The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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Deity, personal, Brahmans’ lack of the concept of, 94:3.4 (1030.4)of the Eternal Son, Havona progress of ascendant beings following, 14:5.4 (158.7)of the Father, creature safeguard during struggle for, 32:3.6 (361.1)glory of, awaiting Adjuster-fused mortals, 40:7.5 (449.3)of God, time involved in the, and reality of the Infinite, 5:1.9 (63.7)of immortality, 110:7.0 (1212.2–1213.5)infinite, God the eternal goal of, 160:1.14 (1774.6)plan, for material beings, authorship and execution of, 7:4.2 (85.3)misfunctioning of, emergency provisions for, 7:4.5 (85.6)relation of enterprise of mercy ministry to, 7:4.6 (85.7)possibilities of Mystery-Monitor-indwelt beings, 32:3.8 (361.3)rest, vs. mortal death and transit trance on journey to Havona, 26:11.7 (297.4)seraphim, superior seraphim as, 39:2.1 (429.5)Attending angel(s)activities of, at the departure of the Adjuster from the mortal, 113:6.0 (1246.5–1247.8)seeming visualization of, just prior to death, 39:5.11 (438.4)Attention and awarenessfunctioning of, a necessity for religious growth, 100:1.5 (1094.7)Attiscelebration of the death and resurrection of, 98:4.7 (1081.10)identity of, 98:4.3 (1081.6)Attitude(s)changing, of created intelligences, God’s reactions seemingly affected by the, 2:2.3 (36.1)conflicting, Father never torn by, 2:4.3 (38.3)the Master’s, toward his trial and crucifixion, 186:2.0 (1999.1–2000.3)a mortal’s unsteady, effect of, on the work of the Adjuster, 109:5.3 (1199.4)of the people, to Jesus and his teachings, 149:2.0 (1670.2–1672.3)personally real, 12:5.10 (135.9)philosophic, time required for changes in men’s basic concepts of, 152:6.1 (1705.1)prayer’s effect upon, 91:8.10 (1002.2)of Ultimate and Supreme-Ultimate, Seventh Master Spirit expressive of, 16:3.17 (188.5)universe, of the Father, 4:1.0 (54.4–56.4)Attributesof divinity, Jesus’ conception of, as the "will of the Father in heaven," 196:0.2 (2087.2)of the Eternal Son, 6:4.0 (76.1–77.3)and functions of the Master Spirits, 16:4.0 (189.2–190.10)of God, 3:0.0 (44.1–53.7)Rodan’s acceptance of the truth regarding the, 161:1.1 (1783.3)infinity of God’s, 3:2.0 (46.5–48.7)Jesus’ refusal to prostitute his divine, 136:8.8 (1521.3)of the Third Source and Center, 9:1.0 (98.6–100.2)Attunementdivine, vs. atonement, and souls of peace, 39:5.6 (437.5)AudaciousJesus’ avoidance of being, 100:7.15 (1103.3)Audibilityof distant sounds, transmitters’ function with regard to, 29:4.30 (327.6)Audienceat Pella camp, size of, 165:1.2 (1817.6)waste of an, Peter’s reaction to, 172:5.3 (1884.2)Augmentation of life’s fractionabout, 89:3.3 (976.5)Augustusdeath of, 136:2.8 (1512.4)efforts of, in regard to religion in the Roman state, 98:3.6 (1080.8)influence of the doctrine of one God on, 98:3.7 (1081.1)Auroraldisplays, cause of, 58:2.8 (666.5)height of, 58:2.6 (666.3)phenomena, maximum, and equatorial location of sunspots, 58:2.8 (666.5)upper-air gases and, 46:1.6 (520.2)Austerityin religious practices, primitive man’s, 87:6.16 (965.3)Australasian life implantationabout, 58:4.2 (667.6)Australiaand antarctic ice blanket, 61:5.3 (699.4)breaking away from the mother continent by, 58:4.3 (668.1)Devonian red sandstone in, 59:4.7 (678.8)glacial deposits of early trilobite era in, 59:1.17 (674.3)inundation of, by south polar waters, 59:5.4 (680.6)isolation of, effects on fauna, 64:1.5 (718.7)Niagara limestone’s distribution over, 59:3.9 (677.6)primitive tribes of, cooking customs in, 84:3.6 (934.5)rise of, out of the Pacific Ocean, 57:8.21 (662.8)severance of, from the Asiatic continent, 57:8.23 (663.1)Australian-Antarctic life implantation, characteristic early animals of, 59:1.14 (673.14)native(s), nontribal form of government of, 70:4.9 (788.11)present-day religious beliefs of the, 92:6.1 (1010.5)primitive social conditions of, significance, 68:1.6 (764.2)tribes, primitive religious prayers of, 91:0.3 (994.3)recent practice of human sacrifice by, 89:6.2 (980.7)Author(s)of the Book of Enoch, Messiah concept depicted by, 136:1.6 (1510.3)probably not Enoch of old, 126:3.8 (1390.3)Hebrews, Melchizedek mission understood by one of the, 93:9.11 (1024.4)Revelation, John Zebedee, 139:4.14 (1555.7)of the destroyed book, "The One God," Ikhnaton, 95:5.7 (1048.1)and finisher of our faith, Jesus the, 196:2.1 (2091.10)of the gospel of John, his associate Nathan, 121:8.10 (1342.5), 139:4.15 (1555.8)of Luke, the physician himself, 121:8.8 (1342.3)of Mark, John Mark and Peter, 121:8.3 (1341.4)of Matthew, aims of, 121:8.4 (1341.5)expansion of Peter’s fish episode into a miracle by, 157:1.4 (1744.2)Isador the actual, 121:8.5 (1341.6)of Hebrew scriptures, uncertain identity of some, 159:4.4 (1767.6)of a lost record of Jesus’ life, the Apostle Andrew, 121:0.1 (1332.1), 121:8.1 (1341.2), 121:8.13 (1343.2), 139:1.9 (1549.7)of many of the Psalms, the Salem missionaries, 95:1.10 (1043.5)of the Messianic Psalm, motive of, for disallowing David as the, 174:4.6 (1901.6)of the New Testament, attempts of, to transcendentalize Jewish prophets, consequences, 97:8.6 (1071.4)beliefs of, concerning the risen Christ, 196:2.5 (2092.3)of one of the Psalms, an Egyptian, 95:2.10 (1045.3)of the Psalms, a score or more, 96:7.2 (1060.2)of several Proverbs and one Psalm, Amenemope, 95:4.5 (1046.6)of twelve Psalms, Ikhnaton, 95:5.7 (1048.1)of the world’s sacred literature, Ganid’s discovery of common agreement of, 130:3.6 (1433.1)Authoritative certaintyvs. the assurances of faith, 155:6.2 (1730.6)Authorityabsolute, Jesus teaching with, 100:7.5 (1102.2)administrative, Universal Father’s transference of, 10:1.2 (108.5)allocation of civil, on Urantia, 70:12.0 (797.13–799.1)arbitrary, Jesus’ portrayal of the folly of creating artificial situations for exhibiting, 136:8.8 (1521.3)Caligastia’s restlessness under, 66:8.1 (752.2)celestial, no division of, 32:4.3 (363.1)challenging the Master’s, 173:2.0 (1891.2–1892.5)of the church, origin of the, 88:2.10 (970.1)civil, rulers’ attempts to trip Jesus on matters of, 174:2.4 (1899.4)ecclesiastical, diminution of, influence of, on religion, 99:4.7 (1090.3)oppressive, establishment of, a danger of formalized religion, 99:6.3 (1092.3)and religion of the mind, 155:5.6 (1729.1)rulers’ attempts to trip Jesus on matters of, 174:2.4 (1899.4)vs. spiritual sovereignty, 134:4.4 (1487.1)traditional, Christianity’s fear of the overthrow of, 196:1.2 (2090.3)established, Jesus’ admonition against dependence on, 140:4.9 (1572.9)of facts, truth, and faith, 191:5.3 (2043.1)of God, 131:1.5 (1443.1)human, Jesus’ nonappeal to, 145:3.3 (1632.2)Jesus’ acknowledgment of his God-given, 182:1.3 (1963.5)source of, 173:2.7 (1892.4)with respect to his life, 187:0.3 (2004.3)of Jesus over his disciples, 149:2.12 (1672.1)Jesus spoke as one having, 138:8.8 (1545.9)legislative and judicial, Jesus’ investment of, in the group, 159:1.6 (1764.1)of Michael’s administration, 120:0.5 (1324.2)political, Jesus’ refusal to employ, 136:9.11 (1523.3)primitive, basis of, 70:12.2 (798.1)relinquishment of, by the Universal Father, 3:6.1 (52.4)of the sacred writings, effect of the fear of, 159:4.9 (1768.5)of the state, origin of the, 88:2.10 (970.1)of traditionalism, vs. the authority of facts, truth, and faith, 191:5.3 (2043.1)of truth, definition, 159:4.7 (1768.3)of the Universal Father, exercise of, in post-Havona creations, 3:5.1 (50.6)universe, Michael’s right to assumption of, at any time, 120:1.6 (1326.3)the watchword of all Jewry, 173:2.3 (1891.4)Autocracy of perfectionand democracy of evolution, meeting of representatives of, 15:11.1 (179.11)Autohypnosisshamans’ practice of, 90:1.4 (987.2)Automatic forceself-acting, God not a, 12:7.6 (138.1)Automatonlimitations of an, 195:7.17 (2080.2)soulless, materialism’s reduction of man to a, 195:6.8 (2077.4)Autonomycongregational, Hebron synagogue rulers’ adherence to their, 154:2.1 (1718.2)of unified constellations, time of attainment of, 55:9.3 (633.6)virtually complete, the hope of Jerusem Adamites, 45:5.6 (515.5)AvalonBrilliant Evening Star of, function, 67:6.5 (759.8)Nebadon a neighbor of, 32:2.12 (360.1)seraphim, teachers of original Nebadon angels, 38:5.1 (420.6)surgeons, Andonite germ-plasm transference by the, 77:2.6 (857.3)volunteer commission of, 66:2.7 (742.7)Avariceavoidance of, a precept taught by the Salem leaders, 95:3.3 (1045.6)a ruin of hell, 131:4.7 (1449.2)Averagelength of life, during postbestowal Son era, 52:5.9 (596.7)man, early Christianity’s promise of salvation for the, 121:5.6 (1337.2)Jesus’ purpose to appear as an, 122:1.3 (1345.2)typical, Philip the, 139:5.5 (1556.5)worlds, developments of post-Adamic dispensation on, 52:3.6 (593.5)Avoidancevs. postponement, a mansonia lesson, 48:5.8 (551.3)Avonal(s)activities of, immediately following completion of
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