The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1910.3)leaving them, 152:4.1 (1703.1)ordination prayer, 140:2.3 (1570.1)predictions concerning Jerusalem, 176:1.5 (1913.4)of the destruction of the temple, 176:0.1 (1912.1)refusal to be made king, 152:3.3 (1702.4)teachings in Jerusalem, 142:5.5 (1601.5)to the lifting of restriction on preaching and teaching, 146:0.2 (1637.2)to the Master’s preparation for washing their feet, 179:3.1 (1938.3)to the morontia Jesus’ first appearance to them, 191:2.2 (2040.3)to recognition of the spiritual equality of men and women, 150:1.3 (1679.2)the six, to Jesus’ attempt to clarify his mission, 137:5.2 (1531.6)the three, to the voice of the transfiguration, 158:1.10 (1753.6)reluctance of, to leave the Capernaum interest, 145:5.10 (1636.3)terror of, at Jesus’ appearances in Jerusalem, 162:1.11 (1790.3)unawareness of, as to Jesus’ universe spiritual influence, 140:10.3 (1585.1)Apostle(s)-Relations with John’s Apostlesof Jesus and John, amity between, 147:2.4 (1648.6)association of, 146:3.9 (1642.5)consolidation of the work of the, 162:9.2 (1798.3)Gilboa decision as to independent work of, during John’s lifetime, 144:6.6 (1625.3)separate labors of, 147:2.4 (1648.6)working organization of, 144:7.3 (1626.4)noninterference of Jesus in difficulties between John’s disciples and the, 141:6.5 (1593.1)teaching success of, with John’s disciples, 141:1.4 (1588.2)Apostle(s)-Testingassimilation of Jesus’ teachings by the, 140:8.1 (1579.3)avoidance of earthly possessions by, 140:8.16 (1581.3)effect on, of contact with gentiles and Samaritans, 143:3.1 (1610.4)of Jesus’ speech at Archelais, 143:1.9 (1609.1)effect of John’s death on work of the, 144:9.1 (1627.6)five months of testing of the, 138:9.0 (1546.3–5)going apart of, to seek spiritual guidance, 157:4.8 (1747.6)growth of, in grace, 161:2.4 (1785.4)inability of, to comprehend Jesus’ teaching at Jotapata, 146:2.18 (1641.2)to grasp Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom, 170:2.10 (1860.5)loneliness of, during Jesus’ absence in the hills, 177:3.1 (1923.2)need of the three, to pray for themselves, 182:3.3 (1968.4)perplexity of, on starting Mount Sartaba trip, 143:3.1 (1610.4)prejudice of, toward Samaritans, 166:2.2 (1827.7)proof of discipleship of, 180:2.1 (1945.4)requirement of, as to parting with their worldly goods, 163:2.6 (1802.2), 163:2.11 (1803.2)soberness of, at Simon’s banquet, 172:1.4 (1879.2)subject of discussion among, on way to Peter’s house, 158:8.1 (1761.2)unpreparedness of, for participation in transfiguration, 158:0.2 (1752.2)unwillingness of, to go to their tents, just before Jesus’ betrayal, 182:2.2 (1966.2)Apostle(s)-Trainingability of, to devote all their energies to the Master’s work, 138:9.3 (1546.5)advice to, to live long, 181:2.15 (1958.2)advised reaction of, to abuse, 140:8.4 (1579.6)commission of, to preach the gospel, 178:1.11 (1931.2)to save, not to judge men, 140:3.17 (1571.4)comparison of, with servants watching for the bridegroom’s return, 147:7.2 (1655.4)discussion limitations of, 138:8.2 (1545.3)and evangelists, conference of, 149:7.3 (1677.4)failure of, to comprehend the parable of the sower, 151:1.5 (1689.3)instruction of, by Jesus for first Galilee tour, 145:0.2 (1628.2)Jesus’ encouragement of, regarding their understanding of the gospel, 181:2.25 (1961.4)instruction of his, at Bethany, 162:9.3 (1798.4)promise of future work by the, 175:1.8 (1906.5)special talk to, on wealth, reason, 165:5.2 (1823.2)visiting with the, two and two, 192:2.0 (2047.5–2049.5)mercy required of the, 140:3.17 (1571.4)and ministers, Jesus’ talk concerning revelation, to his, 163:6.4 (1807.3)need of, for more instruction about the kingdom, 140:6.2 (1576.2)noncomprehension by, of Jesus’ explanation of the kingdom, 145:5.4 (1635.3)not ascending Mount Hermon, Jesus’ explanation regarding, 158:0.2 (1752.2)questions of, about the Father in heaven, 142:3.1 (1598.2)sending out the, two and two, 150:4.0 (1681.8–1682.2)Apostle(s)-the Twelveargument among, concerning their places in the kingdom, 158:4.4 (1756.1)assembling of Jesus’ first six, 137:2.8 (1527.2)assembly of, near Capernaum, by appointment, 192:4.2 (2050.5)for ordination, 140:0.1 (1568.1)contrast of the terms disciple and, 137:1.7 (1525.4)discussion of, as to their course of action in view of Jesus’ arrest, 183:4.1 (1975.4)educational attainments of the, 139:0.3 (1548.3)fighting not required of, for establishment of the kingdom, 181:2.9 (1956.4)the first six, authorization of, to choose associates, 138:1.2 (1538.4)function of the twelve, 137:1.1 (1524.2)ignorance of, as to Jesus’ Mediterranean tour, 129:3.3 (1423.5)as to Judas’s conspiracy to betray Jesus, 178:3.5 (1935.1)inability of, to dissuade Jesus from going into Judea, 167:4.7 (1838.1)Jesus’ choosing of the first four, 137:1.0 (1524.2–1525.5)consecration charge to the, 140:9.2 (1584.1)vs. laymen, 190:1.7 (2031.1)ministering to, at Zebedee’s home by Peter’s wife and her mother, 145:2.15 (1631.3)new, formal acceptance of, by the older six, 138:2.2 (1539.5)not weaklings, 143:1.5 (1608.2)position of, around Jesus for ordination, 140:2.1 (1569.5)positions of, at the U-shaped table at the Last Supper, 179:1.5 (1937.3)reminiscent impressions of tarrying-time experience with Jesus by the seven, 137:7.14 (1535.6)second group, status of, 138:2.3 (1539.6)swearing loyalty to Jesus and the kingdom by, 138:7.3 (1544.2)and their love of men, 140:5.15 (1574.8)the twelve, about, 139:0.0 (1548.1–1567.7)Jesus’ announcement of his desire to ordain, 138:7.4 (1544.3)ordination of the, 140:0.0 (1568.1–1586.1)the twelve’s desire to be, 140:0.3 (1568.3)Apostles of John the Baptistsee John the Baptist, apostles ofApostleship(s)vs. discipleship, 140:6.9 (1577.3), 140:8.3 (1579.5)and family obligation, 163:2.2 (1801.5)rigorous requirements of, 140:6.9 (1577.3)of second six, voting on, by each of the first six apostles, 138:2.2 (1539.5)Apostoliccamp, near Pella, capacity of, 163:5.2 (1806.3)return of Jesus and the three apostles to the, 158:4.1 (1755.7)corps, in Capernaum, 147:7.1 (1655.3)at Jerusalem, 152:7.1 (1706.2)Peter the recognized head of the, 192:0.2 (2045.2)directors, Jesus’ plan against having close relatives as, 138:0.1 (1538.1)family, James and Judas Alpheus’s acceptance into the, 138:4.3 (1541.5)funds, deposit of, in a Jericho bank, 147:2.1 (1648.3)turning over of, to David Zebedee by Judas, 178:2.10 (1933.7)group, route of, from Caesarea-Philippi to Sidon, 155:4.1 (1728.1)harmony, basis of, 141:5.1 (1591.6)Jesus’ reaction of James’s query about, 141:5.1 (1591.6)party, lodging arrangements of, at feast of tabernacles, 162:8.1 (1797.4)teaching tour, length of the first, 138:8.6 (1545.7)temple message, four phases of, 142:1.1 (1596.3)AppalachianMountains, deposits of Devonian epoch in the, 59:4.16 (679.9)effect of backthrust of continental drift on, 60:3.13 (690.4)presence of dislocated ice-age plants and animals on the, 61:7.16 (702.6)trough, onetime height of eastern mountains of, 59:1.8 (673.8)Apparitionappearance of, at Jesus’ baptism, 135:8.6 (1504.4)Appeal(s)to Jerusalem, Jesus’ proposed final, 167:4.2 (1837.1)Jesus’ last, to the Jewish people, 175:0.1 (1905.1)overpowering, Jesus’ avoidance of, 129:3.5 (1423.7)Pilate’s, to the Jewish leaders, Jesus’ indifference to, 186:2.8 (1999.8)Appearance(s)to the apostles and other leaders, 191:0.0 (2037.1–2044.5)final, and ascension, 193:0.0 (2052.1–2058.5)in Galilee, 192:0.0 (2045.1–2051.5)morontia, of Jesus, 190:0.0 (2029.1–2036.3)Appeasementof an angry God, an unworthy philosophy, 4:5.4 (60.3)Appetite(s)of the body, nondetermination of the soul’s worth by, 156:5.9 (1739.4)physical, subordination of, 136:6.10 (1519.3)for truth, whetting the, 48:7.16 (556.16)Appian WayGonod’s and Ganid’s trip over the, 133:0.2 (1468.2)people living along the, 133:0.2 (1468.2)Apple(s)as fetishes, 88:1.3 (967.5)the literal forbidden fruit, 89:2.1 (975.5)Appreciationan essential to human character development, 160:2.6 (1775.7)a stage from reverence to love, 149:6.3 (1675.4)ApprehendersDavid’s messengers mistaken for Jesus’, 154:6.11 (1723.2)delayed departure of, for the Mark home, 183:2.1 (1972.2)Jesus’, probable early arrival of, Mary’s unawareness of, 154:6.4 (1721.4)Jesus’ desire that his apostles be unaware of action by his, 183:0.3 (1971.3)Apprehensionapostolic suspense of, 153:0.1 (1707.1)Jesus’, agitation for, cause and effect of, 142:8.5 (1605.7)the Master’s, causes for delay of, 173:2.1 (1891.2)possible results of, 143:3.6 (1611.4)Apprenticeships(s)of newly trinitized sons, to Trinity Teacher Sons, 22:8.3 (251.7)of shamans, length and character of, 90:1.4 (987.2)student, mansion world training as ascenders’ first, 39:4.7 (434.7)of superuniverse governmental administrators, early, 18:4.6 (211.2)training, service of a Trinitized Son in, on Urantia
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