The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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65:2.4 (732.2)regression behavior of, 65:2.3 (732.1)Bad luckabout, 86:1.0 (950.3–951.2)definition, 86:1.4 (950.6)the ghost cult and, 87:0.1 (958.1)man’s dread of, consequence, 86:1.2 (950.4), 89:2.1 (975.5)primitive man’s explanation of, 87:4.5 (961.6)savages’ fear of, 86:1.2 (950.4)spirits, comparative numbers of, 87:4.4 (961.5)Badge of distinctionclothing an early, 69:5.6 (776.4)Badonanchildren of, belief of in two souls, 86:5.17 (955.5)cultural center of, location, 79:0.1 (878.1)identity of, 64:3.1 (720.2)tribes, cultural status of, 64:2.4 (719.7)Indian cultural center of, 64:3.1 (720.2)racial struggle of, 64:5.1 (722.2)war against inferior neighbors, 64:3.5 (720.6)Badoniteshomeland of, location, 64:3.2 (720.3)living quarters of the, 64:3.2 (720.3)work of, 67:6.1 (759.4)Bag of JudasDavid’s turning over to Matthew, 190:1.3 (2030.2)Baganda tribes of Africapresent status of prayer of the, 91:0.5 (994.5)Balance wheel(s)dark islands of space as astronomical, 15:6.11 (173.1)of infinity, triunities the functional, 104:4.46 (1150.13)for Peter, James a, 139:3.7 (1553.3)Seven Master Spirits the mind-spirit, 13:4.2 (150.1)universe, unclassified power centers as, 29:2.19 (322.3)Balancessecoraphic, 28:6.15 (316.2)BalkansAndonite invasion of Europe via the, 80:9.6 (898.1)Ballotsvs. bullets, in cultural growth, 71:2.7 (802.1)BaluchistanAndite infiltration through, 79:1.1 (878.2)influx of superior peoples into India through, 79:2.4 (880.2)Bandageslinen, women’s provision of, for Jesus’ embalming, 189:4.3 (2025.4)Bankof human experience, solvency of the, 195:6.1 (2076.6)moral, of the ages, unthinking run on the, 195:6.1 (2076.6)spiritual, of the kingdom of heaven, disbursement of, 195:6.1 (2076.6)Bankerthe early, 69:5.2 (775.10)Bankingconduct of, by money-changers, 173:1.4 (1889.2)in temple, origin of, 173:1.3 (1889.1)Banner of Luciferdescription, 53:5.5 (606.1)nonenlistment by any Panoptians under the, 53:7.1 (607.2)of Michael description, 53:5.4 (605.8)display of, by Gabriel, 53:5.4 (605.8)Banquet(s)access of the public to Pharisee, 147:5.2 (1651.6)Jesus’ admonition regarding one’s guests at a, 167:1.5 (1834.3)public, Jewish custom regarding women at a, 172:1.2 (1878.5)at Simon’s Bethany home, purpose, 172:1.2 (1878.5)Baptism(s)of Abraham the Sanhedrist by Abner, 148:8.1 (1665.4)of all believers on the Perean mission by the seventy, 165:0.4 (1817.4)apostles’ Gilboa decision in regard to, 144:6.7 (1625.4)of believers, 149:0.3 (1668.3), 165:3.9 (1820.8)Christ Michael’s living under evolutionary religion up to time of his, 101:6.5 (1112.1)a common practice in Mithraism and Christianity, 98:6.4 (1083.4)conversation of Jesus with John at his, 135:8.5 (1504.3)day of Jesus’, universe announcement of his sovereignty achievement on, 134:8.9 (1494.2)of the divine Spirit, water baptism as the emblem of, 144:6.9 (1625.6)early and later, rituals of, 194:4.9 (2067.4)of Flavius, 142:4.4 (1600.5)with the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ statement regarding, 137:8.10 (1536.7), 141:6.5 (1593.1)John’s assertion regarding, 135:7.2 (1503.2), 135:9.4 (1505.4), 135:9.7 (1505.7)the Immanuel conference as recalled by Jesus on the day of his, 129:3.9 (1424.4)of Jesus, 136:2.0 (1510.4–1512.4)apostles’ recollection of John’s pronouncement at the, 142:7.14 (1604.9)date, 135:8.6 (1504.4)and end of second stage of his human life, 157:6.3 (1749.2)and the making of his two minds one, 129:4.2 (1425.1)presence of certain apostles at the, 157:7.5 (1751.4)Jesus’, and the forty days, 136:0.0 (1509.1–1523.6)and his first knowledge of Gabriel’s visit to Mary, 126:2.4 (1388.4)historical record of date of, 136:2.8 (1512.4)manifestations attendant upon, 196:1.9 (2091.5)significance of, 136:2.3 (1511.2)Jesus’ arrangement to advise his brothers as to their, 135:8.2 (1503.5)comment on, at Amathus, 141:6.5 (1593.1)doubts as to his divine nature prior to his, 128:1.8 (1408.5)nonopposition to his apostles’ practice of, 170:5.13 (1865.3)presentation of himself to John for, 134:9.8 (1495.5), 135:8.4 (1504.2), 136:2.3 (1511.2)request for, reasons, 135:8.5 (1504.3)use of no supernatural power prior to his, 128:1.3 (1407.8)by Jesus’ apostles in case of John’s death, 144:6.7 (1625.4)of Jesus’ converts by John’s apostles, 144:6.7 (1625.4)Jewish practice of, for gentile proselytes, 135:6.4 (1502.2)John’s, Jesus’ query as to source of authority for, 173:2.4 (1892.1)temple rulers’ confession of ignorance concerning, 173:2.5 (1892.2)the Master’s completion of his seventh bestowal at the time of his, 186:5.3 (2002.4)in the name of Jesus, vs. Father, Son, and Spirit, by early Christians, 194:4.9 (2067.4)number of John the Baptist’s, 135:6.4 (1502.2)a onetime religious ceremonial in Babylon, 85:4.1 (946.8)the only prerequisite to membership in the fellowship of believers, 194:4.9 (2067.4)Pentecost the great Jewish festival of, 194:1.5 (2060.5)at Pentecost not indicative of disconnection with Jewish faith, 194:1.5 (2060.5)of the Pharisee lawyer, 174:4.4 (1901.4)the price of compromise by Jesus’ followers, 144:7.1 (1626.2)of repentance, Jews’ introduction to, 135:6.4 (1502.2)significance of, 87:6.12 (964.11), 170:5.13 (1865.3)assigned to, by Gilboa conference, 144:6.9 (1625.6)of the spirit, a definition, 148:4.8 (1660.7), 194:2.10 (2061.8)and entrance into the kingdom, 148:4.8 (1660.7)Sychar dwellers’ request for, 143:6.2 (1615.3)of three spies, 148:9.4 (1667.2)with water, John’s assertion as to his, 135:7.2 (1503.2), 135:9.4 (1505.4), 135:9.7 (1505.7)worship of Jesus by followers subsequent to his, 128:1.13 (1409.3)Baptismalcandidates, John’s surprise at Jesus’ appearance in the line of, 135:8.4 (1504.2)ceremonies, interruption of, by John, 135:8.5 (1504.3)Baptizeagreement by disciples and apostles as to who would, 144:6.7 (1625.4)the apostles being sent out two and two to, on third preaching tour, 150:0.4 (1678.4)continue to, on first preaching tour, 146:3.9 (1642.5)did not yet, during early public work, 142:4.4 (1600.5), 143:6.2 (1615.3)their new disciples, while John preached, 141:1.4 (1588.2)the evangelists did not, until ordained as the seventy, 148:1.4 (1658.3)group that continued to, in John’s name, 137:2.2 (1526.2)the six apostles instructed not to, 138:1.1 (1538.3)Barabbasthe crowd’s cheer at Pilate’s order to release, 185:8.2 (1996.6)a former hero of the penitent brigand, 187:4.5 (2009.4)identity of, 185:5.3 (1993.3)Jesus’ substitution for, 187:0.2 (2004.2)Pilate’s question to the crowd whether to release, 185:5.4 (1993.4)the two crucified thieves former associates of, 187:0.2 (2004.2)urging of the crowd by Jewish rulers to call for the release of, 185:5.8 (1994.2)Barbarian(s)belief of, concerning the nature of God, 188:5.11 (2019.4)Christianity’s conquest of the, 195:10.18 (2086.4)horsemen, from the north, influence of, on the Mesopotamian religion, 95:1.1 (1042.2)influence of, on the ruin of Mesopotamia, 78:8.11 (877.1)morasses, a source of the stream of modern Christianity, 195:9.11 (2083.7)northern, conquest of Mesopotamia by the, 78:6.8 (874.5)twentieth-century, revealed religion and absurd beliefs of, 86:4.6 (953.5)BarbarismChinese history an account of the ascent of a superior people from, 79:8.15 (888.8)planetary, sex tyranny an indication of, 49:4.4 (564.6)Barbersthe original matchmakers, 83:2.1 (923.1)Bargaining with Godphilosophic, man’s evolution to the point of, 89:8.6 (983.4)Barnabasa convert of Rodan, 194:4.11 (2068.1)Barnaclesfirst appearance of, 59:4.3 (678.4)Barometersliving, frandalanks as, 29:4.37 (328.6)Barren wivesredemption of, by their parents, 82:3.14 (917.2)use of dolls by, 88:6.4 (972.4)Barrennessthe most frequent cause for separation in primitive marriages, 83:7.2 (928.3)supposed causes of, 83:4.4 (924.7)Barrierkingdom’s ability to break down every, 140:1.6 (1569.3)Barterthe first, technique of, 69:4.2 (775.2)group, and commerce, 69:3.11 (774.10)goods commonly used for, 69:4.5 (775.5)legitimacy of honest, recognized by Jesus, 132:5.5 (1462.6), 132:5.17 (1464.1)presence of, in the temple, effects on Jesus, 125:5.6 (1382.8), 173:1.5 (1889.3)security measures in early, 69:4.3 (775.3)silent, period of, 69:4.1 (775.1)traits developed by, effect of, on primitive prayer, 89:8.7 (983.5)BartholomewNathaniel’s father, death of, 139:6.9 (1559.4)Bartimeusthe blind beggar of Jericho, 171:5.1 (1873.1)reaction of, to the restoration of his sight, 171:5.3 (1873.3)Basaltformations created by extrusion of, 60:1.3 (685.5)molten, the undercushion of the earth’s crust, 58:5.3 (668.5)weight of, effect on ocean beds and continents, 58:5.6 (668.8)Basicenergies, reactivity of high spirits to certain, 44:0.15 (498.6)human institutions, about, 69:1.0 (772.4–773.1)Basketincident of Jesus and John Mark with the, 177:1.2 (1920.6)weaving, origin of the art of, 81:2.18 (902.8)Basques and Berbersrepresentatives of the survival of the blue man, 80:9.11 (898.6)Bat familyancestry of the, 65:2.12 (733.2)mammalian air navigators, 49:2.17 (562.1)BataneaJesus’ and his associates’ journey through, 154:7.4 (1723.7)plans for apostolic tour through, 155:0.1 (1725.1)Bathingin the past and present, 87:6.12 (964.11)a religious ceremony before Caligastia, 66:5.21 (748.2)Bathshebaancestor of Jesus’ mother, 122:1.2 (1345.1)David’s marriage to, 97:9.10 (1072.8)Solomon the son of, 97:9.15 (1073.5)Battalionnumber of the destiny guardian of human subject used in these contactual communications, 113:2.6 (1243.3)of seraphim, number in, 38:6.1 (421.4)Batteriessoul’s
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