The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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48:6.35 (555.3)loser, Matthew a, 172:5.8 (1885.3)Mary described as usually, 122:5.2 (1348.2)Cheerfulnessascenders’ learning, from ministering reserves, 48:6.35 (555.3)of Jesus, after his baptism, 137:3.4 (1527.7)and prayer, 91:4.5 (998.3)sources of, 131:3.4 (1447.1)Chemical(s)analysis of protoplasm, the paradox of, 65:6.1 (737.1)behavior, dependence of, on electron activity, 42:7.6 (477.8)effects, and supposedly supernatural forces, 85:2.3 (945.6)elements, basic Havona, number of, 14:2.3 (154.5)endowment, differential, characteristics of the races affected by, 49:5.19 (566.7)endowments of Adams and Eves, 51:1.3 (580.6)formula(s), cosmic, constituting the parent patterns of life, number of, 36:2.14 (398.1)God not a, 12:7.6 (138.1)one unable to pray to a, 102:7.3 (1126.3)formulas of life, system variations in, 49:1.2 (560.1)function, balanced, of the body, a factor in effective spirit leading by Adjuster, 110:6.4 (1209.4)healing, Urantia scientists’ future knowledge of certain, results, 65:4.5 (735.4)ingredients, superhuman space assembly of, in the Cana wine making, 137:4.13 (1530.5)precipitation, a means of limestone formation, 57:8.13 (661.7)rays of sunlight, identification of, 42:5.9 (475.5)variations in reaction to, 49:2.22 (562.6)reactions between hormones of ductless glands, possible number of, 65:6.6 (737.6)and the Unqualified Absolute, 65:6.8 (738.1)in wound healing and cell reproduction, Life Carriers’ design of, 65:4.4 (735.3)table, recurrence of properties by sevens in the, significance, 42:9.3 (480.1)Chemismrelation of, to light, heat, electricity, magnetism, energy, and matter, 42:4.1 (472.12)Chemistryvs. alchemy, 81:2.9 (901.12)Dalamatians taught rudiments of, 66:5.24 (748.5)human evolution not explained by, 65:6.8 (738.1)noninherence of truth, beauty, and goodness in, 195:6.11 (2077.7)reactions of, character of, 65:6.8 (738.1)revelation’s co-ordination of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)sevenfold persistence of creative constitution in domains of, 42:9.3 (480.1)Chemoshidentity and importance of, 96:1.14 (1054.4)Cherubim and sanobimadvancement of, to seraphic status, 26:1.10 (285.11)ambitious, recognition of effort and attainment of, 20:8.3 (231.3)and angelic corps, 38:0.2 (418.2)assembling of, for the dispensational resurrection, 189:3.1 (2024.3)characteristics of, 38:7.6 (422.6)as custodian of nonstatus child’s potential identity, 47:2.1 (531.5)deserted, training of probationary wards of the finaliters by, 47:2.2 (531.6)Universe Mother Spirit’s embrace of, 38:8.5 (423.5)designation of dual phases of, 84:6.5 (938.9)embrace of, by Universe Mother Spirit, 38:8.5 (423.5), 48:5.2 (550.3)emergency assignments of, 38:7.4 (422.4)energy manipulators’ counsel to, 44:5.10 (506.1)equal in number to seraphim on Urantia, 114:0.2 (1250.2)evolution of, 38:8.0 (423.1–6)fields of greatest efficiency of, 38:7.6 (422.6)fourth creatures of, 38:7.6 (422.6)functions and functional limitations of, 38:7.2 (422.2)glorified, field of activity of, 47:5.1 (535.5)involvement of, in rebellion on Urantia, 67:2.5 (755.7)Jerusem, losses of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.6 (608.2)maintenance of balance of forces between active and passive, 44:5.10 (506.1)as Mansion World Teachers, 37:7.0 (413.2–3), 47:2.2 (531.5), 47:5.1 (535.5), 48:5.5 (550.6)Melchizedeks’ training of, 38:5.1 (420.6)vs. midway creatures, 38:7.7 (422.7)as ministering spirits, 26:1.14 (286.2)morontia, a factor in bridging gap between material and spiritual worlds, 38:9.9 (425.1)and morontia level, 38:7.6 (422.6)morontia service of, 38:8.6 (423.6)most humble, reaction of, to the words of Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster, 189:0.3 (2020.3)nonpersonal assignments of, 38:7.4 (422.4)one each, constituting a pair of cherubim, 113:2.9 (1243.6)origin of, 38:7.6 (422.6)a pair of, constant association of, with the seraphic guardians, 113:2.9 (1243.6)records of the mortal kept by, 113:2.9 (1243.6)planetary training of, 38:7.5 (422.5)rebels, confinement of, on Jerusem prison worlds, 45:1.10 (510.8)relation of, to guardians of destiny, 38:8.5 (423.5)relationship between, 38:7.2 (422.2)self-improvement efforts of, 38:7.5 (422.5)as seraphim assistants, 48:5.1 (550.2)similarity of, to seraphim, 38:7.1 (422.1)of Spirit-fused mortals, and their memory recall, 40:9.5 (451.1)technique of transformation of, to seraphim, 48:5.10 (551.5)temperamental distinction between, 38:7.2 (422.2), 44:5.10 (506.1)Chicagomoney value of daily supply of sunshine for, 58:2.1 (665.4)a recent admission of a mortal in, to the reserve corps of destiny, 113:2.7 (1243.4)Chickshell’s importance to the, 48:6.32 (554.6)Chief(s)apostles’ regard of Andrew as their, 139:1.2 (1548.6)of archangels, granting of the request of, for Jesus’ body, 189:2.1 (2022.5)presenter of Papers 33 and 35, 33:8.7 (373.9), 35:10.6 (394.8)summoning of his resurrection council by the, 189:0.1 (2020.1)of assignment, and assignment of primary supernaphim, 27:0.2 (298.2)dispersal of worship assemblages by, 27:7.3 (304.1)function of, 26:8.5 (294.4), 27:2.1 (300.1)primary supernaphim, 27:0.9 (298.9)remanding of unsuccessful pilgrims to service of time by, 26:10.4 (295.6)choice of tribal, reason for, 70:6.3 (789.10)of communication and intelligence, self-appointed, David Zebedee the, 190:1.3 (2030.2)of the council of receivership, delivery of charge of planetary custody by, 74:2.6 (830.1)of Evening Stars of Nebadon, Gavalia, 37:2.6 (407.6)presenter of Paper 119, 119:0.1 (1308.1)executive(s), advisory, on Urantia, the resident governor general the, 114:5.1 (1241.1)federal, of the continental nation, 72:2.3 (809.4)supercabinet of, 72:2.3 (809.4)Urantian, character of desirable, 70:12.5 (798.4)war the onetime cause for submission to, 70:2.21 (786.12)executive of Creator Son and Creative Spirit, 32:2.6 (359.3), 39:1.2 (427.2)of local system, a primary Lanonandek Son, 45:2.1 (511.1)of local universe, 21:2.11 (237.1)of Nebadon, Gabriel the, 33:4.0 (369.4–370.5), 37:1.9 (406.11), 37:2.2 (407.2), 38:6.2 (421.5)of Nebadon Power Centers, presenter of Paper 41, 41:10.6 (466.5)of Nebadon Voices, function of, 28:4.6 (308.5)power and authority of, 88:6.6 (972.6)priests, cognizance of, of Jesus’ presence in Bethany, 172:0.3 (1878.3)concern of, about Jesus and the apostles, 142:1.6 (1596.8)possible attitude of, toward one who warns of their spiritual doom, 153:2.3 (1710.1)predicted rejection of the Son of Man by the, 171:2.4 (1870.1)reaction of, to Bethany banquet, 172:1.9 (1880.1)to Pilate’s offer to release Jesus, 185:5.4 (1993.4)secret meetings of, reason, 147:6.2 (1654.1)priests and elders, reaction of, to the deal with Judas, 177:4.12 (1927.1)and Pharisees, perplexity of, at Jesus’ presence in Bethany, 172:1.1 (1878.4)and rulers, woes upon, 175:1.14 (1907.6)publican of Jericho, public confession of, 171:6.2 (1874.1)recorders, field of operations of, 26:3.5 (288.5)ruler of the Philadelphia synagogue, deposition of, 167:3.2 (1836.1)rebuke of Jesus by, 167:3.4 (1836.3)of the Sanhedrin, anger of, against Eber, 162:2.9 (1792.3)of Satania finaliters, member of Jerusem executive council, 45:3.15 (512.15)Melchizedeks, member of Jerusem executive council, 45:3.13 (512.13)physical controllers, member of Jerusem executive council, 45:3.18 (512.18)seats, Jesus’ discussion of the appropriation of the, 167:1.5 (1834.3), 175:1.9 (1907.1)of seraphim on Urantia, the associate, Manotia, 39:0.9 (426.9), 53:6.6 (607.1)daily reflective draft upon, for Uversa, 28:4.11 (309.5)functions of, 113:6.2 (1246.6), 114:6.3 (1255.2), 114:7.2 (1257.2)the present, 27:0.2 (298.2), 37:8.10 (414.5), 114:6.3 (1255.2)presenter of Papers 82–84, 113, 114, 82:6.12 (921.2), 83:8.10 (930.6), 84:8.7 (943.2), 113:7.9 (1249.3), 114:7.18 (1259.3)steward of the palace, striking of Jesus by the, 184:1.6 (1979.4)of transport, inspection of the carriage of life by the, 39:5.14 (438.7)of the women’s corps, Susanna the, 150:1.2 (1679.1)Child(ren)of Abraham, heavenly Father’s love for, 142:2.3 (1597.3)Jesus’ imminent rejection by the, 174:5.3 (1902.4)Jewish belief in salvation for only the, 166:3.2 (1828.6)longing for the "consolation of Israel" by, 135:6.2 (1501.5)refusal of some, to enter the new brotherhood, 140:1.2 (1568.5)rejection of "Him who sent me" by the, 174:5.3 (1902.4)of Adam, attempts of, to comfort Eve, 75:5.5 (843.7)attitude of, toward the first Eden, 76:3.2 (849.5)Daligastia’s failure to influence the, 75:2.1 (840.3)on Jerusem, 74:1.5 (829.1)and native unions, marital careers of, 51:5.5 (586.2)number of, removed to Edentia, 75:6.3 (844.5)reaction of, to tragedy of the default, 75:5.6 (843.8)wards of Most Highs, 75:6.3 (844.5)of Adamson and Ratta, number of, 77:5.6 (861.6)unique order of, 77:5.6 (861.6)Adjusterless, attachment of, to parents in survival reckonings, 49:6.12 (570.1)Adjuster’s growth in experience along with that of the, 109:0.1 (1195.1)average number of, per family, in the continental nation, 72:3.3 (811.3)Christ’s love for, influence of, 195:3.5 (2073.9)civilization’s attitude as to the rights of a, 84:7.20 (941.1)of Creator Sons and Mother Spirits, relation of, to local universes, 33:0.1 (366.1)culture, modern problems of, causes of the difficulties of, 84:7.21 (941.2)unselfish dedication to, importance of, in marriage, 83:7.6 (928.7)culture of the Cro-Magnons, 80:3.5 (891.6)as largely the task of mothers, error of viewing, 47:1.6 (531.4)vs. vanity and fashion, 84:8.4 (942.5)of darkness, refusal of, to walk in the light, 162:7.3 (1796.5)of destiny, Joseph’s questioning about the, 122:3.2 (1346.5)Mary’s dedication to the call to mother the, 122:2.6 (1346.1)home chosen for the, 122:2.6 (1346.1)destruction of, by early
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