The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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Messengers’ assignment to administration of, 22:2.8 (245.8)the official observers of, 22:2.8 (245.8)participation in government of, by Divine Counselors, Universal Censors, and Perfectors of Wisdom, 19:3.2 (217.1)Perfectors of Wisdom assigned to, 19:3.2 (217.1)and Personalized Adjusters, 107:2.8 (1179.2)Personalized Adjusters’ sometime consultations with the, 109:7.6 (1201.7)relation of Associate Inspectors and Assigned Sentinels to, 24:5.4 (269.3)service of Trinitized Sons of Perfection under the, 22:8.4 (251.8)tertiaphim in liaison service of, 26:1.13 (286.1)Those High in Authority, the executives of the, 22:3.3 (246.4)Trinitized Ambassadors of, 22:6.1 (248.6)Trinitized Sons of Attainment assigned to service of, 22:1.10 (244.1)utilization of knowledge of custodians of knowledge by, 27:5.5 (302.4)Ancient(s) of Days-Superuniverse Rulersacceptance of Michael as sovereign ruler of Nebadon by the, 119:8.1 (1317.5)ascenders as wards of the, 30:4.22 (342.5)authority of, to transfer Technical Advisers to other activities, 25:4.13 (280.1)authority of the three, when functioning together, 19:3.5 (217.4)councils of, requisites for local universe admission to, 15:9.15 (177.14)decisions of, in nontrial matters, 15:12.3 (180.4)delegation of authority to Gabriel by, 33:4.6 (370.3)field of operations of the, 10:6.17 (115.1)function of High Son Assistants in government of, 22:10.1 (253.3)inhabited worlds’ new appreciation of, 55:4.13 (628.1)Jesus’ request of, for certification as to his mortal transit, 189:1.10 (2022.1)joint, dual, and individual action of, 18:3.5 (209.7)and life inauguration on a new planet, 36:6.7 (404.5)limitation of Michael’s personal power by reservation of the, 33:2.2 (367.4)mortals’ recognition of, requisites for, 18:3.1 (209.3)need for united action of the three, 28:4.10 (309.4)a participant in Life Carrier creation, 36:1.1 (396.2)Perfections of Days vicegerents of, 18:4.1 (210.4)power of, 18:3.7 (210.1)proclamation of the supreme council of unlimited authority by the, 55:10.1 (634.1)in production of Life Carriers, 20:1.10 (223.15)relation of, to archangel commission of Life Carrier transmutation, 65:1.6 (731.1)relation of Eternals of Days to, 18:2.2 (208.7)reports of Unions of Days to, 18:6.3 (212.5)required certification by the, of a Creator Son’s seven bestowals, 119:0.6 (1308.6)requirements by the, prior to granting a Creator Son sovereignty, 119:0.6 (1308.6)sovereignty of the, in Orvonton, 108:4.2 (1190.3)superadministration of, on Uversa, 43:0.1 (485.1)a superuniverse ruled by three, 15:2.8 (166.7)the triune rulers of the superuniverses, 116:4.6 (1272.5)AndesAndite intermarriage with natives of the, 78:5.7 (873.3)mountains, metamorphosing of, during Cretaceous period, 60:3.4 (689.3)not covered by the polar sea of the later reptilian age, 60:2.6 (687.7)rising of, during coal-deposition epoch, 59:5.18 (682.1)Andite(s)abandonment of highlands of central Asia by, 79:1.3 (878.4)about, 78:4.0 (871.7–872.4)Adamic blood in the, vs. that in modern races, 78:4.1 (871.7)-Adamsonite entry into Europe, 77:5.10 (862.4)age, later, confusion of triads and trinities in the, 104:1.4 (1144.1)quality of the arts of, not always indicative of its civilization, 81:2.20 (903.2)along the Nile, 80:6.3 (894.4)artisans, exodus of, from the Euphrates valley to Egypt, 80:6.3 (894.4)attempt of, to rebuild the Tower of Babel, 77:3.9 (859.3)belief of, regarding ghosts, 86:4.8 (953.7)blood, in the Nordic race, 80:9.2 (897.5)traces of, in Peru, 79:5.9 (884.3)-blue union, the origin of present-day European civilization, 80:5.7 (893.9)brother and sister marriages among the, 82:5.4 (918.4)cavalrymen, revival of Turkestan civilization by, 78:5.3 (872.7)central Asian, dilution of, 79:1.7 (879.4)civilization, disruption of, by Mesopotamian floods, 78:7.6 (875.3)predominance of, in Eurasia, period of, 79:1.1 (878.2)presence of, in Southwest Asia, 79:0.1 (878.1)comparison of, with pure-line violet peoples, 78:4.1 (871.7)conquest of India, 79:2.0 (879.7–880.6)of northern Europe, 80:5.0 (893.3–894.1)contact of, with Andonites of eastern Asia, 79:6.1 (884.4)contribution of, to races they penetrated, 78:5.8 (873.4)to the races, premarital love and romance an, 83:2.5 (923.5)culture, territory of the dominance of, 78:5.8 (873.4)true, easternmost outpost of, 79:1.2 (878.3)date of submergence of, in India, 79:2.6 (880.4)dispersions, the last, 78:6.0 (873.5–874.5)Dravidian, contact of, with Mesopotamia and China, 79:3.2 (881.2)early work of, in metals, 81:3.4 (903.6)effect of aridity upon the civilization of, 81:6.4 (907.1)-Egyptian African coastal trek, 78:5.5 (873.1)emigrants, functions of, 78:6.1 (873.5)enter China, 79:7.1 (886.2)era of Urantia civilization, factors in setting the stage for, 78:3.9 (871.5)of the Euphrates valley, migration of, to Europe, 80:1.1 (889.3)evacuation of Mesopotamia, 78:6.1 (873.5)expansion in the Occident, 80:0.0 (889.1–899.4)in the Orient, 79:0.0 (878.1–888.11)a factor in the southern white race, 80:9.8 (898.3)family council, characteristics of the, 84:7.29 (941.10)final dispersion of, 78:5.8 (873.4)formation of, 78:0.2 (868.2)horsemen, appearance of, in Europe, 80:4.5 (893.1)in India, attempts of, to preserve racial identity, 79:2.6 (880.4)infiltration of India, 79:1.1 (878.2)influence of, on Indian masses, 79:2.6 (880.4)on out-mating among the Sangiks, 82:5.8 (919.4)on women’s place in society, 84:5.5 (937.2)influence of mountains and forests on the, 81:1.2 (900.4)inhabitants of India, 78:5.5 (873.1)inheritance, influence of, in the Caucasoid races, 81:4.11 (905.2)influence of, on tractability, 84:7.21 (941.2)sex regulation and, 82:1.5 (914.1)in the so-called white race, 78:4.4 (872.2)invaders of India, fate of, 79:2.4 (880.2)invasion of Europe, 80:4.0 (892.4–893.2)of India, influx of Sethite priests during the, 79:3.3 (881.3)language in the Aryan tongue, 78:5.3 (872.7)last of the, 78:8.0 (875.5–877.2)later migrations of, influence on China, 79:7.4 (886.5)migrations of, retention of Edenic culture by, 78:3.10 (871.6)of the Mediterranean isles, 80:7.0 (895.1–896.5)migrants, to Crete, 80:7.2 (895.2)migration of, into China, 79:7.1 (886.2)to northern Europe and the Mediterranean regions, 80:8.1 (896.6)migrations, 78:5.0 (872.5–873.4)military skill of, 78:4.5 (872.3)nonabsorption of Indian aborigines by the, 79:2.2 (879.8)northern extension of, through Turkestan, 78:3.3 (870.6)origin of, 78:4.2 (871.8)originally not cannibals, 89:5.3 (979.2)population in Europe at close of final invasion, 80:5.7 (893.9)race, birthplace of, 78:4.2 (871.8)early beginnings of the, 76:4.8 (851.6)as a, in Mesopotamia, 78:4.2 (871.8)racial blends making up the, 77:3.9 (859.3), 78:4.0 (871.7–872.4)strain, amalgamation of, with the Chinese, 79:7.3 (886.4)and Sangiks, influence of blending, on early man’s sex gratification, 84:8.3 (942.4)scattering of biologic and cultural residue of, 80:7.9 (896.1)seven major invasions of, into Europe, 80:4.1 (892.4)of southwest Asia, familiarity of, with agricultural techniques, 81:1.6 (901.1)spiritual heritage of, decline in, 80:7.8 (895.8)stock, influence of, on marriage, 83:1.5 (922.8)percentage of, in Europe, 78:5.4 (872.8)strains, carried by Mesopotamian invaders, 78:8.4 (876.1)submergence of, by peoples of south India, 79:3.5 (881.5)superior, refusal of, to leave the homeland, 78:6.6 (874.3)terminal exodus of, from Turkestan, 79:4.1 (882.1)of Turkestan, 79:1.0 (878.2–879.6)first to domesticate the horse, 81:2.12 (902.2)vs. white stock, in northern European invaders, 80:5.2 (893.4)-yellow and Mesopotamian racial blend, 78:6.4 (874.1)Andon-blue stock, artistic abilities of, 66:5.26 (748.7)and his descendants, monogamous, 84:7.8 (940.4)descendants of, in mountains of central and southeastern Europe, 80:8.2 (896.7)discovery of fire making by, 63:2.7 (712.7), 69:6.4 (777.7), 81:2.9 (901.12)the family of, 63:3.1 (713.1)hunting club fashioned by, 63:1.3 (711.6)invention of stone ax by, 63:5.6 (715.6)Neanderthalers’ relation to, 64:7.9 (727.6)Nebadon meaning of, 63:0.3 (711.3)not a worshiper of fire, 69:6.4 (777.7)philosophy of, 63:6.2 (716.1)reception of a Thought Adjuster by, 63:6.9 (717.1)settlement of disputes by, 70:1.3 (783.6)tribes, blue man’s migration along trails of the, 64:7.8 (727.5)intelligence of, comparison of, with that of descendants, 63:5.7 (715.7)union of stock of, with that of the corporeal staff, 77:2.2 (856.5)Andon and FontaAdjuster fusion of several children of, 63:7.2 (717.3)Amadon a descendant of, 67:3.8 (757.1)attitude of tribal relatives toward, 63:2.1 (712.1)birthplace of, 79:0.1 (878.1)children and grandchildren of, 63:3.2 (713.2)comparison of, with ancestors and descendants, 63:1.4 (711.7)death of, 63:3.4 (713.4)delay of northward flight of, reason for, 63:2.1 (712.1)denial of request of, to send greetings to Urantia, 63:7.3 (717.4)disappearing
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