The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, in protecting the weak, 71:4.17 (804.17)genuine, significance of, 71:4.16 (804.16)of God-knowing individuals, the kingdom of heaven a, 99:3.2 (1088.3)of gospel believers, one phase of the kingdom, 170:4.3 (1863.1)human, the basis for a superior civilization, 79:4.9 (883.1)establishment of, by wise moral beings, 50:5.8 (577.3)evolutionary races’ attitude toward, 39:5.4 (437.3)hope of, means of realization of, 155:6.8 (1732.1)in Jesus’ religion, 196:2.6 (2092.4)of intelligence, Lucifer’s advocacy of, 53:4.2 (604.4)intriguing, the urge of, as a nonprofit motive, 71:6.3 (805.7)invisible spiritual, vs. the visible church, 195:10.11 (2085.3)of Jesus, no place for sectarian rivalry in the, 195:10.14 (2085.6)of Jew and gentile, Matthew’s difficulty in visualizing a, 181:2.13 (1957.3)of the kingdom, and building a new society, 195:10.6 (2084.6)of heaven, exploitation of the weak, vs. ideals of the, 163:2.11 (1803.2)Jesus’ declaration as to the foundation for building the, 157:4.5 (1747.3)need that man shall enter the, 160:1.14 (1774.6)post-Pentecostal, standing of women in the, 194:3.14 (2065.2)spirit-led, vs. the institutional church, 170:5.9 (1864.9)kingdom of divine, certain emergence of, 170:5.21 (1866.4)of love, a definition, 140:1.3 (1568.6)of loving service, possible liberty and freedom in the, 190:5.4 (2035.1)of man(men), a basic reality of salvation, 188:4.13 (2017.8)a consequence of the fatherhood of God, 52:6.7 (598.2), 134:4.1 (1486.4), 159:5.7 (1769.9), 193:1.2 (2053.4), 196:2.11 (2093.5)Cynics’ belief in the, 131:1.6 (1443.2)establishment of, while denying the fatherhood of God, an impossibility, 195:8.11 (2082.3)divine, placing of, under the direction of human minds, 140:2.3 (1570.1)and entrance into the kingdom of heaven, 160:5.7 (1781.3)factors in the world-wide realization of, 52:6.7 (598.2)and fatherhood of God, the gospel of the, 191:4.4 (2042.1)paradox of the part and the whole, on personality level, 12:7.8 (138.3)first attempt at socialization of the, 190:1.7 (2031.1)fullness of Jesus’ discussion of, 134:3.5 (1485.7)Ganid’s attitude toward the, 131:10.7 (1454.4)global government the sovereignty of, 134:5.14 (1489.5)and the goal of human progress, 143:1.4 (1608.1)the goal of post-Adamic society, 52:3.12 (594.3)importance of the church’s validating the, 103:5.12 (1135.2)interpretation of the golden rule as affected by, 147:4.7 (1651.1)Jesus a profound demonstration of the, 196:1.5 (2091.1)Jesus’ kingdom the, 185:3.3 (1991.3)life’s influence on the doctrine of the, 186:5.5 (2002.6)substitute for "kingdom," 170:2.24 (1861.6)Jews’ inability to accept the, 121:7.2 (1339.7)joys of activities in the, 130:6.2 (1437.2)man’s realization of the, 103:5.9 (1134.7)a phase of the kingdom concept, 170:2.1 (1859.11)quickest way of realization of, on Urantia, 52:6.7 (598.2)religion of Jesus, and the, 195:9.6 (2083.2)revelatory religion’s enlarged consciousness of the, 100:6.8 (1101.3)Sadducees’ fear of Jesus’ doctrine of, 175:4.7 (1911.4)the secret of a better civilization in Jesus’ teachings of the, 194:3.12 (2064.4)servants of, the apostles to be, 169:2.2 (1853.5)similar status of all in the, in the presence of God, 133:0.3 (1468.3)social achievement of, a goal of mortal endeavor, 71:4.15 (804.15)service the basis of the, 103:2.8 (1131.7)state of, in post-Magisterial Son ages, 52:4.1 (594.4)on Urantia, nonrealization of, reason for, 68:1.1 (763.4)Urantia unprepared for declaration of, on Adam’s arrival, 75:1.3 (839.4)validity of religion and, 140:4.7 (1572.7)of mankind, religious work of the kingdom as related to, 153:1.2 (1708.1)and matters of discipline and justice, 159:1.6 (1764.1)means of attaining, 134:4.4 (1487.1), 155:6.8 (1732.1)religious, an outgrowth of the mysteries, 121:5.9 (1337.5)schools of Edentia, and ethical sensitizers’ guidance of mortals, 39:3.7 (433.1)and service, the cornerstones of the gospel, 178:1.4 (1930.1)service, unselfish love, 16:8.10 (194.10)of the sons of God, Jesus’ promise as to the, 165:2.9 (1819.5)of the spirit, religion’s bringing into being the, 102:3.8 (1122.4)of spirit believers, highest concept of, 188:4.9 (2017.4)spirits of, a seraphic order, 39:5.4 (437.3)spiritual, effect of, 134:6.13 (1491.7)identification of beginnings of, 118:8.10 (1302.7)Jesus’ purpose to establish the, 153:2.4 (1710.2)of the kingdom, vs. the institutional church, 170:5.6 (1864.6)the "kingdom of heaven," 169:4.6 (1856.4)of man, membership in, 170:5.11 (1865.1)in promotion of civilization, 71:5.3 (805.3)technique of acquiring greatness in the, 158:6.3 (1758.4)supermortal, of invisible spiritual beings, a phase of the kingdom, 170:4.4 (1863.2)an ultimate result from economic interdependence and social fraternity, 99:7.5 (1093.3)of United Midwayers, acknowledgment of indebtedness of, 121:8.14 (1343.3)universal, a function of, 12:7.10 (138.5)a God-knowing person’s devotion to the service of, 106:9.12 (1175.1)source of, 12:7.10 (138.5)of wisdom, philosophy’s striving for the, 102:3.8 (1122.4)world-wide, composition of forthcoming, 159:2.2 (1764.4)essentials to the realization of, 52:6.2 (597.3)Brotherlyand fatherly love, 140:5.0 (1573.3–1575.9)love, a definition, 140:5.1 (1573.3)Jesus’ urging Andrew to promote, among his brethren, 181:2.18 (1959.2)level of the "golden rule," 140:5.1 (1573.3), 147:4.7 (1651.1)manifestation of, among early believers, 194:4.6 (2067.1)parable of, Jesus’ preparation to enact the, 179:2.3 (1938.2)promotion of, by the good-Samaritan parable, 164:1.4 (1810.2)thoughtless, disastrous results of early believers’, 194:4.7 (2067.2)service, a requisite of spiritual character, 117:5.13 (1287.4)Brown man(men)present-day, origin of, 64:7.6 (727.3)times prior to the civilization of, on the Pacific islands, 78:3.8 (871.4)Brunet Mediterranean white racecomposition of, 80:9.10 (898.5)Brutalityof half-civilized man, evidence of, 184:4.5 (1984.6)Buddha(s)Absolute, concept of the, vs. the Salem gospel, 94:11.13 (1040.4)identity of the, 94:11.11 (1040.2)Amida, a concept of God, 94:12.2 (1040.6)belief as to the possibility of anyone’s becoming a, 94:11.10 (1040.1)comparison of, with the Jews, philosophically, 132:7.5 (1467.1)concept, comparison of the Yahweh concept with the, 96:1.15 (1054.5)deficiency of, as a spiritual teacher, 132:7.5 (1467.1)a devotee of leisure, 69:2.5 (773.6)Eternal, identity of the concept of the, 94:11.11 (1040.2)expected return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)vs. Gautama, to an enlightened Buddhist, 94:11.10 (1040.1)Gautama as the revered, to many believers, 92:5.12 (1009.6)Jesus’ comparison of Buddhism and, 132:7.4 (1466.4)many, belief regarding the existence of, 94:11.10 (1040.1)one of the seven outstanding world religious teachers, 121:6.4 (1338.7)an orphan prophet, 132:7.4 (1466.4)Buddhismabout, 131:3.0 (1446.3–1447.4)adaptation of, by the yellow race, 94:11.1 (1038.8)amalgamation of, with Taoism in China, Korea, and Japan, 94:11.1 (1038.8)appearance of, in India, 94:2.8 (1029.6)doctrines of, as to suffering and peace, 5:4.5 (67.3)an evaluation of, 94:11.0 (1038.8–1040.4), 103:9.3 (1141.1)Gautama the real originator of, 94:7.2 (1035.2)the God concept of, 94:12.0 (1040.5–1041.5)the great strength of, freedom to choose truth from all religions, 94:12.4 (1041.2)vs. Hinduism in India, 94:2.8 (1029.6)influence of, on the Hindu religion, 94:4.1 (1031.2)on many believers, 94:9.6 (1038.4)Jesus’ talk with Ganid and Gonod about, 132:7.3 (1466.3)and the Melchizedek truths, 94:9.1 (1037.4)modern, vs. the teachings of Gautama, 94:7.8 (1036.2)the onetime dominant religion of one-half the world, 94:9.1 (1037.4)origin of, in a historic person, 94:8.2 (1036.4)present growth of, 94:9.6 (1038.4)reason for the spread of, 94:9.1 (1037.4)a religion without God, 131:3.1 (1446.3), 132:7.4 (1466.4)spread of, from India over all Asia, 94:9.0 (1037.4–1038.4)status of, on Urantia today, 92:6.16 (1011.14)superiority of, to religions it supplanted, 94:9.6 (1038.4)teaching of, relating to indwelling Adjusters, 94:11.5 (1039.4)twentieth-century renaissance in, 94:12.5 (1041.3)weaknesses of, 94:8.19 (1037.3), 94:12.1 (1040.5)Buddhist(s)devotees of the doctrine of physical humiliation, 89:3.4 (976.6)faith, 94:8.0 (1036.3–1037.3)two trinitarian doctrines developed by the, 104:1.6 (1144.3)missionaries, Asoka’s seventeen thousand, 94:9.1 (1037.4)peoples, danger in the philosophic error of the, 132:7.5 (1467.1)philosophy, 94:11.0 (1038.8–1040.4)teachers, great missionary zeal of the, 98:7.2 (1084.1)technique of becoming a, 94:8.1 (1036.3)Buddhisticbrotherhood originally a community of student teachers, 94:8.19 (1037.3)Buffalo danceof the red men, purpose of, 88:6.4 (972.4)Buildersthe divine, celestial artisans as, 44:0.8 (497.8), 44:3.0 (501.11–502.8)European white races as energetic, 80:9.13 (898.8)of the Garden, Nodite descendants as, 77:4.1 (859.4)Joseph’s immediate ancestors included, 122:1.1 (1344.4)loyal Panoptians serving as, on the Father’s sphere, 53:7.1 (607.2)the stone rejected by the, in Jesus’ scripture reference, 173:4.4 (1894.2)Building(s)custodians, ascending mortals’ contact with, 47:3.11 (534.3)functions of, 48:3.15 (546.8)in
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