The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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on, of near collision with neighboring nebula, 15:3.6 (168.2)final nuclear remnant of, 57:4.9 (655.5)Nebadon’s origin in, 41:0.3 (455.3)nebula, beginning of recaptive period of, 57:3.7 (653.7)initiation of, 57:1.6 (652.2)number of, 57:1.6 (652.2)origin of, 57:1.1 (651.3)relation of, to Urantia solar system, 15:3.6 (168.2)shape of, at height of its energy mobilization, 57:2.4 (652.7)solar system sun the offspring of the, 57:1.1 (651.3)nucleus, escape of outer gaseous regions from the, 57:3.4 (653.4)present status of, 57:4.9 (655.5)quartan cycle of, 57:4.5 (655.1)remnant planetary family of, 57:4.9 (655.5)solar circuits, establishment of, 57:3.9 (654.2)terminal breakup of, 57:4.7 (655.3)Angfunction of, 66:5.2 (745.8)and three associates, loyalty of, 67:4.1 (757.4)Angamonidentity of, 132:1.1 (1456.7)introduction of a rich man to Jesus by, 132:5.1 (1462.2)Jesus’ talk with, in Rome, 132:1.0 (1456.7–1457.3)Angel(s)acceptance of Michael’s offer of mercy by, 53:9.1 (610.6)arousal of devotion of, by Jesus’ death on the cross, 188:5.8 (2019.1)assignment of, to the service of humans, 167:7.4 (1841.3)to worlds settled in light and life, 39:9.1 (441.5)assistance of, to the mortal in progress through the transition worlds, 113:7.2 (1248.2)assisted by midwayers, as ministers for the resident governor general, 114:0.3 (1250.3)awareness of, of their Creator’s having been "tried and tested" like them, 119:4.4 (1314.1)characteristics of, 26:1.1 (285.2)of the churches, purpose of the, 114:6.7 (1255.6)circles of the, activities of the first of the, 46:5.21 (525.3)conventional idea of, 39:5.11 (438.4)of death, Jews’ superstition about the, 168:1.14 (1845.5)definition, 38:0.1 (418.1)delight of, in service, 48:6.34 (555.2)discernment of both spirit and material beings by, 44:0.17 (498.8)of diversion, now serving on Urantia, functions of the, 114:6.15 (1256.5)effect on, of attainment of presence of the Powers of Paradise, 27:7.6 (304.4)of enlightenment, now serving on Urantia, 114:6.11 (1256.1)epochal, now serving on Urantia, 114:6.5 (1255.4)Essenes’ specialized teachings about, 137:7.8 (1534.7)eternal future of, uncertainty as to, 39:8.9 (441.3)evil, apostate seraphim as, 77:7.4 (863.5)as evolutionary ascenders, 77:9.1 (865.7)fourth primary seconaphim’s responsiveness to sentiments of, 28:4.11 (309.5)and function of secondary midwayers in literal phenomena ascribed to, 77:8.12 (865.5)functions of, 8:4.5 (94.7), 26:1.11 (285.12)of the future, now in service on Urantia, 114:6.10 (1255.9)of the Garden, of Adam and Eve, identity of, 51:3.5 (583.4)guardian, 113:1.0 (1241.3–1242.3), 113:6.0 (1246.5–1247.8)humans’ possible affection for their, 113:2.5 (1243.2)possible future of, 31:4.1 (348.6)of health, now serving on Urantia, 114:6.12 (1256.2)of heaven, Jesus’ promise to acknowledge the faithful before the, 165:3.5 (1820.4)traditional, seraphim the, 113:0.2 (1241.2)his mighty, 38:6.3 (421.6)and humans, personal status of, 38:2.3 (419.3)humans’ similarity to, 113:2.5 (1243.2)ignorance of, as to time of Son of Man’s reappearing, 176:2.5 (1915.2)industry, now serving on Urantia, 114:6.14 (1256.4)Infinite Spirit’s limit of expression, 40:5.2 (445.3)insulation of, for transport, 39:5.14 (438.7)intermingling of Material Sons and ascending pilgrims with, 39:4.18 (436.4)Jesus’ absorption in the temple discussion about, 125:3.1 (1381.1)talk about, 167:7.0 (1840.6–1841.6)level of origin of, 39:8.7 (441.1)of the little ones, and faces of the heavenly hosts, 158:8.1 (1761.2)local universe, highest order of, 39:1.1 (427.1)revealed orders of, 39:1.1 (427.1)of the Lord, Brilliant Evening Stars as the, 37:2.3 (407.3)opening of prison doors by, 77:8.12 (865.5)a Semite appellation for Deity, 96:1.9 (1053.7)lower orders of, origin, 28:6.3 (314.2)lowest order of, 38:7.1 (422.1)man personally guarded and guided by the, 40:5.2 (445.3)mankind not judged by, 38:2.4 (419.4)man’s appeals and prayers no direct concern of, 113:5.3 (1246.2)relation to, 40:5.9 (445.10)many ministries of, 113:6.4 (1247.2)messages from, improperly accredited, 4:5.2 (60.1)mighty, message of, to Jesus, regarding his death, 182:3.6 (1969.1)ministry of, to Jesus in the garden, 182:3.2 (1968.3)ministry of, increasing effectiveness of, as ages of light and life pass, 55:6.4 (630.7)Jesus’ and Nathaniel’s discussion of, 167:7.0 (1840.6–1841.6)all orders of, on morontia worlds, 48:6.1 (551.6)ushering in of the advent of Trinity Teacher Sons by the, 52:7.14 (600.3)mortal man’s inability to become an, 167:7.2 (1841.1)and mortals, comparative time of Paradise achievement by, 39:8.4 (440.6)mortals’ attitude toward, comparable to that of spornagia for finaliters, 47:1.1 (530.5)and mortal-survival plans, 38:3.1 (420.1)music the universal language of, 44:1.15 (500.6)of nation life, the "angels of the trumpets," 114:6.8 (1255.7)natural immortality of, 167:7.3 (1841.2)nature of, 38:2.1 (419.1)need of, for refreshment of reversion, 48:4.17 (549.4)no direct contact by, with Adjusters, 113:4.5 (1245.5)nonexistence of, in outer space, 12:2.5 (131.2)nonmanipulation by, of the mortal will, 113:5.1 (1245.7)nonreproductivity of, 167:7.2 (1841.1)number of, now present on Urantia, 114:0.2 (1250.2)of Paradise, 26:11.6 (297.3)reaction of, to accumulated emotions of Paradise attainers, 27:7.6 (304.4)perplexity of, over traitorous sin of Caligastia, 67:4.6 (758.4)philosophy of, 48:6.36 (555.4)planetary helper reserves’ service to, 39:5.17 (439.3)possession of wings by, origin of idea of, 39:5.12 (438.5)potential of unlimited self-expression of an, 44:7.4 (507.5)vs. primary midwayers, 38:9.8 (424.8)of progress, now serving on Urantia, 114:6.6 (1255.5)planetary, celestial artisans’ supervision by, 44:8.1 (507.6)of the races, now in service on Urantia, 114:6.9 (1255.8)reactions of, to mortals, 113:5.4 (1246.3)relation of, to Melchizedeks, 35:2.1 (385.4)resemblance of resurrected righteous to, 174:3.2 (1900.2)responsiveness of, to Joys of Existence, 28:5.16 (312.3)secondary midwayers’ relation to, 77:8.4 (864.5)Seraphington the destiny sphere for, 39:8.7 (441.1)service-limitation of, 39:0.9 (426.9)sometime embracing of evil by, 108:5.3 (1191.4)study by, in the extension schools on the mansion worlds, 113:7.2 (1248.2)subjection of, to Michael’s sovereignty, 38:6.3 (421.6)of superhuman ministry, now serving on Urantia, 114:6.16 (1256.6)superhuman powers of, 38:2.3 (419.3)supervising, disciplining of ease-drifting souls by, purpose, 178:1.10 (1931.1)system headquarters of, on Jerusem, 45:5.1 (514.12)time-and-space handicap of, 23:3.2 (260.6)transport abilities of, limitation of, 39:2.13 (431.2)of the trumpets through which "the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men," 114:6.8 (1255.7)unrevealed, six orders of, 38:3.1 (420.1)Urantia knowledge of, 29:0.1 (319.1)visibility of, to mortals, 50:2.7 (574.2)volunteer service of, 48:6.34 (555.2)Angelicarchetypes, time of creation of, 38:1.1 (418.4)beings, Infinite Spirit’s approach to men by the, 50:1.1 (572.3)companions, a resurrected mortal’s ability to finally see his, 113:7.1 (1248.1)corps, native to each universe, 37:8.10 (414.5)council, highest planetary, 39:1.16 (429.2)helpers, work of, after default of Adam, 76:5.6 (852.5)hosts, attitude of, toward the resident governor general, 114:3.2 (1252.6)children of the Infinite Spirit, 26:0.1 (285.1)instructions to, in the Lucifer rebellion, 54:5.11 (617.11)of Jerusem, Manotia’s assumption of command of, 53:6.4 (606.7)ministering orders of, 13:1.19 (146.8)ministry of, 26:1.15 (286.3)Paradise attainment possibilities of, 40:1.1 (443.12)promotion of joy among, 28:5.16 (312.3)a separate order of beings, 167:7.2 (1841.1)spiritual kinship of, with the human race, 167:7.2 (1841.1)visibility of, to Adam and Eve, 76:4.5 (851.3)voice of the, 28:4.11 (309.5)ministers, assignment choice of, 39:0.11 (426.11)original mother of, 17:8.2 (205.3)ministry, mercy the keynote of, 39:2.5 (430.1)orders, and extraplanetary communication of Adam and Eve, 75:1.4 (839.5)local-creation, origin of, 17:8.2 (205.3)personal status of, 26:1.10 (285.11)system headquarters of, 47:5.2 (535.6)time of projection of, 38:1.1 (418.4)ranks, Lucifer rebellion losses in the, 53:7.8 (608.4)recorders, function of, 17:3.6 (201.4)residential circles, on Jerusem, 45:4.1 (513.4)type of being, primary midwayers’ nearness to, 77:8.10 (865.3)world, activities of, 45:1.5 (510.3)Angera characterization of, 48:7.20 (557.4)conquest of, by mercy, 131:4.6 (1449.1)danger of, 140:6.4 (1576.4)a definition, 149:4.2 (1673.2)destructive influence of, 140:5.16 (1575.1)effect(s) of, according to the Master, 149:4.2 (1673.2)on the evolving soul, 110:1.5 (1204.3)and fear, power of, 140:5.6 (1573.8)God never indulges in, 2:6.7 (41.5), 131:1.3 (1442.5)and hate, control of, need for, 131:3.6 (1447.3)human, God’s incapability of, 4:3.2 (57.7)Jesus’ discourse on, 149:4.2 (1673.2)portrayal of deliverance from, 141:3.8 (1590.3)of Joseph, toward Jesus over Scythopolis games, 124:3.8 (1371.1)of the Lord as portrayed by Samuel, 142:3.9 (1599.1)one of man’s greatest passions, 131:6.2 (1450.6)source of, 153:3.5 (1712.5)and wrath, and the kingdom of heaven, 155:1.2 (1725.3)Yahweh a God of, according to Moses, 96:4.7 (1057.3)Angiospermsfood of early mammals, 61:2.2 (694.8)predominance of, among plant life, time of, 60:3.19 (690.10)spread of the, 60:3.7 (689.6)Anglo-Saxonsdescendants of the Nordic races, 80:4.5 (893.1)Angonainability
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