The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of the thorough organization of, 108:3.7 (1189.3)experienced, greater ability of, to translate their subjects, 110:7.3 (1212.4)experiential, length of sojourn of, in primitive humans, 40:5.10 (446.1)experiential differentiation among, 107:2.2 (1178.3)growth in experience of, along with the mortal, 109:1.3 (1195.4)methods of gaining experience by, 110:7.5 (1212.6)more experienced, usual habitat of, 108:1.1 (1185.3)no previous experience on Urantia of any presently serving, 109:4.6 (1199.1)numerous series of, 108:3.1 (1188.3)question as to the numerical magnitude of, 107:1.4 (1177.5)of special and previous experience, result of possession of, by mortal artists, 44:8.1 (507.6)superior, many intellectual and spiritual Urantia leaders influenced by, 109:4.3 (1198.6)training of, after indwelling a nonsurviving mortal, 109:1.1 (1195.2)vanished, identity of, 107:2.5 (1178.6)virgin, elaborate training plan for, before leaving Divinington, 109:1.1 (1195.2)identity of, 107:2.2 (1178.3)indwelling of, in second-series mortals, 40:5.12 (446.3)method of gaining experience by, 109:1.3 (1195.4)valuable preliminary experience of, in contacting evolutionary mind, 109:3.8 (1198.3)working organization of, 108:3.1 (1188.3)Adjuster(s)-Divine Presence, God in Manbestowal of, the Holy Spirit’s influence on man before the, 103:0.1 (1129.1)relation of evolutionary religion to, 5:5.5 (68.8)of human evolution to, 5:5.1 (68.4)communion, factors in, 5:2.6 (65.2)proofs of, 5:2.6 (65.2)contribution of, to all religious experience, 101:6.2 (1111.6)co-operation with, and God’s effective presence, 3:1.11 (46.3)the divine presence, 196:0.1 (2087.1)essence of an infinite being within a finite creature, 107:0.6 (1176.6)Father presence of the, 108:4.1 (1190.2)greatest evidence of God’s goodness, 2:5.5 (39.4)man’s indwelling by, a mystery, 40:7.1 (448.8)nature and presence of, 107:4.0 (1180.4–1181.3)presence, consciousness of, synonymous with God’s presence, 107:0.4 (1176.4)the indestructibility of the, 117:4.3 (1283.5)man’s custody of the, 117:4.12 (1285.1)the presence of the Universal Father in will creatures, 32:3.4 (360.6)realization of the inner presence of, and morality, 196:3.25 (2096.1)significance of man’s being indwelt by, 107:0.6 (1176.6)three proofs of indwelling of the, 1:2.3 (24.1)Adjuster(s)-Fusionascending mortal’s eventual eternal embrace with his, 112:7.2 (1237.4)eternal fusion of the, with man’s evolutionary soul, 107:0.4 (1176.4)final inseparability of man and his, 112:7.10 (1238.5)fused, identity of, 107:2.7 (1179.1)-fused ascenders, career of, 40:10.1 (452.1)finaliters, opportunities open and closed to the, 40:10.6 (453.1)mortals, certain, transit of, to resurrection halls of higher morontia spheres, 49:6.19 (570.8)in a company of the primary Corps of the Finality, 31:3.1 (347.4)destination of, 31:0.1 (345.1)the exclusive career of, 40:7.5 (449.3)universe of universes open to, 40:10.1 (452.1)fusing of human mind with the, usual time of, 47:8.3 (538.1)fusion, 112:7.0 (1237.3–1240.1)ascenders’ passage from mortal to immortal status at, 47:9.5 (539.2)candidacy for, of Urantia mortals, 37:5.1 (410.4)delays in, 40:8.1 (449.4)during mortal life of primary modified order of ascension, 49:6.19 (570.8)events following confirmation of, 47:8.5 (538.3)with the immortal soul, 13:1.23 (147.4), 110:7.4 (1212.5)not synonymous with the achievement of the seven circles, 110:7.1 (1212.2)number of opportunities for, 40:8.2 (449.5)point of usual, 112:7.5 (1237.7)a preliminary to, 110:6.1 (1209.1)significance of, 5:2.4 (64.7)Urantia races subject to, 30:4.9 (340.11)-fusion candidates, number provided for in the morontia temple, 55:2.5 (623.5)type of experiences remembered by, 40:9.7 (451.3)ceremonies, on a world in light and life, 55:2.4 (623.4)potential, mortals of, 40:5.17 (447.2)series, of mortals, 49:5.31 (568.2)morontia-temple fusion of mortals with, phenomena of, 55:1.5 (622.5)mortal subjects become one with, on fusion, 110:7.4 (1212.5)union with, result, 40:7.1 (448.8)Adjuster(s)-Jesus and Bestowal Sonsability of, to recall to Jesus his Paradise experience, 129:3.9 (1424.4)different, for each Paradise Son’s mortal incarnation, 20:4.3 (227.1)fifteen-year-old Jesus’ limited communication with his, 126:0.1 (1386.1)function of, in Jesus’ achievement of the divine, 196:1.6 (2091.2)guardianship of Jesus by the, 123:2.2 (1357.6)and human reconciliation, Jesus’ experience of, 129:4.5 (1425.4)indwelling, of incarnated bestowal Son, possible aftermath of, 40:4.1 (444.4)Jesus’ faith and his, 196:0.1 (2087.1)Jesus’ indwelling, completion of the assigned services by, 134:8.4 (1493.3)function of, in his ascent from humanity to divinity, 196:2.4 (2092.2)leave-taking of, 136:2.3 (1511.2)preparation of, for mission with Jesus, 136:2.2 (1511.1)sole companion on Mount Hermon, 134:8.2 (1493.1)Michael’s, previous service of, with Machiventa Melchizedek, 109:6.4 (1200.4), 136:2.2 (1511.1)commitment to the leading of his, 120:3.9 (1330.4)perfection of attunement with, by a bestowal Son, 20:6.4 (229.3)progressive spiritual conquest of Jesus’ human intellect by his, 129:4.2 (1425.1)provision of, for incarnated Paradise Sons, 20:4.3 (227.1)of the Son of Man, activity of, 134:1.7 (1484.4)harmony effected between human mind and the, 134:1.7 (1484.4)triumph of, in Jesus’ mind, 109:6.5 (1200.5)Adjuster(s)-Manifold Influencesessence of man’s eternal nature, 113:4.2 (1245.2)eternal revelation to man of the wonder of God by the, 107:4.7 (1181.3)function of, in finaliters’ finding of the Universal Father, 56:8.2 (643.5)in mortal survival, 5:5.13 (69.8)-fused ascending mortals, sharing of mansion worlds with Spirit-fused survivors by, 47:4.2 (534.6)mortals, the source of Those High in Authority, 22:3.1 (246.2)vs. Spirit-fused mortals, 30:1.101 (333.9)and worlds of Spirit-fused mortals, 37:5.10 (411.8)and Son-fused mortals, comparison, 40:8.5 (450.2)vs. Spirit-fused mortals, as to memory of material-world experience, 40:9.4 (450.6)as to mind and spirit, 40:9.3 (450.5)fusion, brain type not a factor in, 40:5.12 (446.3)and decreasing natural death, during post-Teacher Son era, 52:7.4 (598.7)failure to achieve, result, 32:5.4 (364.6)to attain, by primitive men, 40:5.9 (445.10)of some mortals to attain, 40:8.1 (449.4)High Commissioners not subject to, 37:5.1 (410.4)mortal, not universal, 37:5.1 (410.4)partial bestowal of, in post-Adamic age, 52:3.2 (593.1)post-Adamic men’s increasing capacity for, 52:3.2 (593.1)of primitive mortals, impossibility of, 49:6.6 (569.1)of secondary midwayers, 31:6.2 (349.5)survival as Spirit-fused ascenders by many who fail, 109:3.2 (1197.4)-fusion destiny, mortals of, and temporary guardians, 39:8.6 (440.8)failures not indicative of flaws in ascension scheme, 40:10.3 (452.3)level of morontia values and cosmic meanings, determination of spiritual development by, 55:6.5 (631.1)mortals, brain types of, 40:5.17 (447.2)worlds, percentage of, in a nearby universe, 49:5.31 (568.2)in Nebadon, 49:5.31 (568.2)inability of series-two mortals to fuse with their, 40:5.12 (446.3)indwelling, man’s opportunity of being eternally united with his, 112:0.1 (1225.1)of non-Adjuster-fusion candidates, 40:9.1 (450.3)memory, intactness of, during ascension of morontia life, 47:4.5 (535.1)nonfusion of Prince’s corporeal staff with, 50:3.2 (574.4)procedure of, in the event of the human’s immediate survival, 112:4.13 (1232.1)seraphic guardians’ influence on mortals’ eternal union with, 113:7.4 (1248.4)Adjuster(s)-Mission and Ministryability of, to plan, work, and love, 107:5.2 (1181.5)to receive, but limited ability of, to transmit, the stream of cosmic intelligence, 110:4.1 (1207.1)attempt of, to transmute God-fear into God-love, 86:7.6 (957.2)chief concern of, with the future rather than present life, 108:5.5 (1191.6)contributions of, to joyous expressions of ascenders, 48:4.20 (550.1)fraternity with, proof of, 5:2.4 (64.7)functions of the, during temporary mortal sojourn, 37:5.1 (410.4)in God’s contact with mortals, 32:4.7 (363.5)importance of, 110:1.2 (1203.4)in manifesting divine love, 2:5.10 (40.2)as preparation for the future, 109:0.1 (1195.1)regarding the relationship of the mortal son to the Father, 107:0.5 (1176.5)general uniformity in the labors of, 109:3.1 (1197.3)guidance, enhancement of, 140:5.13 (1574.6)erroneous concepts of, 110:5.0 (1207.7–1208.6)indwelling, significance of man’s following the leading of his, 112:0.1 (1225.1)influence of, on advancing civilization, 109:4.4 (1198.7)in enlargement of human concept of God, 2:0.3 (33.3)on man, 107:0.2 (1176.2)man’s eternity possibility, 107:6.2 (1182.4)infallible cosmic compass, 107:0.6 (1176.6)ministry of, to series-two mortals, 40:5.12 (446.3)mission and ministry of, 108:0.0 (1185.1–1194.2)participation of, in numerous activities of the realm, 109:2.9 (1196.11)patience a requirement for, 110:7.10 (1213.5)purpose of, in relation to man, 107:6.2 (1182.4)relation of, to individual mortals, 110:0.0 (1203.1–1214.1)-spirit, Holy Spirit, and Spirit of Truth, significance of presence of, in an evolutionary mortal, 34:5.7 (380.1)spiritualization by the, an essential to survival, 49:4.9 (565.1)transient ministry of, results, 40:5.10 (446.1)and Spirit fusion of mortal subjects, 40:5.10 (446.1)willing ministry of the, in connection with the destiny of the immortal soul, 109:5.5 (1199.6)willingness to co-operate with, an essential to survival, 40:5.19
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