The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, in their northern migration, 80:2.5 (891.1)distribution of, 15,000 B.C., 78:3.5 (871.1)early expansions of, 78:3.0 (870.4–871.6)early western migration of, 80:1.4 (889.6)Eden not intended to be the permanent home of the, 73:7.3 (827.2)effect of Mediterranean flood on the, 80:2.5 (891.1)enter Europe, 80:1.0 (889.3–890.4)family life of, 84:7.8 (940.4)imagination and beauty appreciation of, 82:1.2 (913.5)Jerusem, self-government of, 45:5.6 (515.5)later, belligerence of, 70:1.2 (783.5)migrations of, 78:3.1 (870.4)mission of, 73:7.3 (827.2)mixed races of India and dark Africans not attractive to, 80:1.5 (890.1)mixture of, with eastern Nodites, 77:4.5 (859.8)monogamy natural to the, 83:6.2 (927.3)and Nodites, as blended in Andites, 78:4.2 (871.8)a blending of, with other races, result, 81:4.2 (904.6)Cain’s promotion of peace between the, 76:2.9 (849.3)long-headedness of, 81:4.2 (904.6)warfare between, 75:5.9 (844.2)number of, 19,000 B.C., 78:2.5 (870.3)an original skeletal type of a Urantia race, 81:4.3 (904.7)originally not cannibals, 89:5.3 (979.2)pacific nature of the, 80:4.3 (892.6)peace between Elamites and, 76:2.9 (849.3)racial admixture of, in the Mediterranean basin, 78:1.11 (869.7)as a racial component of the Andites, 78:0.1 (868.1)racial connection of, 78:1.3 (868.5)in the second garden, 78:2.0 (869.10–870.3)second garden, race mixtures of, and legends of the gods, 77:2.3 (856.6)religious influence of, in India, 79:3.3 (881.3)termination of early migrations of, 81:1.2 (900.4)Adamsonand Adam, mingling of the descendants of, in Mesopotamia, 81:1.7 (901.2)death of, and later course of disloyal midwayers, 77:6.6 (863.1)descendants of, and the halo, 74:6.5 (834.7)penetration of, into Europe, 80:9.6 (898.1)willingness of, to listen to teachers of the Salem cult, 93:7.2 (1021.6)first-born of violet race, 74:6.2 (834.4)first son of Adam and Eve, 80:7.5 (895.5)foundation of secondary center of violet race by, 76:3.3 (849.6)identity of, 76:3.3 (849.6), 77:5.1 (861.1)length of life of, 77:5.7 (862.1)location of the center of civilization of, 77:4.13 (860.8)pure-line children of, number, 77:5.6 (861.6)and Ratta, 77:5.0 (861.1–862.4)Sato, a descendant of, 80:7.3 (895.3)superhuman character of, 77:5.6 (861.6)reaction of, to loss of first mate and children, 77:5.3 (861.3)stock, carried by Mesopotamian invaders, 78:8.4 (876.1)tall descendants of, migration of, to Greece, 80:7.3 (895.3)teachings of, in regard to disease and death, 90:3.9 (990.4)time of the founding of his center of civilization, 77:4.13 (860.8)work of, never fully eclipsed, 77:5.8 (862.2)Adamsonite(s)civilization of, vs. that of the Adamites, 78:2.3 (870.1)in Greece, characteristics of, 80:7.4 (895.4)source of the culture of, 80:7.5 (895.5)culture, period of maintenance of, 77:5.9 (862.3)descendants, geographic distribution of, 77:5.10 (862.4)headquarters, location of, 78:1.3 (868.5)location of vestiges of, 77:5.10 (862.4)language, the Aryan tongue, 78:5.3 (872.7)racial connection of, 78:1.3 (868.5)selected group of, settlement in Greece, 80:7.4 (895.4)Adaptabilityof animals, to air, water, and land, a superphysical adjustment, 65:6.7 (737.7)the meaning of life, 130:4.7 (1434.6)of Moses, source of, 96:3.1 (1055.4)social, of univitatia, 43:7.4 (493.5)of truth, 102:7.2 (1126.2), 118:3.3 (1297.4), 180:5.9 (1950.4)Adaptationorganismal, craving of living cells for, 65:6.2 (737.2)original endowment of, in living things and beings, 65:6.2 (737.2)Adenwork for the gospel of, 159:2.4 (1765.2)Adirondack Mountainsand outcropping of ancient fossil-bearing rocks, 58:7.4 (670.6)Adjudicationdispensational, on Planetary Prince’s arrival, 52:1.6 (590.2)highest function of government, 22:4.3 (247.2)of living and dead, time of first planetary, 49:5.22 (567.2)of Lucifer and confederates, wisdom of delay in, 54:5.0 (617.1–618.3)problems of, the concern of the Judges of survival values, 113:6.8 (1247.6)purpose of, 39:1.7 (428.1)of a realm, cessation of existence decreed at the, 2:3.3 (37.1)scope of, 39:1.7 (428.1)second planetary, and removal of corporeal staff from the planet, 50:3.4 (574.6)time of, 50:3.4 (574.6)seraphic advisers in, 39:1.7 (428.1)universe headquarters worlds concerned with, 33:8.1 (373.3)of Urantia, events associated with the last, 77:8.1 (864.2)Adjudicationalservices of Magisterial Sons, center of, on Jerusem, 46:5.12 (524.3)tribunals, midsoniters as advisers to the system, 55:8.4 (632.7)Adjuster(s)actions of, and the sovereignty of universe rulers, 108:4.2 (1190.3)of the apostle (John), projection of, to third mansion world, 48:6.23 (553.4)attunement, identification of, 100:2.5 (1096.2)coming of, during ages of light and life, 55:6.4 (630.7)communication, with God, methods, 5:3.2 (65.4)concurrence of, in survival of certain nonfusible subjects, 40:8.2 (449.5)co-operation with, a definition, 26:4.15 (290.5)of corporeal staff, status of, 50:3.5 (574.7), 67:4.5 (758.3)a definition, 9:2.5 (100.7), 32:4.5 (363.3), 48:4.20 (550.1), 107:0.2 (1176.2), 108:6.3–7 (1193.2–6), 195:7.5 (2078.8)-expression, importance of, 195:7.5 (2078.8)identity of the great days in the individual careers of, 110:6.22 (1212.1)indwelling, of Adamic children, 76:4.6 (851.4)indwelling of Cain by, effect of, 76:2.8 (849.2)of offspring of semimaterial assistants of Planetary Prince, 50:3.5 (574.7)-indwelt creature, facilitation of registry of homage of an, 5:3.2 (65.4)intercommunications of, lack of knowledge as to the, 107:5.2 (1181.5)Lazarus’s, return of, to former abode, 168:2.6 (1846.5)-mortal ascender, dependence of, upon the Supreme, 117:4.8 (1284.4)nonreturn of, to earth, as former human subject, 112:3.7 (1230.5)not subject to examination as to success of their missions, 108:5.10 (1192.5)the only means of an isolated world’s universe communication, 108:4.4 (1190.5)personality circuit of, God’s action over the, 3:1.6 (45.4)and plural Deity, 10:3.1 (110.7)of Prince’s staff, on system capital, 50:3.6 (575.1)qualification of, as to universality, 107:4.2 (1180.5)reflectibility of presence of, 28:5.22 (313.4)relation of, to evolving man, as compared to relation of Trinity to God the Supreme, 117:3.10 (1282.5)vs. seraphim in method of human influence, 113:4.1 (1245.1)space traversal of, over the universal gravity circuits of the Paradise Isle, 107:6.4 (1182.6)Tabamantia’s acknowledgment to chief of, 108:3.5 (1189.1)time of Adam’s and Eve’s indwelling by, 76:5.2 (852.1)times and places for reception of, by Adams and Eves, 55:4.24 (629.2)and transit sleep induction, 39:2.11 (430.7)Van’s reunion with his, 67:6.8 (760.3)see also Divine Personalities, presence; Mystery(ies), Monitors; Thought Adjuster(s); Thought, Changers; Thought, ControllersAdjuster(s)-Bestowalarrival of, conditions associated with, prior to the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, 108:2.5 (1187.4)the constitution of identity, 49:6.11 (569.6)to probationary world children, time, 47:2.3 (532.1)assignment, basis of, unknown, 108:1.1 (1185.3)and human inheritance, 108:1.1 (1185.3)average transit time of, from Divinington to Urantia, 108:1.9 (1186.7)bestowal of, Father acts alone in, 8:5.2 (95.5)bestowal(s), physical-brain endowment not a factor in, 40:5.17 (447.2)significance to the Universal Father of, 116:3.5 (1271.3)Universal Father’s, 106:2.3 (1164.6)activity in, 32:4.1 (362.5)complete number of, known only on Divinington, 108:3.2 (1188.4)from Divinington, identical existential divinity of all, 108:1.1 (1185.3)first planetary arrival of, and advent of guardian seraphim, 49:6.4 (568.7)human subjects known by the numbers belonging to their, 108:3.3 (1188.5)indwelling, during post-Magisterial Son ages, 52:4.7 (595.2)possible preliminary training of, in Divinington schools, 108:1.8 (1186.6)temporary assignments of, while awaiting his mortal associate, 112:4.4 (1231.4)preparedness by, for future assignment in other worlds, 109:4.5 (1198.8)prerequisites to the coming of, 108:2.1 (1186.8)to the reception of, by the mortal mind, 108:2.2 (1187.1)presence of, in all normal post-Michael Urantia beings, 136:2.2 (1511.1)reason for God’s sending the, 2:5.5 (39.4)reception of, by all normal-minded creatures, 52:5.6 (596.4)relation of, to other spiritual influences, 108:4.0 (1190.2–1191.1)return of, to Divinington for confirmation by Personalized Monitors, 40:8.3 (449.6)technique of bestowal of, on Urantia, since Pentecost, 108:2.3 (1187.2)three qualifications of the human candidate of interest to, 108:1.3 (1186.1)training schools of Divinington, possible identity of the personnel of the, 107:3.9 (1180.2)usual time of appearance of, to their human subjects, 108:2.1 (1186.8)Adjuster(s)-Classificationacquirement of skill and ability by, 109:1.4 (1196.1)of spiritual power by, 109:2.3 (1196.5)of valuable training from primitive minds by, consequences, 109:3.2 (1197.4)advanced, identity of, 107:2.3 (1178.4)classifications of, in relation to experience, 107:2.0 (1178.2–1179.3), 109:2.9 (1196.11)development of, 109:1.0 (1195.2–1196.2)difference of, in experiential qualities, 108:1.1
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