The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(85.6)explanation of the, 7:4.5 (85.6)sin and rebellion not concerned with the, 186:5.8 (2003.2)planetary, of Avonal Sons, effectiveness of, 35:0.1 (384.1)midwayers deprived of benefits of, 40:3.1 (444.3)a planetary and universe necessity, 20:6.7 (229.6)projects of Eternal Son, and the Father’s command, "Be you perfect . . .," 7:5.1 (86.2)relation of magisterial missions to, 20:2.9 (225.8)school, on Edentia, as related to final bestowal of Michael, 43:1.6 (486.5)service, of Paradise Sons, importance of, to material beings, 6:8.4 (80.1)of Sons of God, purpose of, 20:1.14 (224.4)seven creature, of the Creator Son, type of sovereignty during, 21:3.7 (238.1), 21:3.15 (238.9)sevenfold, the supreme goal of Creator Sons, 20:5.2 (227.5)seventh, sovereignty of Michael on completion of his, 21:3.12 (238.6)seventh creature, of Creator Son, changed standing of Divine Minister at termination of, 33:3.5 (368.5)of his Son, revelation of the Father of spirits through the, 162:6.3 (1796.1)Son of Man’s entry on last year of his, 158:6.5 (1759.1)Son(s), enhancement of mission of, by loyal Planetary Prince and Material Son, 51:3.9 (584.2)enhancement of Paradise plan for mortal survival by life of the, 40:10.14 (454.3)experience of, on yielding up his incarnated life, 52:5.6 (596.4)incarnated, possible aftermath of Adjuster’s indwelling of an, 40:4.1 (444.4)liberation of Spirit of Truth by a, result of, 34:5.4 (379.4)Magisterial Sons as, 52:4.9 (595.4)planetary development on the advent of the, 52:5.3 (596.1)purpose of life and death of the, 52:5.4 (596.2)re-establishment of lines of communication with isolated planets by a, 35:9.9 (394.1)relation of magisterial missions to appearances of, 20:4.0 (226.5–228.4), 52:5.2 (595.7)revelation by the, of new ways for man to find God, 116:4.10 (1273.2)signal for the planetary arrival of the, 52:4.8 (595.3)Spirit of Truth a gift from the, 101:3.2 (1108.1)steps in mortal experience of, 20:6.2 (229.1)treatment of, on planets, the usual, 20:6.6 (229.5)"Word is made flesh" in the, 20:5.1 (227.4)of Sons of God, purpose, 7:4.5 (85.6)effect of, on interassociation of spiritual and material agencies, 77:1.2 (855.4)spheres, Michael’s technique of appearance on the first six, 120:1.1 (1325.3)spirit of, 7:5.0 (86.2–87.5)spirit of the Creator Son, 34:4.2 (377.6)of the Father, certain return of, to level of origin, 149:6.9 (1676.3)possibility of communion with, 5:1.3 (63.1)of the Spirit of Truth, 194:0.0 (2059.1–2068.3)terminal, worlds of, Master Sons’ control of plans for, 21:5.9 (241.3)undertakings, relation of mercy ministry enterprise to, 7:4.6 (85.7)universal, of mind, 56:2.2 (638.6)universal Father’s, and his possible suffering, 3:6.6 (53.4)universe, completion of Jesus’ last, 186:5.3 (2002.4)Urantia, Michael’s formulation of plans for his, 120:0.6 (1324.3)subjection to will of the Paradise Father on his, 120:2.1 (1327.1)voluntary divestment of all extraplanetary support during his, 120:1.3 (1325.5)the Son’s, culmination of, 124:6.16 (1376.2)twofold purpose of Michael’s, 128:0.2 (1407.2)of the word of God in the likeness of mortal flesh, 153:3.2 (1712.2)work of Jesus, completion of, 136:3.4 (1513.1)worlds, communication of Master Sons with, 21:5.10 (241.4)mortals’ contacts with Gabriel on the, 33:4.8 (370.5)of Paradise Sons, God referred to as "our Father" on, 1:1.5 (23.2)of a system, the four and twenty counselors assembled from, 50:2.2 (573.3)BethabaraBethany ford of the Jordan, 171:2.1 (1869.3)Bethanyapostolic corps’ arrival at, after ill treatment in Samaria, 162:0.3 (1788.3)headquarters at, during Passover, 147:2.1 (1648.3)belief of people of, in Jesus, 172:3.1 (1880.7)believers’ conferences with Jesus at, 162:1.4 (1789.3)gathering at, for apostolic instruction, 162:9.1 (1798.2)family (Lazarus’ s), the boy Jesus’ sojourn with the, 125:2.0 (1379.2–1383.3)Jesus’ deep affection for the, 127:6.3 (1404.2)love of Jesus by the, 125:2.7 (1380.2)garden, Jesus’ meditation in the, as to a plan for his lifework, 125:5.10 (1383.3)Jesus’ and the apostles’ arrival at, subsequent to Lazarus’s resurrection, 172:0.1 (1878.1)many visits at, 142:0.1 (1596.1)departure for, after the feast of tabernacles, 162:9.1 (1978.2)and his brother James’s Passover supper at, 127:3.4 (1399.3)and his brother Joseph’s Passover visit at, 128:1.15 (1409.5)and John Zebedee’s sojourn in, 134:9.2 (1494.5)return to, after Passover week, 125:4.1 (1381.3)Lazarus’s sojourn in, until crucifixion of Jesus, 168:5.1 (1849.5)Passover pilgrims’ stop at, 124:6.9 (1375.3)resting at, by Jesus and apostles, 142:7.1 (1603.2)resurrection message carried to, 190:1.8 (2031.2)secret meeting place near, Jesus’ escape to, 162:7.6 (1797.3)urgent message to Jesus from, regarding Lazarus’s illness, 167:3.6 (1836.5)welcoming of Jesus by common people of, 172:0.2 (1878.2)Bethany beyond Jordan(in Perea), Jesus’ and the apostles’ four-week sojourn in, 141:7.0 (1593.2–1595.1)John the Baptist’s former work at, 141:7.1 (1593.2)John’s disciples remain at, teaching and baptizing, 141:9.2 (1595.6)Bethany fordduration of John the Baptist’s preaching at, 135:6.5 (1502.3)John’s return to, after a year’s preaching, 135:10.2 (1506.4)Bethelthe apostolic group’s sojourn at, 143:0.1 (1607.1)Jesus’ and James’s discussion of Jewish history at, 127:3.3 (1399.2)Bethesda poolat the, 147:3.0 (1649.1–1650.1)healing of the man at the, 147:3.5 (1649.5)reaction of Jesus’ words by the afflicted at the, 147:3.4 (1649.4)superstitions concerning the, 147:3.1 (1649.1)BethlehemAbner’s removal of headquarters from Hebron to, 159:6.4 (1771.5)David’s messengers’ Judean headquarters in, 159:6.4 (1771.5)Jesus with Abner at, 162:9.0 (1798.2–1799.1)Jesus’ and the apostles’ work in, 142:8.1 (1605.3)visit to, during his thirty-first year, 134:7.5 (1492.5)Joseph’s and Mary’s departure for, for enrollment, date of, 122:7.4 (1350.6)and Mary’s return to, from Alexandria, 123:0.4 (1356.1)of Judea, birthplace of Jesus, 122:5.9 (1349.5)Mary’s insistence on accompanying Joseph to, previous to Jesus’ birth, 122:7.2 (1350.4)reason for Joseph’s and Mary’s remaining in, with the baby Jesus, 122:8.4 (1351.8)star of, legend concerning, 122:8.7 (1352.3)Beth-Mariona Phoenician woman, fate of, 148:8.4 (1666.3)Beth-Meonthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Beth-Nimrahthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Bethpageand Bethany, hiding places of certain apostles, 183:4.3 (1976.1)welcoming of Jesus by common people of, 172:0.2 (1878.2)Jesus’ sojourn in, subsequent to Lazarus’s resurrection, 168:3.7 (1847.7)location of, 172:3.6 (1881.4)obtaining a colt from, for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, 172:3.6 (1881.4)Beth-Peorthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Bethsaidaapostles’ departure for, subsequent to episode of feeding of the five thousand, 152:4.1 (1703.1)return to, with Jesus, subsequent to Jesus’ last synagogue appearance, 153:4.6 (1714.5)sojourn at, for Peter’s first public post-resurrection sermon, 192:4.2 (2050.5)two-week sojourn at, after first preaching tour, 147:0.1 (1647.1)apostolic assembling at, after the Nazareth rejection, 150:9.5 (1687.2)five-month encampment at, 148:0.1 (1657.1)assembly of truth seekers and curious spectators at, following the ordination of the twelve, 140:7.2 (1578.3)camp, capacity of the, 148:0.1 (1657.1)cosmopolitan character of visitors at the, 148:0.4 (1657.4)teaching program of the, 148:0.3 (1657.3)time of disbanding of, 148:2.5 (1659.2)near Zebedee residence, 148:0.1 (1657.1)conference of Jesus and four apostles, 149:7.3 (1677.4)David’s relay messenger service between Jerusalem and, 159:6.4 (1771.5)encampment, a model, 148:0.1 (1657.1)a self-sustaining enterprise, 148:0.5 (1657.5)good-bye, absence of Joseph’s family from, 141:0.2 (1587.2)hospital, 148:2.0 (1658.4–1659.2)-Julias, apostolic corps’ encampment at, 157:2.0 (1744.4–1745.1)apostolic overnight sojourn near, 155:0.1 (1725.1)assembling of five thousand at, 152:2.4 (1700.5)light-rejecting inhabitants of, 163:6.5 (1807.4)retirement to a park near, 152:2.1 (1700.2)visit to, on second preaching tour, 149:0.1 (1668.1)Mary’s return to, after the Passover, 187:4.7 (2009.6)news of Jesus’ impending crucifixion carried to, 186:3.2 (2000.5)training the evangelists at, 148:0.0 (1657.1–1667.2)visitors, Andrew’s management of the teaching of the, 140:7.2 (1578.3)Beth-sheanidentity of, 124:3.6 (1370.4)Beth-zurhome of Ezda, 135:3.1 (1497.7)Betrayalapostles’ unawareness of the time of the, 182:2.9 (1967.4)and arrest of Jesus, 183:0.0 (1971.1–1977.5)of his divine Master, causes of Judas’s, 193:4.4–14 (2056.2–2057.2)of Jesus, the cowardly act of a selfish deserter, 177:4.9 (1926.2)Judas’s entry into the plot for the, 139:12.12 (1567.5)money not a factor in
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