The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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97:9.26 (1075.2)Jews’ explanation of their various, 135:5.1 (1500.1)spiritual, means of deliverance from, 130:1.2 (1428.2)CapuaJesus’ visit to, 130:8.6 (1441.2)Caravan(s)conductor, oft-referred-to Urmian lectures of the, 134:6.15 (1491.9)Jesus’ contact with the, 123:5.6 (1362.7)passengers, reason for Jesus’ inability to mingle with the, 126:5.8 (1393.5)repair shop, Jesus’ proposal to buy back the, 127:3.1 (1398.5)Jesus’ work at the, 128:2.3 (1410.2)routes, passage of, through Palestine, 121:2.2 (1333.4)routes through Palestine, Rome’s desire to control, 121:2.8 (1334.2)tariffs, David’s control of the, 97:9.15 (1073.5)trains, as seen by Jesus from the Nazareth hill, 123:5.13 (1364.1)trip to the Caspian, Jesus’, 134:2.0 (1484.5–1485.2)Jesus’, success of, 134:2.4 (1485.1)workshop, Joseph’s construction of a, 123:1.6 (1357.3)Carbonatmospheric, and growth of land life, 58:1.8 (665.3)transformation of, to metallic carbonates, 57:7.8 (659.7)copies, figurative, of celestial records, nature of, 25:6.1 (281.6)dioxide in atmosphere, 59:2.9 (675.8)remover, iron in circulating blood cells as a, 65:6.4 (737.4)in Urantia air in late invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.9 (675.8)in Urantia’s atmosphere during volcanic age, 57:7.6 (659.5)of Urantia’s early atmosphere, and animal life, 58:1.8 (665.3)function of, in hydrogen-carbon-helium reaction, 41:8.1 (464.3)gases, atmospheric, consumption of, by early plant life, 57:7.8 (659.7)monoxide in Urantia’s atmosphere during volcanic age, 57:7.6 (659.5)organic, in transition rock deposits, 58:7.10 (671.3)Carbonatesmetallic, source of planetary, 57:7.8 (659.7)Carboniferous periodthe fern-forest, 59:5.0 (680.3–682.6)why so called, 58:7.10 (671.3), 59:5.14 (681.6)Care of God for manJesus’ illustration of, 159:5.7 (1769.9)Career(s)earth, Jesus’, the Father’s desire for the natural finish of, 183:1.2 (1972.1)Master’s great decisions concerning his, 136:4.10 (1515.4)most amazing act of Jesus’, 150:1.1 (1678.5)far-flung, of ascending mortals, depiction of, 43:9.1 (495.3)in the flesh, compensation for premature termination of, 45:6.3 (516.1)Jesus’ avoidance of building up a spectacular, 128:4.6 (1413.2)public, beginning of, at time of baptism, 128:1.8 (1408.5)model, Adjusters’ possession of, as possible plans for human subjects, 110:2.1 (1204.5)mortal-bestowal, 20:6.0 (228.5–230.2)the most uneventful six months of Jesus’, 128:5.6 (1414.4)seraphim and the ascendant, 113:7.0 (1248.1–1249.2)a son’s, for time and eternity, safety of, 181:1.10 (1955.1)of time, completion of, by completion seraphim, 39:9.1 (441.5)Caretaker(s)and builders on seventh transition world, the loyal Panoptians, 53:7.1 (607.2)of the garden, Mary Magdalene’s mistaking Jesus for the, 189:4.10 (2026.4), 190:0.5 (2029.6)the Gods are my, in the version of the story whispered to the shepherd boy, 48:6.9 (552.7)of salvaged children on transitional world number one, 47:1.1 (530.5)Caribbean regionelevation of, during early trilobite age, 59:1.5 (673.5)in early invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.2 (675.1)Carnivorousanimal vestiges, exhibition of, by blended human stocks, 52:3.8 (593.7)creatures, architectural worlds free from, 43:6.5 (492.5)Carnivorousnessof primitive man, 52:3.8 (593.7)Carpenterbench, Jesus’ last work at the, 137:8.3 (1535.9)meditations while at the, 126:3.11 (1391.1)and contractor, Joseph a, 122:1.1 (1344.4)foolish, parable of the, 156:5.2 (1738.1)Jesus’ expertness as a, 126:1.1 (1387.1)onetime decision to become a, 124:2.10 (1369.6)skill at sixteen as a, 127:1.6 (1396.3)Joseph as a, 123:1.1 (1356.4)lad, awareness of his divine and human responsibilities by the, 126:2.2 (1388.2)of Nazareth, Herod’s attempt to ascertain whether Jesus was the, 145:3.12 (1633.3)Jesus remembered as a, 129:1.7 (1420.4)on the Mediterranean trip Jesus still the, 129:4.1 (1424.5)nonrecognition of the, as the citizen of Capernaum, 128:4.4 (1412.7)one of Jesus’ names, 134:7.2 (1492.2)startling pronouncements of the, 121:7.12 (1341.1)shop, Jesus’ early work in the, 124:4.1 (1371.4)Joseph’s, Jesus’ and his playmates’ use of, 123:4.3 (1361.3)Carpenter’s sonJesus the, 20:6.3 (229.2)CarpentryJesus’ only parable having to do with, 156:5.2 (1738.1)Carpet(s)of honor for the royal Son on way to Jerusalem, 172:3.9 (1882.2)wedding, origin of the present use of, 83:4.7 (925.3)Carrara marbleorigin of, 60:1.4 (685.6)Carriage of lifea transport seraphim, 39:5.14 (438.7)Carrier pigeonsnews of Adam’s arrival carried by, 74:2.3 (829.5)time of first employment of, 66:5.6 (746.4)Carthagediscourse on time and space at, 130:7.0 (1438.4–1439.6)Jesus’ topics of discussion en route to, 130:7.1 (1438.4)later site of, migration from Mesopotamia to the, 80:7.11 (896.3)Carthaginiansa part of the Semitic race, 121:2.1 (1333.3)Case of Gabriel vs. Lucifertime of first hearing of, 54:4.8 (616.7)see also Gabriel, vs. LuciferCaspiancaravan trip to the, conducted by Jesus, 134:2.0 (1484.5–1485.2)group of Mesopotamian descendants of Andonite-Andite blend, 78:8.11 (877.1)Sea, expanded, a barrier to later Adamite migration, 80:2.5 (891.1)journey of Adamites around the, into Europe, 78:3.2 (870.5)migration to Europe around, of mixed Andonites, 80:9.6 (898.1)Onagar’s headquarters at Oban in the region of the present, 63:6.7 (716.6)proximity to, of the Adamsonite headquarters, 78:1.3 (868.5)Sea and Adamsonite center of civilization, 77:5.10 (862.4)region, southern, mingling of Nodites and Amadonites in the, 73:1.6 (822.3)route of Andite European migrants, 78:6.2 (873.6), 80:4.4 (892.7)Caspinthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Caste(s)cause of, 68:6.7 (770.4)effect of, on practice of polyandry, 83:5.3 (926.1)kingdom of heaven’s freedom from, 134:4.7 (1487.4)purpose of the Indian, 79:4.5 (882.5)social, effects of, 70:8.13 (793.5)new, origin of, 68:6.7 (770.4)and secret societies, 70:7.15 (791.8)spirit artisans unhampered by, 44:8.3 (508.1)in state organizations, origin of, 71:1.23 (801.11)system(s), Gautama’s fight against the, 94:7.2 (1035.2)India’s, Ganid’s desire to do something about, 130:5.4 (1436.5)inquiry concerning, 133:0.3 (1468.3)influence of, on the Brahmans, 94:2.2 (1028.5)origin of, 94:2.1 (1028.4)preservation of, 79:4.5 (882.5)modern, vestigial remnants of the olden taboos, 89:1.6 (975.3)Casting lotsand disclosure of the divine will, 150:3.7 (1681.2)for Jesus’ tunic, 187:2.8 (2007.7)modern survival of the practice of, 90:2.4 (987.8)shamans’ proclivity for, 90:2.4 (987.8)Castlegroups of the Middle Ages, 71:1.24 (801.12)Jerusalem gaily decorated during the feast of tabernacles except for the Roman, at Antonia, 162:4.2 (1794.1)Castor oiluse of, by the Sumerians, 90:4.9 (992.1)Castrationa means of frightening away the ghost, 87:6.6 (964.5)of priests of the mother cult, 89:3.4 (976.6)Casualcharacter of Jesus’ important sayings and doings, 171:7.9 (1875.4)contacts of Jesus with individuals in Corinth, result, 133:3.11 (1473.4)conversation of Jesus with Stephen, result, 128:3.5 (1411.5)meeting of Jesus and Ganid with a thoughtless pagan, 132:7.1 (1466.1)Cat(s)ancestral, fossil remains of, 61:2.7 (695.5)black, regarded as magical by primitive man, 88:5.4 (971.6)extinct early mammal resembling cross between seal and, 61:2.7 (695.5)family, domination of animal life by the, 61:4.4 (698.6)migration to North America of many varieties of, 61:3.4 (696.8)presence in North America of many groups of, 61:5.7 (699.8)rapidly increasing, destruction of an intelligent large mammal by the, 61:3.10 (697.5)love wife compared to a, by peoples that still buy wives, 83:3.1 (923.7)tribe, representatives of the, 61:3.13 (697.8)Cataclysmsphysical, of starry realms, 4:1.5 (55.3)Cataleptic fitshamanism and the, 90:1.3 (987.1)Catalyticagents, living, primary associators as, 29:4.32 (328.1)Master Physical Controllers’ function compared to, 29:4.21 (326.3)presences, living, Life Carriers as, 36:3.5 (399.7)Catalyzationof physical patterns by Life Carriers, 36:3.3 (399.5)Catalyzer(s)of all universe growth, the Supreme the apparent, 117:3.13 (1283.2)energy, power directors as, 42:2.22 (471.6)living, Life Carriers as, 49:1.2 (560.1)Catastrophe(s)the Caligastia, character and results of, 66:7.20 (752.1)evacuation of a planet doomed by a physical, 51:2.3 (582.3)local, beneficial outworking of, 67:7.8 (761.7)of nature, believers’ nonimmunity to the, 159:3.13 (1767.1)teachings of Jesus about, 149:2.10 (1671.5)spirit-born individuals’ attitude toward, 100:2.8 (1096.5)Catastrophicblunder of the Caligastia betrayal, effect of, on planetary history, 66:8.3 (752.4)events in Jerusalem, association of Jesus’ return with predicted, 176:4.2 (1918.5)physical events, speculation about the Supreme and, 10:7.5 (115.7)Caterpillarbutterfly from, emergence of humans’ true personalities on mansonia likened to, 112:6.1 (1235.5)and suppositions of natural philosophy, 42:9.4 (480.2)Catskill Mountainsa geologic monument of the Devonian epoch, 59:4.15 (679.8)Cattlebellowing of a drove of, in the temple court, Jesus’ reaction to, 173:1.6 (1890.1)stealing, death the ancient punishment for, 70:10.15 (796.5)Caucasoidclass of mankind, identification, 81:4.11 (905.2)defined as generalized homogeneity
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