The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1182.4)respect of, for humans’ sovereignty of personality, 110:2.1 (1204.5)status of, as to personality, 109:4.2 (1198.5)subservience of, to human will, 110:2.1 (1204.5)success of, dependent on mortals’ co-operation, 110:3.2 (1205.6)Adjuster(s)-Self-Acting and Personalizedof the human being through whom this communication is being made, activity of the, 110:5.7 (1208.6)of incarnated Sons of God, personalization of, 20:4.3 (227.1)Jesus’ Personalized, relation of, to the Paradise Father, 136:5.3 (1516.3)liberated, identity of, 107:2.6 (1178.7)many possible functions of the, in connection with the reserve corps, 114:7.9 (1258.1)nonpersonalized, visibility of, only to Personalized Adjusters, 107:4.4 (1180.7)personalization of Jesus’, and relation of the forty-day retirement to, 136:3.2 (1512.6)personalized, functions of, 20:4.3 (227.1)identity of, 107:2.8 (1179.2)and modified, as Gravity Messengers, 31:2.2 (347.1)original status of, 40:4.2 (445.1)rare departure from their mortal tabernacles by, 109:2.10 (1197.1)self-acting, 109:2.0 (1196.3–1197.2)ability of, to leave the human body at will, 109:2.10 (1197.1)identification of, 109:2.1 (1196.3)rarer numbers of, in each succeeding generation, 110:4.6 (1207.6)self-conscious, all reservists’ possession of, 114:7.2 (1257.2)sometime activities of the, during mortal sleep, 109:2.6 (1196.8)supreme, ability of, to leave the human body at will, 109:2.10 (1197.1)identity of, 107:2.4 (1178.5)Adjusterized and eternalized mortalsprobable destiny of, 112:7.18 (1239.7)Adjusterless childrenattachment of, to parents in survival calculations, 49:6.14 (570.3)Adjustment(s)biologic, continuation of, 65:6.5 (737.5)to changing life situations, 160:1.11 (1774.3)chemical, in living organisms, 65:6.6 (737.6)of difficulties, prayer, to Jesus, a technique for, 196:0.10 (2088.5)environmental, craving of living cells for, 65:6.2 (737.2)of personal convictions and family duty, Jesus’ achievement of, 124:4.9 (1372.6)to planetary environment, 49:5.2 (565.3)sleep, of mansonia career, number of times experienced, 47:10.5 (540.1)superphysical, of animals to air, water, and land, 65:6.7 (737.7)supreme, possible relation of the Absolutes to, 4:1.9 (56.1)Adjutant(s)circuit, the human’s divorcement from the, upon death, 117:5.7 (1286.5)effect of, on evolutionary religion, 92:0.2 (1003.2)on man’s religion, 103:0.1 (1129.1)first five, augmenting service of, from dawn mammals through Primates, 62:6.4 (709.5)of local universe, and ministry to human and subhuman intellect, 9:5.3 (103.1)influence, diminishing of the, from the third circle onward, 110:6.20 (1211.5)mind, function dependence of the, on the material-energy pattern, 112:6.7 (1236.5)levels, 9:4.4 (102.4)mind-spirits, activities of, Orvonton Master Spirit’s influence in, 16:4.8 (190.2)Adjuster’s relation to, 108:4.3 (1190.4)administration headquarters of, 65:7.1 (738.4)central emplacement of, 36:2.10 (397.10)conjoint ministry of, 110:6.21 (1211.6)creators of, 17:0.5 (197.5)effect of the ministry of, on the human intellect, 117:5.7 (1286.5)of operations of, on evolutionary mind, 65:6.7 (737.7)and evolution of physical bodies, 42:12.11 (483.11)the experience of the, a part of the universe experience of the Divine Minister, 117:5.10 (1287.1)experiential growth of, 36:5.13 (403.1)function of, and the course of evolution, 36:5.1 (401.5)a phase of local universe intelligence circuit, 15:9.14 (177.13)functional domain of, 17:0.10 (197.10), 65:0.6 (730.6)identification of, 17:7.1 (205.1)increased unified action of the, from the seventh to third circles, 110:6.20 (1211.5)individual manifestation of, 36:5.2 (401.6)influence of the ministry of the, on the material mind, 111:1.2 (1216.3)mammalian mother love an endowment of, 84:1.6 (932.3)mind the bestowal of the, 58:6.7 (670.1)an endowment of, 36:5.15 (403.3)ministry of the, local universe source of, 56:3.3 (639.3)the mortal mind’s use of the, 112:6.9 (1237.1)Mother Spirit’s ministry through, 42:10.4 (481.1)nonrelation of, to Holy Spirit, 36:5.16 (403.4)origin of, 16:4.10 (190.4), 34:4.10 (378.4), 36:5.1 (401.5)vs. physical controllers, 41:2.6 (457.5)presence of, a prerequisite to the coming of the Adjusters, 108:2.3 (1187.2)spornagia’s reaction to first five, 46:7.5 (528.3)subordination of, to action and presence of their creative mother, 36:5.4 (402.1)uniqueness of the, 112:6.6 (1236.4)united function of, in the seventh circle, 110:6.13 (1210.8)ministry, limitation of, to the local planet, 112:6.10 (1237.2)spirit(s), the beginning of the functioning of, 65:7.6 (739.2)field of function of, 65:7.7 (739.3)influence of, on science, 103:9.8 (1141.6)and kinship feeling of early Andonites, 63:3.3 (713.3)mind ministry of, 65:0.4 (730.4)minds, definition, 42:10.4 (481.1)a phase of the cosmic mind, 56:2.3 (638.7)the sixth, operation of, in the primitive, 85:7.1 (948.6)types of mind, where bestowed, 34:4.9 (378.3)transmission of certain impersonal repercussions by the, 117:5.7 (1286.5)of wisdom, influence of, 180:5.3 (1949.5)of worship, influence of, on evolutionary religion, 92:0.2 (1003.2)on man’s religion, 103:0.1 (1129.1)of worship and wisdom, 85:7.0 (948.6–8)significance of mortal mind’s developing capacity for, 34:5.3 (379.3)Administrationchannels, adaptation of, to current needs of Urantia government, 70:12.20 (799.1)divine, and advancement of worthy intelligences, 5:1.8 (63.6)of Eternal Son, 7:2.4 (83.7)of Havona, character of, 14:3.3 (155.6)hill, in fifth circle on Jerusem, 46:5.16 (524.7)the Infinite Spirit the conjoint executive in, 7:4.6 (85.7)of the local system, 45:0.0 (509.1–518.5)of a local universe, beings responsible for, 33:0.1 (366.1)of the local universe, 33:0.0 (366.1–373.9)mechanisms of, of higher spirit orders, difficult to discover the, 108:3.8 (1189.4)Michael’s, power and authority of, 120:0.5 (1324.2)planetary, 50:2.0 (573.2–574.2), 51:7.0 (587.12–588.4)scheme of superuniverse, 15:0.2 (164.2)schools of, in the constellations, 48:5.6 (551.1)seraphim, reserves of, 39:5.17 (439.3)settled, in a local universe, 21:5.6 (240.8)superuniverse, intelligences employed in, 15:10.22 (179.9)of systems, constellations, and universes, no direct co-ordination of Adjusters with the, 32:4.6 (363.4)training in, of mortals of Paradise Corps of Finality, 31:3.7 (348.4)universe, characteristics of, 4:1.7 (55.5)of universes, association of Father, Son, and Spirit in, 8:6.6 (96.8)Administrative-advisory chain, place of Faithfuls of Days in, 18:7.5 (213.7)agencies, fortuitous conspiracies of, 4:1.7 (55.5)areas, Jerusem, location of, 46:4.1 (522.5)assistants, function of, 39:4.1 (434.1)of Gabriel, 33:4.8 (370.5)number now on Urantia, 39:4.3 (434.3)buildings of Edentia, separation of, from residential units, 43:4.4 (489.7)cabinet of Lucifer, defection of, 53:4.3 (604.5)centers, minor, number of, on Jerusem, 46:1.1 (519.2)chief of Melchizedeks, term of service of, 35:1.3 (385.2)departments of Jerusem, the ten, 46:6.1 (527.3)direction, only, required in Havona, 14:3.1 (155.4)functions of Jerusem, scope of, 46:4.1 (522.5)headquarters, Edenic, location, 73:5.1 (824.5)leaders, selection of, a factor in perfecting Urantia government, 70:12.20 (799.1)levels, descending, relation of Supreme Spirits to, 17:8.1 (205.2)mount of Jerusem, 53:1.1 (601.3)end of archrebels’ work on, 53:7.13 (609.1)organization of the grand universe, 41:0.2 (455.2)overcontrol, new, preparation for, 56:7.5 (642.5)posts, on a world in light and life, 55:3.9 (625.8)readjustments during ages of light and life, 55:4.0 (626.12–629.9)status, of advanced worlds in light and life, 55:5.3 (629.12)system, planetary, transformation of, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.3 (598.6)units, Jerusem, subdivisions of, 46:6.1 (527.3)Administrator(s)Andrew a good, 139:1.3 (1549.1)dangers of religious leaders becoming, 99:6.3 (1092.3)divine, Paradise order of Days, 20:1.12 (224.2)of the universe of universes, 6:1.2 (74.1)Gabriel and staff as, 33:4.7 (370.4)Jesus as an, 126:2.7 (1389.2)Lanonandek System Sovereigns as, 35:8.1 (392.1)local universe, Lanonandeks’ superiority as, 35:8.15 (392.15)under Gabriel’s direction, 33:4.8 (370.5)Michael educated an, 119:8.2 (1318.1)Pilate as an, 185:1.1 (1987.5)and seraphic supervision of Urantia, 39:5.2 (437.1)seraphim, 39:4.0 (434.1–436.4)desertion of Manotia by, 53:6.2 (606.5)loss of, in Lucifer rebellion, 39:4.6 (434.6)number of, joining Daligastia, 67:3.2 (756.3)rebellion of leader of, 67:3.2 (756.3)Satania, reason for revolt of large numbers of, 53:6.2 (606.5)system headquarters of, 46:5.22 (525.4)universe, evolutionary processes controlled by, 3:2.2 (46.6)Vorondadeks as, 35:6.1 (390.5)Admirationexperience of, by first humans, 62:5.4 (708.2)modification of fear by, 92:1.4 (1004.2)Admonition(s)of an Adjuster to his subject, a member of the reserve corps of destiny, 110:7.10 (1213.5)Jesus’ final, to his apostles as a group, 181:2.1 (1955.2)last words of, 187:5.2 (2010.3)and warnings, Jesus’ final, 181:0.0 (1953.1–1962.5)AdolescenceJesus’, comparison of, with that of other youths, 126:0.1 (1386.1)brothers’ and sisters’
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