The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(2060.6)Jesus accused of being a, 162:7.6 (1797.3)of the divine spirit, need that man become the re-created, 160:1.14 (1774.6)early practices connected with the death of a, 87:2.7 (960.1)reason for adopting, 87:3.3 (960.7)earth, comparison of, with the child of God, 144:4.3 (1621.2)destiny of the, 131:10.6 (1454.3)Jesus’ purpose as to his, 136:6.8 (1519.1)prequisites to salvation of, 131:10.6 (1454.3)effect of monogamy on, 83:6.1 (927.2)erring, the Father’s love for, 162:5.3 (1795.2)God not making bookkeeping entries against, 141:4.1 (1590.4)of eternity, essential qualification of, 26:11.6 (297.3)every, rightful chance of, to grow his own religious experience, 100:1.3 (1094.5)of evil, course of, 162:7.3 (1796.5)of faith, the bearing of much spirit fruit by, 193:2.2 (2054.3)and the Father, living connection between, 147:5.7 (1653.1)-father relationship, child’s lack of understanding of, 174:1.3 (1898.3)Jesus’ reference to, in "become as little children," 140:10.4 (1585.2), 158:8.1 (1761.2)of God, advancing, spiritual growth of, 167:6.3 (1840.2)vs. children of Israel, 145:2.4 (1629.5)and the circumstances of life, 140:8.3 (1579.5)comparison of, with the earth child, 144:4.3 (1621.2)glorification of each, 12:7.9 (138.4)Jesus’ substitute for "kingdom," 170:2.24 (1861.6)view of all men as, 196:2.9 (2093.3)mortals as the, 141:2.2 (1588.5)need of, to commit their souls to the Creator, 131:10.2 (1453.4)power resulting from the consciousness of being a, 130:6.3 (1437.3)powerlessness of fallen spirits as regards the, 53:8.8 (610.4)receivers of Jesus, 122:4.1 (1347.3)significance of Jesus’ declaration of man’s being a, 103:4.4 (1133.4)of the gods, coming to be one with the races of men, 51:5.2 (585.6)God’s, the prayer for all, 146:2.12 (1640.1)a great unifier of family life, 99:4.2 (1089.10)happiness, vs. adult happiness, 140:5.7 (1573.9)of a heavenly Father, tolerance of persons conscious of being, 103:2.2 (1131.1)high value placed by Universal Father on each of his, 12:7.9 (138.4)homes as related to, 167:5.7 (1839.4)ideals of, wise attitude toward, 48:6.32 (554.6)inheritance of certain parental traits by, 142:7.6 (1604.1)of Israel, vs. child of God, 145:2.4 (1629.5)a name for certain tribes of Semites, 96:2.3 (1055.1)original ten commandments of the, 142:3.10 (1599.2)Jesus’ accumulation of knowledge as a, 127:6.14 (1405.6)comparison, as to faith, with a, 196:0.12 (2089.2)earth, method of extending the heavenly kingdom by, 136:8.6 (1521.1)illustrative use of the trust of the, purpose, 149:6.11 (1676.5)interruption of a serious conference to fraternize with a, 138:8.9 (1545.10)lonesomeness for the Nazareth, 129:1.11 (1421.1)physical, mental, and emotional progress as a, 123:2.15 (1358.12)welcome of, to the repair shop, 128:6.11 (1416.4)willingness to minister to a, 171:7.8 (1875.3)Jewish, cruelty of compelling, to suffer for misdeeds of ancestors, 175:2.3 (1909.3)of joy, Son of Man a, 129:4.4 (1425.3)of the kingdom, fellowship of three believing spies as, 148:9.4 (1667.2)revelation of spiritual glories to, 163:6.3 (1807.2)life of a, seven stages in, among Galilean Jews, 123:2.5 (1358.2)of light, certain destiny of, 176:4.7 (1919.4)definition, 174:3.2 (1900.2)Jesus’ designation of believers as, 191:4.3 (2041.6)oneness of, under the Spirit of Truth, 180:4.5 (1949.1)prayer natural for the, 147:7.2 (1655.4)progression of, toward perfection, 181:1.2 (1953.4)revelation awaiting the, 178:3.4 (1934.6)Spirit of Truth’s leading of the, 176:3.7 (1917.3)of light and life, identity of, 193:0.3 (2052.3)little, Jesus’ blessing of, 167:6.0 (1839.6–1840.5)fraternization with, 100:7.17 (1103.5)see also Little, child(ren)living of the father in his, 174:1.3 (1898.3)love, vs. father love, 149:6.6 (1675.7)love of, for Jesus, 128:6.11 (1416.4)in the manger, the wise men’s visit to the newborn, 119:7.6 (1317.2)many, desire for, in former days, 83:5.14 (926.12)marriage(s), incentive to, 82:3.8 (916.4)origin of, 82:3.8 (916.4)material, of corporeal staff, mating with mortal races by, 50:3.5 (574.7)of men, divine Spirit’s relation to, 34:6.5 (380.6)operation of mercy toward the, 2:4.1 (38.1)of mercy, disclosure of moral debt of, 28:6.5 (314.4)of the Most High(s), Jesus becomes a, 124:5.4 (1373.4)true, stimulation of, by difficulties, 48:7.7 (556.7)mothers seeking the blessing of Jesus for their, 167:6.1 (1839.6)natural, comparison of, with faith son of the kingdom, 148:4.10 (1661.1)natural affection between a father and his, 140:10.4 (1585.2)trust of, 140:5.14 (1574.7)of nature, John the Baptist a, 135:3.4 (1498.3)man a, 68:6.1 (769.6)of Nazareth family, consultation of, with Jesus, 127:4.6 (1401.6)need of, for both fathers and mothers, 47:1.6 (531.4)newborn, first stage of Galilean Jewish child life, 123:2.6 (1358.3)no two, exactly alike, 111:4.6 (1220.5)nonstatus, result of survival of a parent of, 47:2.1 (531.5)of one’s people, Jewish definition of one’s neighbor, 164:1.2 (1809.4)ownership of the, in case of wife purchase, 83:3.4 (924.3)of Paradise, final qualification of man as a, 26:11.6 (297.3)-parent relationship, creature-Creator relationship a, 103:4.4 (1133.4)the father’s priority in, 174:1.3 (1898.3)importance of, 45:6.4 (516.2)situation, children’s mastery of relationships of the, 8:1.11 (92.1)as peacemakers, 140:5.19 (1575.4)post-five-year-old, fifth stage of Galilean Jewish child life, 123:2.13 (1358.10)prayer the sincere look to its spirit Father of the, 144:4.9 (1621.8)pre-five-year-old, fourth stage of Galilean Jewish child life, 123:2.9 (1358.6)pre-Urantia, of Adam and Eve, presence of, at their parents’ departure, 74:1.5 (829.1)responsibilities of, 74:1.5 (829.1)of promise, Jesus the, 122:2.3 (1345.5)Jesus’ parents’ temptation to favor the, 124:3.2 (1369.8)John the Baptist a, 135:1.4 (1497.2)Joseph’s and Mary’s expectancy of the, 122:5.9 (1349.5)Mary’s fears allayed by Jesus’ being a, 126:3.13 (1391.3)infrequent thought of Jesus as the, 128:3.9 (1412.3)questioning of the effect of marriage on the career of the, 127:5.1 (1402.4)the one supernatural occurrence in carrying and bearing the, 122:3.4 (1347.2)parental differences as to the rearing of the, 123:0.2 (1355.2)secrecy about Jesus’ being a, 123:0.3 (1355.3)of the realm, Michael grew up a, 120:2.1 (1327.1), 128:0.1 (1407.1)rearing, ascending mortals’ experience with, imperative, 47:1.6 (531.4)reborn, of indwelling spirit, destiny of, 149:6.9 (1676.3)response of, to challenge of courage, 140:5.22 (1575.7)sacrifice, substitute for, 89:7.1 (981.6)salvaged, residents of transitional world number one, 47:1.1 (530.5)sincere, spiritual attitude of, 155:6.12 (1732.5)and sins of the fathers, Jewish theory of, 136:2.1 (1510.4)in the spirit, Jesus’ method of teaching his, 180:6.8 (1952.4)subjection of, to parents in the continental nation, 72:3.7 (811.7)suckling, second stage of Galilean Jewish child life, 123:2.7 (1358.4)supposed source of, in both mother- and father-families, 84:2.4 (933.2)of surviving mortals, reassembly of certain, on finaliter world, 45:6.7 (516.5)of this world, fighting of, for kingdoms of this world, 137:8.7 (1536.4)of time, definition, 2:2.7 (36.5)divine destiny of, 14:6.28 (162.3)goal of, 1:0.3 (21.3)mortal, the Father’s intimate contact with, 12:7.13 (139.2)relation of Eternal Son’s spirit to the, 7:3.1 (84.1)and space, participation of Michaels in experiences of, 21:0.4 (234.4)training of, in infant receiving schools, 47:2.1 (531.5)training, competitive systems of achievement on worlds in light and life, 55:3.10 (625.9)contrast between Jesus’ and Jews’ methods of, 127:4.2 (1401.2)Galilean Jewish, period of mother’s responsibility for, 123:2.13 (1358.10)Jesus’ method of, 127:4.2 (1401.2)of ultimate destiny, achievement of absolute level of concepts by the, 130:7.8 (1439.6)undesired, ancient and modern reactions regarding, 84:7.6 (940.2)of Universal Father, wide range of, 12:7.9 (138.4)of the universe, inspiration of, 3:6.8 (53.6)unspoiled, natural urge of, to relieve suffering, 140:5.17 (1575.2)of the violet peoples, training of, 76:3.9 (850.5)weaned, third stage of Galilean Jewish child life, 123:2.8 (1358.5)welfare, pair marriage and, 83:6.8 (928.1)woman’s work as influenced by, 69:3.2 (774.1)of the world are wiser than are the children of the kingdom, 169:2.1 (1853.4)young earthly, reaction of, to father’s chastisement, 142:2.4 (1597.4)Childbearingage, attitude toward women after the, 84:4.8 (936.1)early attitudes concerning, 84:4.6 (935.6)encouragement of, by early weaning, 84:3.9 (934.8)period, woman’s monthly quarantine during the, 84:4.8 (936.1)on a world in light and life, 55:3.10 (625.9)Childbirthdeath in, ancient beliefs relating to, 84:4.7 (935.7)ease of, among mixed and unmixed tribes, 84:4.7 (935.7)nonpainfulness of, to early women, 63:4.2 (713.8)pain in, Eve’s and early evolutionary races’ freedom from, 76:4.2 (850.8)Childhoodof Jesus, early, 123:0.0 (1355.1–1365.4)first stage of his human life, 157:6.3 (1749.2)later, 124:0.0 (1366.1–1376.4)life, Jesus’ living of a, 127:6.15 (1405.7), 129:4.5–7 (1425.4–6)seraphim’s nonexperience of, 39:0.10 (426.10)stroll, Jesus’ favorite, 122:6.1 (1349.8)training and loyalty, 177:2.4 (1922.2)and youth groups in Prince’s schools, 50:4.8 (575.9)Childless wivesprimitive attitude toward, 83:4.4 (924.7), 83:7.2 (928.3)Childlikebelief vs. robust faith of full-grown man, in progress in the kingdom, 102:1.1 (1118.4), 170:3.2 (1861.9)ceremonies, factors causing the persistence
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