The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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a, 154:7.2 (1723.5)supreme, God’s habitation in the, 131:4.2 (1448.1)Abominationprayer’s being an, occasion of, 146:2.3 (1638.3)Aboriginesbelief of, regarding caves and mountains, 85:1.5 (945.3)of India, the so-called, identification of, 79:2.2 (879.8)Urantia, Eskimos the sole survivors of, 61:6.3 (700.4)Abortionearly practice of, 68:6.9 (770.6)and infanticide, extermination of primitive clans by, 68:6.9 (770.6)Abrahaman ancestor of Joseph, 122:1.1 (1344.4)appearance of the three celestial beings to, 93:6.7 (1021.3)attitude of, toward the birth of Isaac, 93:6.5 (1021.1)and the beginning of Jewish national history, 136:1.1 (1509.3)Biblical genealogy of, 77:2.11 (857.8)bosom of, in the Nazarite allegory, 169:3.2 (1854.6)change in personality of, after Melchizedek’s departure, 93:9.3 (1022.6)a "chosen" individual, 93:5.1 (1018.6)children of, freedom of, according to Jesus, 162:7.2 (1796.4)possible loss of the Father’s kingdom by the, 156:1.8 (1735.4)repudiation of covenant of, to be light-bearers of truth, 175:3.2 (1910.1)treatment of truth by, 162:7.3 (1796.5)works of Abraham done by the true, 162:7.3 (1796.5)concern of, about his lack of a son, 93:6.1 (1020.4)a convert to the Salem teachings, 93:3.1 (1016.3)conversations of, in Old Testament, with Melchizedek rather than with God, 93:9.7 (1023.4)covenant of, results, 130:3.4 (1432.4)death of, reference to, 162:7.5 (1797.2)a descendant of the Hittites, 80:8.2 (896.7)devout children of, longing of, for the "consolation of Israel," 135:6.2 (1501.5)establishment of a military capital at Hebron by, 93:5.11 (1019.8)halfhearted belief of, in the Melchizedek covenant, 93:4.5 (1017.7)the heavenly Father’s love for, 142:2.3 (1597.3)influence of, on the improvement of the Salem colony, 93:6.8 (1021.4)interpretation by, of the three concentric circles, 93:3.3 (1016.5)introduction of the tithing system by, 93:3.1 (1016.3)justification of, by faith, 150:5.3 (1682.5)Machiventa Melchizedek’s arrival in the times of, 76:5.6 (852.5)sojourn at Salem in the days of, 45:4.16 (514.6)visit to Urantia in days of, 51:3.9 (584.2)marriage of, to his half sister, 82:5.4 (918.4)Melchizedek receivers’ interest in the ancestors of, 93:5.3 (1018.8)covenant with, 93:6.0 (1020.4–1021.4)incarnation during time of, reason for, 35:4.5 (389.4)and the Most High God, 142:3.4 (1598.5)not the racial father of all the Hebrews, 96:2.3 (1055.1)not to be looked on with disdain, 155:6.10 (1732.3)reaction of, to Melchizedek’s departure, 93:9.2 (1022.6)reconciliation between Melchizedek and, 93:6.8 (1021.4)rejoicing of, to see Jesus’ day by faith, 162:7.5 (1797.2)relation of the Jews to, 130:3.4 (1432.4)sacrificial offering of, 93:4.14 (1018.3)and Sarah, facts regarding the ages of, 93:9.8 (1023.5)selection of, by Melchizedek, 93:5.0 (1018.6–1020.3)a shrewd business man, 93:6.8 (1021.4)Siddim military victory of, 93:5.13 (1020.2)sojourn of, in Egypt, 93:5.7 (1019.4)as a spiritual leader after Melchizedek’s departure, 93:9.4 (1023.1)status of, among the Egyptians, 95:3.5 (1046.1)as the successor of Melchizedek, 93:9.4 (1023.1)temporary severance of relationship between Melchizedek and, 93:5.11 (1019.8)three-time display of cowardice by, 93:9.3 (1022.6)and times of Machiventa Melchizedek, 66:8.5 (753.1)tracing of, back to Noah, 78:7.3 (874.8)unbelieving Jews’ reaction to Jesus’ statement about having seen, 162:7.6 (1797.3)willingness of, to sacrifice Isaac, 89:6.8 (981.5)Abraham, the Phariseeconversion of, effect, 149:3.2 (1672.5)espousal of Jesus’ teachings by, 148:8.1 (1665.4)financial contribution of, result, 148:8.5 (1666.4)Abramchanging of name of to Abraham, 93:6.5 (1021.1)Absalomidentity of, 97:9.15 (1073.5)Absent landlordparable of the, 173:4.2 (1893.6)Absoluta(um)of the Isle of Paradise, 104:4.28 (1149.13)Paradise substance, 11:2.9 (120.1)Uversa name for space potency, 42:2.6 (469.6)Absolute(s)changelessness of the, 130:4.2 (1434.1)characterization of the, 56:9.5 (644.7)a definition, 56:9.5 (644.7)how limited and dominated, 0:11.16 (15.6)identity of the, 106:8.16 (1172.1)inevitability, a definition, 16:1.1 (185.1)monarch, origin of the power of, 70:12.2 (798.1)number of, on subinfinite levels, 56:9.1 (644.3)perfection, 2:2.4 (36.2)phenomena of, unpredictable, characteristic of the, 15:8.9 (176.4)unpredictable, due to actions and reactions of the, 12:6.4 (136.2)a probable activity of the, 4:1.8 (55.6)reflectivity service not due to presence-performances of the, 17:3.8 (201.6)relation of the, to master universe activities, 12:6.7 (136.5)to post-Havona universes’ appearance, 12:6.8 (136.6)to preuniverses in the making, 12:6.6 (136.4)time relation to the Trinity of the, 56:9.1 (644.3)time-space modification of, in God the Sevenfold, 56:9.1 (644.3)Absolute(s)-Deityof Absolutes, the Universal Father the, 104:4.1 (1147.11)attitude of Paradise Trinity, 10:5.6 (113.7)Center, of all creation, Universal Father the, 8:1.10 (91.7), 104:4.1 (1147.11)Deity(ies), descending personalities executing the will of the, 112:2.19 (1229.6)eternal, in nature, 118:1.1 (1295.1)the experientialization of, 0:12.8 (16.5)finaliters’ probable inability to attain superultimate levels of, 10:8.7 (116.8)the Paradise Trinity an exclusive association of, 106:3.3 (1166.1)relation of, to physical matter, 56:10.18 (648.1)Eternal Son not the personalization of the, 56:9.5 (644.7)Father, final sons of the, identity, 106:8.23 (1173.1)man’s inability to really understand the, 117:5.14 (1287.5)function, of the Paradise Trinity, 106:8.9 (1171.2)God the, 0:2.18 (4.12), 0:10.0 (13.4–5)oneness, of the Father-Son, and of the Father-Son-Spirit, 105:2.7 (1154.6)oneness of the three, 56:9.8 (645.3)Person, Eternal Son the, 56:9.5 (644.7)personality, the Eternal Son the, 0:5.5 (8.5), 104:5.6 (1151.6)of Eternal Son, impossibility of portrayal to human mind, 6:7.3 (79.3)of Eternal Son and spirit qualities of father personality, 7:7.2 (89.1)of God, 1:6.3 (30.2)of Paradise Son, relation of, to all other personality, 6:7.1 (79.1)the Son is, 6:7.1 (79.1)self-qualified, the Paradise Trinity’s functioning as a, 106:4.1 (1166.4)Son, responsiveness of impersonal realities to the, 7:0.4 (81.4)of spirit and thing, convergence of, in person of Universal Father, 12:8.13 (140.9)the three, 0:11.0 (13.6–15.6)the Universal Father the personal cause of the, 104:4.1 (1147.11)and unqualified personality, the Father’s function as the, 10:2.1 (109.5)Absolute(s)-Infinityadministration, and priority of existence and eternity of presence, 7:6.4 (88.2)concept of the, unqualified only in infinity, 56:9.7 (645.2)in eternity, relationships of, 105:3.10 (1157.1)in infinity, 56:9.1 (644.3)of Infinity, the Seven, 105:3.0 (1155.5–1157.1)co-ordinate eternals, 105:3.10 (1157.1)the eternity co-existence of the, 105:3.9 (1156.6)lack of beginnings of, 105:3.1 (1155.5)origin of, 106:8.22 (1172.7)transcendence of experiences by the, 106:9.2 (1173.3)unification of, by the First Source and Center, 56:4.2 (640.1)levels of infinity, 1:3.5 (25.5)manipulation of the, by the Infinite, 4:1.12 (56.4)ONE in infinity, 0:11.15 (15.5)potentialities of infinity, uncharted space activities’ dependence on the, 115:6.2 (1265.3)timeless and spaceless concepts of the, 130:7.8 (1439.6)Absolute(s)-Mind, Potentials, and Existentialsboth existential and experiential possibilities of an, 106:9.8 (1174.4)divinity, experiential realization of, 0:10.1 (13.4)existential-experiential self, 118:0.8 (1294.8)of existentials, the First Great Source and Center’s self-realization from the, 106:8.12 (1171.5)Intelligence, a title of the Third Source and Center, 8:2.2 (92.3)mind, 9:4.2 (102.2)of Conjoint Actor, and mind presence of God, 3:1.8 (45.6)Conjoint Actor co-ordinated with, 9:1.1 (98.6)cosmic mind’s co-ordination with existential levels of, 42:10.6 (481.3)subordination to the, 56:3.4 (639.4)evolution of relationship between finite cosmic mind and the, 9:7.4 (105.4)function of the, 9:1.4 (99.3)Infinite Spirit endowed with, 8:6.3 (96.5)relation to God the Spirit, 9:4.2 (102.2)the Third Person’s, 9:4.2 (102.2)of Third Source and Center, 6:6.3 (78.6)mind-gravity circuit, focalization of, in Third Source and Center, 9:6.1 (103.6)grasp of all mind activities in the, 9:6.1 (103.6)of potentiality, apparent activities of the, 4:1.8 (55.6)identity, 106:5.1 (1167.2)the Trinity Absolute’s influence on the, 106:6.5 (1168.4)of spirit and energy, pure mind’s relation to, 9:6.6 (104.4)Spirit Personality, accessibility of, to human consciousness, 7:3.5 (84.5)the three, of potentiality, functioning of, only on the eternal level, 115:3.5 (1262.2)the three potential, the ever unexplored possibilities in, 106:7.1 (1168.6)Absolute(s)-Paradise and Gravitygravity, center of, 11:8.2 (125.5)a drawing power of Havona dark gravity bodies, 11:8.7 (126.3)definition, 11:8.0 (125.4–126.5), 41:9.2 (465.2)ultimatons’ subjection to, 41:9.2 (465.2)gravity center, Isle of Paradise the, 1:2.10 (24.8)circuits, Universal Father’s action over all, 12:3.1 (131.4)grasp of Paradise, 42:2.11 (470.2)over material organization, 21:2.12 (237.2)influences from nether Paradise, 42:2.11 (470.2)of material-gravity control, 0:4.12 (7.10)materialization, the pattern of Paradise, 104:4.13 (1148.12)of Paradise, and direct action of Universal Father, 1:2.10 (24.8)of pattern, 0:6.13 (10.5)pattern, the Paradise Isle, 104:5.6 (1151.6)zero,
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