The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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176:2.1 (1914.2), 176:4.2 (1918.5)the supreme ideal of spiritual leadership, 99:5.11 (1091.10)triumph of, results of, 43:4.9 (490.4)Urantia’s Jesus the, 98:7.2 (1084.1)the victorious Michael, 40:6.5 (448.4)Christendomdivision of, and the Oriental peoples, 195:10.15 (2086.1)sect-divided, non-Christians’ reaction to a, 195:10.11 (2085.3)Christeningof John, 122:2.7 (1346.2)of Personalized Adjusters on Divinington, 107:3.10 (1180.3)Christian(s)acceptance of the Roman empire by the, 195:3.1 (2073.5)age, belief in culmination of, and second coming of Christ, 170:5.14 (1865.4)Alexandrian, disciples of Philo, 121:6.6 (1339.2)belief, and the "empty tomb," 189:2.6 (2023.5)believers, necessary adjustments by, to "follow after" the Master, 196:1.2 (2090.3)subdivision of, 170:5.20 (1866.3)church(es), age-long embarrassment of, 170:5.18 (1866.1)attitude of, toward spiritual equality of men and women, 150:1.3 (1679.2)beginnings of the, 194:4.0 (2066.1–2068.3)best exponent of Jesus’ life on earth, 195:10.9 (2085.1)building of a, on site of Melkarth temple in Tyre, 156:4.2 (1737.3)cocoon of the spiritual kingdom, 170:5.21 (1866.4)components of the early, 98:0.2 (1077.2)composition of the early, 121:3.7 (1335.6)early, and Greek proselytes, 195:3.6 (2074.1)eastern, Philadelphia the headquarters of, 130:2.3 (1430.1)vs. western, 130:2.3 (1430.1)the gentiles’ concept of the kingdom as the, 170:5.11 (1865.1)inevitable effects of the sometime espousal of the Master’s program by, 195:10.10 (2085.2)Jesus’ fostering of, 195:10.9 (2085.1)later, the kingdom idea as related to the, 170:0.2 (1858.2), 170:5.0 (1864.1–1866.4)middle class the moral backbone of the, 121:3.4 (1335.3)modern, not a brotherhood of dynamic believers, 195:9.10 (2083.6)obstacles to the immediate advance of the gospel, 195:10.8 (2084.8)Nathaniel’s nonparticipation in the organization of the, 139:6.9 (1559.4)nonfounding of, by Jesus, 195:10.9 (2085.1)nonsupport of, by loyal followers of Christ, 195:10.9 (2085.1)onetime similarities of Mithraic and, 98:6.4 (1083.4)organization of, at Corinth, 133:3.2 (1472.1)Peter the real founder of, 195:0.1 (2069.1)Peter’s visiting the, 139:2.11 (1551.7)the Philadelphia synagogue a subsequent, 166:5.2 (1831.5)reason for creation of, 170:5.14 (1865.4)secularism a protest against domination of civilization by the, 195:8.2 (2081.2)the shadow of Jesus’ kingdom of heaven, 170:5.17 (1865.7)sometime proclamation of the Master’s kingdom of heaven to the, 170:5.8 (1864.8)tolerance of slavery by, 121:3.8 (1335.7)totalitarian medieval, the mother of secularism, 195:8.2 (2081.2)church(es) at Caesarea, Philip the founder of, 130:2.5 (1430.3)at Corinth, organized by Paul, 133:3.2 (1472.1)at Jerusalem, Stephen’s martyrdom and the organization of the, 194:4.12 (2068.2)in Rome, establishment of first, by Jesus-taught individuals, 132:0.5 (1456.1)in Syracuse, Ezra builder of the first, 130:8.2 (1440.2)of the twentieth century as obstacles to the real gospel, 195:10.8 (2084.8)cult, the early, effectiveness of, 87:7.4 (965.8)loss of fundamental ideas of the, 87:7.4 (965.8)Paul’s, influence of Greek translations of Hebrew scriptures on, 121:6.2 (1338.5)early, ceremony of bestowing the Holy Spirit by, 86:5.13 (955.1)prejudice of, against the Trinity concept, 104:1.10 (1144.7)era, perversion of Jesus’ teachings throughout the, 140:8.20 (1582.1)-era concepts of the kingdom of heaven, 170:1.8 (1859.1)error in proclaiming marriage a sacrament, 83:6.3 (927.4)ethics, Melchizedek teachings an influence on the basic doctrines of, 98:0.4 (1077.4)Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, worship of, in Arabia, 95:7.2 (1050.7)Fortune a leader of Cretan, 130:6.5 (1438.2)gentile, belief of, that Jesus was the Redeemer of the church, 170:5.6 (1864.6)ideals, incompatibility of self-serving profit motivation with, 71:6.1 (805.5)Jewish, and Gospel according to Matthew, 121:8.4 (1341.5)martyr, Stephen the first, 128:3.6 (1411.6)message, impact of, on the Western peoples, 195:0.3 (2069.3)missionaries, acceptance by Roman religious teachers of, 132:0.4 (1455.4)Arabian, vs. those in the Mediterranean countries, 95:7.3 (1051.1)preparation of the populace by Cynic teachers for, 121:4.4 (1336.2)a suggestion for, 66:6.7 (750.2)movement, James’s association with the, 154:6.9 (1722.5)Paul’s disciples in Antioch first called, 121:2.5 (1333.7)preachers, meeting of Roman believers prior to arrival of the first, 133:0.1 (1468.1)present-day, possible fears of, 196:1.2 (2090.3)professed, no justification for hatred of individual Jews by, 175:2.3 (1909.3)propaganda, influence of Greek idealism on, 170:5.2 (1864.2)religion, about, 98:7.0 (1083.6–1085.1)built around the person of Jesus, 98:7.2 (1084.1)a definition, 92:6.18 (1011.16)fact of Christ’s death the foundation of, 143:5.11 (1614.5)Paul a philosopher and founder of, 128:3.6 (1411.6)the seven sources of the, 98:7.3 (1084.2)thousand-year comatose state of the, 195:10.18 (2086.4)truth of Christ’s life not made the basis of, 143:5.11 (1614.5)the second coming of Christ taught by early, 176:2.1 (1914.2)sects, continued persistence of, 195:4.3 (2075.1)teachers, belief in the fiat creation of the human race as perpetuated by the, 74:8.13 (838.5)death survival of both rich and poor, as taught by, 69:9.4 (780.7)early, writings of, set forth as teachings of Jesus, 149:2.2 (1670.3)language used in writings of early, 121:6.2 (1338.5)mistaken concentration on western civilization by, 130:3.3 (1432.3)two great mistakes of early, 149:2.2 (1670.3)teachings, mystery religions’ preparation for, 121:5.6 (1337.2)scope of, 121:5.13 (1337.9)theology, difficulty of, in attaining consistency, 5:4.14 (68.2)Trinity, identity of the, 104:1.12 (1144.9)various groupings of, possible value of, 195:10.15 (2086.1)of Western civilization, proportion of secularists among, 195:8.3 (2081.3)worship, plan of, origin, 195:3.6 (2074.1)Christianityabsorption of erroneous human philosophy by, 94:12.1 (1040.5)after Pentecost, 195:0.0 (2069.1–2086.7)anthropomorphism, concept of, elevated by, 5:4.9 (67.7)appeal to the Greeks of the immortality doctrine of, 195:2.8 (2073.3)attitude of, toward women, 149:2.9 (1671.4)attitude of many non-European peoples toward, 92:6.18 (1011.16)capture of the best minds of the Roman Empire by, 195:0.5 (2070.1)the center of, the cross, 143:6.3 (1615.4)compromise of, with older religions, 195:0.11 (2070.7)confused concepts of the kingdom by founders of, 170:1.12 (1859.5)contains enough of Jesus’ teachings to immortalize it, 195:10.18 (2086.4)contribution of, to Western civilization, 195:1.9 (2072.2)a cultural necessity for Rome, 195:3.8 (2074.3)definition, 194:0.4 (2059.4)difficulties in assimilation of, 195:0.3 (2069.3)distorted and compromised in the present day, 195:9.5 (2083.1)doctrine of, the promise of salvation from sin, 5:4.5 (67.3)early, basis of doctrines of, 5:4.14 (68.2)vs. later institutionalized, 99:3.1 (1088.2)effect of Babylonian and Persian ideas on, 146:1.3 (1637.5)emergence of numerous sects in, 195:4.3 (2075.1)encumbrance of, with teachings about blood and sacrifice, 89:9.3 (984.2)in Ephesus, Paul’s influence on, 133:6.3 (1478.2)in Europe, three paramount factors in the rapid spread of, 132:0.5 (1456.1)an extemporized religion, 195:10.18 (2086.4)factors in Paul’s, 196:2.1 (2091.10)favored by Roman administrative techniques, 195:2.1 (2072.5)foundation of, 196:2.1 (2091.10)the God concept of, three components of, 5:4.10–13 (67.8–68.1)vs. the gospel of the kingdom, 194:0.4 (2059.4)great service of, for this world, 195:10.1 (2084.1)Hebrew theology’s influence on, 97:10.6 (1076.3)hidden meanings in the latent truths of, 195:2.5 (2072.9)influence of, on Buddhism, 94:9.3 (1038.7), 94:12.5 (1041.3)on the Hindu religion, 94:4.1 (1031.2)on the red men, 92:4.5 (1007.5)on reflective men, 195:10.12 (2085.4)on the status of the sexes, 84:5.6 (937.3)influence of the continence cult on, 89:3.6 (977.1)of Jesus’ sojourn in Rome on later, 132:0.5 (1456.1)of Mithraic and Zoroastrian cults on, 98:5.2 (1082.3)languishing of, for lack of new vision of Master’s life, 195:9.2 (2082.7)lowering of its ideals by, 195:9.9 (2083.5)man’s halfhearted attempts to follow, 154:4.6 (1720.3)secondhand experience with, 195:9.8 (2083.4)a mighty religion, 195:10.18 (2086.4)vs. Mithraism, 98:6.0 (1083.1–5), 121:5.8 (1337.4)modern, vs. the advancement of civilization, 154:4.6 (1720.3)the hope of, 195:10.21 (2086.7)sources of, 195:9.11 (2083.7)the moral culture of Rome, 195:2.5 (2072.9)a new order of human society, 195:0.3 (2069.3)a noneconomic movement, in the Roman Empire, 121:3.9 (1335.8)one of the greatest powers for good on earth, 195:10.12 (2085.4)one-God concept of, Romanized Greeks and the, 195:2.9 (2073.4)opportunity of, to help modern man, 195:10.19 (2086.5)in the Orient, effect of, on civilization, 195:10.7 (2084.7)paganized, the Pauline version of the life and teachings of the Son of Man, 195:0.18 (2070.14)paganized and socialized, need of, for new contact with Jesus’ teachings, 195:9.2 (2082.7)Palestine the birthplace of, 121:2.3 (1333.5)Paul’s, the adoration of the divine Jesus a requirement of, 196:2.4 (2092.2)Antioch the headquarters of, 171:1.6 (1869.2)attitude of, toward morals and ethics, 121:5.17 (1338.2)carrying of, to the West, 195:2.9 (2073.4)connection of the New Testament with, 196:2.1 (2091.10)converts to, from gentile proselytes, 121:2.5 (1333.7)foundation of, Greek philosophy and
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