wellspring of, 102:6.3 (1124.5)qualities of, 68:0.2 (763.2)religion the indispensable source of a, 79:4.9 (883.1)survival of, factors in, 68:1.5 (764.1), 84:8.6 (943.1), 155:3.8 (1727.8)tools of, 81:2.0 (901.4–903.2)transformation of, by basic truths of the gospel, 194:2.8 (2061.6)true, prerequisite to the progress of, 111:4.3 (1220.2)of Turkestan, result of Mesopotamian immigration on, 78:5.3 (872.7)twentieth-century Occidental, the overload of luxury in, 68:2.5 (765.2)Urantian, Adamic contribution to, 75:8.3 (846.2), 78:8.12 (877.2)forgathering in Eden of the cream of, 73:3.6 (823.6)retrogressions in, 68:4.7 (767.7)Urantia’s present, factors underlying, 81:6.2 (906.7)Van’s outposts of, 67:6.6 (760.1)of the violet race, reason for fall of, 78:8.12 (877.2)war’s stimulation of, 70:2.9 (785.14)well-advanced, in India, on arrival of the Aryans, 79:3.8 (881.8)western, advantages accruing from the secular revolt in, 195:8.6 (2081.6)westward movement of, to the Nile and Mediterranean islands, 78:6.8 (874.5)world, reason for China’s failure to dominate, 79:6.13 (886.1)Civilizedman, attitude of, toward certain stone formations, 85:1.2 (944.6)man vs. animals as to love for children, 84:7.10 (940.6)vs. savage man as to love for grandchildren, 66:7.4 (750.6)morality, religion’s maintenance of, 92:3.7 (1006.4)society, dependence of, on past taboos, 89:1.7 (975.4)Civilizer(s)great, commerce the, 69:4.8 (775.8)master, the family as, 82:0.2 (913.2)transcendent, fraternal love and mutual understanding as, 52:6.7 (598.2)unsuspected, sex the, 83:0.3 (922.3)Clamsbivalve gastropods of invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.12 (676.3)Clan(s)the Andonic, 63:4.0 (713.7–714.7)definition, 70:5.2 (788.14)early human, solidification of, by fear and hatred, 50:5.5 (576.8)groups, consanguineous, territorial states’ struggles with, 71:1.23 (801.11)headmen, subordination of, to tribal chiefs, 70:4.9 (788.11)vs. the horde, as the social unit, 70:3.1 (787.1)make-up of, 70:3.3 (787.3)organization, the foundation of government, 70:5.2 (788.14)origin of later, 71:1.24 (801.12)present primitive Australians and the, 103:3.1 (1132.1)tribes and, 70:4.1 (788.3)Class(es)assemblies of mansion world students on finaliter world, 47:1.2 (530.6)differences, regulation of, the mission of government, 81:5.6 (906.4)freedom of kingdom of heaven from, 134:4.7 (1487.4)John the Baptist’s holding of, for his disciples, 135:6.8 (1502.6)social, in evolution of civilization, 70:8.13 (793.5)in state organizations, origin of, 71:1.23 (801.11)struggles, selectivity of, 71:1.2 (800.4)Classificationof Adjusters, 107:2.0 (1178.2–1179.3)of living beings, 30:1.0 (330.3–334.8)of matter, 42:3.0 (471.8–472.11)Claudia Procula, Pilate’s wifeconnection of, with the gospel, 185:1.7 (1989.1)information about Jesus given Pilate by, 185:2.6 (1990.2), 185:5.7 (1994.1)Pilate’s reaction to the note from, 185:5.8 (1994.2)request of, concerning petition for Roman guards, 183:2.3 (1973.1)Claudiuseffect of conversation with Jesus on the slaveholder, 132:4.5 (1461.3)ClaudusJesus’ talk with the would-be suicide, 130:8.1 (1440.1)Claycommon, the origin of the Corps of Mortal Finality, 67:8.5 (762.4)construction of huts using, 81:2.17 (902.7)hot, use of, for pain relief, 90:4.6 (991.5)images replacing human sacrifice, Japanese introduction of, 89:6.2 (980.7)Jesus’ use of, in healing the blind beggar, 164:3.8 (1812.2), 164:3.12–15 (1812.6–1813.2)nondwelling of spirits in symbols made of, 150:3.10 (1681.5)potter’s, modeling in, by the young Jesus, 124:1.3 (1366.4), 124:1.5 (1367.1)play with, by the young Jesus and his friend Jacob, 123:5.15 (1364.3)sculptures in Dalamatian gardens, 66:5.26 (748.7)-tablet records of Dilmun, presence of, on museum shelves, 77:4.8 (860.3)of Sumerian kings, 77:2.10 (857.7)rolls of the Melchizedek church, signing of, 93:4.1 (1017.3)tablets, utilization of, by early peoples, 66:5.9 (746.7)tradition of man’s creation from, Babylonians’ nonadherence to, 74:8.6 (837.5)widespread belief in, 74:8.4 (837.3)used in earthenware, time of origin of, 60:3.5 (689.4)vessels, post-Dalamatia practice of the making of, 81:2.19 (903.1)Cleanhands, vs. clean hearts, 149:2.11 (1671.6), 153:3.6 (1713.1)the Psalmist on, 43:6.3 (492.3)heart(s), prayer to God for, 121:7.5 (1340.3), 159:5.2 (1769.4)salvation a matter of, 153:3.6 (1713.1)standing before God with a, result, 131:1.8 (1443.4), 131:7.3 (1451.3)and unclean, Peter’s fears concerning the, 153:3.6 (1713.1)records of Hebrews full of mentions of things, 89:1.3 (974.5)Cleanlinessof ancient cities, neglect of, 81:3.3 (903.5)Dalamatia residences models of neatness and, 66:7.2 (750.4)Jesus’ washing his hands only for purposes of, 166:1.2 (1825.4)Cleansingceremonies of, in the growth of ritual, 90:5.3 (992.4)of the leper by Jesus, significance of, 146:4.5 (1644.1)sacrifices offered by John the Baptist, following a death in the family, 135:2.1 (1497.3)to be offered by the leper, ordered by Jesus, 146:4.4 (1643.5)of the temple, about, 173:1.0 (1888.4–1891.1)the apostles’ reaction to the, 173:1.10 (1890.5), 173:5.6 (1896.1)and delay of Jesus’ arrest, 173:2.1 (1891.2)effect of, on the Sadducees, 173:2.8 (1892.5), 175:4.6 (1911.3)significance of, 173:1.11 (1891.1)of the ten lepers, comment of Jesus on, 166:2.8 (1828.4)an exception, 167:0.2 (1833.2)their reactions to, 166:2.4 (1827.9)with water, a weekly purification ceremony, 66:5.21 (748.2)Clear thinkingand Van’s loyalty, 67:3.6 (756.7)Clearinghouse(s)central universe, for co-ordination of knowledge, 22:10.4 (254.1)ideational, master seraphim of planetary supervision as, 114:6.19 (1256.9)for Jesus’ work, Zebedee home the, 149:0.4 (1668.4)joy, the Joys of Existence as, 28:5.16 (312.3)Paradise, a function of the, 15:10.23 (179.10), 39:2.4 (429.8)maintained by Seven Master Spirits, 15:10.23 (179.10)Clementof Alexandria, an early Christian teacher, 195:3.10 (2074.5)Cleopas and Jacoband the morontia Jesus, 190:5.2 (2034.3)tell of having seen the risen Savior, 190:5.8 (2036.3)Clevercorrupter of life teachings of Jesus, Abner’s denunciation of Paul as, 166:5.5 (1832.1)logic, nondependence of religion on, 101:2.15 (1107.5)sayings, Jesus’ nonresort to, 145:3.3 (1632.2)scheme to aggrandize Paradise Sons, Lucifer’s assertion about a, 53:3.3 (603.4)shamanism’s lodging of power in the hands of the, 90:1.6 (987.4)would-be dictators, need to prevent control by, 70:12.12 (798.11)Clevernessco-ordinating, of univitatia and of Uversa abandonters, 43:7.4 (493.5)of false philosophies
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