The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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India, 79:4.0 (882.1–883.1)influx of Sethite priests during the, 79:3.3 (881.3)so-called, influence of, on the teachings of the Salem teachers, 98:1.2 (1077.6)noncompletion by, of conquest of India, 79:4.7 (882.7)presence of, in India, at time of Melchizedek, 94:1.1 (1027.2)terminal movement of, into the Levant and India, 79:1.6 (879.3)tongue(s), factors composing the, 78:5.3 (872.7)Sumerian language’s relation to, 77:4.7 (860.2)Ascendantactivities, future, concentration of certain, on Michael’s bestowal world, 37:3.4 (409.1)beings, assurance of, of full satisfaction in worship, 27:7.3 (304.1)attitude of, toward worship, 27:7.3 (304.1)Eternal Son’s attitude toward, 6:4.9 (77.2)as Infinite Spirit attainers, Master Spirit Number Four and, 16:3.8 (187.5)morontia worlds the training spheres for, 44:3.4 (502.3)of time, means of discovery of the Son by, 8:3.7 (93.9)in waiting for Havona transport on Uversa, 28:7.1 (317.4)career(s), intrauniverse travel a part of, 30:3.12 (340.1)Mighty Messengers’ consciousness of their, 22:2.9 (246.1)seraphim and the, 113:7.0 (1248.1–1249.2)step-by-step mastery of, 26:9.4 (295.2)children of time, pre-Havona achievements of, 26:5.3 (291.3)of the Universal Father, technique of ascent to Paradise by, 56:4.1 (639.7)citizen(s), corps of mortals on Jerusem, Paul’s view of, 47:10.3 (539.5)of Jerusem, loyalty of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.10 (608.6)of local universe, relation of susatia to, 37:9.7 (414.12)permanent, advantages of, in local and superuniverses, 40:10.4 (452.4)citizenship, permanent, of Paradise, 47:2.8 (532.6)creatures, attainment of universe goal by, 5:1.12 (64.3)evolutionary, Paradise home of, 11:3.3 (120.6)God of, functioning of Seventh Master Spirit for the, 16:3.19 (188.7)in Havona, ministry of Infinite Spirit’s representatives to, 14:4.20 (158.1)instruction of, in technique of worship, 27:7.4 (304.2)number of, in a finaliter company, 31:1.3 (346.4)participation of Perfectors of Wisdom in celestial services of, 19:2.6 (216.4)of permanent status, provision of, for time-space administrations, 40:10.4 (452.4)of space, Ascendington the rendezvous of, 13:1.21 (147.2)destinies, 40:10.0 (452.1–454.3)experience, reality of, 34:6.5 (380.6)life, division of, between work and play, 48:4.1 (547.4)each unit of the, a training school, 49:0.1 (559.1)higher physical studies of, in Ensa, 15:7.8 (174.8)result of failure of probationary children to choose the, 47:2.7 (532.5)man, immortal soul of, God the Supreme’s final actualization in the, 117:5.4 (1286.2)ministry, a Jerusem administrative department, 46:6.10 (527.12)mortal(s), Adjuster-fused, as Trinitized Sons of Attainment, 22:1.10 (244.1)assembly of, on mount of Paradise assembly, 43:4.5 (489.8)attainment of Corps of the Finality by, 22:2.2 (245.2)attitude of, toward the Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy, 13:2.9 (149.2)career, Brilliant Evening Stars’ connection with, 37:2.7 (407.7)of survivors by modified orders of ascension, 39:7.1 (440.1)communication of, with Mighty Messengers, 22:2.9 (246.1)conditions under which Paradise Companions are assigned to, 25:8.7 (283.8)contact of Perfectors of Wisdom with, 19:2.6 (216.4)correlation of previous experiences of, 35:3.14 (388.1)on court of the Most High, 43:2.4 (487.6)first postresurrection experiences of, 47:3.8 (533.6)Havona, faith of, 26:4.13 (290.3)on Jerusem, favorite preoccupation of, 46:3.1 (522.1)support of Manotia by the, 53:6.4 (606.7)Jesus’ familiarity with the thoughts and feelings of, 129:4.5 (1425.4)of loyal insurrectionary experience, destiny of, 22:2.3 (245.3)ministry, Gavalia’s assignment to, 37:2.6 (407.6)Morontia Companions, personal guides to, 47:3.11 (534.3)on Paradise, fraternization of, with chiefs of assignment, 27:2.2 (300.2)Paradise Companions’ special assignment to, 25:8.8 (284.1)perfected, creature-trinitized sons of, 22:1.12 (244.3)pre-Havona unification of personalities of, 56:4.1 (639.7)provision for nonstatus children of, 47:2.2 (531.6)seraphim’s ever-present communication with, 113:7.6 (1248.6)service of Paradise Companions to, 25:8.3 (283.4)sixth-stage spirit rating of, 31:3.3 (347.6)Son- or Spirit-fused, as Trinitized Ambassadors, 18:4.5 (211.1)spirit stages of, 31:3.6 (348.3)spiritual awareness of, of finaliters’ presence, 47:1.3 (531.1)temporary companions of, on arrival on Paradise, 25:8.5 (283.6)training, attack in Lucifer’s manifesto upon, 53:3.6 (604.1)training of, in affairs of worlds of space and spheres of perfection, 30:4.30 (343.5)welcome of, on Paradise arrival, 25:8.5 (283.6)personalities of space, experience of heights of being by, 27:7.3 (304.1)pilgrim(s), activities of, on last Havona circle, 26:11.1 (296.4)admission of, to final Havona circle, 26:10.7 (296.3)to portals of eternity, 26:4.14 (290.4)advancement of, from seventh Havona circuit, 26:6.1 (292.1)battle cry of, 26:5.3 (291.3)experience of, with Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits, 17:5.3 (203.1)first recognition of Solitary Messengers by, 23:2.13 (258.12)ministry of primary supernaphim to, 26:2.2 (287.1)perfected will creatures, 26:2.2 (287.1)preparation of, for their final rest, 26:10.6 (296.2)on seventh mansion world, access of, to seventh transition world, 45:1.11 (510.9)social education of, on last Havona circuit, 26:11.1 (296.4)transfer of, from seventh to sixth Havona circle, 26:6.1 (292.1)plan of mortal progression, 30:3.9 (339.6)for upstepping animal-origin creatures, 40:5.14 (446.5)plans, Mansion World Teachers’ familiarity with, 48:5.9 (551.4)scheme of mortal progression, Master Spirits’ representatives’ part in, 16:4.7 (190.1)seraphim, as Celestial Recorders, 37:8.8 (414.3)sojourners on Salvington, spirit co-ordinators’ service to, 39:2.6 (430.2)sonship, guardian seraphim’s achievement of, 40:1.1 (443.12)soul(s), companions of, on Paradise trip, 26:7.4 (293.2)no premature admission of, to central universe, 14:2.9 (155.3)souls of time, service of, by tertiary supernaphim, 26:3.7 (288.7)urge of, to find God, 14:2.8 (155.2)spirits, as Evening Stars, 37:2.4 (407.4)superangels, as Evening Stars, 37:2.4 (407.4)trinitized associates of the superuniverse rulers, three groups of, 28:3.1 (307.3)Trinitized Sons, a responsibility of, 28:6.2 (314.1)Ascender(s)achievement of, on sixth Havona circle, 26:6.2 (292.2)Adamic training of, 45:6.0 (515.7–517.2)on advanced light and life planets, 55:3.11 (625.10)all, sometime simultaneous finding of the Supreme by, 117:6.21 (1290.7)attainment of Supremacy by, 14:5.4 (158.7)attitude of, toward their Jerusem services, 46:5.28 (526.3)enseraphimed, experience of, 39:2.11 (430.7)final training of, on Havona, 32:3.14 (362.3)finaliter oath of, to the Paradise Trinity, 117:7.7 (1292.1)finding of the Universal Father as seventh level of God the Sevenfold by, 56:6.5 (641.6)first contact of, with Imports of Time, 28:6.12 (315.5)first mansion world landing of less advanced, 49:6.10 (569.5)indispensability of parental relationship or its equivalent to, 45:6.4 (516.2)individual, three groups of, 49:6.10 (569.5)on Jerusem, care of individual world exhibits by, 46:5.24 (525.6)mansion world landing of more advanced, 49:6.10 (569.5)meaning of Adjuster’s fusion with the, 5:1.11 (64.2)Nebadon’s place of greatest interest to, 35:3.11 (387.12)new, adjustment of, to environment of morontia spheres, 48:6.29 (554.3)order of attainment of the Deities by, 8:6.2 (96.4)primary and secondary orders of, provision for Adjusterless children of, 49:6.14 (570.3)of the Prince’s staff, loyalty of offspring of, 50:4.13 (576.3)progress of, by classes, 30:4.17 (341.7)dependence of, on mastery of lessons of each sphere, 48:5.7 (551.2)progressive discernment of God by, through God the Sevenfold, 118:2.2 (1296.4)provision for essentials to ascension experience of, 55:2.12 (624.6)as pupil-teachers, 25:4.12 (279.13)range of experience of, with perfected creature existence, 48:8.4 (558.2)reaction of, on leaving Edentia for Salvington, 43:9.5 (495.7)from rebellion-quarantined worlds, type of cosmic undertakings assigned to, 50:7.1 (578.6)recognition of former associates by, 44:0.18 (498.9)of Seventh Master Spirit by all, 16:3.19 (188.7)residential status of, on Paradise, 26:7.4 (293.2)seventh mansion world landing of most advanced, 49:6.10 (569.5)of space, work of pilgrim helpers for, 26:5.1 (291.1)status of, experience provided by, 37:6.3 (412.3)translation or resurrection of, adds vision range, 44:0.18 (498.9)-trinitized sons, function of, to planetary rulers, 55:4.17 (628.5)and realities of the Almighty Supreme, 22:7.12 (251.2)training spheres of, 22:8.2 (251.6)Ascendingbeings, in Havona, ministry of secondary supernaphim to, 26:2.4 (287.3)humor most needed by, 48:4.16 (549.3)career, Adjuster’s presence throughout the, 40:7.3 (449.1)creature(s), assignment of primary seconaphim to, 28:7.1 (317.4)early meeting of, with tertiary seconaphim, 28:7.2 (317.5)of evolutionary worlds, Paradise the destiny of, 11:9.8 (127.6)God the Father’s personal contact with, 40:5.3 (445.4)power of, to reject eternal life any time prior to fusion, 111:3.1 (1218.9)teaching of, by mercy reflectors, 28:6.8 (315.1)life, the beginning of man’s, 112:0.1 (1225.1)Material Sons, 40:2.0 (444.1–2)midwayers, assignment of, to Technical Advisers, 25:4.11 (279.12)Technical Advisers recruited from certain, 25:4.2 (279.3)morontia beings, intercommunication of, 44:5.3 (504.7)mortal(s), abodes of, freedom of pilgrims to make changes in, 48:3.15 (546.8)activities
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