The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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progress of, on Ascendington, 13:1.21 (147.2)affiliation of, with recording seraphim, 48:6.30 (554.4)all Ascendington open to, 13:1.23 (147.4)bilingualism of, to Havona, 47:7.2 (537.2)career, variation of, in the different superuniverses, 30:4.34 (344.2)as celestial artisan pupils, 44:0.3 (497.3)ceremony marking entrance of, upon Paradise service, 47:8.4 (538.2)circles of, 46:5.27 (526.2)classification of, 30:4.0 (340.3–344.3)compensation of, for parental deficiencies, 45:6.6 (516.4)contact of, with Assigned Sentinels, 24:5.3 (269.2)with celestial artisans, 30:3.6 (339.3)with supreme directors, and supervisors of morontia power, 29:0.11 (319.11)differential reception of, on mansion and morontia worlds, 55:2.10 (624.4)discernment of both spirit and material beings by, 44:0.17 (498.8)Edentia assignments of, 43:9.4 (495.6)residence of, 43:1.9 (486.8)visits of, 43:1.8 (486.7)education of, on Vorondadek worlds, 35:7.2 (391.5)energy transformers’ visualization of finaliter realities to, 47:1.2 (530.6)final settling of the status of, 30:4.21 (342.4)finality destiny of, unknown, 31:3.2 (347.5)of fourth Havona circuit, necessary achievements of, 26:8.2 (294.1)friendship of, with Havona natives, 19:6.2 (221.4)fused being’s rank as, to the Corps of the Finality, 112:7.12 (1239.1)general and special superuniverse instruction of, 30:4.25 (342.8)guest visits to Jerusem of, 47:9.4 (539.1)Havona the pre-Paradise training goal for, 14:6.38 (162.13)immediate destination and eventual goal of, 22:10.9 (254.6)inherent sympathy of Mansion World Teachers for, 48:5.5 (550.6)intellectual training of, 15:13.3 (181.3)intensive deficiency-rectification training of, 45:7.8 (518.4)introduction of, to true social life of morontia creatures, 47:6.3 (536.4)a Jerusem pleasure of, 39:4.17 (436.3)Jerusem spirit companions of, 39:4.17 (436.3)journeyings of, between residential abodes and system capitals, 47:3.12 (534.4)legislative experience of, on Vorondadek worlds, 35:7.2 (391.5)loyalty of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.11 (608.7)mansion world experience of, beginning of, 47:3.8 (533.6)on mansonia number one, material character of, 47:3.1 (532.7)and Material Sons and Daughters, 45:6.1 (515.7)meeting ground of educators and spiritualizers of, 35:3.11 (387.12)Melchizedeks’ aid to the, 46:5.14 (524.5)and midway creatures, universe service corps of, 37:10.5 (416.5)morontia assignments of, 30:4.18 (342.1)career of, Melchizedeks’ supervision of, 35:4.1 (388.10)Companions’ assignment to, 48:3.9 (546.2)life of, 48:6.2 (551.7)most settled period in career of an, 43:8.2 (494.1)observation by, of the Sons of God at work on Jerusem, 46:5.10 (524.1)opportunities of, for compensating experiential deprivations, 45:6.3 (516.1)progress of, through the mansion worlds, 47:9.5 (539.2)progression of, from the physical to the spiritual, 48:2.16 (543.10)progressive experience of, from earth to Paradise, 30:4.26 (343.1)reason for assignment of, to Technical Advisers, 25:4.12 (279.13)receiving worlds for, 30:4.16 (341.6)recognition of circuit supervisors by, 24:1.16 (266.6)reflectivity not intimately contacted by, 17:4.3 (202.3)relation of, to the Sons of God on transition-culture world, 46:5.10 (524.1)residence of, during sojourn on primary spheres of Salvington, 35:3.12 (387.13)on Melchizedek world, 35:3.1 (387.2)restriction of movement of, among Melchizedek University worlds, 36:4.7 (401.3)satiation of longings and ambitions of, in local universe, 44:8.5 (508.3)on sixth mansion world, status of, 47:8.3 (538.1)state of, on first mansion world, 47:3.1 (532.7)study activities of, on tributary worlds of Melchizedek, 35:3.13 (387.14)Teacher Son and Evening Star schools for, 37:2.11 (408.3)teachers of, on Melchizedek worlds, 35:4.1 (388.10)Technical Advisers recruited from, 25:4.12 (279.13)Thought Adjusters’ function in memory retention of, 44:0.19 (498.10)of time, and secondary cabinets of Supreme Executives, 17:1.8 (199.2)training of, in Melchizedek University, 35:3.1 (387.2)in universe administration, Lucifer’s contention regarding, 53:3.6 (604.1)transient attachment of, to Technical Advisers, 25:4.12 (279.13)transport facilities required by, 39:2.10 (430.6)the two Jerusem sectors closed to, 46:5.26 (526.1)univitatia service to, vs. that of Havona natives to pilgrim spirits, 37:9.8 (414.13)orders of dual-origin beings, five classes of, 30:1.49 (331.38)of single-origin beings, five classes of, 30:1.64 (332.10)of sonship, destinies of, 40:10.13 (454.2)personality, endless possibilities of personality development of, 106:7.6 (1169.5)-pilgrim graduates of Orvonton on advisory council, 15:11.2 (179.12)pilgrims, activities of, on Vorondadek worlds, 35:7.3 (391.6)admonition to, concerning the way of life everlasting, 34:7.8 (383.2)awakening of, to import of time, 28:6.20 (317.1)certification of, for translation to fifth circuit, 26:6.4 (292.4)classification of secondary supernaphim ministering to, 26:4.2 (289.5)courtesy-colony members on headquarters spheres, 30:3.13 (340.2)definition, 30:4.1 (340.3)development of, on sixth Havona circle, 26:6.1 (292.1)first Paradise Deity attained by, 8:3.8 (94.1)fraternization of, with descending pilgrims and creature-trinitized sons, 26:11.3 (296.6)of Havona, Master Spirit Number Seven the adviser of, 16:3.14 (188.2)Havona experiences of, 14:5.4 (158.7)intermingling of Material Sons and angels with, 39:4.18 (436.4)Lanonandek administrative teachers of, 35:10.1 (394.3)order of contact of primary supernaphim by, 27:0.11 (298.11)point of Havona entry of, 26:3.2 (288.2)practical training of, 35:10.3 (394.5)relations of superaphic associates to, 26:3.1 (288.1)on superuniverse headquarters, conciliators’ service to, 25:3.13 (278.4)from the superuniverses, Havona natives’ comprehension of the Supreme through contact with, 117:6.14 (1289.7)revelation of, regarding the Supreme, 115:6.5 (1265.6)term of service of, in advisory council, 15:11.2 (179.12)of time, Eternal Son’s bestowal on, 7:5.5 (86.6)time required for traversal of circuits of Havona by, 26:4.13 (290.3)training of, as Paradise residents, 27:0.11 (298.11)universe orientators’ service to, 39:1.11 (428.5)visiting privileges of, in Havona, 14:5.5 (159.1)work of, on fourth Havona circuit, 26:8.1 (293.5)scale of living existence, range of the, 48:8.4 (558.2)scheme for advancing pilgrims, extension-school instructors and the, 30:3.8 (339.5)of mortal progression, reversion directors’ connection with, 30:3.7 (339.4)of progressive perfection of children of time, angelic hosts and the, 26:1.15 (286.3)sons, classification of mortals as, on fusion, 40:6.1 (447.5)functioning on system headquarters, rendezvous of the, 46:5.18 (524.9)of God, 40:0.0 (443.1–454.4)classification of, 40:0.1 (443.1)desire of, to do the Father’s will, 130:4.3 (1434.2)man’s attainment of status of, at fusion, 40:7.2 (448.9)midway creatures’ classification as, 38:9.1 (424.1)midwayers’ eventual muster into the ranks of, 38:9.13 (425.5)Personalized Adjusters’ classification as, 40:4.2 (445.1)possible service of, with celestial artisans, 44:0.4 (497.4)registration of midwayers as, 40:3.1 (444.3)and revelation of the ministry of the Paradise Deities, 142:3.8 (1598.9)scope of the story of, 40:0.10 (443.10)seraphic achievement of spiritual levels of, 26:1.10 (285.11)seven orders of, 30:2.46 (335.37)Sonarington the Paradise headquarters of, 13:1.7 (145.2)technique of achieving status of, 20:0.5 (223.5)Urantia mortals as, 40:7.2 (448.9)planetary Adams as, 37:9.10 (415.2)souls of time, final superuniverse training worlds of, 25:1.5 (274.2)universe career, seven stages of, 30:4.1 (340.3)will creatures, advancement of, plan for, 28:6.15 (316.2)AscendingtonAdjuster fusion the secret of, 112:7.2 (1237.4)ascending mortals’ access to, 13:2.7 (148.6)finaliters’ home address, 13:2.1 (147.5)functions of, and activities on, 13:1.21 (147.2)fused Adjusters’ registry in and out of, 107:2.7 (1179.1)mortal experiences on, vs. those of seraphim on Seraphington, 39:8.9 (441.3)the Paradise headquarters of the fused being, 112:7.12 (1239.1)reflection of nature of Father, Son, and Spirit in, 18:1.3 (208.2)secrets of, 13:1.22 (147.3)Trinity-origin beings’ activities on, 13:2.4 (148.3)Ascensioncandidate status, acquirement of, 3:5.16 (52.2)candidates, cherubim and sanobim as, 38:8.2 (423.2)Havona the goal for, 14:6.11 (160.12)potentials of, 38:8.5 (423.5)Seventh Master Spirit’s sponsorship of, 16:3.18 (188.6)career, equal possibilities for spiritual progress in the, 5:1.4 (63.2)importance of, 40:5.18 (447.3)initial experience of Son-seized mortals in the, 55:2.9 (624.3)place of beginning by mortals from seventh-epoch light-and-life worlds, 55:6.8 (631.4)standing of different brain types in the, 49:5.18 (566.6)evolutionary, the Father’s plan of, 7:4.4 (85.5)of intelligent creatures to the Father, 56:9.12 (645.7)of Jesus, to the Father, and pouring out of the spirit, 174:5.12 (1904.3)and his other disappearances, 193:5.3 (2057.5)of loved ones, the joy of witnessing the, 55:2.5 (623.5)modified orders of, and function of seraphim of the future, 39:7.1 (440.1)morontia, phases of, 14:5.1 (158.4)mortal, to God, route of, 5:1.9 (63.7)to Paradise, requisites for, 5:1.7 (63.5)to spirit levels, assurance of, 5:1.9 (63.7)Paradise, of creature beings, relation of Daynals to, 20:7.3 (230.5)of midway creatures, 31:6.1 (349.4)to the Paradise Father, purpose of Michael’s, 120:2.1 (1327.1)plan, feasibility of, 26:9.3 (295.1)potential, Urantia races sons of, 40:7.2 (448.9)progressive mortal, relation of Creator Sons to the, 2:3.6 (37.4)project, a Father-Son plan, 8:3.5 (93.7)scheme, Adjuster-fusion failures not indicative of flaws in the, 40:10.3 (452.3)evolutionary, spironga not concerned
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