The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of the Trinity as related to, 10:7.6 (116.1)progression of, intellectual acquisition a part of, 37:6.6 (412.6)-reality of purpose, the realization of, identity of, 118:1.2 (1295.2)of service, a goal of mortals and midwayers, 77:9.12 (867.3)service of, vs. play of time, 28:6.17 (316.4)striking step with, 143:7.8 (1616.10)and time, 0:4.8 (7.6), 0:11.13 (15.3), 12:5.2 (135.1), 26:9.4 (295.2), 104:4.39 (1150.6), 118:1.0 (1295.1–1296.2), 129:4.7 (1425.6), 143:7.8 (1616.10)time the shadow of, cast by Paradise realities, 101:10.9 (1117.3)transition from time to the vestibule of, 52:7.16 (600.5)Universal Father’s liberation from fetters of, 0:7.8 (11.2)viewpoint of, vs. estimate of time, 140:6.7 (1577.1)Etherhypothesis of science, Unqualified Absolute not comparable to, 0:11.9 (14.7)hypothetical, absence of, consequences, 42:5.16 (476.2)definition, 42:5.14 (475.10)light not waves of, 15:6.13 (173.3)and man’s concept of space phenomena, 42:9.4 (480.2)nonexistence of, 42:5.16 (476.2)Ethicaladjustments, social surroundings necessitate, 5:5.1 (68.4)awakening, realization of social brotherhood as dependent upon, 52:6.5 (597.6)of sixth century before Christ, 79:8.15 (888.8)awareness, definition, 27:3.1 (300.4)culture and religion, 102:8.2 (1127.6)judgment, coincident with appearance of early language, 52:1.6 (590.2)obligations, character of, 54:4.4 (616.3)praying, 91:4.0 (997.6–998.3)relationships, Unions of Souls as reflectors of, 28:5.13 (311.5)sensitivity, augmentation of, as a factor in civilization, 79:8.14 (888.7)sensitizers, function of, 39:3.7 (433.1)an order of supervisor seraphim, 39:3.7 (433.1)standards, a religion’s status judged by its, 102:8.2 (1127.6)yardstick, the gospel a new, 170:2.4 (1859.14)Ethicsadvanced system of, in Greece, 98:2.11 (1080.1)and altruism, religion’s creation of, 102:3.6 (1122.2)attitude of Jesus toward, 170:3.8 (1862.5)college of, 25:4.14 (280.2)Confucianism a religion of, 5:4.7 (67.5)a definition, 92:7.5 (1012.6), 102:8.4 (1127.8)discarding of, a weakness of secularism, 195:8.11 (2082.3)dispensational enlargement of, 52:2.3 (591.3)European religions’ influence on, 121:5.17 (1338.2)evolving, vs. basic instincts, 82:2.1 (914.7)group, ascenders’ mastery of, on Edentia, 43:8.3 (494.2)excelling in, by Chinese, 79:8.16 (888.9)Hebrew code of, for gentiles, 70:11.2 (796.8)High, College of, 35:3.22 (388.9)human, birth of, 86:6.7 (956.3)interpreters of, functions of, 27:3.0 (300.4–301.1), 28:5.13 (311.5)an order of primary supernaphim, 27:0.8 (298.8)of might and right, debate of, 81:6.15 (908.4)and morals, primitive religion’s concern with, 101:5.10 (1110.13)religion the ancestor of, 101:0.2 (1104.2), 102:3.6 (1122.2)morontians’, improvement of, by Edentia socialization, 43:8.12 (495.1)need of Paradise arrivals for interpretation of, 27:3.2 (300.5)present European, Greek philosophy and Paul’s theology the basis for, 98:7.10 (1084.9)relation of religion and human experience to, 196:3.28 (2096.4)religious, positive, advice to Michael regarding, 120:3.5 (1329.6)responsibility of, definition, 28:6.18 (316.5)the result of religion, 170:3.8 (1862.5)and Self-government, Advisory Commission of Interuniverse, 18:7.1 (213.3)spiritual, comparison of mortal and morontia ethics with, 27:3.1 (300.4)static, character of, 12:5.10 (135.9)truth and, dispensational enlargements of, 52:2.3 (591.3)universe ascenders’ training in, 27:3.2 (300.5)would have been no, without religion, 92:3.6 (1006.3)Ethnic advisersof the first heaven, 48:6.22 (553.3)Etiquettetable, origin of, 89:1.6 (975.3)Etruscan priesthoodvs. the Salem missionaries in Italy, 98:3.2 (1080.4)Eunuchsmaking of, and human sacrifice, 89:8.3 (983.1)EuphratesAndite civilization along the, 79:1.3 (878.4)and Tigris, and the location of the second garden, 76:0.1 (847.1), 78:1.3 (868.5)mouths of, Andites at the, 78:6.6 (874.3)Pre-Sumerian Nodites at the, 77:4.6 (860.1)truth seekers along the, 141:8.3 (1595.4)valley, benefit of, from trade with China, 79:7.6 (886.7)concerted invasion of, 78:8.3 (875.7)culture, transfer of, to Egypt, 78:3.6 (871.2), 80:6.1 (894.2)final exodus of Andite inhabitants from, 78:6.1 (873.5), 80:6.3 (894.4)floods of, 78:7.2 (874.7)migrations of Andite peoples from, 80:8.1 (896.6)and the second garden, 75:5.9 (844.2)EurasiaAdamites in, 78:3.10 (871.6)Andites in, 78:5.1 (872.5), 79:1.1 (878.2)Andonites in, 78:1.5 (869.1)glacial ice in, proportion of, 61:5.3 (699.4)life implantation, characteristic early animals of, 59:1.14 (673.14)Neanderthalers in, 79:5.2 (883.3)Salem missionaries’ spread of Trinity teachings throughout, 104:1.4 (1144.1)Eurasian-African life implantationabout, 58:4.2 (667.6)Europeactivity of volcanoes in, 59:3.2 (676.6), 59:5.20 (682.3)Adamites in, 78:3.2 (870.5), 80:1.0 (889.3–890.4), 80:2.5 (891.1)Africa’s separation from, 57:8.23 (663.1)Andite -Adamsonite entry into, 77:5.10 (862.4)entrance into, 78:5.2 (872.6), 80:1.1 (889.3)invasions of, 80:4.0 (892.4–893.2)Andites in, 80:4.4 (892.7)the Andonites in, 63:5.2 (715.2), 64:1.6 (719.1), 64:7.9 (727.6), 64:7.16 (728.5), 78:3.5 (871.1), 80:8.2 (896.7), 80:9.6 (898.1)aridity of, during early Triassic period, 60:1.1 (685.3)beginning rise of, out of Pacific Ocean, 57:8.21 (662.8)blue man in, 64:7.3 (726.10), 64:7.8 (727.5), 64:7.10 (727.7), 64:7.16 (728.5), 78:3.5 (871.1), 79:2.3 (880.1), 79:5.1 (883.2), 80:0.1 (889.1), 80:3.1 (891.2), 80:5.8 (894.1)camels’ migration to, 61:2.9 (695.7)central, early settlement of, by broad-headed white races, 80:8.5 (897.3)coal formation during Carboniferous period in, 59:5.19 (682.2)connection of Africa with, by Sicilian land bridge, 64:1.5 (718.7)of eastern America with, during Carboniferous period, 59:5.20 (682.3)of North America with, in Devonian period, 59:4.14 (679.7)in Eocene period, 61:1.12 (694.4)of South America with, in Carboniferous period, 59:5.11 (681.3)Danubian migrations to, 80:8.3 (897.1)Devonian red sandstone in, 59:4.7 (678.8)early religion in, vs. that in India and Egypt, 80:3.3 (891.4)engulfment of, by Silurian seas, 59:3.1 (676.5)glaciers in, 64:4.4 (721.2), 64:7.1 (726.8)Heidelberg race in, 64:2.3 (719.6)Melchizedek teachings in, 98:0.1 (1077.1)Neanderthalers in, 64:4.4 (721.2), 64:7.9 (727.6)Nordic invasion of, 80:9.3 (897.6)northern, Andite conquest of, 80:5.0 (893.3–894.1)first two glaciers not extensive in, 64:1.4 (718.6)inundation of, by Atlantic Ocean, 59:4.15 (679.8)oldest mountains in, 59:5.12 (681.4), 60:4.3 (692.1)overrunning of, by early humans, 61:6.4 (700.5)pre-Christian religion in, 98:1.2 (1077.6), 98:6.1 (1083.1)preglacial land elevation of, 61:4.1 (698.3)the red man in, 64:6.5 (723.4)Saharans in, 80:2.2 (890.6)Salem missionaries in, 98:0.2 (1077.2)Sangiks in, 64:7.8 (727.5), 78:3.5 (871.1)southern, Andonites in, 78:3.5 (871.1)Aryan invasion, so-called, from, 98:1.2 (1077.6)Greek civilization’s influence on, 80:7.13 (896.5)land elevation during early trilobite age in, 59:1.5 (673.5)mixed-race occupants of, 78:3.5 (871.1)Nodite penetration of, 80:1.2 (889.4)sparse penetration of pure-line violet peoples into, 78:3.3 (870.6)spread of Christianity in, 132:0.5 (1456.1)submergence of, during later Eocene period, 61:1.12 (694.4)during mid-Devonian period, 59:4.8 (679.1)supposed glacial deposits in Cambrian strata in, 59:1.17 (674.3)western, emergence of, from the sea, 59:1.17 (674.3)European(s)dark ages, 195:4.0 (2074.7–2075.3)depositions of Carboniferous age, 59:5.10 (681.2)ethics, present, Greek Philosophy and Paul’s theology the basis for, 98:7.10 (1084.9)Far West, influence of Jesus upon the, 134:2.3 (1484.7)life, modern, secularism in, 195:8.3 (2081.3)Middle Ages, disappearance of slavery during the, 69:8.7 (779.6)few human rights recognized in, 70:9.15 (794.10)Evangelistic corpsacting head of, and selection of the seventy, 163:2.1 (1801.4)at Magadan, 163:0.1 (1800.1)women’s, 150:1.0 (1678.5–1679.2)see also Woman's(women's), corpsEvangelistsJames’s charge to the, 149:0.2 (1668.2)Jesus’ farewell instructions to the, 154:5.2 (1720.5)number surviving after second preaching tour, 149:7.3 (1677.4)school of, at Bethsaida, 148:1.0 (1657.6–1658.3)Peter’s supervision of, 148:0.3 (1657.3)and the second preaching tour, 149:0.0 (1668.1–4)sending forth the seventy, 147:2.4 (1648.6)and the third preaching tour, 150:0.0 (1678.1–4)training the, at Bethsaida, 148:0.0 (1657.1–1667.2)Evangelsof Light about, 31:7.0 (349.6–350.3)transient membership of, in a finaliter company, 31:7.1 (349.6)seraphic, function of, 48:6.4 (552.2)Evean ancestor of Jesus’ mother, 122:1.2 (1345.1)Cano’s promise to, 75:4.7 (843.1)created out of Adam’s rib, story of, 74:8.3 (837.2)death of, 73:6.8 (826.5), 76:5.5 (852.4)default of, Adam’s reaction of, 75:5.1 (843.3)disillusionment
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