The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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subjection of Adam and posterity to the, 73:6.8 (826.5)of mortal survival, relation of reflectivity to, 13:1.10 (145.5)nonassociation of numerous Paradise-Havona natives with, 14:4.21 (158.2)purpose of the, 4:0.3 (54.3)Ascentto the Father, mortal, living way of, 7:7.4 (89.3)Ascetic(s)colorless, believers not to be, 178:1.14 (1931.5)Jesus not an, 136:3.3 (1512.7)the teaching of reverence by the, 191:5.3 (2043.1)AsceticismJesus’ attitude toward, 136:3.3 (1512.7)a ritual of religious sacrifice, 89:4.1 (977.3)AshdodJesus’ visit to, 134:7.4 (1492.4)Ashkhabadproximity of site of Adonia to modern, 79:1.4 (879.1)Ashtorethcult of, increase in Palestine of the, 95:1.7 (1043.2)Ashurfor the Assyrians, Jeremiah’s proclamation about, 97:6.2 (1067.5)Ashurbanipaland the Samaritans’ enmity, 143:4.1 (1612.1)Asiaactivity of volcanoes in, during Carboniferous period, 59:5.20 (682.3)Adamite penetration into, 78:3.2 (870.5)Andonite penetration into, 63:5.1 (715.1)brown man’s occupation of western islands of, 64:7.16 (728.5)central, absence of trilobite fossil-bearing outcroppings in, 59:1.16 (674.2)consolidation by the yellow man of his holdings in, 78:3.8 (871.4)present practice of shamanism in, 90:2.8 (988.4)stock of the red man in, 64:6.5 (723.4)eastern, migration to, effect of fifth glacier on, 64:7.1 (726.8)primary Sangiks in, 79:5.1 (883.2)yellow man’s occupancy of, 64:7.16 (728.5)first home, hunting ground, and battleground of the Sangiks, 79:0.1 (878.1)high elevation of, 59:5.4 (680.6)the last cannibalism in, 89:5.9 (979.8)Minor, Andrew’s ministry in, 139:1.12 (1550.3)Andonite occupancy of, 78:3.5 (871.1)Artemis the fertility goddess of, 133:6.1 (1477.8)Christian missionaries’ crossing of, 194:4.13 (2068.3)reinforcement of European Andonites by arrivals from, 80:8.2 (896.7)northeastern, occupancy of, by red and yellow races, 64:7.4 (727.1)northern, inundation of, 59:4.5 (678.6)oldest mountains in, 60:4.3 (692.1)a reason for the progress of civilization in, 81:2.11 (902.1)southwestern, civilizations of, 79:0.1 (878.1)the cradle of civilization after Adam, 81:1.1 (900.3)sparse penetration of pure-line violet peoples into, 78:3.3 (870.6)subsidence of, in the trilobite age, 59:1.8 (673.8)western, inundation of, by the Atlantic, 59:4.15 (679.8)Asiatic(s)continent, effect of the east-and-west cleavage on, 57:8.23 (663.1)Far East, influence of Jesus upon, 134:2.3 (1484.7)land mass, maximum height of, 57:8.22 (662.9)mother continent, stability of, as compared with other land masses, 59:2.1 (674.7)peoples, effect on, of infiltration of mixed Adamic blood, 79:1.6 (879.3)spiritually hungry, potential receptiveness of, to Jesus’ teachings, 130:2.3 (1430.1)religionists, potential acceptability of the teachings of Jesus by, 130:3.3 (1432.3)Asmoneandynasty, Jews’ coinage of silver money during the, 173:1.3 (1889.1)palace, Jesus’ first view of the, 125:1.5 (1379.1)Asokabuilding of a great Indian empire by, 94:9.1 (1037.4)identity and influence of, 94:9.1 (1037.4)Aspiration(s)to be Godlike, experience of, by the subjective consciousness, and will, 130:2.10 (1431.5)Jesus’ adjustment of, to the demands of the human occasion, 127:6.12 (1405.4)mortal, and morontia achievements, 44:8.0 (507.6–508.4)noble, soul survival not fostered by surrender of, 133:7.12 (1480.4)AssGreeks’ and Romans’ view of those who would ride an, 172:5.12 (1886.4)Jesus’ instructions to borrow the colt of an, 172:3.6 (1881.4)a peaceful king’s entrance into a city on an, 172:3.5 (1881.3)Zechariah’s scripture about the Messiah riding an, 172:5.5 (1884.4)Assassinationof Jesus, Sadducees’ proposal for, 175:4.14 (1911.11)Assembly(ies)advisory and research, on Salvington, 33:8.2 (373.4)Ancients of Days’, and Brilliant Evening Stars’, 37:2.3 (407.3)chambers, personality, of blended races, 47:3.5 (533.3)deliberative, of the superuniverse, 15:11.0 (179.11–180.1)of finaliter visualization, 45:1.2 (509.5)hall of the reversion directors, 46:5.30 (526.5)legislative, of constellations, 33:8.1 (373.3)universe advisory councils’ findings referred to, 33:8.5 (373.7)of Paradise, ascending mortals’ attendance on, 43:9.1 (495.3)places of nonworship, magnificence of, 44:3.8 (502.7)special Salvington, called by Melchizedeks, 35:2.3 (386.1)spirit, heavenly reproducers’ dramatic spectacles before, 44:2.10 (501.9)universe, Urantia assemblies compared with, 33:8.6 (373.8)Assignedmessenger, from Salvington, first appearance of, to Jesus, 124:6.15 (1376.1)Sentinel(s), administrative relation of, to Associate Inspectors, 24:5.2 (269.1)the associates of the Associate Inspector, 37:8.5 (413.8)direct report of, to Supreme Executive of their superuniverse, 24:5.2 (269.1)and factors in administrative co-ordination of grand universe affairs, 24:5.5 (269.4)function of, 24:5.0 (268.8–269.4)in stage of light and life, 55:8.2 (632.5)headquarters of, 55:4.16 (628.4)Infinite Spirit the creator of, 24:0.8 (264.8)of Jerusem, influence of, regarding the commission of twenty-four, 114:2.1 (1251.4)local systems the field of operations of, 24:5.2 (269.1)mobilization of, as the stabilization corps of the local universe, 55:10.3 (634.3)number of, 24:5.1 (268.8)personal representative of, on ministering-spirit quartette, 55:4.16 (628.4)rotational service of, in local universes, 24:5.3 (269.2)of Satania, the ex officio head of the commission of twenty-four, 24:5.3 (269.2), 114:2.3 (1252.1)stationed on system capitals, 24:0.10 (264.10)universe location of, 24:4.3 (268.7)Assignmentsangelic ministers’ choice of, 39:0.11 (426.11)of seraphim, initial, 39:0.11 (426.11)of Solitary Messengers, 23:2.0 (257.6–260.4)Assistant(s)Caligastia’s associate-, Daligastia, 66:2.2 (742.2)Gabriel’s first, the Father Melchizedek, 33:6.2 (371.4)High Son, see High, Son AssistantsLucifer’s first, Satan, 53:2.1 (602.4), 67:1.1 (754.2)to a rebellious system sovereign, Lanaforge’s experience as, 45:2.3 (511.3)subordinate, tertiary Lanonandeks as, 35:8.6 (392.6)to the System Sovereign, continued changes in, in ages of light and life, 55:8.3 (632.6)the current first, 45:3.3 (512.3), 45:3.12 (512.12)second, 45:3.4 (512.4)frequent visits of, to the sixth mansion world, 47:8.2 (537.7)teachers, function of, 39:2.7 (430.3)pupils as, in schools of the continental nation, 72:4.1 (812.3)Van’s human, Amadon, 67:3.8 (757.1)Associate(s)Absolute, a central universe name for the Eternal Son, 6:1.5 (74.4)circuit supervisors, creation of, 24:1.4 (265.4)liaison of, with the Supreme Power Centers, results of, 24:1.8 (265.8)-creator identity, a possible future expression of, 56:7.7 (643.1)force organizer(s), discovery of space conditions favorable for materialization by, 57:1.3 (651.5)function of, 29:4.15 (325.8)number 811,307, space-condition discovery by, 57:1.3 (651.5)outer-space operations of, 29:5.5 (329.5)of former existences, ascenders’ recognition of, 44:0.18 (498.9)Inspector(s), action of, in local universe stage of light and life, 55:10.3 (634.3)direct report of, to the Supreme Executive of their superuniverse, 24:4.3 (268.7)and factors in administrative co-ordination of grand universe affairs, 24:5.5 (269.4)function of, 24:4.1 (268.5)headquarters of the reserve corps of, 24:4.2 (268.6)number of, 24:4.1 (268.5)office of, 37:8.5 (413.8)origin of, 24:4.1 (268.5)relation of Assigned Sentinels to, 24:5.5 (269.4)reports by, and to, 24:4.3 (268.7)residence of, 37:8.5 (413.8)on Salvington, 114:2.3 (1252.1)source of information of, 24:5.3 (269.2)stationed on local universe capitals, 24:0.10 (264.10)time of creation of, 24:4.1 (268.5)Master Force Organizers, Council of Equilibrium chosen from among, 29:4.2 (324.4)retirement of, on appearance of gravity response, 42:2.12 (470.3)new, apostles’ future need of finding, 181:2.12 (1957.2)personal, of the Son of Man, 143:1.7 (1608.4)power directors, functions of, 29:4.15 (325.8)mechanical controllers assistants of the, 29:4.18 (325.11)reserves of, on minor sector headquarters, 29:4.15 (325.8)technique of, in effecting changes in power adjustment and energy control, 29:4.20 (326.2)and utilization of less personal orders of physical controllers by celestial life, 29:4.23 (326.5)reaction of, to Jesus’ explanation of his coming kingdom, 138:7.2 (1544.1)registrars, function of, 48:2.19 (544.2)member in Morontia Power Supervisor creative groups, 48:2.3 (542.7)number of, associated with each combined controller, 48:2.10 (543.4)transcendental force organizers, assistants to Architects of the Master Universe, 31:9.12 (352.5)Master Force Organizers, and production of gravity energy, 42:2.12 (470.3)function of, 29:0.10 (319.10), 29:5.4 (329.4)Association(s)early human, 70:3.0 (787.1–788.2)enhanced safety of, a foundation of primitive society, 68:1.3 (763.6)of ideas, automatic, and spirit of understanding, 36:5.7 (402.4)endowment of advancing animal types with the gift of spontaneous, 62:6.3 (709.4)intelligent, the primitive mind’s inadequacy for, 86:2.3 (951.5)living, augmentation of, not mere arithmetical summation, 10:5.2 (113.3)of mankind, influences leading to, 68:2.5 (765.2)the price of survival, 68:1.2 (763.5)results of early, 69:2.3 (773.4)working, of worlds of space, influence of, in organization of Corps of Finality, 31:0.9 (345.9)Associativelevel of total Deity function, definition, 0:1.6 (2.6), 0:1.14 (3.1)possibilities, the number of, inherent
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