The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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injury to family of, 63:3.4 (713.4)fusion with their Adjusters by, 63:7.2 (717.3)Jesus’ contemplation of Urantia life from days of, 136:4.5 (1514.6)Joseph’s line of inheritance to, 122:1.1 (1344.4)life plasm of stock of, transplantation of, to bodies of corporeal staff, 66:2.6 (742.6)migrations of descendants of, 64:1.6 (719.1)occasion of final decision of, to flee from tribal home, 63:2.2 (712.2)parents of, comparison of tribal relatives with, 63:1.2 (711.5)present assignment of, 63:7.3 (717.4)secret hiding place of, on first day of flight, 63:2.3 (712.3)story of, Life Carriers’ appraisal of, 63:7.4 (717.5)superiority of red men over, 64:6.3 (723.2)survival of, 63:7.1 (717.2)Thought Adjuster indwelling of, 63:6.9 (717.1)Urantia names of, 63:0.3 (711.3)Andonicaborigines, 64:1.0 (718.3–719.3)clan(s), about, 63:4.0 (713.7–714.7)breakup of, 63:4.5 (714.3)increasing numbers of, and growing friction, 63:4.7 (714.5)leadership of, 63:4.5 (714.3)the two absorbing pursuits of, 63:4.7 (714.5)culture, retention of remnants of, by Foxhall peoples, 64:2.5 (719.8)dialect, in the Aryan tongue, 78:5.3 (872.7)germ plasm, carried by corporeal members of the Prince’s staff, 66:4.15 (745.5), 77:2.4 (857.1)changes in, 77:2.5 (857.2)migrations, extent of, 64:1.6 (719.1)race, superior children of, in Dalamatia homes, 66:7.5 (750.7)uniqueness of time of appearance, 65:4.7 (735.6)tribes, development of, in northern climes, vs. nondevelopment of backward cousins in southern forests, 64:1.3 (718.5)Onagar’s assumption of leadership of, 63:6.1 (715.8)Urantia aborigines, an original skeletal type of a Urantia race, 81:4.3 (904.7)Andonite(s)absorption of, by northward-moving Adamites, 78:3.4 (870.7)Adamsonites’ later admixture with the, 77:5.9 (862.3)Amadonites as related to, 73:1.3 (821.6)appearance of, on Urantia, unusual in Satania, 64:6.2 (723.1)associates of corporeal staff, 67:3.5 (756.6)blood, absorption of, by European blue race, 80:3.2 (891.3)in the Nordic race, 80:9.2 (897.5)broad-headedness of, 81:4.2 (904.6)central Europe’s onetime control of, by the, 80:5.8 (894.1)complexion of, 63:4.1 (713.7)the Danubian, 80:8.0 (896.6–897.3)dispersion of, 63:5.1 (715.1)early, clannish spirit of, 63:3.3 (713.3)entrance of, into Europe from Siberia, 80:4.2 (892.5)a factor in the southern white race, 80:9.8 (898.3)glacial perils undergone by westernmost, 64:7.17 (728.6)and the golden rule, 70:1.2 (783.5)hairiness of early, 63:4.1 (713.7)homelands of, at conclusion of Sangik migrations, 64:7.16 (728.5)of Iceland, Salem missionaries’ penetration to the, 93:7.2 (1021.6)inheritance factors in Urantia’s superior stocks, 75:8.2 (846.1)in Lapland and Brittany, 80:4.6 (893.2)limited play instinct and humor among the, 84:8.3 (942.4)location of settlements of, 78:1.5 (869.1)modified, value of tree of life to, 73:6.4 (826.1)mores on twins, 68:6.8 (770.5)occupancy of Asia Minor and central-eastern Europe by, 78:3.5 (871.1)the one hundred, function of, at Prince’s headquarters, 66:4.16 (745.6)onetime control of the northern Pacific islands by the, 79:6.3 (884.6)originally not cannibals, 89:5.3 (979.2)predominance in the central white race, 80:9.5 (897.8)on Prince’s staff, long life of, 66:4.15 (745.5)and red and yellow race mixtures in India, 79:2.2 (879.8)rediscovery of the hammer by an, 68:5.4 (768.4)relation of settlement of, to those of Vanite culture, 78:3.4 (870.7)sailors, from Asia Minor, amalgamation of, with Danubians, 80:8.5 (897.3)and Sangik racial mixture in southern Europe, 78:3.5 (871.1)separation of the two European branches of the white race by the, 80:8.1 (896.6)settlement of disputes by, 70:1.3 (783.6)settlements, location and number of, in western Europe, 63:5.2 (715.2)Siberians, assimilation of red stock by the, 79:5.6 (883.7)skins used as protection by, 63:4.1 (713.7)stock, stabilizing influence of, when admixed with Andite, 78:4.6 (872.4)in all white peoples, 80:0.2 (889.2)territorial distribution of, 78:3.5 (871.1)type, obscurity of, by the dominance of the Sangiks, 81:4.9 (904.13)union of western Nodites with the, 77:4.3 (859.6)in Van’s advanced outposts, 67:6.6 (760.1)of western India in Dalamatia schools, 66:7.7 (751.2)Andovontiafunction of, 37:8.3 (413.6)greetings to Urantia from, 37:8.3 (413.6)identity of, 37:8.3 (413.6)Andrewablest of twelve apostles, 139:1.2 (1548.6)and Abner, alternating presiding officers of meetings, 144:6.3 (1624.14)Abner’s association with, 146:3.9 (1642.5)the acting head of Jesus’ ambassadors, 181:2.16 (1958.3)age of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:1.2 (1548.6)aid of, in Peter’s restoration, 139:2.10 (1551.6)apostolic position of, 139:4.3 (1554.1)arrangement of apostles’ work schedule by, 141:3.1 (1589.2)belief of, concerning the kingdom, 144:1.7 (1618.1)chairman and director-general of the twelve, 138:10.2 (1547.2), 157:4.2 (1746.6)characteristics of, 139:1.1 (1548.5)choice of Jesus’ three personal aides by, 139:4.3 (1554.1)comparison of James Zebedee with, 139:3.2 (1552.6)conference of, with all apostles but Judas, 157:7.0 (1750.10–1751.4)with Jesus, concerning Judas, 157:7.1 (1750.10)conversation of, with the Master on way to Magadan Park, 158:7.2 (1759.4)death of, 139:1.12 (1550.3)decision of, to follow Jesus, 137:1.3 (1524.4)designation of, as chairman of the apostolic group, 138:10.2 (1547.2)disturbed state of, at Archelais, 143:3.1 (1610.4)and Ezra, John the Baptist’s pronouncement to, 137:2.2 (1526.2)facial expression of, a clue to Judas Alpheus, 180:4.6 (1949.2)the first chosen, 139:1.0 (1548.5–1550.3)futile attempt of, to heal the epileptic boy, 158:4.7 (1756.4)great service of, to the kingdom, 139:1.4 (1549.2)greeting of James of Safed by, 158:4.5 (1756.2)identification of, 139:1.2 (1548.6)impression on, of Jesus, 137:1.1 (1524.2), 137:7.3 (1534.2)individualistic tendency of, 193:4.3 (2056.1)influence of, on Peter, during time of waiting, 137:7.3 (1534.2)instruction by, regarding John’s followers, 141:1.5 (1588.3)intimation by, of Judas’s desertion, 182:0.2 (1963.2)Jesus’ final personal admonition to, 181:2.16–18 (1958.3–1959.2)personal salutation to, 174:0.2 (1897.2)plea to, to strengthen his brethren, 182:2.8 (1967.3)request of, to pray for his brother Peter, 152:3.3 (1702.4)Judas’s consultation with, regarding apostolic funds, 163:2.11 (1803.2)lack of jealousy of Peter by, 139:1.6 (1549.4)left to proclaim the gospel in Jerusalem, 193:6.5 (2058.4)lesson on "The New Way" by, 145:2.1 (1629.2)management of the Bethsaida teaching program by, 140:7.2 (1578.3)Matthew, and Judas, the managerial committee at Amathus, 141:3.2 (1589.3)midwayer onetime assigned to the care of, source of narrative of Jesus’ life, Part IV, 121:0.1 (1332.1)missionary journeys of, 139:1.12 (1550.3)the morontia Jesus’ talk with, 192:2.7 (2048.3)opposition of, to proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)organization of preaching program at Pella camp by, 141:1.3 (1588.1)participation of, in the Pentecost preaching, 194:1.2 (2060.2)and Peter, compatibility of, 139:1.6 (1549.4)first tour of, to Capernaum, 138:1.1 (1538.3)preaching partners, 150:4.1 (1681.8)Peter’s discussion of his plans with, 139:2.3 (1550.6)Philip’s appeal to, for help with the Greeks, 174:5.1 (1902.2)placating duties of, at Amathus, 141:3.3 (1589.4)possible suspicion of, as to Judas’s guilt, 181:2.6 (1956.1)presentation of Teherma to Simon by, 141:6.1 (1592.3)prevailing counsel of, as to the choosing of six other apostles, 138:1.3 (1539.1)query of, concerning Jesus’ talk on wealth, 165:5.2 (1823.2)concerning the time for leaving Jerusalem, 176:1.4 (1913.3)about the morality of Jesus’ teaching, 140:10.8 (1585.6)regarding Jesus’ prediction of his death, 158:7.2 (1759.4)regarding self-control, 143:2.2 (1609.3)reaction of, to Jesus’ attempt to clarify himself and his mission, 137:5.2 (1531.6)silence at Capernaum, 153:0.2 (1707.2)triumphal entry, 172:5.2 (1884.1)weeping, 141:0.2 (1587.2)to John the Baptist’s pronouncement concerning Jesus, 137:2.2 (1526.2)to news of Jesus’ resurrection, 191:0.6 (2038.1)release of, as administrative head of the apostles, 181:2.17 (1959.1)relinquishment of his sword by, 182:2.3 (1966.3)selection of Matthew Levi by, 138:2.4 (1539.7)and selection of the seventy, 163:2.1 (1801.4)silence of, in apostolic discussion after Jesus’ arrest, 183:4.2 (1975.5)sponsor of Matthew, 139:7.1 (1559.5)suggestion of, that Simon join Jesus, 137:1.3 (1524.4)supervisor of apostolic activities at the Bethsaida camp, 148:0.3 (1657.3)supervisory position of, 138:7.4 (1544.3)suspicion and individualism of, 193:4.3 (2056.1)termination of the second preaching tour by, 149:7.1 (1677.2)and Thomas, reaction of, to declaration of Simon and Judas in attempted healing episode, 158:4.7 (1756.4)tribute of, to Peter, on day of Pentecost, 139:1.6 (1549.4)warnings of, regarding Peter’s unreliability, 191:1.5 (2040.1)writing by, of record concerning his Master, 121:0.1 (1332.1), 121:8.3 (1341.4), 121:8.9 (1342.4), 121:8.13 (1343.2), 139:1.9 (1549.7)Andromedadistance of, from Urantia, 15:4.7 (170.1)nebula, collapse of nova of, 41:8.3 (464.5)superuniverse location of, 15:4.7 (170.1)Andronoveractivities in, 57:1.1 (651.3)assumption of spiral form by, 57:3.1 (653.1)breakup, cause of, 57:3.5 (653.5)central cluster, developments in, 57:3.10 (654.3)completion of tertiary cycle of, 57:4.3
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