The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(723.9)Bullets vs. ballotsin cultural growth, 71:2.7 (802.1)Bully(ies)Jesus defended from, by his friend Jacob, 124:2.4 (1368.6)Jesus’ experience with a, at Tarentum, 133:1.1 (1468.4)Burden(s)on the apostles’ minds, Jesus’ wish to avoid laying, 140:1.7 (1569.4)bearer, woman the, 84:3.7 (934.6)grievous, imposition of, by Jewish lawyers, 166:1.5 (1826.2)heavy, Jesus’ unwillingness to increase man’s, 137:8.14 (1537.1)increasing of, by taking oneself too seriously, 48:6.37 (555.5)of life, pessimistic religions seeking release from the, 194:3.2 (2062.11)a means of increasing one’s, 48:6.37 (555.5)noninvolvement of, in the new commandment, 180:1.2 (1944.5)Burialof Andon and Fonta, 63:3.5 (713.5)ceremonies, olden shamans’ presiding over, 90:2.10 (988.6)of Elizabeth, friends’ arrangement for, 135:4.1 (1499.1)of Jesus, 188:1.0 (2012.4–2013.7)of John the Baptist, 135:12.7 (1508.7)of noted persons under places of worship, 76:5.5 (852.4)pits, criminal, Jews’ desire that the bodies of Jesus and the two thieves be cast into, before sundown, 187:5.7 (2011.3)procession of Jesus, time and place of, 188:1.3 (2013.2)of the Son of Man, midwayers’ ability to narrate the, 188:0.1 (2012.1)Burmaeffect on, of Andite invasion of India, 79:2.4 (880.2)mixing of the cultures of India and China in, 79:6.2 (884.5)Burned-out sunsdark islands of space as, 15:5.11 (171.6)Burningalive, a common ancient punishment, 70:10.14 (796.4)of all bridges behind him, evidence of Jesus’ devotion to the kingdom, 196:2.7 (2093.1)bush, experience of Moses at the, 174:3.2 (1900.2)Burnt offerings and sacrificesvs. the first and great commandment, 174:4.3 (1901.3)Buryingalive of a wife on her husband’s death, 87:2.7 (960.1)the dead body under stones, a means of frightening the ghost, 87:6.7 (964.6)his father, a prospective apostle’s query about, 163:2.2 (1801.5)a man’s belongings with him, purpose of, 69:9.4 (780.7)Bushmenprimitive social conditions of, 68:1.6 (764.2)Business(es)groups, of the first century Mediterranean world, 121:3.3 (1335.2)helpfulness of God in the greatest of all, 131:5.3 (1450.2)judgment, Jesus’ keen, 126:2.7 (1389.2)of the kingdom of heaven, Jesus’ identification of, 139:11.9 (1565.6)man(men), Judas a good, 139:12.5 (1566.4)Matthew a good, 139:7.1 (1559.5)Matthew’s influence on, 139:7.6 (1560.2)methods, quality of Nod’s, 66:5.12 (747.2)of religion, identification of the, 99:3.16 (1089.8)Butterflyfrom caterpillar, 42:9.4 (480.2)comparison of the emergence of the spiritual kingdom to a, 170:5.21 (1866.4)human personalities’ emergence on the mansion worlds compared to, 112:6.1 (1235.5)

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