The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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intellect, science’s false, 102:6.8 (1125.3)reality, the starting point for philosophy, 101:5.5 (1110.8)reflectivity and the Supreme Being, implications of, 9:7.5 (105.5)of the actuality of human personality, the basis for all mortal reality concepts, 112:2.8 (1228.3)of self-assertion, false liberty, 54:1.6 (614.1)of the self-segmentation of the I AM, eternity consequences of, 105:4.1 (1157.2)of three things, the starting points for science and religion, 103:7.11 (1139.3)unproved, human thought predicated on, 103:7.10 (1139.2)of the validity of faith, the foundation of religion, 103:9.8 (1141.6)of reason, the foundation of science, 103:9.8 (1141.6)of wisdom, the foundation of philosophy, 103:9.8 (1141.6)Assuntiaa Satania neighbor, 41:2.1 (456.5)Assurance(s)discourse on, 142:5.0 (1601.1–1601.5)eternal, secularism’s and naturalism’s lack of, 195:6.7 (2077.3)of faith, 102:1.0 (1118.4–1119.5)vs. authoritative certainty, 155:6.2 (1730.6)replacement of, by the assurance of truth, in the morontia state, 101:5.14 (1111.4)profound, and true religion, 5:4.2 (66.6)Assyriacontact of, with Palestine, 121:2.2 (1333.4)fall of, effect on Judah, 97:9.23 (1074.5)the king of, and origin of the enmity between Jews and Samaritans, 143:4.1 (1612.1)refusal of kings of Israel and Egypt to pay tribute to, 97:9.21 (1074.3)travel of Jesus’ caravan through, 134:2.1 (1484.5)Assyrian(s)stock, Nodite contribution to, 77:4.3 (859.6)superstitions of, 150:3.11 (1681.6)Astartecult of, among the northern tribes, 95:1.7 (1043.2)AsteroidsAngona’s influence in producing the, 57:5.8 (656.4)present-day, origin of, 57:6.5 (658.2)Astrologersassociation of, with marriage, 83:4.4 (924.7)the Caesars’ futile attempts to banish, 90:2.7 (988.3)Astrologyvs. astronomy, 81:2.9 (901.12)a definition, 150:3.3 (1680.5)and Greco-Roman religion, 121:5.5 (1337.1)last revival of, in Mesopotamia, 95:1.7 (1043.2)leading of, to astronomy, 81:2.9 (901.12), 88:6.5 (972.5)present-day belief in, 88:6.7 (972.7)primitive, universal practice of, 90:2.5 (988.1)Astronomer(s)celestial, 30:3.2 (338.20)colonies, locations of, 30:3.5 (339.2)near-by, appearance of the Andronover nebula to, 57:2.2 (652.5)twentieth-century, observations of spiral nebulae by, 57:3.2 (653.2)Urantia, and activities of Architects of the Master Universe, 12:2.1 (130.3)visibility of Andronover to, 57:3.2 (653.2)Astronomiccenter of Satania, location of the Supreme Power Center, 41:1.5 (456.4)dust clusters, and hydrogen clouds, 58:3.1 (666.8)observatory of Jerusem, location of, 46:5.30 (526.5)systems, retrograde motion in, cause of, 57:5.14 (657.3)velocity estimations, accuracy and inaccuracy of, 12:4.14 (134.3)Astronomicalcatastrophes of space, attitude of power centers toward, 29:2.16 (321.8)colony of Uversa, eligibility of beings to join, 30:3.3 (338.21)groups or physical systems composing Satania, 41:2.2 (457.1)location of our planet, discernibility of enormousness of universe from, 11:2.1 (119.2)manipulations at times of universe building, 28:1.3 (306.9)observations of Uversa star students, 12:2.4 (131.1)plot of grand universe, unsettled condition of, and attitude of star students, 12:1.13 (129.11)position of Urantia, shape of Orvonton spheres’ path as seen from, 15:3.2 (167.18)Astronomyvs. astrology, 81:2.9 (901.12)ideas of the people of Jesus’ time regarding, 121:7.12 (1341.1)a proper pursuit of science, 150:3.3 (1680.5)revelation’s co-ordination of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)similarity between early Chinese and Mesopotamian, reason, 79:7.6 (886.7)the youthful Jesus’ perplexing questions about, 123:6.6 (1365.1)Asylumthe right of, early recognition of, 70:1.21 (785.4)Athanasiusinfluence of, on Christianity, 195:0.18 (2070.14)Atheisma definition, 56:10.4 (646.5)Athenianscharacteristics of, in times of Jesus, 133:5.12 (1477.7)Athensdiscourse on science at, 133:5.0 (1476.3–1477.7)importance of, in Greece in time of Jesus, 133:5.1 (1476.3)Jesus’, Ganid’s, and Gonod’s enjoyment of, 133:5.2 (1476.4)Athletic contestsa qualification for marriage, 82:3.5 (916.1)and games, a purpose of, 70:7.10 (791.3)Atlanticcoast, first landing of white men on the, 64:7.19 (728.8)high land elevations of, during early trilobite age along the, 59:1.5 (673.5)sinking of, 59:2.4 (675.3)coastal highlands, location of, in early fern-forest period, 59:5.3 (680.5)depression, North America’s creep toward, 61:4.2 (698.4)high coastal regions, extent of submergence of, during coal-deposition epoch, 59:5.18 (682.1)Ocean, coast-line inroads of, 59:1.8 (673.8)and Gulf Stream, 29:2.15 (321.7)inundation of Europe and western Asia by the, 59:4.15 (679.8)Pacific, Arctic, and Gulf waters, connection of, 59:4.6 (678.7)sea, northern, connection of, with southern Gulf waters, 59:1.8 (673.8)AtmanHindu concept of, similarity to the Adjuster, 111:0.4 (1215.4)Atmosphere(s)combustion, Urantia’s early lack of a, 57:7.1 (658.9)determination of physical differences on inhabited worlds by, 49:2.10 (561.9)earth’s, as a sunlight filter, 58:2.1 (665.4)Edentia’s, composition of, 43:1.3 (486.2)a factor in cooling the earth’s crust, 57:8.5 (660.7)fitness of, for animal respiration, 59:6.10 (683.7)friction, meteoric bombardment of worlds lacking, 49:3.2 (563.5)impoverished, function of energy transformers with regard to, 29:4.31 (327.7)Jerusem, suitability of, for material animals and plants, 46:2.3 (520.8)of late climatic transition stage, and animal respiration, 59:6.10 (683.7)oxygen enrichment of, 59:4.17 (680.1)planets without, inhabiting of, by nonbreathers, 49:3.1 (563.4)three-gas mixture, of Jerusem, 46:2.3 (520.8)Urantia, about, 58:2.0 (665.4–666.7)elements during volcanic age in, 57:7.1 (658.9)primitive, 57:7.2 (659.1)proportion of, in first three miles, 58:2.6 (666.3)thinning out of, into average space matter, 42:4.6 (473.4)Atmosphericpassage, negotiation of, by a mortal type, 49:2.16 (561.15)transportation on Edentia, 43:1.2 (486.1)types of mortals, 49:2.10 (561.9)worlds, life origin on, 49:1.4 (560.3)universality of agriculture on, 49:4.5 (564.7)Atom(s)annihilation of, a source of solar energy, 41:7.4 (463.4)birth and disruption of, and short space rays, 42:5.5 (475.1)building, dissolution, and emergence of short space rays, 58:3.1 (666.8)degradation of, at electronic boiling point, 41:7.12 (463.12)diameter of an, 42:6.7 (477.1)first twenty-seven, comprehensibility of, 42:7.10 (478.4)heavy, instability of, on Urantia, 42:7.5 (477.7)nonobservation of, on the surface of many planets, 42:7.5 (477.7)hydrogen the smallest, 42:6.7 (477.1)interelectronic space of, activities in, 42:8.2 (478.6)of matter, lifeless, man’s reactions but the juxtaposition of, to the materialist, 102:0.1 (1118.1)predictability of, vs. that of persons, 42:7.10 (478.4)primary associators’ manipulation of, 29:4.33 (328.2)radioactive, the riddle of, and the mesotron, 42:8.5 (479.3)shattered, where found, 42:3.7 (472.5)space content of, not empty, 42:5.16 (476.2)subjection of, to gravity, 41:9.2 (465.2)in supergases, size of, 41:5.3 (459.7)twenty-eighth and upward, unpredictability of presence of Unqualified Absolute in, 42:7.10 (478.4)whole, nonexistence of, in interior of the suns, 41:7.1 (463.1)Atomicassembly, low temperature’s effect on, 42:4.7 (473.5)breakup, high temperature’s facilitation of, 42:4.7 (473.5)casualties, of solar elemental battles, 41:6.1 (461.5)cohesion, 42:8.0 (478.5–479.5)cohesive integrity, a force undiscovered on Urantia, 42:8.6 (479.4)dismemberment in a sun, 41:5.1 (460.5)energy systems, gravity a factor in cohesion of, 42:8.1 (478.5)secret of basic constitution of, 42:8.1 (478.5)existence, X ray the leveler of, 41:7.1 (463.1)matter, about, 42:7.0 (477.3–478.4)definition, 42:3.9 (472.7)spontaneous dissociation of, 42:5.7 (475.3)molecular relationships in gaseous, liquid, and solid states, 41:4.2 (459.6)nucleus, relative distance between inner electronic circuit and the, 42:7.2 (477.4)stability, conditions governing, 42:7.6 (477.8)systems, linear gravity’s grasp of, 42:4.3 (473.1)Orvonton, orbital electrons in, 42:7.7 (478.1)types, planetary conditions determining observation of, 42:7.5 (477.7)world, periodic characterization of, in groups of seven, 42:9.2 (479.7)Atonthe Egyptian sun-god, 95:5.7 (1048.1)faith, identification of the, 95:5.6 (1047.6)Ikhnaton’s modification of the, 95:5.6 (1047.6)Ikhnaton’s teachings regarding, 95:5.9 (1048.3)Atonementconcept, root of, in selfishness, 188:4.9 (2017.4)vs. divine attunement, 39:5.6 (437.5)doctrine, an assault upon the unity and free-willness of God, 2:6.5 (41.3)basis for the, 2:6.5 (41.3)a definition, 149:2.3 (1670.4)failure of, 149:2.3 (1670.4)incompatibility of, with Jesus’ teachings about God, 188:4.8 (2017.3)to God, primitive man’s efforts to make, 103:4.2 (1133.2)idea, late development of the, 89:4.5 (978.2)of salvation, philosophic character of, 188:4.13 (2017.8)man’s erroneous ideas concerning the, 188:4.1 (2016.6)originality of some of Paul’s teachings about the, 121:6.5 (1339.1)of the sacrifice, a blanket insurance device, 89:4.5 (978.2)and sacrifice, Jesus’ abandonment of all ceremonies of, 103:4.4 (1133.4)sin, sacrifice, and, 89:0.0 (974.1–985.2)for sin by the shedding of blood, and sacrificial ritual, 63:6.4 (716.3)teachings of Paul, vs. those of Philo,
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