The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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healing of Veronica, 152:0.3 (1698.3)of legacies of life in the flesh, the main activity on mansion world one, 47:3.8 (533.6)little, required by children of some races, 84:7.21 (941.2)by the Lord, man not to be weary of, reason, 148:5.5 (1662.2)in suffering, 148:5.5 (1662.2)Correctional restof erring Melchizedeks, 35:2.8 (386.6)Correlatorof the absolute and the relative, the Universal Absolute the, 105:3.8 (1156.5)Deity, of time-space divinity, 0:7.9 (11.3)of reality, Conjoint Actor a, 9:1.3 (99.2)Corulerwith Michael, Creative Mother Spirit the, 33:3.6 (369.1)Cosmicaccident, God not a, 2:1.4 (34.3)addresses, Father worlds serve as, 13:2.1 (147.5)communication, utilization of, by Solitary Messengers, 23:3.8 (261.6)difficulties, males’ and females’ mutual dependence in overcoming, 84:6.6 (939.1)disharmony, cause of, 130:4.8 (1434.7)existence, Paradise Source and Center of, 19:1.12 (215.9)leasehold of a Creator Son, 21:3.1 (237.3)orphan, Urantia not a, 114:7.17 (1259.2)path of the universes, 15:1.2 (165.1)reactions, certain, not fully understood by Divine Counselor, 4:1.7 (55.5)reserve corps, on Urantia, over one thousand mortals in present, 114:7.13 (1258.5)salt, religion’s necessary action as, in modern civilization, 99:1.4 (1087.1)sociology, the Creator-creature relationship, 3:4.7 (50.5)source, Paradise as the, 56:1.1 (637.3)total, the Supreme’s treatment of his experiential children as, 117:6.22 (1290.8)Cosmic-Citizenshipcitizens, procreation of, 84:7.4 (939.7)citizenship, conferred through bestowal of personality, 16:8.15 (195.2)failure to perceive the duties of, significance, 118:7.4 (1301.1)interpreters of, 39:4.9 (435.2)joyful acceptance of, 110:3.10 (1206.8)man’s recognition of the eternal realities of, 99:7.5 (1093.3)portrayal of morality of, by seraphim, 39:4.10 (435.3)desertion, Urantia mortals not to have a feeling of, 114:7.14 (1258.6)individual, the Father’s treatment of each of his ascending sons as a, 117:6.22 (1290.8)Cosmic-Energy and Forcechemical formulas, in life manifestations, number of, 36:2.14 (398.1)energy(ies), behavior of, as related to space levels, 12:1.2 (128.5)comparison of the control of, with that of spirit energy, 105:3.4 (1156.1)the fourth triunity’s control of the units of, 104:4.27 (1149.12)Material Sons’ immortal existence maintained by, 51:1.4 (581.1)primary revolution of units of, 12:4.1 (133.3)-energy work of Master Spirits, 16:4.4 (189.5)force, classification of, 42:2.2 (469.2)definition, 0:6.5 (9.7)insurging cycles of, 11:1.4 (119.1)Isle of Paradise the bestower of, 12:8.2 (139.5)metamorphosis of, in outer space levels, 12:2.4 (131.1)mutual resistance to, an ultimatonic motion, 42:6.4 (476.6)potency of, revelation-realization of, 0:11.2 (13.7)response of, to mind, 9:4.5 (102.5)space path of, 11:7.8 (125.2)stages of response of, to Paradise gravity, 11:8.4 (125.7)-force circuits, origin of, on nether Paradise, 11:5.1 (122.1)forces of space, Universal Manipulator the activator of, 9:1.1 (98.6)of the universe, survival of animal and plant life as part of the, 36:6.5 (404.3)gravity, domain of, 12:8.2 (139.5)Gravity of the Isle of Paradise, circuit of the, 12:3.5 (131.8)power, Infinite Spirit a, 8:6.1 (96.3)projections of Paradise, physical-energy manipulators as students of, 44:5.2 (504.6)reality, response of, to Paradise gravity, 11:8.2 (125.5)Cosmic-Evolutionadaptation, importance of, in experience, 100:3.5 (1097.2)circle(s), of personality growth, attainment of the, 112:5.6 (1233.2)revelation’s affirmations regarding the, 102:3.10 (1122.6)seven, achievement of, not equal to Adjuster fusion, 110:7.1 (1212.2)mortal progress measured by attainment of, 49:6.8 (569.3)see also First, cosmic circle; Psychic circles; Seventh, cosmic circle; Third, cosmic circle-circle attainment, comparison of, with spiritual development, 110:6.19 (1211.4)cloud(s), composition of, 41:6.2 (461.6)a factor in climate fluctuations, 57:8.22 (662.9)cocoon, human life experience a, 117:6.8 (1289.1)compass, man’s infallible, the Adjuster as, 107:0.6 (1176.6)complement, experiential nature the, of perfect nature, 32:3.12 (362.1)dissolution of sin-identified being, 2:3.4 (37.2)dust clouds, Andronover’s suns’ acquirement of, 57:4.2 (654.7)eruption, major, Orvonton’s latest, 41:3.5 (458.5)events, organic unity underlying, 4:1.10 (56.2)evolution, and destiny, in relation to all universe ages, 106:0.16 (1163.10)matter a philosophic shadow in, 12:8.15 (140.11)nature a manifestation of a universe experiment in, 4:2.6 (57.3)nonaccidental character of, 49:1.1 (559.6)the purpose of, 112:2.15 (1229.2)seven levels of, evidence of the conquest of the, 110:6.7 (1210.2)experience, availability of, to creature and Creator, 116:6.7 (1275.7)fog, star dust, 12:1.14 (129.12)growth, prerequisites to, 100:1.7 (1095.2)of things, meanings, and values, 106:0.19 (1163.13)levels, psychic circles of mortal progression, 110:6.16 (1211.1)overcontrol, of material organization, 21:2.12 (237.2)of the Supreme Being, relation of power centers to, 29:3.3 (323.1)a Trinity function, 10:5.1 (113.2)tension, the evolution of the Supreme Being as a resolution of, 116:7.6 (1276.7)unity, persistence of living organisms attaining, 58:6.8 (670.2)Cosmic-Insightconsciousness, from confusion of, to unification of personality, in religious growth, 100:5.2 (1098.5)difficulties encountered in endeavoring to expand, 0:0.2 (1.2)man’s, the expansion of, results, 104:3.2 (1146.4)real birth of, on mansonia number five, 47:7.5 (537.5)recognition of a First Cause implied by, 0:2.2 (3.15)translation of, from grand to outer universe levels, 48:3.17 (547.2)destiny, glories of, wisdom’s enhancement of insight into the, 71:7.2 (806.2)insight, a drive of the ideal state, 71:3.6 (803.6)and effective philosophy of living, 140:4.8 (1572.8)enhancement of, effort involved in the, 100:4.2 (1097.6)a factor in progressive civilization, 71:4.14 (804.14), 81:6.38 (911.3)the grasp of universe meanings, 16:8.12 (194.12)a level of mortal wisdom, 71:7.2 (806.2)man’s, influence of an understanding of universe realities on, 106:0.1 (1162.1)man’s moral choosing futile without, 16:7.8 (193.7)possibility of developing, 95:3.2 (1045.5)a prerequisite to knowing the morontia soul, 111:0.1 (1215.1)relative free will involved in, 16:8.12 (194.12)revelatory religion’s addition of, to human wisdom, 100:6.9 (1101.4)-insight value level of the cosmic circles, 49:6.8 (569.3)intuitions, the three basic, function of, 16:6.9 (192.5)response, reflective conclusions based on, 16:6.6 (192.2)understandings, search for, in progressive civilization, 50:5.9 (577.4)Cosmic-Meanings and Valuesco-ordinates, past and present concept of good and evil as, 87:4.7 (962.1)creation, factors of, embraced in universal beauty, 56:10.9 (646.10)discrimination, judicial form of, 16:6.7 (192.3)mathematical form of, 16:6.6 (192.2)worship the reverential and worshipful form of, 16:6.8 (192.4)meaning(s), attainment of increasing levels of, 5:1.4 (63.2)conditions favoring discernibility of, 65:8.6 (740.2)introduction to comprehension of, 47:5.3 (536.1)the new cult’s need to enhance, 87:7.7 (966.2)reflective meditation on, and religious growth, 100:1.8 (1095.3)true, of the golden rule, revelation of, 180:5.8 (1950.3)morality, ascendant mortals’ training in, on system headquarters, 39:4.9 (435.3)definition, 39:4.10 (435.3), 117:4.8 (1284.4)man’s relation to the Supreme the foundation for, 117:4.8 (1284.4)relationships, harmonious, relation of, to curiosity, 56:10.6 (646.7)Lucifer’s blindness to, 53:0.1 (601.1)relationships of Universal Absolute, unfathomability of, 10:8.8 (116.9)responsibility, supreme, man’s power of choice his, 112:5.5 (1233.1)self-destruction, possibility of, in the free exercise of finite will, 118:7.7 (1301.4)socialization, the highest form of personality unification, 56:10.14 (647.5)stamina, a requisite for effective praying, 91:9.2 (1002.7)values, appreciation of, religion’s need of the, 99:3.13 (1089.5)Cosmic-Mindinstrument, human mind a, 111:1.6 (1217.1)intellectuality, the two extremes of, 111:1.7 (1217.2)intelligence, Adjusters’ ability to receive, 110:4.1 (1207.1)Adjusters’ difficulty in transmitting, to human subjects, 110:4.1 (1207.1)loom, the material mind as a, 111:2.2 (1217.6)mind, about, 16:6.0 (191.4–192.7)associative capacity of morontia mind with, 42:10.5 (481.2)attainment of spirit unification by the ministry of, 56:3.6 (639.6)bestowal of, in local universe, 9:5.4 (103.2)cognizance of, of all thinking creatures, 24:2.1 (266.7)Conjoint Actor ancestor of the, 9:5.4 (103.2), 9:7.3 (105.3)definition, 16:6.1 (191.4), 42:10.6 (481.3)distribution of, to grand universe, 9:4.3 (102.3)divinity co-ordination in the, 8:2.8 (93.2)finite, evolution of relationship between divine absolute mind and the, 9:7.4 (105.4)function of, 9:6.7 (104.5), 42:10.5 (481.2), 56:2.3 (638.7)gravity responsiveness of, 9:6.6 (104.4)Havona the mind laboratory of creators of, 14:6.20 (161.7)influence of, on intelligence, 180:5.3 (1949.5)on the material worlds, 195:6.15 (2078.1)insights of, function of, in local universe mind bestowals, 16:6.10 (192.6)intervention of, between spirit and matter, 12:8.13 (140.9)kinship of types of human and superhuman minds and, 16:6.3 (191.6)Master Spirits creators of, 16:4.1 (189.2), 16:6.1 (191.4)operation of, as related to absolute mind gravity, 9:7.3 (105.3)origin of, 116:5.10 (1273.14)reality sensitivity of, 16:6.4 (191.7)responses of, to spirit, 9:4.5 (102.5)self-conscious awareness of, 16:9.15 (196.11)Seven Master Spirits’ ministry of, 16:4.1 (189.2), 42:10.6 (481.3), 116:1.3 (1269.2)source of the streams of, 3:6.3 (53.1)spiritual intuition an endowment of the, 101:3.2 (1108.1)Third Source and Center’s
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