The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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HavonaHavona energy characteristic of the, 42:2.16 (470.7)native teachers in pilgrim-training schools of the, 31:1.1 (346.2)inhabitants, ratio of, in a finaliter company, 31:1.3 (346.4)intelligent beings of, in local universes, 32:3.5 (360.7)language little needed in the, 44:4.3 (503.3)life on worlds of, 14:5.2 (158.5)limitation of God outside, 3:2.15 (48.7)linear gravity operative in, 11:8.3 (125.6)local universe seraphic ministers fashioned after patterns in, 17:8.2 (205.3)mass content of, 12:1.10 (129.8)midway creatures of the, 25:1.1 (273.10)ministering spirits of the, 26:0.0 (285.1–297.6)mortals’ possible knowledge of, 12:0.1 (128.1)natives, dual recognition of Father and Son by, 6:8.2 (79.5)and finality corps, 19:6.3 (221.5)peculiar progression of, 14:4.14 (157.6)uniformity of, 21:2.10 (236.8)no evolutionary change in, in the Havona age, 106:0.18 (1163.12)number seven basic to, 42:9.2 (479.7)origin of, 14:4.10 (157.2)Paradise Sons’ revelation of the Universal Father in the, 7:7.3 (89.2)pattern-being inhabitants of, 14:4.18 (157.10)of perfection, an example of the superevolutional, 105:7.2 (1159.7)not absolute, 105:7.2 (1159.7)personal presence of Universal Father in, 32:3.4 (360.6)personalities in local universes, 33:5.1 (370.6)morontia mortals’ opportunities for acquaintance with, 43:4.5 (489.8)Nebadon rendezvous of, 36:4.7 (401.3)physical balance and stabilization of, 14:1.15 (153.6)beings, invisibility of, to Urantians, 14:2.4 (154.6)phenomena and spiritual reactions of, 14:2.5 (154.7)stimuli, insensibility of Urantians to, 14:2.4 (154.6)possible population of, in future universe ages, 19:6.4 (221.6)unrevealed purposes of, 14:6.5 (160.6)progressive changes in, in the present universe age, 106:0.18 (1163.12)purpose of the, 4:0.2 (54.2), 14:6.0 (160.2–163.3)reflectivity contact of superuniverses with, 28:4.2 (308.1)regulations, character of, 14:5.3 (158.6)relation of, to Isle of Paradise, 14:1.10 (153.1)seeds of potential existence diffused throughout the, 8:1.6 (91.3)service of personalities of the Infinite Spirit in the, 9:8.24 (107.12)social and economic activities of, 14:5.2 (158.5)Son-fused survivors in, 40:10.10 (453.5)spiritual supervision of, through Seven Spirits of the Circuits, 17:5.1 (202.4)star students from, on Uversa, 30:3.3 (338.21)Stationary Sons of the Trinity in, 19:4.8 (218.6)the Supreme Being a spirit personality in the, 116:0.5 (1268.5)teachers as celestial artisans, 44:0.3 (497.3)function of, on Life Carrier world, 36:2.19 (399.1)threefold physical organization(s) of the, 11:8.7 (126.3), 14:2.6 (154.8)training not required by Daynals, 20:7.5 (230.7)Centrifugalconsequences of sin, character and range of, 67:7.2 (761.1)planetary daughters, origin of, 15:5.6 (171.1)stage of nebular whirling, 57:3.5 (653.5)Centripetalconsequences of willful rejection of light, 67:7.1 (760.6)Centrumof Paradise cycle of cosmic reality, 42:2.4 (469.4)CenturionCelta of the women’s corps the daughter of a Roman, 150:1.1 (1678.5)Centurion of Corinthadvised by Jesus on loyalty to God and Caesar, 133:4.3 (1474.3)Centurion Corneliusa believer through Peter’s ministry, 130:2.5 (1430.3)Centurion Mangusservant of the, healing of, 147:1.0 (1647.3–1648.2)Centurion of the Roman guards, see Captain, of the Roman guard(s)Cephalopodsammonites’ development from, 60:1.13 (686.9)development of, in late invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.11 (676.2)dominance of the seas by, 59:3.5 (677.2)size of, 59:3.5 (677.2)sudden appearance of, 59:3.5 (677.2)Cerealsabundance of, in Cretaceous period, 60:3.19 (690.10)as the first weights, 69:4.5 (775.5)fruits, and nuts, the Adamic diet, 74:6.4 (834.6), 76:3.7 (850.3)improvements in, time of, 73:5.5 (825.2)modern, cultivation of, in Eden, 73:5.5 (825.2)noncooking of, in Adam’s household, 74:6.4 (834.6)seeds of, carried from the first garden to Mesopotamia, 76:3.6 (850.2)Cerebralcortex, the Urantian type of, 49:5.14 (566.2)endowment, man’s, effect of, on Adjuster activity, 109:5.5 (1199.6)Ceremonial(s)association of prayer with, 91:5.6 (999.2)early beginnings of, 68:2.10 (765.7)Jesus’ desire to free the Jews from bondage to, 125:5.10 (1383.3)meaningless, Jesus’ denunciation of, 149:2.10 (1671.5)orgies, of the mystery cults, 98:4.8 (1082.1)performances, Jesus’ abhorrence of, 166:1.2 (1825.4)practices, Jesus’ resentment toward, 127:6.6 (1404.5)sacrifice, origin of the practice of eating a portion of the, 103:4.1 (1133.1)stereotyped, dangers of, 87:7.10 (966.5)system of formal worship, vs. compassion for one’s fellows, 180:5.12 (1951.1)Ceremonialismthe individual’s emergence from the bondage of, 179:5.2 (1942.1)Ceremonially uncleanhands, Jesus’ teaching about moral defilement and eating with, 153:3.5 (1712.5)results of a Jew’s being, 185:0.3 (1987.3)Ceremony(ies)of Jesus’ healing of the blind beggar, 164:3.14 (1813.1)Jesus’ only established, 179:5.4 (1942.3)Jewish people’s oppression by, 175:1.8 (1906.5)marking the entrance of ascending mortal on Paradise service, 47:8.4 (538.2)meaningless, vs. appreciative worship, 149:6.5 (1675.6)of the ordination, 140:0.3 (1568.3)a part of the life of the ancients, 83:4.2 (924.5)superstitious, of primitive peoples, persistence of, 155:5.8 (1729.3)temple, Jesus’ interest in the spiritual significance of, 125:0.5 (1377.5)Certainty(ies)absolute, not in knowledge alone, 102:2.4 (1120.1)of believer, the challenge to uncertainty of materialist, 103:8.5 (1140.5)development of, by pressure, 48:6.35 (555.3)faith, the greatest technique for dealing with superficial contentions, 102:7.6 (1126.6)of faith vs. nonreligious approaches, 102:7.9 (1127.3)vs. theological arrogance, 92:7.3 (1012.4)of the future, vs. anxieties of the present, 48:4.6 (548.1)intellectual, a provision of the teachings of Jesus, 101:6.8 (1112.4)the intellectual earmark of religion, 102:7.5 (1126.5)inward, no fear of outward analysis by genuine, 146:3.2 (1641.4)of knowledge gained in religious experience, superhuman character of, 103:9.12 (1142.3)not same as faith, 101:8.1 (1114.5)of personal experience, dogmatism of, a suitable reply to unwarranted dogmatism, 102:7.7 (1127.1)physical, moral, and spiritual, sources of, 196:3.5 (2094.4)of progress in the kingdom more important than rapidity, 147:5.7 (1653.1)religious, correlation of, into well-balanced philosophy, 103:7.9 (1139.1)of religious faith, 102:6.0 (1124.3–1125.5)of science, source of, 102:1.4 (1119.3)Certitude of the divineabout, 102:7.0 (1126.1–1127.4)Cessationof creature existence, 49:6.7 (569.2)of existence, see also Existence, cessation ofCeyloncertain Saharans’ migration to, 80:2.2 (890.6)Chairmanof the twelve, Andrew the, 138:10.2 (1547.2)ChaldeaSalem religion preached in, 93:5.4 (1019.1)Chaldean(s)attitude of, toward the stars, 90:3.8 (990.3)belief of, regarding the sun, 85:5.2 (947.5)early abandonment of human sacrifice by the, 89:6.2 (980.7)herder, reaction of, to Machiventa’s sudden appearance, 93:2.1 (1015.1)Melchizedek’s ability to speak, 93:2.1 (1015.1)near Ur, an advanced group of eastern Semites, 96:2.1 (1054.6)priests, seraphim’s announcement to, of Michael’s coming appearance, 119:7.6 (1317.2)star cultists, belief of, as to their origin, 85:5.1 (947.4)stories, the Jews’ use and adaptation of the, 97:7.2 (1068.2)tribes, recognition by, of right to monogamy, 83:6.3 (927.4)Chalkdeposits of the Eocene period, location of, 61:1.13 (694.5)period, end of the, 60:4.0 (691.4–692.4)in sedimentations of Cretaceous stage, 60:3.9 (689.8)Challenge(s)acceptance of, without complaint, 48:6.35 (555.3)before which Christianity has lowered its ideals, 195:9.9 (2083.5)of courage, children’s response to the, 140:5.22 (1575.7)the great, given to mortal man, 117:4.10 (1284.6)to modern man, 196:3.34 (2097.2)of a new age of science and materialism, religion confronted by the, 195:4.5 (2075.3)the religious, of this age, 2:7.10 (43.3)to the Sanhedrin, Jesus’, 164:3.16 (1813.3)to the unrighteous stranger, second-mile response a, 159:5.15 (1770.7)Challengingthe Master’s authority, 173:2.0 (1891.2–1892.5)Chancea definition, 86:1.4 (950.6)good luck and bad luck, 86:1.0 (950.3–951.2)and luck, influence of, in ancient philosophy, 86:1.6 (951.2)man’s fear of, 89:2.1 (975.5)one source of the origin of religion, 86:1.1 (950.3)personification of, 86:2.0 (951.3–952.2)reasons for social classes, 70:8.5 (792.9)role of, in lives of primitive Urantians, 86:1.2 (950.4)shamans’ belief in, 90:2.4 (987.8)significance of the word, 86:2.5 (951.7)ChangJesus’ many visits with, 133:4.9 (1475.2)Change(s)and adjustments, the human race’s need to become reconciled to, 99:1.1 (1086.4)an attribute of the Conjoint Creator, 9:3.5 (101.5)God of Action ancestor of, 9:1.1 (98.6)of mind by faith, vs. repentance of so-called good works, 138:8.8 (1545.9)Changeablenessfluctuations
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