The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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and Morontia Companions’ derelictions, 48:3.3 (545.4)Celestial(s)-Recordersabout, 25:6.0 (281.6–282.4)angels as, 26:1.10 (285.11)ascendant seraphim as, 25:6.1 (281.6), 37:8.8 (414.3)an attainment level of the angelic orders, 25:0.9 (273.9)availability of records of, to all classes of beings, 25:6.2 (281.7)Custodians of Records as directors of, in superuniverses, 25:5.4 (281.5)dependability of, 25:6.3 (282.1)function of, 25:6.1 (281.6)loyalty of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.5 (608.1)an order of Messenger Hosts of Space, 25:0.6 (273.6), 30:2.79 (336.26)Paradise attainment by seraphim as, 39:8.3 (440.5)permanent Uversa headquarters of, 25:6.4 (282.2)probable length of assignment of, 25:6.5 (282.3)superuniverse organization of recording seraphim sponsored by, 27:5.4 (302.3)supervising, number of, in Nebadon, 37:8.8 (414.3)Celestial(s)-Roles in the Universeastronomers, activities of, 30:3.4 (339.1)collaboration of Solitary Messengers with, 23:2.21 (260.1)elegibility to join corps of, 30:3.3 (338.21)Star Students the, 30:3.2 (338.20)beings, concern of, in spiritual welfare of man, 167:7.5 (1841.4)and fulfillment of Universal Father’s invitation-command, 26:4.12 (290.2)subordinate orders of, assignment of, to Recents of Days, 18:5.2 (211.7)helpers, time of assignment of full quota of, to planetary administration, 52:2.2 (591.2)host(s), activities of the, 4:0.3 (54.3)Gabriel commander in chief of the, 33:4.6 (370.3)withdrawal of, on inauguration of planetary ministry of Corps of the Finality, 55:4.2 (626.13)intelligences, inability of, to influence decisions of the twins, 62:5.9 (708.7)ministry of, to material beings, 2:1.7 (34.6)life, on Avonal-ruled planet, archangel direction of, 37:3.5 (409.2)ministers, time of planetary possession of full quota of, 52:3.2 (593.1)musicians, a major division of celestial artisans, 44:0.6 (497.6)personalities, intervention of, in material accidents, 123:4.7 (1361.7)numerous, participation of, in the unconscious training of reservists, 114:7.8 (1257.8)as a protective shield at Adjuster-fusion ceremonies, 55:2.4 (623.4)star observers, a function of, 15:8.7 (176.2)visitors, hosts to, Morontia Companions as, 48:3.10 (546.3)primary midwayers as guides for, 77:8.10 (865.3)Celibateorders, origin of, 82:3.9 (916.5)priesthood(s), the alleged reason for a, 84:4.4 (935.4)origin of, 89:3.6 (977.1)Cell(s)living, all plant and animal, endowment of perfection striving in, 65:6.2 (737.2)bathing of, in oceanlike salt solution, 58:1.3 (664.4)injured, action of, 65:4.3 (735.2)normal, action of, in healing processes, 65:4.3 (735.2)reproduction, local universe differences in, 49:1.2 (560.1)Celsusapostolic corps’ sojourn in the home of, 157:3.7 (1746.4)garden of, Jesus teaching the apostles in, 158:6.0 (1758.2–1759.2)meal taken by Jesus and the apostles in, and Peter’s confession, 157:4.2 (1746.6)Celtaa member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5)CemeteryJewish, crucified persons not buried in, 188:1.2 (2013.1)Cenozoicage landscape of the world during the, 61:0.2 (693.2)era, period covered by, 59:0.6 (672.6), 61:7.19 (702.9)Censorsuniversal, see Universal, Censor(s)Censusbroadcast, universal, a number given in the last, 20:7.2 (230.4)Caesar Augustus’s decree of a, 122:7.1 (1350.3)data, indigenous to the superuniverse, 24:2.6 (267.4)Roman, Joseph’s place of registration for, reason, 122:4.3 (1347.5)year of, in Palestine, 122:7.1 (1350.3)taking of a, ancient opposition to, 88:1.6 (968.1), 122:7.1 (1350.3)Census Director(s)about, 24:2.0 (266.7–267.7)antigravity endowment of, 24:0.10 (264.10)a class of the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, 24:0.5 (264.5)creation of, completed, but numbers unknown, 24:2.2 (266.8)function of, in relation to will, 24:2.2 (266.8)headquarters of, on superuniverse capitals, 24:0.10 (264.10)infallibility of, 24:2.9 (267.7)number of, in Orvonton, 24:2.5 (267.3)personal characteristics of, 24:2.2 (266.8)reserves of, on worlds of the Spirit, 24:2.3 (267.1)responsiveness of, to intelligent will, 24:2.8 (267.6)Salsatia the Nebadon, 37:8.4 (413.7)Usatia the Orvonton chief of, 24:2.5 (267.3)Centaursman’s onetime worship of, 85:3.2 (946.4)Centerof all things, Eternal Mother Son’s location, 21:5.10 (241.4)Father’s presence at the, 5:1.2 (62.4)the home of the eternal Deities, 32:3.1 (360.3)Paradise the, 11:1.3 (118.5)personal God resident at the, 11:1.3 (118.5), 42:0.2 (467.2)possible view toward the, 15:3.3 (167.19)seraphim attainment of, as Paradise companions, 39:8.3 (440.5)of centers, approachability of Infinite Spirit at the, 16:2.1 (185.5)the eternal Isle, 15:1.4 (165.3)of gravity, Isle of Paradise the, 12:4.1 (133.3)of infinity, geographic, Isle of Paradise the, 0:0.5 (1.5)Centipedesevolution of early, 65:2.5 (732.3)Centralabode, communion with the Universal Father at the, 5:2.2 (64.5)Father’s, and Mystery Monitors, 1:3.1 (25.1)God’s presence always found at his, 11:1.4 (119.1)America, civilization of, by whom established, 64:7.5 (727.2)and Mexico, destination of three groups of North American migrants, 64:7.5 (727.2)racial founders of the enduring civilizations in, 79:5.8 (884.2)Asian tribes, modern languages as related to early speech of, 78:5.3 (872.7)core of creation, materialization of, 10:1.4 (109.2)creation, the basis for absolute confidence in the Universal Father, 14:6.12 (160.13)eternal existence of the, 8:3.1 (93.3)Eternal Son’s bestowal on the, 7:5.5 (86.6)function of Census Directors in the, 24:2.2 (266.8)functioning of power directors in power-energy regulation of, 29:1.3 (320.3)a part of the grand universe, 12:1.13 (129.11)a pattern of perfection, 32:3.3 (360.5)power centers in, function of, 29:2.12 (321.4)primary, Eternal Son’s knowledge of spiritual value in all creatures of the, 7:6.8 (88.6)time delay not a genetic part of the, 106:1.1 (1163.14)and divine universe, 14:0.0 (152.1–163.4)European races, Andonites’ influence on, 80:9.7 (898.2)Isle, commission of Paradise Companions on the, 25:8.2 (283.3)comparative size of, 11:0.1 (118.1)dimensions of, 11:2.3 (119.4)First Source and Center revealed in patterns of the, 7:0.3 (81.3)geographical divisions of, 11:2.4 (119.5)see also Paradise—;Subdivisionsheadquarters of instigators of rest, 27:1.1 (299.1)of Light and Life, attainment of, by Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals, 22:1.11 (244.2)birthplace of Paradise Sons of God, 20:1.1 (223.6)the home of Paradise Citizens, 37:9.12 (415.4)Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit stationed on, 24:0.10 (264.10)material absoluteness of, relation of Conjoint Actor to the, 9:1.3 (99.2)radiation of Seven Master Spirits’ influence from, 15:0.1 (164.1)relation of, to quiescent midspace zones, 11:7.1 (124.2)relation of seven Paradise satellites to, 17:1.1 (198.1)see also Paradiselife implantation on Urantia, 58:4.2 (667.6)lodgments, location of, 36:5.3 (401.7)lodgments of adjutant spirits, function of, 36:5.3 (401.7)shining, of the eternal Deities, 13:0.3 (143.3)requisites for finding the, 11:1.3 (118.5)white race, Andonite predominance in the, 80:9.5 (897.8)physical characteristics of, 80:9.5 (897.8)a wedge between the Nordic and Mediterranean races, 80:9.5 (897.8)Central universeactivities of primary supernaphim in the, 27:0.1 (298.1)appearance of the, 0:3.22 (6.2)the arena for demonstrating bestowal ministry, 14:6.13 (160.14)ascendant finaliters’ training ground, 56:8.2 (643.5)attempted duplication of, in time, 54:2.1 (614.6)beings, gratification of Paradise Trinity ideals by, 14:4.13 (157.5)as teachers on third Havona circuit, 26:9.1 (294.5)billion worlds of the, 13:0.4 (143.4)circuits of the, seraphim passage through, 39:8.8 (441.2)clearinghouse for co-ordination and dissemination of essential knowledge, 22:10.4 (254.1)conciliating commissions unnecessary in, 25:3.7 (277.4)control and stability of, 14:2.9 (155.3)co-ordination of the one billion perfect worlds of the, 31:9.4 (351.5)creation, an eternal existence, 12:1.10 (129.8)creatures of, 14:4.0 (156.6–158.3)custodians of knowledge the teachers of the, 27:5.5 (302.4)Deity unity a fact of existence in the, 56:5.4 (641.1)dependence of, on superuniverses for development of its descending citizens, 32:3.14 (362.3)discernment of activity of Original Son in the, 7:2.2 (83.5)eternal capacity of, as experiential training universe, 14:6.41 (163.3)Eternal Son known in, by three names, 6:1.5 (74.4)Eternal Son’s perfection, competence, and authority in the, 10:1.2 (108.5)eternalization of the, 8:1.7 (91.4)extension of revelation of truth to the, 52:7.3 (598.6)fairness, perfection of, in the, 10:6.17 (115.1)Father-Absolute the creator of the, 4:4.4 (58.9)the field of operations of chief recorders, 26:3.5 (288.5)a field of Trinity Teacher Sons, 19:1.3 (214.12)frandalanks’ function in the, 29:4.36 (328.5)function(s) of Havona natives in, 14:4.11 (157.3)the supernaphim in, 28:0.1 (306.1)Universal Censors in, 19:4.2 (217.8)functioning of Supreme Spirits in, 17:8.1 (205.2)God discernibly present in the, 3:1.6 (45.4)the personal creator of the, 1:2.9 (24.7)and God the Sevenfold, 0:2.16 (4.10)God’s overcontrol in the, 1:2.10 (24.8)government of the, 14:3.1 (155.4)grand gatherings in, 30:1.1 (330.3)harmony, the keynote of the, 27:4.2 (301.3)of Havona, appearance of, 0:3.22 (6.2), 8:1.7 (91.4)characteristics of, 12:1.10 (129.8), 32:3.1 (360.3)flight of pilgrims to, 112:7.5 (1237.7)identification, 0:0.5 (1.5), 14:0.1 (152.1)nonlimitation in, of things pertaining to God, 3:2.15 (48.7)position of superuniverses
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