The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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exhibited in, 121:7.7 (1340.5)and Philo’s influence on, 92:6.18 (1011.16)Romans’ preparedness for, 195:2.6 (2073.1)tenets of, as compared with mystery religions, 121:5.13–16 (1337.9–1338.1)pedigree of, 195:4.4 (2075.2)vs. philosophic religions and mystery cults, 195:0.5 (2070.1)portion of, not the Master’s gospel, 149:2.2 (1670.3)present, the neglect of the Master’s personal gospel by, 98:7.11 (1084.10)not the religion of Jesus, 94:7.8 (1036.2), 98:7.11 (1084.10)ominous struggle for existence by, 195:4.4 (2075.2)a religion about Jesus, 98:7.11 (1084.10), 195:10.15 (2086.1)of the white races, 98:7.11 (1084.10)primitive, impossibility of a revival of, 195:10.1 (2084.1)propitious arrival of, in Rome, 195:3.3 (2073.7)provision of, for self-examination, 140:8.27 (1583.1)rehabilitation of, following the dark ages, 195:4.3 (2075.1)a religion organized about Jesus’ person, 170:1.17 (1859.10)Romans’ preparation for, 195:2.1 (2072.5)in Rome, thirty religious teachers pivotal in establishing, 132:0.5 (1456.1)seed of, gentile soil favorable to, 121:4.1 (1335.10)significance of the Lord’s Supper in, 103:4.1 (1133.1)so-called, a social and cultural movement as well as a religious belief, 195:9.11 (2083.7)socialized, reinterpretation of ideals of Jesus by, 195:9.2 (2082.7)spiritual hibernation of, during the "dark ages," 195:4.0 (2074.7–2075.3)mission of, penalty for neglecting, 195:9.4 (2082.9)spread of, in first and second centuries A.D., 195:3.7 (2074.2)by Jesus’ followers, 98:7.2 (1084.1)status of, today, 92:6.11 (1011.9), 195:10.7 (2084.7)strength of, due to Hebrew and Greek influence, 98:2.8 (1079.5)subdivision and secularization of, 195:10.7 (2084.7)superiority of, to the mysteries, 121:5.13 (1337.9)threat of slow death to, 195:9.10 (2083.6)tradition-bound Hebrews’ refusal to accept, 195:0.2 (2069.2)transfer of, from Jewish to gentile soil, 170:1.16 (1859.9)triumph of, over other religions, reasons, 195:0.5–10 (2070.1–2070.6)type of early converts to, 195:0.4 (2069.4)unfortunate seeming sponsorship of society’s shortcomings by, 195:10.20 (2086.6)willingness of, to go the first mile to win souls, 195:10.5 (2084.5)world’s association of, with Western civilization, 195:10.20 (2086.6)Christianity’s"house divided against itself," 195:10.11 (2085.3)problem, 195:9.0 (2082.6–2083.7)Christmasgifts, modern lavish distribution of, 69:5.13 (777.1)tree, relation of, to tree worship, 85:2.5 (946.1)ChromosomesUrantia pattern, reorganization of, in Nodite progeny, 77:2.5 (857.2)Chronoldeksdependability of, 28:6.11 (315.4)frandalanks that register time and energy presence, 29:4.37 (328.6)an order of Master Physical Controllers, 29:4.11 (325.4)Chronologydirection of, on Salvington, 33:6.7 (372.2)Church(es)authority of, origin, 88:2.10 (970.1)danger of shifting parental responsibility to the, 84:7.27 (941.8)domination of the state, beginning of the, 90:1.1 (986.4)early, Abner’s disagreement with leaders of the, 166:5.3 (1831.6)evil of the, 170:5.7 (1864.7)factors in building the, 166:0.2 (1825.2)teaching of the, as to the kingdom, 170:5.14 (1865.4)the early eastern, Philadelphia the headquarters of, 166:5.3 (1831.6)forerunners of, secret societies the, 70:7.19 (792.4)vs. the individual, in the dark ages, 195:4.2 (2074.8)institutional, vs. spirit-led brotherhood of the kingdom, 170:5.9 (1864.9)institutionalized, secularism’s freeing of man from, 195:8.4 (2081.4)long ministry of the, to the underprivileged, 99:3.5 (1088.6)man’s reaction to his illusory ghost environment, 86:6.1 (955.6)nonexcusability of involvement in commerce and politics by the, 195:10.13 (2085.5)outward, vs. Jesus’ kingdom, 170:5.21 (1866.4)present jurisdiction of, in marriages, 83:1.4 (922.7), 83:4.9 (925.5)Romans’ early opposition to, reason, 195:2.5 (2072.9)rulers, power and authority of, 88:1.10 (968.5)a spiritual brotherhood rather than the kingdom of heaven, 139:4.13 (1555.6)and state, separation of, a great peace move, 70:1.14 (784.10)union of, prevention of, a prerequisite of freedom, 70:12.17 (798.16)the true, a definition, 195:10.11 (2085.3)a useful social result of Jesus’ life and teachings, 170:5.10 (1864.10)the visible, vs. the invisible spiritual brotherhood, 195:10.11 (2085.3)weddings, modern, origin of, 83:4.9 (925.5)without religion, vs. a religion without a church, 99:6.1 (1092.1)Chuzareport of, to Herod, concerning Jesus, 154:0.2 (1717.2)wife of, a member of the women’s corps, 154:0.2 (1717.2)Cicerosignificance of talents of, 195:2.6 (2073.1)Cincinnati Islandelevation of land southeast of, during Devonian period, 59:4.8 (679.1)Circle(s)endless, of eternal circuit, 3:2.2 (46.6)eternal, reappearance of sectors of time in the endless swing around the, 32:5.5 (365.1)of the eternal ages, and God’s love, 2:5.9 (40.1)the eternal purpose an endless, 32:5.4 (364.6)of eternity, absoluteness and infinity inherent in the, 3:0.2 (44.2)and the divine reach, 4:1.6 (55.4)God inhabits the, 2:1.5 (34.4)indwelt by the Infinite Spirit, 9:0.5 (98.5), 34:3.2 (376.5)inspiration from man’s glimpse of the, 160:2.9 (1776.3)nature’s thread of perfection from the, 4:2.3 (56.7)presence of the Paradise Deities throughout the, 29:4.3 (324.5)time of ascenders’ functioning in the, 26:7.4 (293.2)Universal Father rules the, 3:0.1 (44.1)welfare of part and whole in the, 3:2.8 (47.6)of Havona, mortal ascenders’ beginning of, and seraphic associates’ activities, 39:8.7 (441.1)of infinity, the seven Absolutes’ encompassment of the, 104:3.13 (1147.5)of intellectuality and spirituality, the mortal’s progress from the seventh to the first, 113:1.6 (1242.1)Jerusem, about, 46:5.0 (523.4–527.2)of the angels, activities of, 46:5.22 (525.4)physical arrangement of, 46:5.20 (525.2)relation of exhibit panorama to the, 46:5.23 (525.5)of ascending mortals, activities on, 46:5.29 (526.4)planetary memorials and model of Edentia on, 46:5.27 (526.2)of the courtesy colonies, activities of, 46:5.30 (526.5)of the finaliters, vacant temple of, 46:5.32 (527.1)of the Master Physical Controllers, the temple of power on, 46:5.26 (526.1)of the Sons of God, activities of, 46:5.10 (524.1)Michael Memorial at the center of, 46:5.19 (525.1)number and arrangement of the, 46:5.11 (524.2)working quarters of the Sons, 46:5.10 (524.1)of the Universe Aids, headquarters of the Evening Stars, 46:5.25 (525.7)of mind-understanding and personality-control, Jesus’ achievement of, on Mount Hermon, 134:8.4 (1493.3)of progress in human mind, origin of designation of, 14:5.4 (158.7)of Seraphington, bestowal attendants’ traversal of, 39:1.5 (427.5)traversal of, by graduate guardians, 39:2.5 (430.1)the seven psychic, 110:6.0 (1209.1–1212.1)see also Psychic circlesof stones, red man’s onetime worship of a, 85:1.3 (945.1)three concentric, the banner of Michael, displayed by Gabriel on Edentia, 53:5.4 (605.8)Machiventa Melchizedek’s insignia, basing of triads on, 95:1.4 (1042.5)forgotten within a few generations, reason, 93:2.5 (1015.5)significance of, 93:2.5 (1015.5), 93:3.3 (1016.5), 104:1.3 (1143.6)meaning of, 53:5.4 (605.8), 93:2.5 (1015.5), 93:3.3 (1016.5), 95:1.4 (1042.5), 104:1.3 (1143.6)Circuit(s)of the archangels, first operation of, from Urantia, 189:3.2 (2024.4)direct, of Infinite Spirit, Solitary Messengers the constant partakers of, 23:1.8 (257.3)of divine love, 5:6.12 (71.7)of energy, God ordained, 3:2.4 (47.2)established, of superuniverses, stabilized, physical systems’ admission to the, 15:8.6 (176.1)to the fallen worlds, severance of, during Lucifer insurrection, 53:7.3 (607.4)God’s majestic, 3:2.4 (47.2)personal, capacity of, 3:3.3 (49.2)of Havona, see Havona—;Worlds and Circuits, circuit(s)local universe, 15:9.14 (177.13), 34:4.0 (377.5–378.7)mind, of the Conjoint Actor, 0:6.1 (9.3)personality, see Personality—;Circuitprimary universe, and sustenance of ministering spirits, 26:1.17 (286.5)regulators, function of, 48:2.13 (543.7)number of, associated with each combined controller, 48:2.19 (544.2)one group of Morontia Power Supervisors, 48:2.4 (542.8)seven adjutant mind-spirits like, 36:5.4 (402.1)of seven superuniverses, mortal ascension a part of the, 5:1.9 (63.7)of the Sons, fourth Havona circuit, 26:8.1 (293.5)spirit-gravity, of the Eternal Son, 7:1.0 (81.6–83.3)superuniverse, 15:9.0 (176.6–177.17)Supervisors, Universe, see Universe(s)—;Energy and Gravity, Circuit Supervisorsof the system, establishment of normal planets in the, time of, 52:2.2 (591.2)three seven-world, of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, 13:0.2 (143.2)universal, of Paradise, relation of, to superuniverses, 15:9.1 (176.6)utilization of all, by Gravity Messengers, 31:2.2 (347.1)Circular-gravity presence of Isle of Paradise, influence of, on matter in space, 41:5.6 (461.2)simultaneity, man’s progressive concept of, 130:7.5 (1439.3)CircumcisionAbraham’s acceptance of the rite of, 93:6.6 (1021.2)first practice of, 70:7.10 (791.3)of Jesus, 122:8.2 (1351.6)of John the Baptist, 122:2.7 (1346.2), 135:0.2 (1496.2)origin of, 89:8.2 (982.6)original and later significance of, 92:1.1 (1003.6)practice of, among the Salem believers, 93:6.6 (1021.2)Circumnavigation of
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