The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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81:4.9 (904.13)type, blending of, with Mongoloid, in in North China, 81:4.14 (905.5)intermingling of, with Negroid, in the Levant, 81:4.14 (905.5)Causality continuitythe karma principle of, comparison with the Supreme, 94:3.5 (1030.5)provision for, by material level of law, 101:10.3 (1116.4)Causationantecedent, effects of first causes free from factors of, 118:4.2 (1298.2)fetters of, personality not wholly subject to, 112:0.5 (1225.5)laws of, personality largely free from, in inner world, 111:4.8 (1220.7)primary and secondary, 118:4.0 (1298.1–7)a reality level of cosmic-mind response, 16:6.6 (192.2)response, consequence of man’s deliverance from fetters of, 5:6.8 (71.3)study of, the perusal of history, 19:1.10 (215.7)in this universe age, threefold basic constitution of, 118:4.4 (1298.4)transcendental, degree of reaction of primordial force to, 42:2.8 (469.8)ultimate, Lao-Tse’s comprehension of, 94:6.3 (1033.6)uniform, diversity of response to, disclosure of Absolutes in, 12:6.7 (136.5)Cause(s)of causes, eternal Creator the, 2:1.2 (34.1)the primeval, 0:3.23 (6.3)co-ordinate and subordinate, the existence of many, 118:4.1 (1298.1)and effect, I AM seen as both, 105:1.5 (1153.2)man’s slowness in learning about material, 90:3.9 (990.4)to the savage, 86:2.3 (951.5)as an explanation of physical phenomena, 195:6.5 (2077.1)failure of his, Jesus’ awareness of the appearance of, 182:3.10 (1969.5)First, see First, Causethe first great, the Universal Father, 195:6.5 (2077.1)of Judas’s downfall, 193:4.0 (2055.4–2057.2)uncaused, but one, in the whole universe, 118:6.2 (1299.5)force in essence a manifestation of the, 42:1.6 (468.3)identification of the, 42:1.6 (468.3)the one, a concept for the time-space creature, 0:3.23 (6.3)volition’s apparent functioning in a local frame as an, 118:6.3 (1299.6)universe, vs. universe effects, 3:6.3 (53.1)CavalrymenBabylonian, pushing into Mesopotamia of, 79:1.5 (879.2)barbarian, conquest of the Euphrates valley by, 78:8.5 (876.2), 78:8.12 (877.2)of final Andite European invasion, 80:4.4 (892.7)the later Andite, contributors to the civilization of Turkestan, 78:5.3 (872.7)Cave(s)dwellers, primitive men as, 52:1.5 (590.1)Urantia aborigines not, 63:5.4 (715.4)early European white man’s avoidance of, 80:9.4 (897.7)and grottoes, Cro-Magnons dwellers in, 80:3.6 (891.7), 80:9.4 (897.7)man’s progress from, to huts, and to home buildings, 81:2.15 (902.5)vs. mountains in beliefs of aborigines regarding spirits, 85:1.5 (945.3)Cavemanand the saber-toothed tiger, an illustration of noble motives, 100:4.5 (1098.2)Cavilerspresence of, at Pella, 165:1.2 (1817.6)Cease to do evila need of the disciples, 156:2.7 (1736.4)CedesLuke’s use of source material from, 121:8.9 (1342.4)Celestial(s)beings, reaction of, to professed Christians’ persecution of Jews, 175:2.2 (1909.2)visibility of, to mortals, agencies involved in, 50:2.7 (574.2)creation, use by teachers in universe school of training, 48:8.3 (558.1)family, illumination of each member of, by the Father’s love, 12:7.9 (138.4)intelligences, on Urantia, presence of, at noontide tryst of nine-year-old twins, 62:5.8 (708.6)personalities, Machiventa’s limitation of communication with, 93:2.8 (1016.2)powers, equality of standing of earthly races before the, 64:6.27 (725.8)surgery on staff of Planetary Prince, and story of Eve’s creation, 74:8.3 (837.2)on transition worlds, entertainment of, 48:3.10 (546.3)Celestial(s)-Artisansabout, 44:0.0 (497.1–508.5)activities of, 30:3.6 (339.3), 44:0.2 (497.2), 44:8.6 (508.4), 46:5.31 (526.6), 48:3.11 (546.4)beings eligible to join corps of the, 44:0.4 (497.4)co-operation of, with reversion directors, 48:4.8 (548.3)enlistment in, length of, 44:0.4 (497.4)improvement in technique by, 44:0.13 (498.4)mansion world headquarters of, 47:0.4 (530.4)material planets not the workshops of, 44:8.1 (507.6)ministry of, on constellations, 37:10.4 (416.4)Nebadon corps of, univitatia’s predominance in, 43:7.4 (493.5)Paradise attainment by seraphim as, 39:8.3 (440.5)recorder-teachers’ collaboration with, 48:6.30 (554.4)seven major divisions of activity of the, 44:0.5 (497.5–498.3)spornagia’s direction by, 43:6.7 (492.7)utilization of living materials by, 43:6.7 (492.7)work of, difficulty of portraying the, 44:0.20 (499.1)on Jerusem, 46:2.5 (521.2)Celestial(s)-Guardiansabout, 22:9.0 (252.3–253.2)functions of, 18:4.4 (210.7), 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:5.6 (248.5), 22:9.4 (252.6), 40:10.9 (453.4)a group of Trinitized Sons of Perfection, 22:1.12 (244.3)not Adjuster indwelt, 22:9.5 (252.7)the one point of great strength of, 22:10.2 (253.4)origin, 18:4.4 (210.7), 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:10.2 (253.4)the personification of single and supreme concepts, 22:10.2 (253.4)service rating of, 22:9.1 (252.3)Spirit-fused mortals’ relation to, 22:9.4 (252.6), 40:10.9 (453.4)vs. Trinitized Custodians, 22:5.6 (248.5)Trinity-embraced sons, 22:1.7 (243.12)twice-trinitized personalities, 22:1.12 (244.3), 22:9.6 (252.8)Celestial(s)-Jesus’ Urantia Bestowalbeings, apostles’ nonobservation of visible manifestations of, 148:3.5 (1659.7)assemblage of, at tomb of Lazarus, 168:2.1 (1845.7)desire of, to assist their Sovereign, 175:4.15 (1911.12)interest of, in Palestine during Jesus’ growth, 128:1.13 (1409.3)observance by, of sacred ordination scene, 140:2.3 (1570.1)at tomb of Lazarus, preparation of, for action, 168:2.3 (1846.2)unpreparedness of apostles for participation in conference with, 158:0.2 (1752.2)host(s), assembled, Jesus’ Thought Adjuster’s command of, during the tomb experience, 188:3.7 (2015.3)broadcast of Jesus’ trial to the universe by the, 186:2.6 (1999.6)directors of the, Jesus’ conferences with the, 161:3.3 (1787.5)of Nebadon, Jesus’ decision regarding the use of, 136:5.1 (1516.1)sent to Urantia to serve Jesus, 136:5.1 (1516.1)observers of Jesus awaiting his betrayer, 183:0.5 (1971.5)the twelve-second resurrection of Lazarus by the, 168:2.3 (1846.2)hosts on Urantia, departure of the, after Jesus’ resurrection, 189:3.4 (2024.6)Jesus’ Adjuster’s command of the, 189:0.1 (2020.1)relinquishing of his authority over the, 189:3.4 (2024.6)intelligences, indignation of, at persecution of their Sovereign, 184:4.4 (1984.5)Jesus’ meditation concerning his use of the, and his first decision, 136:7.1 (1519.5)new revelation of man to the, 186:5.6 (2002.7)love of, for man, since Michael’s bestowal, 186:5.6 (2002.7)reaction to Jesus’ Mediterranean trip by, 129:4.1 (1424.5)messenger(s), appearance to Joseph of a, 122:4.1 (1347.3)departure of, following the transfiguration, 158:1.4 (1752.6)message of, to the lad Jesus, 124:6.16 (1376.2)pageant, apostles’ fleeting glimpse of a, on Mount Hermon, 158:3.1 (1755.1)personalities, activity of, in sundown healing, 145:3.10 (1633.1)assistance of, in disposal of Jesus’ body, 189:2.3 (2023.2)Jesus’ communion with, 161:2.7 (1786.2)nonutilization of, 128:1.9 (1408.6)visitation on Mount Hermon, Jesus’ reaction to the, 158:3.5 (1755.5)visitors, appearance of, to apostles during the transfiguration, 158:1.8 (1753.4)the three apostles’ reaction to the departure of the, 158:1.9 (1753.5)Celestial(s)-Life and Realitiesbeings, inability of lower orders of, to recognize Inspired Trinity Spirits, 19:5.3 (219.4)indulgence of, in relaxation and humor, 48:4.2 (547.5)utilization of Salvington broadcasts by, 33:6.5 (371.7)circuits, spirit energy of, and reception of melodies of the realm, 44:1.1 (499.3)entertainers, primary midwayers as, 38:9.10 (425.2)harmony, mortals’ reaction to, 44:1.11 (500.2)intelligences on constellation headquarters, 43:0.3 (485.3)joy, man’s possible life on the plane of, 160:1.5 (1773.2)life, fraternity among the orders of, 47:4.2 (534.6)headquarters of great divisions of, on Jerusem, 45:5.1 (514.12)provision for seventy divisions of, on Edentia, 43:1.9 (486.8)sector of Jerusem, central abode of, 45:5.1 (514.12)utilization of less personal orders of physical controllers by, 29:4.23 (326.5)light, saturation of Material Sons’ bodies with, 51:1.3 (580.6)mansions, Jesus’ frequent reference to the, 167:6.3 (1840.2)musicians, about, 44:1.0 (499.3–500.6)techniques of, and human employment of musical instruments, 44:1.10 (500.1)observers, Uversa courtesy-colony residents, 28:7.1 (317.4)personalities, service to, by tertiary supernaphim messengers, 26:3.7 (288.7)personality corps, assignment of ascending mortals to, 37:10.5 (416.5)travelers, midwayers’ converse with, 77:9.6 (866.5)unit, supersuperior units comprising a, 11:3.4 (121.1)workers, difficulties of, on Urantia, 28:7.4 (318.2)Celestial(s)-Overseersof Nebadon, about, 37:6.0 (412.1–413.1)function of, 37:6.1 (412.1)headquarters of, 37:6.1 (412.1)the sixth order of Universe Aids, 37:1.7 (406.9)Urantia mortals as future members of corps of, 37:6.7 (413.1)an order of Universe Aids, 30:2.146 (338.7)Celestial(s)-Rebellion Experiencesbeings, lower orders of, acceptance of Michael’s offer of mercy by, 53:9.1 (610.6)fascinated by Lucifer’s charming ways, 53:6.2 (606.5)Most High observer’s authority over, on rebellious planets, 35:5.6 (390.3)reaction of, to Caligastia’s seizure of authority, 67:2.3 (755.5)Urantian, effect of isolation on, 67:2.5 (755.7)intelligences, interest of,
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