The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1268.2)and controller of the universe of universes, a title for God, 131:4.2 (1448.1)death of the, silence of the universe hosts while watching, 187:3.1 (2008.2)divine, names for the, 2:1.2 (34.1)divinities of the grand universe, 56:6.2 (641.3)of Heaven and Earth, a Semite appellation of Deity, 96:1.9 (1053.7)Hebrews’ concept of the, at times of Elijah, 97:2.3 (1064.4)higher spirit, and spirit forms of intelligent life, 42:1.5 (468.2)infinite, control of creation and universe organization by, 15:4.1 (169.1)Lao-tse’s teaching regarding the return of the creature to the, 94:6.5 (1033.8)mercy delays of time by the free will of the, 54:4.7 (616.6)Paradise not a, 0:4.13 (7.11), 11:9.5 (127.3)subabsolute, Urantia’s evident creation by, 116:0.2 (1268.2)Supreme, see Supreme, Creator(s)technique of, for producing perfect beings, 48:0.1 (541.1)universe, and administrators, evolutionary processes controlled by, 3:2.2 (46.6)and Upholder, universe, disposal of the human form of the, 189:2.1 (2022.5)a vast domain of ubiquitous becoming between the material creation and the, 118:2.3 (1296.5)the wise, technique of man’s doing the will of, 131:5.3 (1450.2)Creator(s)-Characteristicsconsciousness, procedure of, from thought-value, through word-meaning, to the fact of action, 118:5.3 (1299.3)-Creative future manifestations of God the Sevenfold, 56:7.6 (642.6)-creature experience, personification of, the Supreme, 117:1.1 (1278.5)divine, characteristics of the, 2:1.2 (34.1)experience, effect of, on infinity of divinity, 0:12.3 (15.9)possession of infallibility by, 159:4.8 (1768.4)prerogatives, Eternal Son’s limitation in transmittal of, 6:5.4 (77.7)purposive, consistency’s demand of the recognition of a, 102:6.9 (1125.4)relation of, to justice and mercy, 2:4.5 (38.5)Creator(s)-Local Universesactivities, choice of realms of, by Sons of God, 32:0.4 (357.4)consciousness of Michael, freedom of, during tomb experience, 188:3.6 (2015.2)evolution of, in the local universes, 116:4.8 (1272.7)-father, celestial beings’ recognition of Jesus as their, 128:1.13 (1409.3)decision of, to pass through entire mortal experience, 189:0.2 (2020.2)effect of affection of the, for his erring Sons of the rebellion, 54:4.5 (616.4)Lucifer’s acknowledgement of Michael as, 53:3.3 (603.4)Michael’s unworthy children’s accusation against their, 120:4.1 (1331.1)First Source and Center’s function as, through Creator Sons, 10:3.10 (111.8)incarnation of, in the form of a creature, 136:1.6 (1510.3)Indian lad’s proposal to the, that they make a new religion, 132:7.9 (1467.5)Jesus as a babe, lad, youth, and man, and as the, 128:1.9 (1408.6)of local universes, 21:2.0 (235.4–237.2)man’s, Jesus, 140:5.2 (1573.4)Michael, oath of, in accepting vicegerent sovereignty, 21:3.12 (238.6)Michael born a, 119:8.2 (1318.1)Michaels, definition, 21:0.3 (234.3)of Nebadon, midwayers’ noncomprehension of the lad Jesus as the, 124:6.17 (1376.3)parents, identity of mortals’, 33:1.4 (367.1)powers, undisclosed, probable state of Master Sons’ during present universe age, 21:6.3 (242.2)prerogatives, association of, with Michael’s mortal personality, 120:2.9 (1329.1)Jesus’ abstention from exhibiting his, 136:6.1 (1517.3), 145:3.7 (1632.6)prerogative(s) of independence of time, 137:4.12 (1530.4)of local universe Father, limitations to, 21:2.3 (236.1)of a Michael Son, liberation of, 21:2.3 (236.1)presence of the, on earth, and miraculous occurrences, 149:2.7 (1671.2)of a universe, Jesus the, 164:5.5 (1816.2)Creator(s)-Partnershipsassociate, Eternal Son the, 6:1.1 (73.5)Father-Son, human minds not indwelt by spirit of, 34:5.6 (379.6)and mind endowment of local universe children, 34:4.8 (378.2)partnership, Father-Son a, 8:1.3 (90.7)time-space, evolving creatures’ partnership with the, 54:2.2 (614.7)Creator(s)-Personality(ies)bestowal of personality on, 5:0.2 (62.2)personality(ies), activating living spark supplied by a, 36:6.2 (403.7)cause of sorrow of the, 4:3.5 (58.3)God and infinite, 1:5.4 (28.1)the original monothetic, 56:1.6 (638.4)relation of, to human personality, 1:6.1 (29.7)personalities of Paradise, children of the Universal Father, 12:7.9 (138.4)residing on local universe headquarters, 32:3.5 (360.7)of time and space, and spirit gravity, 7:1.5 (82.4)Creator(s)-Relationships with Creaturesappeal of Moses to Israelites to worship the, 74:8.7 (837.6)and creature, commingling of, 26:11.5 (297.2)love the central truth in the universe relations of, 188:5.1 (2017.9)unification of the cosmic extremes of, 56:10.3 (646.4)-creature experience of obtaining supreme local universe sovereignty, 21:3.23 (239.5)partnership, experiential growth implies, 116:0.3 (1268.3)relationship, cosmic sociology, 3:4.7 (50.5)the creature’s entering into partnership with the, 106:1.2 (1164.1)inability to facilitate the resurrection of the, 189:0.2 (2020.2)to sit in judgment on the, 162:5.2 (1795.1)misconception of the acts of the, 3:2.8 (47.6)divinity sharing of, with universe children, 10:1.3 (109.1)eternal, bridging the gulf between the lowest finite personalities and the, 51:6.5 (587.3)man’s eventual worship of the, 85:7.3 (948.8)Father, true worship satisfies the, 1:1.2 (22.5)first attempts to save man made by the, 2:5.3 (39.2)inability of the creature to escape the presence of the, 131:4.3 (1448.2)the infinite, man’s privilege to worship, 142:4.2 (1600.3)insight, and creature experience, interpretation by Universal Censors of, 19:4.6 (218.4)knowledge of, of man’s temporal afflictions, 188:5.12 (2019.5)man’s failure to understand relations between creatures and, 174:1.2 (1898.2)reverence of God as the, 149:6.8 (1676.2)nature of the relation between the creature and the, 102:6.1 (1124.3)nonjudgment by, of their creatures, 33:7.1 (372.5)purpose, the Supreme’s response to creature effort and, 117:1.9 (1279.7)purpose of, in the universe training school, 48:8.2 (557.17)revelation’s bridging the gulf between the creature and the, 101:2.10 (1106.9)sonship the supreme relationship of creature to, 40:10.13 (454.2)technique of creature’s becoming as one with, 130:4.3 (1434.2)truth of the, plus the factual experience of the finite creature eventuates a new value of the Supreme, 118:3.4 (1297.5)will of, creature cannot understand the, 3:3.5 (49.4)willingness of, to fellowship the creature, 177:1.3 (1921.1)worship, man’s emergence from animal level to, 52:1.1 (589.10)Creator(s)-The Universal Fatherof all existences, man’s worship of the Eternal as the, 169:4.13 (1857.4)all-powerful, Isaiah’s portrayal of the, as the all-loving Father, 97:7.13 (1070.2)an appellation of the First Source and Center, 105:3.2 (1155.6)Deity, doctrine of the, 142:3.5 (1598.6)eternal, the cause of causes, 2:1.2 (34.1)faithful, God a, 2:1.2 (34.1)Father, contact of, with his creations, 1:2.10 (24.8)God a, 16:9.14 (196.10)merciful, Isaiah’ s’ proclamation of the, 96:4.9 (1057.5)satisfaction to the infinite love of the, 27:7.7 (304.5)Father of all, 4:4.4 (58.9)-Father’s grandchildren of space, 14:6.11 (160.12)function of the Paradise Father through his, 12:7.13 (139.2)God the, 0:2.12 (4.6), 1:0.1 (21.1), 1:2.9 (24.7), 131:5.2 (1450.1), 131:10.6 (1454.3)God, dignity and justice of a, Moses’ teachings about the, 188:4.4 (2016.9)the divine Creator, 2:1.2 (34.1)how creatures name the, 1:1.1 (22.4)identity of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son the revelation of the, 6:0.3 (73.3)infinite, Paradise Father the, 142:4.2 (1600.3)infinity of, unlimited, 12:1.16 (130.2)original, the Father an, 9:1.3 (99.2)personal functioning of the Universal Father as a, 6:1.3 (74.2)significance of God as the, 131:10.2 (1453.4)thought, relation of, to creative action, 2:7.5 (42.6)Universal Father’s bestowal of himself on other, 10:1.2 (108.5)Creator Son(s)adjustment of Urantia’s affairs not dependent on a, 76:5.7 (853.1)contact of Ancients of Days with, 28:4.9 (309.3)creatorship prerogatives not transmissible by, 6:5.4 (77.7)on fourth Havona circuit, comprehension of nature and mission of, 26:8.1 (293.5)God the Supreme actualizing in the, 0:8.10 (12.1), 116:2.2 (1269.6)historic and prophetic exhibits on Paradise assigned to the, 11:4.3 (121.4)local application of laws of First Source and Center modified by, 2:7.3 (42.4)universe, Paul’s confusion of the Eternal Son with the, 104:1.11 (1144.8)Master, and Supreme Creators in the Trinity Ultimate, 106:3.3 (1166.1)see also Master—;Son(s)as members of the Supreme Creators, 56:5.3 (640.7)Paradise, 21:0.0 (234.1–242.4)see also Paradise—;Sonsreflection of the minds of the, 28:4.6 (308.5)as related to God the Sevenfold, 0:8.11 (12.2), 33:1.3 (366.4), 56:5.3 (640.7), 56:10.1 (646.2), 106:2.3 (1164.6)Vicegerington not the home of, in this universe age, 13:2.5 (148.4)Voices of the, 28:4.6 (308.5), 40:10.2 (452.2)Creator Son(s)-Ascension Plan Ministryassociation of, with the souls of men, 124:6.17 (1376.3)and bestowal of morontia mind, 42:10.5 (481.2)contempt of, for Caligastia, 67:1.2 (754.3)vs. Eternal Son, in prayer, 7:3.3 (84.3)fusing of morontia mortal with portion of spirit of, 30:1.102 (333.10), 40:8.0 (449.4–450.2), 107:1.7 (1178.1)Havona pilgrims’ message of thanksgiving to the, 30:4.28 (343.3)information of, as to Lucifer’s state of mind, 53:2.3 (602.6)love domination of, in dealing with intelligent beings, 54:6.2 (618.5)of the, for the Jews, 175:2.3 (1909.3)Lucifer’s rejection of mercy of the, 53:2.5 (603.1)relations with the, 53:2.3 (602.6)mercy-dominated, sympathy and compassion of the, 149:1.6 (1669.5)and
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