The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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evil spirits, 151:6.4 (1696.2)the lunatic, Jesus’ healing of, 151:6.5 (1696.3)Amos, the prophetattack on immorality of the northern tribes by, 97:4.1 (1065.4)beginning of secret writing by, 97:9.20 (1074.2)change in concept of God’s nature after days of, 142:2.2 (1597.2)comparison of John the Baptist with, 135:6.3 (1502.1)concept of God proclaimed by, 97:4.2 (1065.5)a discoverer of new concepts of Deity, 97:4.2 (1065.5)an evaluation of the spiritual contribution of, 97:4.4 (1066.1)fate of, 97:4.4 (1066.1)the Father’s use of, 155:6.2 (1730.6)and Hosea, 97:4.0 (1065.4–1066.4)Israel’s progressive revelation of God from Moses to, 155:6.10 (1732.3)influence of, on Hebrew spiritual life, 97:4.7 (1066.4)quotations from, relating to Yahweh’s attitude toward all evildoers, 97:4.3 (1065.6)teaching of, regarding the fate of Israel, 97:8.3 (1071.1)Amosadidentity of, 92:5.9 (1009.3)leadership of, in second garden, 78:5.1 (872.5)Amphitheateron an Urmia island, dedication of, to the "spirit of religion," 134:3.1 (1485.3)Amuletsimpotence of, 150:3.11 (1681.6)in primitive prereligious praying, 91:0.5 (994.5)Amusementmadness a Roman weakness, 195:3.9 (2074.4)in reviewing early experiences, 48:4.12 (548.7)Analogy(ies)between the natural and spiritual in teaching truth, 151:3.3 (1692.2)spiritual, difficulties in attempting to make a natural parable yield, 151:2.5 (1690.3)Anarchyhereditary kingship as a way to avoid, 70:6.3 (789.10)misery a product of, 70:0.3 (783.3)Anatomicblends, time required for racial manifestation of, 52:3.9 (593.8)structure of new orders of life, physical law’s relation to, 58:6.7 (670.1)vestiges of blended human stocks, 52:3.8 (593.7)Anatomistsrating of Adam and Eve as Satania, 74:3.8 (831.5)Anaxagorasa mechanist, 98:2.6 (1079.3)Anaxandcontact of, with Jesus in Caesarea, 130:2.4 (1430.2)death of, 130:2.5 (1430.3)identity of, 130:2.4 (1430.2)membership of, in the Christian church at Caesarea, 130:2.5 (1430.3)subsequent steward of Cornelius, the Roman centurion, 130:2.5 (1430.3)Ancestor(s)of all things, God the honored, 131:8.2 (1451.5)common, of monkey and gorilla, 61:3.12 (697.7)a common, a reason for the clan, 70:4.2 (788.4)Jesus’ teaching concerning attitude toward, 140:8.14 (1581.1)of mankind, acceptance of Material Sons and Daughters as, 51:6.6 (587.4)man’s primitive, picture of the tiger and, 100:4.5 (1098.2)service to our divine, a prerequisite to prayer, 131:9.2 (1452.6)supernal, the divine Creator the, 2:1.2 (34.1)of universes, Father of spirits, 42:1.1 (467.3)Urantian primitive, salty ocean the habitat of, 58:1.4 (664.5)veneration, in Europe, 79:8.3 (887.3)the great strength of, 79:8.9 (888.2)the great weakness of, 79:8.8 (888.1)origin of, 79:8.3 (887.3)worship, 87:3.0 (960.5–961.1)ancient, 70:7.15 (791.8)China influenced by, 94:5.7 (1033.2)China’s confusion of Salem teachings with, 94:5.7 (1033.2)contribution of, to ghost fear, 87:3.2 (960.6)vs. Deity worship, 91:5.1 (998.4)early inevitability of, 87:3.1 (960.5)effect of, on Chinese peacefulness, 79:8.5 (887.5)and family loyalty, 79:8.10 (888.3)and monogamy, 83:6.3 (927.4)present-day persistence of, 92:6.20 (1012.1)use of, in Buddhism, 94:11.1 (1038.8)Ancestralconduct, Confucius’s establishment of a respect for, 94:6.9 (1034.4)forces, Paradise the origin of, 15:4.1 (169.1)foundation for outstanding talent, 44:8.2 (507.7)Ancestryancient human, makeup of, 62:1.2 (703.3)of Eve’s seducer, 75:3.1 (841.1)Ancient tonguepriests’ use of, in religious ritual, 90:2.1 (987.5), 90:5.6 (992.7)Ancient(s) of Daysabout, 18:3.2 (209.4)communication of, with Michael while in the tomb, 188:3.12 (2016.1)decree of, as to safety of Nebadon throughout Urantia bestowal, 120:0.8 (1325.1)establishment by Gabriel of direct contact with the, occasion for, 55:10.4 (634.4)future status of, disagreement as to, 56:7.7 (643.1)Gabriel’s message to Jesus on authority of the, 136:3.4 (1513.1)mandate for Urantia Revelation issued by, 31:10.22 (354.8)mandate of, against spiritual jeopardy in Nebadon, 120:1.5 (1326.2)midway position of, between Paradise and the evolving worlds, 116:4.6 (1272.5)number of, 18:3.4 (209.6)and number of inhabited worlds in local systems, 49:0.2 (559.2)Orvonton, authority for sponsorship of, Part Ipersonal abodes of each trio of, 18:3.6 (209.8)and prevention of rebellion during Urantia bestowal, 120:1.5 (1326.2)report of associate force organizer to, 57:1.3 (651.5)a Semite appellation for Deity, 96:1.9 (1053.7)significance of the name, 18:3.4 (209.6)Supreme Being’s eventual supersedence of, as supreme rulers, 18:3.8 (210.2)translation of broadcasts of, into local universe tongues, 44:4.9 (504.1)unrevealed agents of, cocreators of abandonters, 37:9.12 (415.4)Ancient(s) of Days-Courtsapprehending agents of, 22:9.4 (252.6)attitude of, toward annihilation of evildoers, 54:3.3 (615.5)authority of, over eternal life, 15:12.2 (180.3)in intelligent life extinction, 36:1.1 (396.2)blotting out mandate of, 37:3.7 (409.4)courts of, function of Brilliant Evening Stars before, 37:2.3 (407.3)possible handicap of, 40:10.4 (452.4)relation of Reflective Image Aids to, 17:3.4 (201.2)and reports from Recents, Unions, and Faithfuls of Days, 15:13.6 (181.6)training of Technical Advisers in, 25:4.14 (280.2)courts of Uversa may be presided over by an, 15:12.1 (180.2)and execution of decrees of dissolution, 2:3.6 (37.4)influence of, in the surviving mortal’s resurrection, 15:12.2 (180.3)judgment authority of, 53:1.2 (601.4)tribunals of, and decrees of cessation of existence, 2:3.3 (37.1)jurisdiction of, over Census Directors, 24:2.3 (267.1)and Master Spirit concerned, concurrence of, in superuniverse decisions, 15:12.4 (180.5)and Most Highs’ seizure of authority over wayward worlds, 43:3.7 (489.2)a particular Adjuster’s willingness to submit all to the tribunals of the, 110:7.10 (1213.5)sanction of court of survival referees by, 40:8.3 (449.6)Seraphic Corps of Completion’s function in courts of, 39:1.9 (428.3)Spirit fusers’ presentation at courts of, 40:10.9 (453.4)time an element of evidence in judgment of, 28:6.10 (315.3)transmission of findings of survival referee courts to, 40:8.3 (449.6)tribunals of, Trinitized Custodians, officers of, 18:4.5 (211.1)unanimity of decisions of, 15:12.3 (180.4)Universal Censors’ relation to judgments of, 19:3.4 (217.3)Ancient(s) of Days-Deity Relations and Reflectivityadvantages to, of reflectivity, 28:4.12 (309.6)and God the Sevenfold, 0:8.1 (11.5)God the Supreme actualizing in the, 0:8.10 (12.1), 116:2.2 (1269.6)hearing, seeing, knowing ability of, 28:4.1 (307.5)influence of Eternal Son in domains of the, 7:2.4 (83.7)interpretation of the mind of the Infinite Spirit to the, 28:4.6 (308.5)liaison ministry of tertiaphim between Creator Sons and, 28:1.3 (306.9)living mirrors in service of, 28:4.1 (307.5)Master Spirits’ action on superuniverse headquarters through the, 17:0.11 (197.11)Michael’s counsels with, 33:2.5 (367.7)participation of, in the ministry of the Sevenfold, 106:1.3 (1164.2)the personification of Trinity justice-judgment in time and space, 116:4.6 (1272.5)and realization of God, 0:8.1 (11.5)second phase of God the Sevenfold, 55:4.13 (628.1)sole utilizers of reflectivity service in superuniverses, 28:4.9 (309.3)synchronization of governments of, with Majeston, by Master Spirits, 17:8.7 (206.2)of reflective vision of, with broadcast messages, 28:4.12 (309.6)technique of, in ascertaining attitude of Michael of Nebadon, 28:4.6 (308.5)technique of personal intercourse between Reflective Spirits and, 17:4.2 (202.2)Ancient(s) of Days-the Lucifer Rebellionadjudication of Lucifer rebellion unfinished by the, 46:8.1 (528.7)of Satania rebellion by, 67:4.7 (758.5)approval of, of Constellation Fathers’ seizure of Satania government, 53:7.14 (609.2)delay of, in handing down decisions as to disposition of the archrebels, 53:7.14 (609.2)eventual adjudication of sin of Lucifer by the, 45:1.11 (510.9)Lucifer’s attack on rights of, in local systems, 53:3.4 (603.5)contention as to debarment of executioners of, 53:3.5 (603.6)regarding interference of, 53:3.4 (603.5)open defiance of the, 53:4.5 (605.2)Michael’s petition to the, for internment authority over Lucifer rebels, 53:9.3 (611.2)Ancient(s) of Days-Origin and Natureattributes of, 23:2.15 (259.1)characteristics of, 18:3.0 (209.3–210.3)function of, 23:2.15 (259.1)Havona apprenticeships not served by, 18:4.6 (211.2)origin of, 18:0.1 (207.1)permanent function of, 0:8.11 (12.2)relation of Supreme Power Directors and associates to, 29:3.2 (322.5)representation of, at supreme councils on Paradise, 18:5.4 (212.1)rulings of, characteristics, 18:3.7 (210.1)Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 10:6.8 (114.9)the super-Fathers, 51:6.12 (587.10)as Supreme Creators, 56:5.3 (640.7)Supreme Trinity Personalities, 18:0.4 (207.4)Uversa records of happenings since arrival of, 25:6.6 (282.4)wisdom of the ages present with the, 28:5.9 (311.1)Ancient(s) of Days-Personality Associatesassignment of primary seconaphim to ascending creatures by the, 28:7.1 (317.4)of seraphim and midway creatures to service of, 22:5.2 (248.1)of tertiary circuit supervisors to local universes by the, 24:1.10 (265.10)of Trinitized Sons of Selection to courts of, 22:1.11 (244.2)attachment of primary seconaphim to service of, 28:4.1 (307.5)Celestial Guardians as officers of courts of, 22:9.4 (252.6)commission of Trinitized Sons of Perfection to courts of, 22:1.12 (244.3)conciliators under supervision of, 25:3.14 (278.5)direction of Solitary Messengers in local universe service by, 23:2.18 (259.4)immediate
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