The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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extrusion, solar system planets’ swing around the sun in plane of the, 57:5.12 (657.1)system, character of center of, 57:5.4 (655.9)and formation of Urantia’s solar system, 57:5.7 (656.3)influence of, on Urantia’s sun, 41:10.1 (465.6)time of approach of, to Urantia’s sun, 57:5.4 (655.9)Anguishand "fear of the Lord," 149:6.3 (1675.4)hammers of, 23:2.12 (258.11)of Jesus, in the garden, 182:3.7 (1969.2)of spirit, a sometime accompaniment of spiritual birth, 103:2.1 (1130.6)Animal(s)ability of, to express emotions but not ideas and ideals, 109:4.1 (1198.4)activities, conversion of vegetative energy into, 41:2.5 (457.4)Adam’s ability in naming, 74:3.8 (831.5)to angel, a phase of mortal finaliters’ progression, 48:8.4 (558.2)arctic, migration of, to mountain peaks during ice age, 61:7.16 (702.6)best suited to domestication, habitat of, 81:2.11 (902.1)body, creative ability of mind to produce, 42:12.9 (483.9)carnivorous, as fetishes, 88:1.4 (967.6)vs. civilized man, as to love for offspring, 84:7.10 (940.6)classification of certain mortals as, 133:0.3 (1468.3)combat, obvious fatalities from, 90:3.5 (989.7)commingling of, during ice age, 61:7.16 (702.6)comparison of, with man, as to concept of time, 130:7.5 (1439.3)-conquest advisers, disloyalty of entire board of, 67:4.1 (757.4)creations, spornagia’s utilization of, 46:7.2 (527.16)crude communication of, with one another, 109:4.2 (1198.5)development, occurrence of man’s achievement of apex of, 52:3.1 (592.6)domesticated, effect of, on civilization, 81:2.10 (901.13)domestication, influence of, on man’s material comfort, 81:5.2 (905.7)progress of, 52:2.8 (592.1)and the Roman state, 71:1.15 (801.3)the second great advance in civilization, 81:2.5 (901.8)utilization, board of, 66:5.4 (746.2)early, from original life implantations, characteristic, 59:1.14 (673.14)vs. early mothers as to care for children, 84:7.10 (940.6)early overrunning of planets by larger, 52:1.5 (590.1)effect of, on man’s labor, 81:2.14 (902.4)existences, prehuman, three brain types of, 49:5.13 (566.1)fear, man’s, angels’ difficulty to comprehend, 113:2.5 (1243.2)means of liberation from, 170:2.1 (1859.11)motivation of primitive worshipfulness, 85:7.1 (948.6)transmutation of, into reverence for God, 102:5.2 (1124.1)flying, early races’ use of, 52:1.5 (590.1)failure of second attempt to produce, 60:3.21 (691.2)following of the glaciers by certain, 61:7.13 (702.3)form, southern Asians’ belief in man’s return to earth in, 85:3.1 (946.3)gods, Andonic, pictures and engravings of, 63:6.3 (716.2)higher, fears of, 85:0.1 (944.1)primitive man’s attitude toward, 85:3.1 (946.3)husbandry, conduct of, outside Eden, 73:4.1 (823.7)development of agriculture by, 66:7.1 (750.3)disloyalty of entire board of, 67:4.1 (757.4)of graduates of Dalamatian schools, 66:7.18 (751.13)Lot’s engagement in, 93:5.9 (1019.6)relation of social activities to, 69:6.7 (778.2)ice-age extinction of, in North America, 61:5.7 (699.8)migration of, from South to North America, 61:4.3 (698.5)imperfect subjugation of, on worlds in light and life, 55:3.1 (624.7)inability of, to choose the unselfish over the selfish, 103:2.8 (1131.7)to communicate concepts to each other, 109:4.1 (1198.4)to experience superconsciousness, 130:4.9 (1435.1)to possess a time self-consciousness, 133:7.8 (1479.8)indispensability of, to man’s intellectual evolution, 36:5.13 (403.1)indolence of man, vs. ambition, 111:7.5 (1223.7)instinctive checking of the mating propensity in, 82:1.9 (914.5)Jesus’ driving of, from the temple, 173:1.7 (1890.2)knowledge a possession of, 101:6.4 (1111.8)land, absence of, during late invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.9 (675.8)North America the field of evolution of, 60:3.17 (690.8)on Urantia, salt an essential to continuing life of, 58:1.3 (664.4)level of existence, functioning of men on, 16:7.5 (193.4)man’s emergence from the, 52:1.1 (589.10)life, Adam’s familiarity with, 74:3.8 (831.5)on architectural worlds, 43:6.4 (492.4)basic system pattern of, 49:1.5 (560.4)and carbon dioxide in Urantian atmosphere, 58:1.8 (665.3)continental exchange of, during Pliocene period, 61:4.3 (698.5)development of, at beginning of marine-life era, 59:0.8 (672.8)dissimilarity of, on inhabited planets, 49:2.11 (561.10)glaciers’ effect on, 61:7.13 (702.3)inspection of, by Adam and Eve, 74:3.7 (831.4)preceded by vegetable life, 49:1.5 (560.4)primordial, spirit of intuition’s contact with, 62:6.3 (709.4)profusion of simple forms of, 58:7.11 (671.4)relation of ocean saltiness to evolution of, 58:6.5 (669.6)sudden appearance of new species of, 58:6.3 (669.4)tracing of evolution of vegetable life into, 58:6.2 (669.3)types, in Eden, 73:4.1 (823.7)in man, manifestation of the, 184:4.5 (1984.6)man’s use of, importance to advancing civilization, 81:2.10–12 (901.13–902.2)material, three-gas-mixture air suited to, 46:2.3 (520.8)vs. men, regarding wisdom, 101:6.4 (1111.8)method of survival in time by, 132:3.6 (1459.6)migration, from Asia to North America, 61:3.4 (696.8)last great world-wide, time of, 61:4.3 (698.5)mind, consciousness of the objective universe by the, 130:4.9 (1435.1)man’s observation of, 6:6.1 (78.4)slothful, rebellion of the, against cosmic problem solving, 100:4.2 (1097.6)native to Europe, 64:4.2 (720.8)nature, impulses of, a cause of temptation, 156:5.4 (1738.3)increasing subjection of, to the Spirit, 34:6.9 (381.3)possible hereditary character of the, 188:4.5 (2016.10)necessity of, to adapt itself to environment, 196:3.32 (2096.8)nonpersonal, method of learning of a, 16:7.3 (193.2)nonpossession of worship and wisdom by, 130:4.9 (1435.1)nonworriers, 160:1.5 (1773.2)of North America, extinction of, in early ice age, 61:5.7 (699.8)orders, modification of, on sub- and superatmospheric planets, 49:2.11 (561.10)organisms, early, lack of shells in, and absence of fossils, 59:0.8 (672.8)origin, ascending mortals’ abandonment of the coarse vestiges of, 47:8.7 (538.5)beings, relation of Infinite Spirit to, 8:4.6 (95.1)achievement of Paradise by, 11:9.8 (127.6)children of time, glorious destiny of, 31:10.20 (354.6)creatures, service of Sons of God in ascendant plan for upstepping, 40:5.14 (446.5)of Urantia, 1:0.3 (21.3)of Father-fused mortals, 40:5.17 (447.2)peoples, upstepping of physical status of, by Adamic stock, 21:4.3 (239.9)races, impossibility of Adjuster fusion of primitive mortals of, 49:6.6 (569.1)paradise, Urantia an, during Cenozoic age, 61:0.2 (693.2)population of North America during early ice age, 61:5.7 (699.8)predatory, advisers regarding the conquest of, 66:5.7 (746.5)prehuman, connecting links between dawn men and, 58:6.2 (669.3)races, human intellect rooted in material origin of, 9:5.5 (103.3)repeated domestication of many, 81:2.11 (902.1)reproduction in captivity, and their domestication, 69:7.3 (778.6)response of, to the urge of life, 160:1.5 (1773.2)Rodan’s contrast of man and, 160:1.5 (1773.2)sacrifice(s), apostles’ noncomprehension of Jesus’ teaching about, 141:4.3 (1590.6)substitution of, for human sacrifices, 89:6.2 (980.7)young Jesus’ questions as to the reason for, 125:5.5 (1382.7)sacrificial, in the court of the gentiles, 125:1.1 (1378.3)savages’ sometime envy of, 88:1.4 (967.6)selective response of, limitations of, 16:7.2 (193.1)soul, Greeks’ belief as to the residence of the, 86:5.17 (955.5)species of nonbreathing worlds, vs. those of atmospheric planets, 49:3.5 (564.1)spornagia perfect, 37:10.3 (416.3)spornagia’s use of, in soil culture, 46:7.2 (527.16)stationary types of early, 65:2.5 (732.3)subjugation, under Dan, 66:5.7 (746.5)superior, adjutant mind-spirits’ contact with, 62:6.2 (709.3)survival of, Egyptians’ onetime belief in the, 95:5.13 (1049.1)symbol, significance of an, 85:3.4 (946.6)teachings of primitive tribes as to their descent from, 74:8.5 (837.4)techniques of communication between, 160:2.1 (1775.2)tendencies, vs. the high urge of spirit endowment, 34:6.9 (381.3)transition from vegetable to, 65:2.2 (731.6)types, basis of, in vegetable kingdom, 49:1.5 (560.4)types of Cenozoic age, 61:0.2 (693.2)utilization of, early man’s, 69:7.1 (778.4)vanquishing by primitive men of the larger, 52:1.5 (590.1)various, raising of, by the Mesopotamian, Turkestan, and Chinese farmers, 81:2.12 (902.2)vestigial traits, permanent eradication of, a purpose of morontia career, 48:5.8 (551.3)world, comparison of man with, 16:7.1 (192.8)early man’s enemy, 69:7.1 (778.4)soul’s elevation of man above the, 133:6.5 (1478.4)worship, of Andonites, reason for, 63:6.3 (716.2)decline of, reason, 64:4.12 (721.10)natural evolution of, 63:6.4 (716.3)worship of, 85:3.1 (946.3)Animalistic mental associationsperishing of, with physical brain, 47:4.5 (535.1)Animismnot the source of all religions, 86:2.7 (952.2)prayer’s nonrelation to, 91:1.5 (995.4)Animosityapostles’ possible, toward Judas, 183:0.3 (1971.3)hate and, breathed by the caveman in the picture of the mind’s eye, 100:4.5 (1098.2)national, cessation of, an indicator of ripeness of a planet for a Magisterial Son, 52:3.12 (594.3)one result of godless secularism, 195:8.5 (2081.5)Annaidentity of, 122:9.2 (1353.1)poem written by, for the infant Jesus, 122:9.4 (1353.3)Annanon Adam’s reception committee, 74:2.5 (829.7)Annasdesire of, to present charges against Jesus, 184:3.17 (1983.9)to remain chief ecclesiastical authority, 184:0.1 (1978.1)examination of Jesus by, 184:1.0 (1978.4–1980.1)following of Jesus by John Zebedee and Peter to the home of, 183:4.3 (1976.1)home of, Jesus taken for preliminary examination to the, 183:5.1 (1977.1)John Mark’s appearance at, after Jesus’ arrest, 183:3.10 (1975.3)identity of, 129:1.5 (1420.2), 142:0.2 (1596.2)instructions to the Roman captain to take Jesus to, 184:0.1 (1978.1)Jesus’ introduction
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