The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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to Deity by outer-universe inhabitants by, 56:7.8 (643.2)transcendence of, by Deity, 10:8.3 (116.4)transcendentalers’ functioning on seven levels of the, 30:1.93 (333.1)unification of first experiential Trinity, how signalized, 0:9.1 (12.4)Absonitersorigin of, 0:1.12 (2.12)revelation of presence of finaliters in the morontia temple by the, 55:6.6 (631.2)Absonitizedbeings, mortals’ inability to comprehend, 30:1.114 (334.8)messenger-recorders of various finaliter corps, 31:2.1 (346.7)Absonitydefinition, 30:1.92 (332.38)equivalation of, to level of the Universal, 31:9.10 (352.3)of experience, effect of, on infinity of divinity, 0:12.3 (15.9)Paradise arrivals’ study of, 30:4.31 (343.6)possibility of Master Architects’ attainment of, 31:9.10 (352.3)spirit of, possible future endowment of midsoniters with, 36:4.8 (401.4)Abstractionthe bondage of, fight of science for deliverance from, 12:9.5 (141.6)definition of, 2:7.5 (42.6)one’s inability to serve an, 102:7.3 (1126.3)Academy(ies)Jerusalem, Jesus’ indifference to arrangements for his education at the, 124:6.13 (1375.7), 125:2.11 (1380.6)rabbinic, prophets’ lack of instruction in, 173:2.3 (1891.4)Acceptance of one’s lotsome results of, 48:6.36 (555.4)Accident(s)appalling, relation of, to functioning of the Supreme Being, 10:7.5 (115.7)of the cosmos, explanation of the, 4:1.12 (56.4)Jesus’, in his seventh year, 123:4.5 (1361.5)of living, limitation of the remedies for, 86:7.4 (956.7)material, interference with, by celestial personalities, 123:4.7 (1361.7)mechanical, liability of corporeal staff to, 50:3.3 (574.5)of nature, man’s susceptibility to, 166:4.7 (1830.7)significance of the word, 86:2.5 (951.7)spirit beings’ nonprevention of, 166:4.1 (1830.1)teaching about, 166:4.0 (1830.1–1831.3)of time, believers’ nonimmunity to the, 159:3.13 (1767.1)a cause of man’s sufferings, 148:6.11 (1664.3)innocent victims of, 166:4.4 (1830.4)Jesus’ teaching concerning, 149:2.10 (1671.5)possible interference of, with attainment of the cosmic circles, 112:5.6 (1233.2)unforeseen, freedom of the cosmos from, 48:7.9 (556.9)Acclaimfor Jesus, Pharisees’ reaction to, 172:3.12 (1882.5)popular, fickleness of, 152:6.2 (1705.2)Acclamationof the multitude for Jesus, reason for permitting, 172:4.1 (1883.3)Acclimatizationto morontia levels, ascenders’ need for, 48:6.29 (554.3)Accusationsagainst Jesus, advantages of parables in lessening, 151:3.14 (1693.4)false, Jesus’ indifference to, 184:3.6 (1982.7)of Jesus, as to his enemies’ desire to kill him, 162:2.2 (1790.5)Accusersfifty, Jesus accompanied by about, when brought before Pilate, 185:0.1 (1987.1)Hildana’s would-be, effect of Jesus’ writing in the sand on, 162:3.5 (1793.4)love of Jesus for his, 184:3.19 (1984.1)Achievementartistic, human, as effected by personal efforts, 44:8.3 (508.1)child of imaginative adventure, 28:6.18 (316.5)gratification, supreme, of God the Father, 14:6.7 (160.8)on Havona circles, importance of, 26:5.4 (291.4)importance of, to God the Supreme, 115:0.1 (1260.1)moral, shining of Jesus’ face with, 136:10.1 (1523.6)past, dangers of trying to preserve the traditions of, 195:10.8 (2084.8)personal and group, provisions for, on worlds in light and life, 55:5.6 (630.3)personality, assurance of the possibilities of, 75:8.7 (846.6)rugged, of eternity, the Paradise ascent the, 143:1.6 (1608.3)spiritual, transcendence of, over physical appetites, 136:6.10 (1519.3)Acid testof Jesus’ genuineness, Thomas’s apostleship, 139:8.12 (1562.6)for any religious philosophy, 101:7.5 (1114.3)Acidityof Urantia’s primitive ocean, 57:8.3 (660.5)Acknowledgmentof the apostles before the Father, Jesus’ promise of, 158:7.5 (1760.2)of the Secondary Midwayer, 121:8.12 (1343.1)Acmeof human virtues, 83:6.6 (927.7)of material development, 55:5.0 (629.10–630.3)of religious living, 100:7.0 (1101.5–1103.6)Acropolissignificance of Paul’s speech near the, 195:1.1 (2071.1)Act(s)of the Apostles, Luke the author of, 121:8.8 (1342.3)of Conjoint Executive, 0:11.1 (13.6)divine, apparent cruelty of, 3:2.10 (48.2)of God, children of the Spirit the, 10:3.3 (111.1)disturbing, basis of, 3:2.9 (48.1)inexplicable things of life still termed, 85:0.4 (944.4)volitional, 12:7.4 (137.7)of mercy, Jesus’ and Ganid’s, on Crete, 130:5.4 (1436.5)of today, the destiny of tomorrow, 48:7.26 (557.10)of Universal Father, infallibility of the, 2:2.2 (35.6)Actingdirector of Satania Life Carriers, member of Jerusem executive council, 45:3.14 (512.14)of system midway creatures, member of Jerusem executive council, 45:3.20 (513.1)governors, of mansion worlds, 47:0.4 (530.4)head of the apostles, Andrew the, 181:2.16 (1958.3)of corps of ascending mortals, member of Jerusem executive council, 45:3.21 (513.2)Most High of Edentia, and resurrection of Adam and Eve, 76:6.2 (853.3)Actionan attribute of the Conjoint Creator, 9:3.5 (101.5)divine capacity for, origin of advancement in, 28:6.18 (316.5)the God of, 8:1.0 (90.5–92.1)God’s, modification of patterns of, 4:2.1 (56.5)physical energy denotes, 0:6.3 (9.5)prayer not a substitute for, 91:4.2 (997.7)a prerequisite to the consciousness of kinship with the Supreme Being, 110:6.17 (1211.2)stimulation of, by cold and hunger, 64:1.3 (718.5)sudden, Peter’s habit of, 139:2.4 (1550.7)versatility of, of Third Source and Center, 9:1.7 (100.1)Zoroaster’s religion one of, 95:6.3 (1049.6)Actiumbattle of, and Augustus’s "city of victory," 133:2.5 (1471.4)Activating living sparkthe sole source of, 36:6.2 (403.7)Activatorof Paradise pattern, God of Action the, 9:3.8 (101.8)of universes upon universes, Deity Absolute the, 0:11.4 (14.2)Active affection of God the Fathervs. passive love of Hebrew God, 5:4.15 (68.3)Activities of Havonaclassification, 14:6.1 (160.2)Actual(s)a definition, 115:3.12 (1262.9)perception of potentials as, on the absolute level, 106:9.3 (1173.4)vs. the potential on the time-space level, 115:3.12 (1262.9)and potentials, the co-ordinate unification of, 104:4.39 (1150.6)reality, 0:4.7 (7.5)Actuality(ies)conversion of potentialities into, in universal evolution, 115:2.4 (1261.4)cosmic significance of the transfer of reality from potentiality to, 115:3.16 (1263.3)of Deity, man’s search for, in his Paradise ascent, 115:3.15 (1263.2)experiential, reality mobilization of, how signified, 31:10.10 (353.6)and potentiality, existence of, on different levels of reality, 115:3.10 (1262.7)as viewed by the creature mind, 115:3.12 (1262.9)as substance, to the creature, 115:3.12 (1262.9)Actualizationof all reality, volitional beings’ free will choice in becoming a part of the, 118:7.2 (1300.6)of the Supreme Being, the completed evolutionary, identity, 117:6.24 (1291.1)Actualized realitythe triodity of actuality’s eventuation of the co-ordination of, 104:5.6 (1151.6)Actualizing Deityabout, 0:7.1 (10.6)God the Supreme the, 0:2.15 (4.9)Acumenmaterial, an attribute of cosmic-mind endowment, 16:7.5 (193.4)Adam(s)activities along the Mesopotamian rivers of the progeny of, 78:2.1 (869.10)activities of, in second garden, 76:3.2 (849.5)and Adamson, descendants of, mingling of, in Mesopotamia, 81:1.7 (901.2)administration of, 74:5.0 (833.1–834.2)age of, evolution of civilization since the, 81:6.44 (912.1)arrival of, results of spreading the news of the, 74:2.4 (829.6)association of stories of, with those of creation, 74:8.1 (836.14)attitude of, toward his erring mate, 75:5.1 (843.3)ben Adam, identity of, 76:3.3 (849.6)bestowal of, Urantia races as affected by the, 34:7.1 (382.1)blood of, most human races sharing, 80:1.5 (890.1)contribution of, to biologic status of Urantia races, 78:1.1 (868.3)death of, 76:5.5 (852.4)effect of, on cultural level of the Adamites, 78:2.4 (870.2)on his people, 76:3.2 (849.5)default of, date, 78:0.2 (868.2)on Urantia, 31:5.2 (349.2)descendants of, nondesire of, to admix with the darker colored peoples, 79:2.3 (880.1)as descending Sons, non-Adjuster indwelt, 52:3.2 (593.1)discouragement of, emphasis on, by Serapatatia, 75:3.6 (841.6)dispersion of the pure-line posterity of, 81:6.1 (906.6)errors of judgment of, result, 74:8.14 (838.6)expected return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)the Father’s bestowal of, 176:2.3 (1914.4)a gardener, 69:2.5 (773.6)Jews’ assumption that the first man was, 74:8.10 (838.2)length of the life of, 76:5.5 (852.4)limitations of culture of, 78:2.4 (870.2)miscarriage of plans in the mission of, 81:0.1 (900.1)vs. Moses, on divorcement, 140:6.6 (1576.6)of Nebadon systems, origin of original, 37:9.9 (415.1)not the cause of a curse, 75:8.3 (846.2)not in Joseph’s direct lineage, 122:1.1 (1344.4)original Material Son of Satania, 51:0.1 (580.1)perfect, erroneous belief of man’s origin from, 148:4.7 (1660.6)planetary, 51:0.0 (580.1–588.5)and posterity, subjection of, to local universe ascension scheme, 73:6.8 (826.5)presence of, a basic factor in the civilization of the violet race, 78:2.4 (870.2)profitable results of the mission of, 51:0.3 (580.3)pure-line descendants of, and the red men of the Americas, 79:5.9 (884.3)return of, to Eden home, Eve’s reaction to, 75:5.7 (843.9)revival of pottery making during the times of, 81:2.19 (903.1)the second, Paul’s doctrine of, 140:8.24 (1582.5)title of, held by Michael, 93:10.7 (1025.3)and the second dispensational roll call, 189:3.3 (2024.5)and secondary midwayers’ appearance, 77:0.2
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