The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, to accuse Jesus of being a dangerous teacher, 184:3.13 (1983.5)for Jesus to leave Palestine, 184:1.2 (1978.5)reaction of, to Jesus, the determined Galilean, 184:1.2 (1978.5), 184:1.6 (1979.4)to Sanhedrin members’ physical mistreatment of Jesus, 184:3.18 (1983.10)to his steward’s striking Jesus, 184:1.7 (1979.5)relationship of, with Jesus, 129:2.7 (1422.4)reluctance of, to participate in the murder of Jesus, 184:1.2 (1978.5)Roman captain’s orders to take Jesus to, 183:5.1 (1977.1)Salome’s relation to, 129:1.5 (1420.2)statement by, of three charges against Jesus, 184:3.9 (1983.1)status of, among the Jews, 184:1.1 (1978.4)Annihilationa definition, 54:3.2 (615.4)by justice, reason for, 21:5.7 (241.1)verdict, exemption of salvaged personalities from the, 53:9.1 (610.6)wholehearted sin results in, 2:3.2 (36.7)Annonancestor of Jesus’ mother, 122:1.2 (1345.1)Announcementof Gabriel, to Elizabeth, 122:2.2 (1345.4)to Mary, 122:3.1 (1346.4)Annual conclave of Sataniaissue of Lucifer manifesto at the, 53:4.1 (604.3)Anointed oneChristianity’s glorification of Jesus as the Messianic, 98:7.11 (1084.10)a Jewish title of the Messiah, 136:1.1 (1509.3)the Messiah expected to be the, 157:5.1 (1748.1)Michael known to Urantia as the, 98:7.2 (1084.1)Anointingof Jesus, by Mary, banquet guests’ reaction to, 172:1.5 (1879.3)of Jesus’ feet by a reformed harlot, 147:5.3 (1651.7)the sick, Jesus’ and John’s apostles’ conference on, 150:0.2 (1678.2)Another ageJesus’ promise to the apostles regarding, 138:7.1 (1543.4)nonsuitability of contemporary rules to, 140:6.6 (1576.6)terms conducive to gospel understanding for people of, 142:7.4 (1603.5)Anovaoldest inhabited world of Satania, 49:0.5 (559.5)suns of, number, 49:0.5 (559.5)Ansieancestor of Jesus’ mother, 122:1.2 (1345.1)Answer(s) to prayerdependence of, on one’s capacity for receptivity, 144:4.4 (1621.3), 168:4.6 (1848.6)on spiritual wisdom, 146:2.6 (1639.1)inevitability of, prerequisites for, 146:2.7 (1639.2)Jesus’ teachings about, 168:4.0 (1848.1–1849.4)long-waiting, petitioners’ final appropriation of, 168:4.12 (1849.3)men’s own changed attitudes as the, 118:10.23 (1307.4)mortals’ ability to provide, as a benchmark for God’s ability, 144:2.4 (1619.2)possible reason for the delay of, 168:4.5 (1848.5)Antagonism(s)attitudinal, God never a victim of, 2:4.3 (38.3)between Jews and Samaritans, 143:4.3 (1612.3)of Jerusalem crowds, later in Passover week, 172:3.15 (1883.1)positive, of Jesus to Jewish traditions, 147:6.6 (1655.2)Antagonistic co-operationmarriage the highest manifestation of, 84:6.2 (938.6)Antarcticabreaking away from mother continent by, 58:4.3 (668.1)glacial ice in, 61:5.3 (699.4)rise of, out of Pacific Ocean, 57:8.21 (662.8)severance of, from Asiatic continent, cause of, 57:8.23 (663.1)AntaresNebadon’s largest star, size of, vs. that of Urantia’s sun, 41:3.2 (458.2)Anthracite coalfactors in production of, 59:5.16 (681.8)Anthropomorphicthe concept of God in Moses’ time, 96:5.8 (1058.6)Isaiah the second’s concept of God not, 97:7.5 (1068.5)primitive man’s concept of God as, 92:3.1 (1005.3)AnthropomorphismChristianity’s effect on concept of, 5:4.9 (67.7)and evolutionary religion, 5:4.9 (67.7)the Olympian gods an illustration of, 98:1.6 (1078.4)Anticynicala quality of fatherly love, 140:5.12 (1574.5)Antidotal complementsof Satania life currents, chemical functioning of tree of life in providing, 73:6.4 (826.1)sources of, 66:4.13 (745.3)Antigravityan attribute of the Infinite Spirit, 9:3.2 (101.2)of power-control creatures, 9:3.6 (101.6)behavior, partial, ultimatons’ attainment of, 42:6.3 (476.5)effect of, compared to gravity-resistant phenomenon of a gyroscope, 9:3.3 (101.3)endowment of first four groups of higher personalities of Infinite Spirit, 24:0.10 (264.10)mechanical controllers, 29:4.19 (326.1)secondary dissociators, 29:4.35 (328.4)a function of, in Havona, 14:3.6 (156.3)and heat, function of, 15:8.10 (176.5)influence, of energy controllers, 15:8.5 (175.8)factors in, 11:7.9 (125.3)of pervaded space, 11:8.3 (125.6)in the metamorphosis of energy and matter, 42:4.10 (473.8)neutralization of gravity action and response thereto by, 42:11.5 (482.3)operation of, 9:3.3 (101.3)potential, individual revolutions of, a variety of utimatonic motion, 42:6.4 (476.6)of power centers and physical controllers, 42:4.4 (473.2)transcendence of time and space by spirit energies not influenced by, 7:1.2 (82.1)transmissibility, 9:3.2 (101.2)Universe Spirit’s possession of, 34:2.2 (375.5)weight influenced by, 15:8.3 (175.6)Anti-Jesus sectof Ezra, 137:2.2 (1526.2)Antiochbelievers at, financial aid from, for Jerusalem believers, 194:4.7 (2067.2)Christianity, Paul’s, various teachings embodied in, 121:7.8 (1340.6)description of, 133:8.1 (1480.6)disagreement of Peter and Paul at, 139:2.7 (1551.3)eventual headquarters of Pauline Christianity, 171:1.6 (1869.2)faith of the gospel teachers of, in the resurrection of Jesus, 190:0.4 (2029.4)Jesus and Ganid at, 133:8.0 (1480.6–1481.2)the northwestern headquarters of the early church, 166:5.3 (1831.6)Paul’s disciples first called "Christians" in, 121:2.5 (1333.7)in Pisidia, Luke, a physician of, 121:8.8 (1342.3)the proclamation of the first Trinity of Christianity at, 104:1.11 (1144.8)on the route of the early Christian missionaries, 194:4.13 (2068.3)Son of Man’s sojourn in, 134:7.3 (1492.3)in Syria, Apostle Paul’s preaching experience in, 134:7.3 (1492.3)term "Christianity" first used at, 194:4.13 (2068.3)AntithesisJesus’ effective employment of, 159:5.17 (1771.1)Antoniafortress of, Jewish authorities’ appearance at the, 183:2.3 (1973.1)Roman guards’ flight from the tomb to the, 189:2.4 (2023.3)Anua Mesopotamian deity, 95:1.4 (1042.5)Anvil(s)Jesus’ skill at the, 128:2.3 (1410.2)of justice, 9:1.8 (100.2)of necessity, 23:2.12 (258.11), 66:5.13 (747.3)Anxiety(ies)abandonment of, a necessity, 48:7.21 (557.5)augmentation of Judas’s, through personality isolation, 193:4.12 (2056.10)banishment of, by a strong personality, 148:2.2 (1658.5)distortion of mortal minds by, 9:5.7 (103.5)extreme, effects of, 86:2.1 (951.3)Jesus’ one, 179:2.3 (1938.2)preaching against, 140:8.3 (1579.5)material needs not supplied by, 165:5.2 (1823.2)a natural state of the savage mind, 86:2.1 (951.3)past, a basis of reminiscent jest, in morontia state, 48:4.5 (547.8)personal, unimportance of much, 48:4.6 (548.1)of the present, vs. certainties of the future, 48:4.6 (548.1)result of man’s yielding to, 131:7.3 (1451.3)undue, Jesus’ admonition against, 140:8.3 (1579.5)Anxiouscomfort the, 138:6.4 (1543.2)thought, to problems out of one’s hands, futility of giving, 165:5.2 (1823.2)Apesearly, nonrelation of, to lemurs of human ancestry, 62:1.1 (703.2)inferior mid-mammal ancestry of, 62:3.11 (706.2)and man, relation of, 62:3.12 (706.3)and monkeys, as fetish animals, 88:1.5 (967.7)Aphroditecult of, in Greece, 95:1.7 (1043.2)identity of, 98:3.3 (1080.5)Apocalypticbooks, Jesus’ study of, 126:3.8 (1390.3)concept, Jewish, of the Messiah’s advent, 170:1.7 (1858.9)Apocalyptistsbelief of the, 135:5.2 (1500.2)origin of the, 135:5.2 (1500.2)Apollo templein Rome, 132:0.2 (1455.2)Apology(ies)of James and John, to their brethren, 171:0.6 (1868.1)Jesus’ avoidance of, 141:7.13 (1594.7)of Nalda to Jesus, 143:5.5 (1613.3)Apostateplanets, hazards of Material Sons’ missions on, 51:0.2 (580.2)princes, relation of, to the dragon, 53:5.6 (606.2)rulers, Jesus’ death not to ransom man from the, 188:4.3 (2016.8)Apostle(s)as clean branches of the vine, 180:2.1 (1945.4)conference of Joseph and David with the, 190:1.3 (2030.2)Jesus’, misunderstanding of, as to the identity of the persons of the Paradise Trinity, 104:1.10 (1144.7)Jesus’ declaration of love for, and loyalty to his, 142:7.17 (1605.2)not the sole recipients of the Spirit of Truth, 194:3.6 (2063.4)Paul, a devotee of the continence cult, 89:3.6 (977.1)personal religious experience of, Christianity’s foundation, 196:2.1 (2091.10)preaching of, in Antioch, 134:7.3 (1492.3)see also PaulPaul’s doctrine of atonement for sin by "shedding of blood," 63:6.4 (716.3)the sons of God, 180:3.5 (1947.4)women’s corps, and prominent disciples, Jesus’ meeting with, 174:0.1 (1897.1)Apostle(s)-Activitiesactivities of, on first preaching tour, 146:3.9 (1642.5)on third mission, 150:4.1 (1681.8)back in Bethsaida, 152:5.0 (1703.5–1704.5)cities visited during the personal work of the, 138:9.3 (1546.5)concentration on public preaching by, after the Bethsaida healing, 145:3.13 (1633.4)of, on work at Pella, 165:1.3 (1818.1)departure of, for Jerusalem, reason, 141:9.1 (1595.5), 192:4.4 (2051.1)the eleven, presence of, on Jesus’ last temple visit, 175:0.1 (1905.1)and evangelists, grouping of, for the Decapolis tour, 159:0.2 (1762.2)experiences of, on Mount Gilboa, 144:1.7 (1618.1)first work of the twelve, 138:8.0 (1545.2–1546.2)four-week sojourn of, at Bethany beyond Jordan, 141:7.0 (1593.2–1595.1)at Gennesaret, 152:6.0 (1705.1–1706.1)good-bye visit of the families of the, at Bethsaida, 141:0.1 (1587.1)later dispersion of, cause, 192:0.2 (2045.2)leading of Jesus from the Capernaum synagogue by the, 153:4.6 (1714.5)left in Jerusalem after Pentecost, 193:6.5 (2058.4)nonopposition of, to preaching in the Decapolis and Syria, 143:4.3
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