The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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dead giants of space, 15:8.6 (176.1)of dead suns, results of, 15:5.12 (171.7)minor, planet growth by, 15:5.9 (171.4)of planetary bodies, frequency and results of, 15:5.12 (171.7)of space bodies, conditions favoring, 57:6.4 (658.1)Collisionaldwarf stars, characteristics of, 41:3.7 (459.1)impact, rejuvenation of dying suns by, 41:7.15 (464.2)impact(s) of foreign space bodies, retrograde motion a result of, 57:5.14 (657.3)of meteoric swarms, nonprotection of primitive atmosphere against, 57:7.10 (660.2)spheres, origin of, 15:5.12 (171.7)worlds, absence of extensive mountain ranges on some, 41:10.3 (466.2)Colonizationinfluence of, on the spread of culture, 81:3.7 (904.3)origin of, 89:7.3 (982.2)Colony(ies) courtesysee Courtesy, colony(ies)custodial and detention, in the continental nation, 72:4.2 (812.4), 72:10.1 (818.4)of friendly Nodites near the Garden, 75:3.7 (841.7)of Nazarites at Engedi, 135:2.3 (1497.5), 142:8.1 (1605.3)of truth seekers at Salem, founded by Melchizedek, 35:4.5 (389.4), 93:4.5 (1017.7), 93:6.8 (1021.4), 93:9.5 (1023.2), 96:7.7 (1060.7)Color(s)of an amalgamated race, 52:3.7 (593.6)the basis for social castes, 70:8.11 (793.3)of tribal and national groupings, 52:2.5 (591.5)craftworkers of, a group of designers and embellishers, 44:6.3 (506.4)hair and skin, of the violet race, 76:4.1 (850.7)manipulation, number of modes of, 44:1.10 (500.1)of morontia vegetative life, 43:6.6 (492.6)in the natural spectrum, seven, 42:9.3 (480.1)problems, absence of, in post-Magisterial Son ages, 52:4.1 (594.4)races of, evolutionary, about, 64:0.0 (718.1–729.2)appearance of, 52:1.2 (589.11), 64:6.1 (722.6), 65:4.7 (735.6)representation today of the original, 82:6.1 (919.7)times of migration of, 64:4.1 (720.7)resources of, exhaustion of, no substitute for nourishment of spirit, 84:8.4 (942.5)skin, of early Andonites 63:4.1 (713.7)of the materialized members of Caligastia’s staff, 66:4.7 (744.6)of the Sangik children, 64:5.3 (722.4)symphonies, celestial musicians’ employment of, 44:1.6 (499.8)and tone, richness of, in work of the rhythm recorders, 44:4.11 (504.3)tones of spirit reflection, number of, 44:6.3 (506.4)workers, function of, 44:2.4 (501.3)Coloredpeoples, time of appearance of, 51:4.1 (584.3)races, advantages of evolution of, 64:6.30 (726.2)dispersion of the, 64:7.0 (726.8–729.1)language change on appearance of the, 63:4.6 (714.4)number of, on Urantia, 64:5.2 (722.3)origin of, 64:6.1 (722.6)reasons for evolving three or six, 64:6.30 (726.2)Urantia’s, unusual technique of appearance of, 64:6.1 (722.6), 65:4.7 (735.6)Comaof Jairus’s daughter, 152:1.2 (1699.2)soul’s supposed ability to leave the body during, 86:5.7 (954.6)Combinedbeings, illustration, 46:4.8 (523.2)controllers, function of, 48:2.19 (544.2)number in Morontia Power Supervisor groups, 48:2.7 (543.1)stations of, 48:2.19 (544.2)nature, Jesus’, 157:5.1 (1748.1)Combustion bodiesnontransportable by angels, 39:2.13 (431.2)Cometsabout, 15:6.13 (173.3)Andronover’s suns’ acquirement of, 57:4.2 (654.7)classification of, 15:6.4 (172.6)a fetish, 88:1.1 (967.3)make-up of some, 49:3.2 (563.5)origins of, 15:6.13 (173.3)tail of, direction of, significance, 15:6.13 (173.3)Comfortthe afflicted, apostles’ mission to, 141:4.4 (1590.7), 141:8.1 (1595.2), 147:3.2 (1649.2)last words of, 181:1.0 (1953.3–1955.1)Ruth as the chief, to her brother, 145:0.3 (1628.3)those who mourn, 126:4.2 (1391.6), 148:5.5 (1662.2), 160:2.9 (1776.3), 190:5.4 (2035.1)for troubled minds, seekers for, 147:2.2 (1648.4)Comforterof all men, God as the, 131:4.4 (1448.3)of the bestowal worlds, a local universe circuit, 15:9.12 (177.11)false, one of Job’s friends, 148:6.4 (1663.2)function and source of the, 34:4.5 (377.9)the spirit, time of bestowal of, on worlds visited by Magisterial Sons, 20:6.9 (230.2)the Spirit of Truth, 16:4.14 (190.8), 34:4.2 (377.6)Coming kingdomJesus’ talk with his apostles about the, 137:6.4 (1533.2)Jews’ differing opinions of, 135:5.4 (1500.4)Comings of Christteachings about the first and second, 194:4.5 (2066.5)see also Second, comingCommander of seraphimrank of, 38:6.2 (421.5)see also Chief(s), of seraphimCommandment(s)of Dalamatians and Hebrews, advantages of the, 89:1.4 (975.1)of the elders, Jews’ devotion to, 153:3.6 (1713.1)the five, of Gautama’s gospel, 94:8.9 (1036.11)of God, vs. traditions of men, Jewish attitude toward, 153:3.4 (1712.4)God’s, man’s duty the keeping of, 131:2.9 (1445.3)the greatest, Jesus’ identification of, 174:4.2 (1901.2)to love one another, and Jesus’ new commandment, 180:1.0 (1944.4–1945.3)Moses’ second, influence of, 88:2.5 (969.3)old, and Jesus’ new, 149:6.7 (1676.1)see also Ten CommandmentsCommerceappearance of, among the Andites, 79:1.4 (879.1)between China and Mesopotamia, 79:7.6 (886.7)cohesive effects of, on early tribes, 70:3.3 (787.3)and confusion, in the temple court, Jesus’ reaction to, 173:1.6 (1890.1)the great civilizer, 69:4.8 (775.8)and group barter, 69:3.11 (774.10)influence of, in the spread of cultural civilization, 81:3.6 (904.2)a means of combating intolerance, 71:3.2 (803.2)of interracial social contacts, 52:6.3 (597.4)sweeping of, from the Jerusalem temple, 173:1.7 (1890.2)use of the wheel in, 81:3.6 (904.2)Commercialcredit, first practice of, 66:5.12 (747.2)exchange in Jerusalem temple, reason for, 173:1.3 (1889.1)intercourse, stimulation of, by garden industries, 51:6.1 (586.5)penetration in later conquest of the blue man, 80:5.5 (893.7)Commercializednobility, origin of, 69:5.7 (776.5)prostitution, origin of, 70:7.9 (791.2)vice of the women taken in adultery, 162:3.4 (1793.3)Commercializingthe practices of religion, Jesus’ attitude toward, 173:1.11 (1891.1)priests, prophets’ denunciation of, 97:10.4 (1076.1)Commissary departmentPhilip’s efficient management of the apostolic, 139:5.4 (1556.4)Commissionof the apostles to preach the gospel, 178:1.11 (1931.2)of Gavalia to present Michael’s prior bestowals, 119:0.7 (1309.1), 119:6.3 (1315.6)high, of Orvonton administrators, sponsors of, Part I, 0:0.4 (1.4), 31:10.22 (354.8)on industry and trade, of the Planetary Prince, 66:5.11 (747.1)of the morontia Jesus to his apostles, 191:5.3 (2043.1)of Nebadon personalities, sponsors of, Part II, Part III, Part IV, 56:10.23 (648.6), 119:8.9 (1319.2), 120:0.1 (1323.1)of secondary midwayer for restating the teachings of Jesus, 121:8.12 (1343.1)of seventy on Edentia, the planetary, a function of, 57:8.9 (661.3)on sixth Havona circle, a function of, 26:6.4 (292.4)of the seventy teachers to preach the gospel, 144:7.4 (1626.5), 147:2.4 (1648.6), 148:1.4 (1658.3)of a Solitary Messenger to reveal truths of mortal survival, 112:5.11 (1233.7)for transmutation of Life Carriers to semispiritual level, 65:1.6 (731.1)to the twelve, the Master’s personal, 140:4.1 (1572.1)of twelve midwayers, presenters of, Part IV, 121:0.1 (1332.1)CommissionersHigh, about, 37:5.0 (410.4–411.9)association of, with seraphic court advisers, 39:1.7 (428.1)an order of Universe Aids, 30:2.145 (338.6), 37:1.6 (406.8)of power, the Council of Equilibrium, source and function, 29:4.2 (324.4)race, active status of, on Urantia, 114:4.2 (1253.5)advancement of, to High Commissioners, 37:5.6 (411.4)association of, with angels of the races, 114:6.9 (1255.8)function of, 37:5.5 (411.3), 48:6.22 (553.3)tertiary Lanonandeks as, 35:8.6 (392.6)Committeeon Garden location, report of the, 73:3.1 (823.1)on location for the Garden, early activity of, 73:2.4 (822.8)Commonlabor, the God-knowing individual’s attitude toward, 181:2.19 (1959.3)people, favorable reception of Jesus by the, 149:3.1 (1672.4)good influence of Alpheus twins on the, 139:10.4 (1563.5)heard him gladly, 174:4.7 (1902.1), 196:1.4 (2090.5)hunger of, for religious comfort and spiritual good cheer, 138:2.1 (1539.4)Jesus’ mingling with the, 138:3.7 (1541.1)plan to be understood by the, 122:1.3 (1345.2)John’s proclaiming mercy for the, 135:10.2 (1506.4)probable response of, to the presentation of Jesus’ human life, 196:1.4 (2090.5)reaction of, to ministry of Jesus and the twelve, 138:8.7 (1545.8)sense, Jesus’ plans characterized by, 100:7.3 (1101.7)misapplication of, to statement about mourning and happiness, 140:5.16 (1575.1)safeguarding of religion by, a factor preventing, 159:4.9 (1768.5)Commonplace toilJesus’ plea to the Alpheus twins to enhance, 181:2.19 (1959.3)Commonwealthof Israel, James’s reception into the, 127:3.5 (1399.4)Jesus as a citizen of the, 123:5.2 (1362.3)Simon’s reception into the, 128:3.4 (1411.4)technique of government of a real, 71:3.11 (803.11)Communalcontrol of property, failure of, 69:9.16 (782.3)life, Jesus’ noncommittal attitude toward, 140:8.16 (1581.3)marriage, evolution of, into the group marriage, 83:5.2 (925.7)Communicationability of Deity, 6:6.2 (78.5)by Adam and Eve, 74:6.6 (834.8)basic energies unknown on Urantia essential to, 29:4.14 (325.7)between Paradise Sons and Eternal
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